#lmk if there's a legal discrepancy here or something
solamederis · 7 years
okay so after talking with @rinnlaochra about Nerra and Chyla’s relationship in modern, another retcon is happening on Chyla’s modern bio.
Chyla wasn’t a planned pregnancy for her biological parents in a failing marriage. They tried really had to care for her in the beginning, but ended up hating each other so much they’d shove Chyla back on each other instead of actually caring for her. She’d go days without seeing either of them. A teacher reported concern when Chyla was ten. She’d gotten sent home from school with a fever, but came back to school the next day still sick. DFS found evidence of neglect, and Chyla became a ward of the state. She was placed with Nerra when she was eleven and he petitioned the state for the right to adopt her when she was twelve. Her parents failed to show proof of rehabilitation after getting out of jail to reinstate their parental rights, and Nerra got to adopt Chyla just after her thirteenth birthday. 
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