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joyejoyu · 3 months ago
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Finally pulled SSR Gale! His battle portraits sure are something, tho...😳
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ikkoros · 2 years ago
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inked commission for my dear friend @katamism (the ot3 of all time!)
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weiyi-swy · 10 months ago
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art party draw... LMAO
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magustempus · 6 months ago
Think that all you like.
It'll just make me making off with a lock of your hair as a trophy all the more memorable.
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and who might you be
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strenuusvenator · 6 months ago
HEY! Hey! You leave him out of this!!
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2t2r · 1 month ago
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🌊✨ Le lac Leitisvatn : une merveille des îles Féroé ! 🌍🗻
Admirez le spectaculaire lac Leitisvatn qui semble suspendu au-dessus de l'océan. Une illusion d'optique unique qui témoigne de la beauté sauvage et fascinante des paysages nordiques. 💙🍃
Plus d'informations sur ce lac incroyable : https://2tout2rien.fr/une-etonnante-illusion-doptique-naturelle-avec-ce-lac-qui-semble-etre-a-plus-de-100-metres-au-dessus-de-locean/
📷Jan-Tore Oevrevik
Ce cliché a reçu la mention honorable des 1839 Awards dans la catégorie paysage.
#Leitisvatn #��lesFéroé #Nature #Voyage #Travel #IllusionOptique #VoyageNordique #PaysageDeRêve 🌄🌿✨
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capitaine-du-terror · 1 year ago
Lanterna Magica
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Aurora Borealis Arctic Regions – sur la banquise, des marins anglais fraternisent avec des Esquimaux. L'un d'eux regarde son visage dans un miroir que lui présente un Anglais. Un bateau est pris dans la glace, un mur de glace a été construit pour éviter que le navire soit brisé. Dans le ciel bleu et violet, une magnifique aurore boréale.
Visible en ce moment au Musée de la Marine, dans le cadre de l'exposition temporaire Objectif Mer: l'océan filmé (jusqu'au 05/05/2024).
La « lanterne magique » apparaît en 1659 à La Haye, dans le laboratoire de l'astronome hollandais Christiaan Huygens. La lanterne magique permet la projection amplifiée, sur écran, d'images peintes sur verre. Ces images peuvent être fixes ou animées, grâce à des superpositions de verres mobiles.
Au XIXe siècle, avec la commercialisation des plaques et appareils par l'opticien Philip Carpenter et les spectacles de la Royal Polytechnic Institution. La lanterne a joué enfin le rôle de messagère d'informations, projetant les derniers événements politiques ou sociaux, comme lorsqu'une expédition s'approchait du pôle Nord...
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Arctic Scene – une mer houleuse, encombrée de gros blocs de glace qui semblent enserrer deux voiliers, dont l'un, rempli de neige, paraît abandonné.
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Mock Suns – dans le ciel bleu sombre, le soleil de minuit sur la banquise. Un voilier est pris dans les glaces. Des marins marchent sur la banquise.
J'ai trouvé très (très) peu d'informations quant aux plaques qui étaient dans les vitrines de cette exposition, cependant, la Cinémathèque française possède d'autres plaques parfaitement identifiées qui montrent l'expédition de Ross en Antarctique et les expéditions à la recherche de Sir John.
Vous pouvez voir le catalogue (avec d'excellents photos) ici: http://www.laternamagica.fr/resultat.plaques.php?collection=Royal+Polytechnic
Et quelques infos en plus dans cet article de la revue du cinéma : https://www.persee.fr/doc/1895_0769-0959_1996_hos_1_1_1152
Lien vers l'exposition: https://www.musee-marine.fr/nos-musees/paris/expositions-et-evenements/les-expositions/objectif-mer-locean-filme.html
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Carpenter et Westley, plaque sur l'expédition de 1850 à la recherche de John Franklin.
Coll. Cinémathèque française.
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zehub · 8 months ago
Des chercheurs du CNRS : "Il apparaît que les eaux de surface pourraient devenir corrosives à partir de 2050 dans l’océan Austral"
Dans une étude publiée le 11 juin dans la revue de l’Union européenne des géosciences, une équipe de scientifiques du Laboratoire d’océanographie et du climat (Locean) et du Laboratoire des sciences du climat et de l’environnement (LSCE) du CNR
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valentin10 · 8 months ago
L’Océanic bien représenté à Las Vegas | Journal Le Soir
La séance de sélection 2024 de la LNH suscite beaucoup d’intérêt dans l’entourage et chez les partisans de l’Océanic. Cinq joueurs y seront. — À lire sur journallesoir.ca/2024/06/27/loceanic-bien-represente-a-las-vegas/
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444namesplus · 1 year ago
Aadu Aaedamurea Aaede Aaenar Aaene Aaeni Aaenreca Aaenz Aalanu Aalga Aalgu Aallmota Aalmot Aalmota Aanre Aanreatta Aarbart Aarmena Aarmun Aarmunn Aarvá Aarweg Adeta Admond Aelaurd Aelda Aeldagurd Aeldu Aelmu Ailgar Airst Akkaaurd Alfreada Alka Almur Alsu Amel Amelea Amelu Ammareca Ammu Ammunoal Ammunoalla Anzi Aobart Aogi Aogoatta Aontar Araurd Arec Areku Astaar Astalla Aunna Aunnalira Aunnua Auns Aurild Auruld Avu Awuld Aálàna Banadekt Baniêt Banjumen Barnd Barnudatta Barnurd Bartrum Bartrund Baut Bautu Beunku Bidi Bregetta Broni Buptesta Burburu Busteun Báutreca Caliá Carestal Carestalla Carestena Caresteun Caresteuna Carestif Carestipaa Carestu Cauntul Caurlas Caurlitta Cilatta Cilbu Ciltin Cirau Cirenna Cirenu Cirulea Cluera Cluoda Cluodena Cluodeu Cluru Clámanca Clámant Cumella Curel Curila Curilena Curilenu Curl Cussundru Cutaarena Cácela Cádrec Cálena Dalpaena Danes Danesa Deadreca Deatar Deatareca Deatreca Dedear Deunu Dimeneqoa Dinuld Dosten Dugibart Dugmur Dulun Dumean Duneal Dunealla Duneàla Duved Elinu Emaldu Engi Engred Enàs Ermu Eràna Esu Esuballa Esuballu Falex Fardenund Fliranca Flirant Flireun Fradareck Fradrek Freadamunn Freadreca Fretz Fruncena Frunces Fruncies Frunciesa Frunck Frunk Frunz Fruoka Frádárec Fubean Fubeanna Fubreca Funnu Gabaurd Gaesluena Gairg Gairgas Gairgatta Ganaveàva Garaurdt Gard Garmuena Garmur Garnit Gart Gartroda Garuld Garurd Gelbart Gellas Genatta Gesalaar Gesalu Gesàla Gittfread Gittleab Gittscaulk Goedi Goelluoma Gontaar Gou Grata Gratal Gratcaan Gratu Grágiru Gubreal Gubreala Guátun Guälla Gárurd Gïtz Göntaar Icáuna Idatta Idela Ilevear Ileveu Ilgu Iluf Irtrod Iscur Itamur Itti Ittimur Jannefar Jarima Jarmuena Jassecu Jaun Jauncluoda Jaunfruncies Jaunlioes Jaunloc Jaunmecaal Jaunmurc Jaunmurea Jaunna Jaunnena Jaunpearra Jaunpuol Jiaunn Jiaunnas Jiaunnu Jicaluna Jinus Jinutaun Jisapa Jisatta Jist Jisá Jiucaem Jiäl Jiälla Jolea Jolean Joleatta Joleu Jopp Jostena Jottu Jucib Jucqoalena Jucqoas Junena Junu Járîma Jïrg Jörgan Karsten Kaven Kinrud Kluos Kluos-patar Kort Kuren Kurena Kurl Kurlaaenz Kurstan Kutju Kutren Kutuu Lanu Laven Leasl Leinal Leleuna Lenu Lesbata Leunu Lioallu Lioes Lioesa Lirantz Litaur Liëc Loc Locea Locean Loceanna Locus Lodivec Lodweg Lokus Lotz Luateteu Ludea Ludesluos Ludeu Luora Luoranca Luorant Luoru Lurs Láu Lötild
Madurd Maenrud Malven Mecaal Mecaalena Mecaalla Mecaualu Mecauäl Mecaàla Meckuäl Meli Mennu Meraella Merci Mereum Merki Merundu Miaumad Mineku Mineqoa Minu Miretz Mirguna Moreal Mudalaena Mugdulanu Mugule Multa Mulvenu Munin Munoal Muoreca Murc Murcal Murcalla Murcos Murea Mureacarestena Mureacluoda Mureataáràsa Murei Murein Murena Murenu Mureos Mureu Mureum Mureunna Murgoareta Murgurata Murlana Murten Murtena Murtu Mutaeao Mutaelda Muttaeao Muttaeus Muxema Muxemeleun Málessu Málunea Necila Neciluos Necilus Nekilu Nenu Nevuldi Niámea Nudena Nudeu Nunna Nutaulea Nutulea Odi Olreca Olreka Orsolu Ota Otti Owa Paelep Paelepp Paeleppa Paeleppu Patar Pearra Pearratta Puol Puolatta Puolena Puscul Puscula Putreca Putreceu Putreck Qoanten Raenaild Raenaurd Raná Ranáa Recaanzu Recaurd Ribart Ribartu Riben Rigar Rilf Rilund Rimuen Rimun Rinuld Risenu Rodilpa Rot Rucaal Ruenar Rulpa Ruminu Rundull Rupauäl Ruumind Ruuminda Rágena Ráges Ráme Rámu Saarul Sabusteun Salmu Sarga Savaren Seagfread Segesmond Segmond Semin Semina Silunga Sineu Sipaea Sosunna Sozunna Stafuneu Stapaan Stápauna Stápaunea Subena Subrenu Sulvastar Sulvea Sulvuen Sumoal Sundar Sundrena Sundru Surua Svan Svanju Sábustean Sávarena Taearru Taimus Taái Taáràsa Temi Tenu Tibeus Tim Tumuru Udala Udalaaed Udilf Udrean Udreun Ugnas Ugnàs Ulaxes Ulaxundra Ulaxundru Ulbart Uleca Ulena Ulenu Ulfrad Ulies Ulmot Uluen Ulven Ulwen Umaleu Umuleu Umundena Umálea Undrau Undraus Undrá Undráa Ungaleku Ungáleqoa Unna Unnaleasa Unnalesa Unnamurea Unnea Unneck Unnu Unnuleasa Unsgur Untiena Untin Uodrau Uogost Uoreck Uorira Uorálea Uorálean Urlatta Urmen Urndt Urnild Urnuod Urtaor Ustred Uunn Uunneck Uvas Uvatta Uvinna Uxal Varinecu Vectir Vectireu Veilu Vencant Vergenea Villruta Vulanten Vultar Vulárea Vunassu Várineqoa Wanzal Warnaar Warnar Weabka Welaalm Welaalmenu Welleum Weltrod Wenfread Wilf Wilfgung Wultar Xaneu Xuvear Álesa Álesubata Áleuna Álidea Ámelea Árec Áteanna Ávalunaucaem
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conatic · 2 years ago
Source: lematin.ch
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myphammuahangvip · 2 years ago
7 mẹo làm đẹp cực hay với một thỏi son môi
Những bí quyết để bạn tận dụng và đẹp hơn với thỏi son yêu thích của mình
1. Giúp son giữ được lâu hơn
Muốn son bám lâu hơn lên môi, bạn không cần phải tô đi tô lại quá nhiều lần. Bí quyết rất đơn giản đó là thoa 1 lớp son lên, sau đó đặt giấy ăn lên môi, dùng chổi quét một lớp phấn phủ thật mỏng.
Tiếp đó bạn lại đánh tiếp một lớp son lên. Làm như vậy 2 - 3 lần tùy theo độ đậm nhạt mong muốn.
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Son bám lâu hơn nhờ biết cách thoa
2. Cách tạo lại khuôn môi khi thoa son
Bí quyết của các nghệ sĩ trang điểm chuyên nghiệp đó là dùng bút che khuyết điểm hoặc dùng tăm bông bôi kem che khuyết điểm lên đường viền môi để xóa mờ đường viền này.
Sau đó, họ mới tiếp tục dùng chì đồng màu với son để viền, tạo lại dáng môi mới.
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  Môi đầy đặn tự nhiên nhờ biết viền môi
3. Cách tô đường cung "cupid"
Đường vòng cung "cupid" nằm ở đỉnh môi trên. Nhiều người cảm thấy cách viền môi cho đường cupid này rất khó bởi chúng có độ uốn khá phức tạp.
Tuy nhiên, bạn hãy đơn giản hóa vấn đề bằng cách dùng chì viền môi vẽ hình chữ X theo đúng đường cupid. Sau đó dùng bút chì viền môi tô lại một lượt toàn bộ môi trước khi thoa son.
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  Vẽ đường cupid trở nên dễ dàng hơn bao giờ hết
4. Cách bảo quản son
Để tránh hiện tượng son bị chảy và mất chất lượng, bạn hãy cho chúng vào tủ lạnh. Làm như thế son vừa để được lâu lại dễ tô hơn.
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Cho son vào tủ lạnh để tránh chảy
5. Cách tẩy tế bào chết cho môi
Tẩy tế bào chết cho môi rất đơn giản. Bạn rửa sạch một cây một cây mascara cũ. Dùng nó chà lên môi vài lần trước khi thoa son để môi "ăn màu" hơn.
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  Dùng mascara cũ để chăm sóc cho môi 
6. Tự làm son với phấn má
Bạn đã hết son màu hồng hoặc màu cam và chưa thể mua thay thế. Cách chê ra son mới khá đơn giản. Bạn tán phấn má dạng bột trộn với son dưỡng hoặc kem dưỡng. Lưu ý, hỗn hợp cần nhuyễn nhưng không nên quá chảy. Sau đó, bạn thoa lên môi.
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Tự lám son mới thật dễ
7. Thoa son đều màu và nhạt hơn nhờ chổi mắt
 Chiếc chổi phấn mắt dạng lớn sẽ giúp bạn thoa son môi đều màu, giúp màu dàn mỏng mịn hơn dùng cọ thoa son thông thường.
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Hãy tận dụng chổi  thoa phấn mắt
Xem thêm: cọ trang điểm, kem che khuyết điểm, mỹ phẩm vacci, kem chống nắng, kem nền bb, kem nền bb cream, mỹ phẩm lancome, nước hoa hồng, nước hoa nam, nước hoa nữ, nước tẩy trang, nước xịt khoáng, phấn má hồng, serum dưỡng ẩm da, son moi, mỹ phẩm la roche posay, mỹ phẩm yves rocher, nước hoa christian dior, chì kẻ mắt nước, kem hồng sâm, kem trị mụn ngọc trai, phấn che khuyết điểm, kem chống nắng collagen, phấn chống nắng, kem trị tàn nhang đốm nâu, kem dưỡng trắng sakura, kem sữa ong chúa, mỹ phẩm phục hồi da hư tổn, sản phẩm phục hồi da hư tổn, kem đông trùng hạ thảo, kem linh chi, mỹ phẩm luna, kem nhân sâm, kem dưỡng trắng da ngọc trai, kem lót bb cream, kem nền chính hãng, phần nền bb cream, kem phấn, kem nền cc cream, kem lót nền, kem làm mờ nếp nhăn, kem lót trang điểm, kem lót chống nắng, kem nền trang điểm, nước tẩy trang se khít lỗ chân lông, mascara không lem, nước hoa hồng trà xanh, nước hoa trà xanh, nước hoa hồng dưỡng ẩm, nước hoa lancome cho nam, nước hoa calvin klein eternity, nuoc hoa hypnôse, dầu thơm tommy girl, nước hoa tommy girl, nước hoa tommy hilfiger nữ, kem phấn trang điểm, phấn nền trang điểm, phấn trang điểm, phấn trang điểm 3 trong 1, bb cream spf 50, phấn nền chống nắng, perfect foundation, phấn highlight, phấn nền dạng nén, phấn phủ cao cấp, phấn phủ chống nắng, phấn phủ nén, kem chống nắng dạng phấn bột, tẩy tế bào chết la roche posay, sữa rửa mặt nhân sâm, sữa rửa mặt cherry, sữa rửa mặt lô hội, sữa rửa mặt gạo lứt, sữa rửa mặt than tre, sữa rửa mặt trà xanh, sữa rửa mặt yves rocher,son môi, son lâu phai, son lâu trôi, son lì, son kem, son vacci, son locean, sữa rửa mặt, nước hoa hồng, xịt khoáng, serum dưỡng da, nước tẩy trang, tẩy tế bào chết, kem lót nền, kem nền, bb cream, cc cream, kem che khuyết điểm, phấn che khuyết điểm, kem chống nắng, phấn trang điểm, chì kẻ mí mắt, chì kẻ mày, from Mỹ phẩm chăm sóc & dưỡng da https://ift.tt/x9rHpCR
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weiyi-swy · 10 months ago
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some cheebs
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magustempus · 2 months ago
"Sometimes I wonder if she'd mind me slaughtering you like the monster you are."
"Mercy? Mercy?"
what i did ta jade was merciful compared to what I could have done
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chrancecriber · 2 years ago
Radio SunLounge Romania (April 13, 2023)
23:56 Linkin Park Feat. Kelli Ali - My December 23:51 Gary B - Love Rain Down 23:44 Project Blue Sun - Show Me What You Know 23:38 Green Lemon - Voz Interior (Meditation Mix) (Feat. Magica Fe) 23:33 Triangle Sun - Beautiful 23:28 Paul Hardcastle Feat. Maxine Hardcastle - Soft Rain 23:24 Blank & Jones - Sun Starts Smiling (Eclectic Mix) 23:18 Sambox - Locean Cafe 23:14 Phontaine - Million Dollar Baby 23:09 From P60 - You Take Me 23:04 Emotional - I Found It Again (Tom's V-mix) 22:58 Man In A Room - The Confidential 22:52 Premasara Council - Sensual Ecstasy (Original Mix) 22:47 Mathieu & Florzinho - All Forever One (Feat. Barbara Rebecca Boahene) 22:44 Late Night Alumni - Virtue 22:39 Creamy Chill - Tonight (Bar Lounge Mix) 22:34 Living Room - World Traveller 22:30 Clelia Felix - Hold On To My Love 22:26 Coffee Machine & Eriq Johnson - I've Got You 22:21 Truby Trio Feat. Marcus Begg - Universal Love (Arme Rootdown Round Midnite Mix) 22:16 Trinah - Let's Stay Together 22:11 The Maxwell Implosion - Tic Tac 22:05 Cane Garden Quartet - Into The Green 22:01 Sugar, Eva Kade, Evil T - All Around (Marsbeing Remix) 21:57 Future Loop Foundation - I Love Her More In Summertime 21:54 Kiwi Twist - Jazz Lady 21:50 Debris Of Theia - Cycle Of Life 21:45 Krystian Shek, Surya - Habitat 21:41 Martina Topley-bird - I Still Feel 21:37 Kasseo Ft. Cordelia O'driscoll - In Your Eyes 21:34 Brook Sapphire - How I Will Feel 21:29 Hacienda - Late Lounge Lover 21:29 Jingle - Radiosun.ro 21:22 Miguel Migs - The Night (Rk's Vocal Mix) 21:17 Dj Rico Bonetti - Chill Solution 21:13 Tabitha Jones - Wine Bar 21:07 Gushi & Raffunk - Sound Of You (Beat Ambasada Remix) 21:02 Science For Girls With Renee Cologne - Violets 20:58 Atb - Break My Heart 20:54 The Urban City Myth Club - I Feel It 20:50 Christos Stylianou - Kill Me Now 20:49 Jingle - Radiosun.ro 20:46 Mani Beats - N&n 20:42 Velvet Lounge Project - Contigo (Dj Sleeptalker Remix) 20:37 Twentyeight - In My Arms 20:34 D. Batistatos, Evita Saloustrou - After Dark (On The Road Again) 20:25 Djibooti - Shadows And Voices (Tom Tom Mix) 20:23 Van - Minha A Noite 20:09 Shamika Cox - Te Quiero 20:04 Mandalay - It-'s Enough Now 19:59 Sarah Mclachlan - Dirty Little Secret (Thievery Corporation Mix) 19:55 Mirage Of Deep - More Than I Can Bear 19:50 Cities Of Foam - Without You 19:45 Bobby Escobar - Playa (White Sand Mix) 19:40 Deeper Sublime, Krapan - Je T'aime (Original Mix) 19:35 Mandalay - It's Enough Now 19:31 Krystian Shek, Nashi Young Cho - Sweetwater (Vocal Mix) 19:25 Razoof Feat. Lady Alma - Jah Is Watching You 19:21 Cafe Del Chillia - Silencio 19:16 Sky Sergeant - Music Connection (Dolphins Mix) 19:11 Koolsax - Beyond The Sunset 19:06 Mark Watson - Wave Farewell 19:02 James Bright - Low 18:56 Openzone Bar - Night On Park Rouge 18:51 Cities Of Foam - Safe Inside 18:47 Blank & Jones W. Jason Caesar - Pura Vida 18:42 Jazz L'amour - Summer Dreams (See The Light Mix) 18:37 Naoki Kenji - Let It Flow 18:33 Lyves - Darkest Hour 18:29 Capa - Just A Shadow 18:25 Pat Appleton - Ageless 18:21 Waldeck - No One Here... 18:18 The Fairchild - One Day 18:12 Shakes Seven - What A Mess 18:08 Peter Pearson - This Way To A Dream 18:02 Leonardo Bertolotto - Doctor House (Original Mix) 18:02 Jingle - Radiosun.ro 17:57 Climatic - L'horizzonte 17:51 Max Melvin - Endless 17:45 Sunyata Project - Sudden Moments (Extended Mix) 17:39 351 Lake Shore Drive - Yellowcake (Feat. Blueberry & Picidu) 17:36 Bondax - All I Want (Pyxis Remix) 17:31 Atb - Some Things Just Are The Way They Are 17:26 Dj Alex Air - Flipside 17:22 Colibri - Plage D'amour 17:18 Dario J - The Lounge Again 17:15 London Grammar - Metal & Dust 17:11 Luke - Heaven's On Fire 17:05 Brook Sapphire - Welcome The Sun (Remastered) 17:00 Ayla - Open Your Mind 16:54 Lo64n5 - Retrogram 16:51 Lenny Mac Dowell - Ain't No Sunshine (Original Mix) 16:45 Cafe Americaine - Infrajam (Loungebar Mix) 16:44 Jingle - Radiosun.ro 16:39 Jazzy James Jr. - Twilight Trumpet (Open Doors Mix) 16:32 Pacator - Tears (Marcielo Ambient Mix) 16:30 Keanurhodes - Good Morning 16:27 Brazil Affairs - Dont Let Go (Original Mix) 16:22 Marie Therese - Drive Your Way (Original Mix) 16:17 Evan Neagle - East Side 16:11 Amanaska - Tide (Electro Remix) 16:07 Andrea Cardillo - A Night In Goa (Original Mix) 16:06 Jingle - Radiosun.ro 16:02 Jens Buchert - Moonlight (Feat. Barbara Zanetti) 15:58 Moonnight - I Need A New Love (Feat. Neptune) 15:52 Conjure One - Endless Rain (Terry Lys Light Remix) 15:47 Olive - Smile 15:42 Conjure One - Sleep 15:39 Gary B - All I Long For (Original Mix) 15:34 Yan C - A Night In Paradise 15:30 Pianochocolate - Morning Coffee 15:25 Korsakow & Noel - Sweet Poison Of Your Love 15:21 Newton - New Beautiful Life 15:15 Mystic Diversions - Wave A Little Light (Feat. Wendy Lewis) 15:11 Yonderboi - Riders On The Storm (Pink Solidism) 15:07 Charly Mclion Feat. Julita Elmas & Susannah Mavis - Open Sky 15:03 Product 01 - Heart Ov Glass 14:59 Ganga - The Wind (Feat. Helle Chirholm) 14:54 Lemongrass - Life 14:50 Lemongrass - Riddle (Feat. Jane Maximova) 14:45 Ganga - Cold Wind Blowing 14:40 Chris Le Blanc - Si Vous Voulez (Original Mix) 14:35 Triangle Sun - Secret Desire 14:31 Puch - Still 14:26 Michael E - Love Bomb 14:21 Esonic - Mellow Swing 14:16 Lazy Hammock - Love And Energy (Prophet Version) 14:15 Jingle - Radiosun.ro 14:11 Weathertunes - Jade Flowers 14:07 Waldeck - Addicted 14:02 Living Room - Underwater Love (Original Mix) 13:56 Neve - Supernatural (Ambient Mix) 13:52 Soma Sonic - Lovestory 13:47 Jerome Noak Feat. Al Miller - You Got Me - Thomas Lemmer Chillout Remix 13:42 Roberto Sol - Remember That Day (Original Mix) 13:36 Blank & Jones - El Bajo 13:32 Urban Phunk Society - Into The Blue 13:28 Florzinho - A La Luna 13:22 Kaxamalka - You Take My Breath Away 13:17 Dj Riquo - Dancing At Sunrise 13:13 Everything But The Girl - The Heart Remains A Child 13:09 Easy Listening - Coffee Time 13:04 Moca - Kleine Traumerei 12:58 Jingle - Radiosun.ro 12:53 Airstream - Chillin' Guitar (Trippin' Mix) 12:46 Dos Buratinos - Control U Inbox (Take Control Remix) 12:41 Chris Le Blanc, Pat Lawson - Beyond The Sunsets (Ibiza Late Night Mix) 12:37 Five Seasons - It's All Good, Man 12:33 Weathertunes - Feel You (Original Mix) 12:28 Velvet Dreamer - Footprints In The Sand 12:24 Matisse & Jury Jet - Early Sunrise (Feat. S Khovansky) 12:18 Fresh Moods - Cocomilk 12:14 Marga Sol - Beautiful Morning (Deep Mix) 12:08 Lover Unconvered - Truby Trio 12:03 Adani & Wolf - The Moment (Original Mix) 11:57 Deeper Sublime - Radio Chill 11:56 Jingle - Radiosun.ro 11:53 Beanfield - Chosen 11:49 Two Heroes - Dream Of Something Sweet (Chillin Guitar Mix) 11:44 Lemongrass - Harmony 11:41 D-chill Feat. Katy Blue - Paradise 11:37 Yantra Mantra - Pink City (Ayurveda Mix) 11:34 Sphere - Dreamer 11:30 Afterlife - Dub In Ya Mind (Insatiable Mix) 11:26 Steven Dual - Flying (Balearic Guitar Mix) 11:23 Tycho - For How Long (Feat. Saint Sinner) 11:16 Don Gorda Project - Symbolic Interaction 11:11 Bessie Boni - Mystic Revelation (Feat. Gianna Partner) 11:05 Christa Vi - Small Way Through (Cosmonaut Grechko Version) 11:00 Lemongrass - Flowers For You 10:56 Architect - Closer 10:50 Boot Cut Rockers Feat. Mica Wanner - Sunflowers 10:45 Pier-o - Red Sunset (Feat. Mia Lemar) 10:41 Stepo Del Sol - Heaven On Earth 10:35 Frontera - A Baia 10:31 Sofa Groovers - Ti Amo (Sunlight Showers Mix) 10:25 Kraak & Smaak Feat. Parcels - Stumble (Blue Motel Remix) 10:19 Max Melvin - Seasons 10:13 Mariella Narvaez - All Night 10:09 Liam Van Dyke - Cafe Del Mar (First Class Lounge Cut) 10:06 Robert Manos - With No End 10:02 Velvet Lounge Project - You Are My Life 09:52 Faro - Subtle Land 09:48 Bay Area - White Canaria (Laid Back Session) 09:43 Newton - French Kisses 09:41 Castlebed - Piano Interlude 09:38 C Cil - Calm & Quiet 09:33 Ferreck Dawn, Robosonic & Nikki Ambers - In My Arms (Afterlife Mix) 09:30 Castlebed - Put Me Out 09:25 Blue Wave Ft. Sarah Chris - Heaven 09:21 Florzinho - Vem Conmigo Feat. Saname (Mathieu & Florzinho Remix) 09:16 Lemongrass - Gecko Island 09:10 D. Batistatos - Empty Glass 09:04 Lemongrass - Blue Moon 09:00 Eskadet - Paradise Reconquered 08:54 Demetrio Da Soto, Leon El Ray - Keep The Sound (Instrumental Remix By Michael E Frith) 08:49 Airily - Harmonize (Original Mix) 08:43 Esonic - Hazy Moods 08:37 Blue Lagoona - Suddenly (Portisdead Lounge Mix) 08:32 Dolphin Boy - Shake It Loose 08:32 Jingle - Radiosun.ro 08:27 Jazzamor - Lullaby (Original Mix) 08:22 Chillbirds - Breaking Out (Beach Mix) 08:12 Lounge Armada - Seaside 08:12 Jingle - Radiosun.ro 08:08 Lemongrass - To The Sky (Lemongrass Free Bird Remix) 08:03 Blue Pilots Project - Vivere 07:59 Amber Mark - Conexao 07:56 Eriq Johnson - Stay (Feat. Ann B) 07:55 Jingle - Radiosun.ro 07:49 Van - Evening Bus (Original Mix) 07:45 Mahoroba - City Chord (5th Avenue Mix) 07:42 Jentarix Feat. M.k.touch - Reincarnation (Original Mix) 07:39 Consoul Trainin & Pink Noisy - Litanie Des Saints 07:38 Jingle - Radiosun.ro 07:35 Cafe Americaine - Maritime (Caribic Flow Mix) 07:30 Loungeotic - Speechless (Groovy Jazzy Vocal Mix) 07:22 Nor Elle - Desert Storm 07:17 Don Gorda & Solanos - Festa Do Sol (Funk Edit) 07:12 Eduard Arroya - They Say 07:08 Hotel Riviera - Another Change Of Love 07:02 Le Voyage - African Daydreamer (Ethno Mix) 06:58 Dharma - Probedas 06:58 Jingle - Radiosun.ro 06:53 Cafe Americaine - Marina Beach (Guitar Flow Mix) 06:49 Marga Sol - Breath 06:45 Pluto Project - Erophone 06:40 Merge Of Equals - You Can Make Me Smile 06:40 Jingle - Radiosun.ro 06:36 Blank & Jones - Flaming June 06:32 Lemongrass - Femme Fatale (Original Mix) 06:29 Pyramid - In The Valley 06:24 Artenovum & Frank Doberitz - Colours Of My Mind (Deep East Cut) 06:24 Jingle - Radiosun.ro 06:20 Gabin Feat. Peggy Lee - Fever (Gabin Remix) 06:17 Living Room - It-'s A Turning Around 06:14 Cheprox - Take My Bary (Original Mix) 06:10 Comfort - In Travel 06:07 Marcel - Love & Lite (Feat. Katie Gray) 06:04 Blank & Jones - Coastline 06:00 Kim & Buran - Into The Night 05:56 Mathieu & Florzinho - Deixe O Sol Entrar 05:51 Ielo - Ameya 05:44 Solanos - Sambado 05:39 Afterlife - Celluloid 05:35 Michael E - Love Bomb 05:30 Jens Buchert - Novalis 05:26 Conjure One - Only Sky (Lounge Edit) 05:21 Mazelo Nostra - Dreams From Venedig 05:18 Kirsty Hawkshaw Mts. Tenisia - Reason To Forgive 05:16 Moreza - Rahu (Original Mix) 05:12 Cafe Americaine - Beachcruiser (Del Mar Mix) 05:08 Chris Leblanc - Ahora 05:02 Jens Buchert - Reflections 04:57 Soundset City - City Echoes (Kaffeehaus Lounge Mix) 04:53 Arnold T - Not An Addict 04:48 Vargo - Dear Friends (Prelude) 04:43 Naoki Kenji - Modern Unreal (With Pat Appleton) 04:38 Thievery Corporation - Lebanese Blonde 04:32 Tetris - Mystery 04:26 Schwarz & Funk - Paresse 04:21 Sag Feat Tomomi Ukumori - Shakespearean Love 04:15 Marga Sol - Poison & Passion (Pier-O Passionata Remix) 04:08 Aaron The Baron Feat Markus Puhl - A Tu Lado 04:03 Michael E - It's Going To Be Alright 03:57 Saba Rock - What A Feeling 03:51 Andy Sol & Ecolyte - Ponse Passing (Original Mix) 03:46 Planet Lounge - Shiva Dance 03:41 Blank And Jones - Heart Of Wax (With Vanessa Daou) 03:37 Line - Stay Awhile (Original Mix) 03:32 Pnfa - Underground River (Original Mix) 03:28 Pascal Dubois - Smooth Calling (Slide Da Bass Mix) 03:25 Giants' Nest - Playa Del Colina 03:21 Etherwood - The Night 03:15 Mathieu - Maha - Amba 03:09 Jane Maximova - Only 03:04 Klangstein - Run 02:59 Electrix - Spicy Sand 02:58 Jingle - Radiosun.ro 02:55 Cafe-' Ibiza - Take It To (Original Mix) 02:51 Hysteria! - Winding Roads 02:46 Soul Avenue - Yearn To Love (Original Mix) 02:43 Janice - Sparkling Desire 02:42 Jingle - Radiosun.ro 02:39 Crystin - Songs That Only Angels Sing 02:33 Man In A Room - Night Mail (Feat. Civilian) 02:28 Dab - The Call 02:24 Alternative Jazz Lounge - All Around 02:20 Frost - Amygdala 02:17 Thunderball - On The Sly 02:13 Chase & Status - What Is Right (Feat. Nile Rodgers & Abigail Wyles) 02:07 Razoof - Inhale 02:03 Funkaholics - I Don't Wanna Give You Up (Chill Version) 01:59 Marc Hartman - Tears Run For Love 01:55 Golden Vessel - Never Know (Feat. Lastlings) 01:50 Horizon Line - Moonlight Journey (Original Mix) 01:44 Man In A Room - The Confidential 01:38 Cream Soda - Woman 01:33 Cantoma - Suomi 01:28 Jazzamor - Tonight 01:25 Sweet Ocean - Stray Whisper 01:17 Blue Lotus - Eshu Igelu 01:13 Messiah Project - She Walks In Beauty Like The Night 01:08 Schiller, Kim Sanders - Dancing With Loneliness 01:03 Johannes Huppertz - At Frederun 00:58 Merlion - What Can You Do (Bar Cafe Buddha Mix) 00:54 Thievery Corporation - Web Of Deception 00:50 Mr. Moods - A Certain Smile 00:50 Jingle - Radiosun.ro 00:45 Zelonka And Darrin C Huss - Destination Moon 00:39 Mo Horizon - Gonna Be 00:36 Bimbotronic - Wherever You Go 00:31 Philippe Legrand - Silverrain 00:28 Breakfast Trim - Dubai Sun 00:24 Castlebed - Cold Moves (Original Mix) 00:19 351 Lake Shore Drive - Ocean Blue 00:15 Jazzamor - Ain't No Sunshine 00:11 Moods - Comfortable (Feat. High Hoops) 00:07 Adelaine Simmons - The Groove (Original Mix) 00:02 Purple Avenue - American Boy
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pochaunnuswalker · 2 years ago
Watch "2Pac - Run Tha Streetz" on YouTube
Teddy pendageassvdeadvand so is his fucking momma bitch and child too wanna know why cause yaw that damn stupid that why I'm not a jahovess witness not only can't you uthafuckas read yaw can't hear I said teddy prndagrass raped my momma not me and. Who s guilty tried to kill ain't teddy pedegirass it's Billy locean dumb broke muthafuckas try me
0 notes