#lolol but then like maybe he shouldn't say the f slur to a client slash some relation to a coworker in the first 10 minutes
gallawitchxx · 2 years
✂️ barber!mickey & shaggy!ian ✂️
here's the 7th installment for this week's @galladrabbles prompt: magazine by @smokey-mickey.
catch up/read in full HERE -- updates weekly!
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Below the picture is a framed page from a magazine. Glossy, with an image of Mickey cutting the hair of a little boy, maybe 7 or 8.
And a headline—Free Cuts for Foster Kids by Homegrown Hero.
Ian’s eyes widen.
“Hate that fuckin’ thing,” Mickey gripes quickly, thumbing at his nose, silver scissors hanging loosely from his fingers. “The stupid article or whatever, not the kids. Sister made me hang it up.”
Ian opens his mouth to speak, but then blades are blurring with tattooed threats, as Mickey cards a comb through wet, red locks and gets to work.
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