#lol that's not a tag dkdkjvkfkd
mostlymihawk · 3 months
"I hate marines."
Marines x GN reader.
CW: Threats
"Axe-hand" Morgan:
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Holds your chin with his axe in a clear threat.
"Is that so?"
Gaslighting. So much gaslighting.
Add a splash of narcissistic denial of reality and you've got the perfect storm.
Justifies literal war crimes by saying it's for the greater good.
You've heard it all before.
That doesn't make you want to punch him any less.
You also don't trust him not to murder you if you push the subject, so you pretend his speech won you over.
And make triple sure he's not in earshot next time you denounce the marines.
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He doesn't agree, but he understands.
Having watched a pirate hunter protect a little girl from a marine, he knows exactly what you mean.
Quietly insists that there are good marines, too.
Maybe even goes so far as to say most marines are good.
"I won't be one of the bad marines. I promise."
Understands completely if you're not ready to hear it yet.
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"Are you mad? Have you lost your marbles?"
Absolutely flabbergasted.
"The marines are all that stand between good and evil, the last defense of the people against complete anarchy! How could you possibly hate the marines?"
All the same talking points as Morgan.
The difference is he actually believes it.
Yes, he is a narcissist, and he is (or was) a real jerk, but he's not so far gone as Morgan.
He genuinely believes the marines are heroes.
And, unfortunately, will not be convinced otherwise no matter how many times you point out his own abuse of power to harm the common citizen.
To his credit, though, he is getting better.
Vice Admiral Garp:
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Having an absolute blast.
This man loves nothing more than a debate where neither side can be swayed.
Would actually be disappointed if anything he said changed your mind.
Also lowkey agrees 100%.
The cadets can be molded into proper marines, but the higher ups are pompous, self-absorbed assholes.
That's why he never accepted a promotion to Admiral, after all.
"Well, if you can't beat 'em, join 'em. That's what they say, isn't it?"
For flavour, this entire conversation happens over a game of go.
Garp forces a stalemate, because he doesn't want anyone to win the literal or figurative war.
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