#look at the ghoag being even weirder :')
jekyllnahyena · 2 years
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ghoag but make it western horror
have some jumbled story ideas under the cut (it’s very much just vibes)
aight, story would start with Reg coming into a small town where she’s very much not welcome, but the sunshine lad of a good and helpful citizen aka Johnny is kind enough to let her stay because ain’t he a nice fella?
He himself came to town but a few months, maybe a year earlier, to take over his ‘uncle’s’ farm, who, ailed by illness, sucumbs to it not too long after his arrival. tragic, innit? so now the lovely young man is ‘the farmer’, nothing too special bout it. not that anyone seems to notice how good he is with a rifle. or that his eyes sometimes seem to glow. or that his tongue will look weird, but that one was probably just a trick of the light :)
just a month later, the cranky old man of a town’s priest also dies, so sad, but no worries, a new ones already on his way. Enter Simon, ‘the priest’, who comes across as weirdly unsettling, but he’s down to join for a drink or two in the bar, something that couldn’t be said of the former father. he doesn’t seem to get along with people, but MacTavish appears to be an exception. but a man who can’t get along with Johnny has yet to be invented, so people aren’t too suspicious of their closeness. lovely :)
Juliette herself, oh so kindly dubbed ‘the stranger’ by the townsfolk looks over her shoulder a suspicious amount, almost as if haunted by something. She also seems to stare at their priest and her kind host with a sort of suspicion, like she’s seeing something other’s aren’t. people would prefer if she stopped, that’s simply their upstanding friend and maybe slightly off-putting priest, but people don’t like it. be happy you’re even staying, MacTavish’s defending you and all you can give is weird paranoia. very rude of you, ma’am.
(aka Johnny is a Something that, together with his boyfriend, needs a new place to stay for a bit and decides that dressing said partner up as the new priest is a great cover and somehow Juliette is the one that is suspicious of the whole thing. do they all end up together? course they do, who do you think I am? so here’s a typical western romance with a tinge of cannibalism and horror for funsies :D half the fun is that Simon has no fucking clue as to what he’s doing and is just winging it with intimidation and the hope that his voice is distracting enough for people not to notice how gloriously he’s fucking up the sermon. that and Johnny ate a priest)
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