#lmao sorry y'all but i'm never gonna NOT stan david so just jot that down
honeylikewords · 6 years
Who do you think the most protective of the Jew Crew bois is?
again, another list format! let’s get listicle!
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my favoritest, fluffiest puppy, David, is heading off this list! i think David is the most anxious about and protective over his loved ones. he frets endlessly and worries that people are going to hurt his precious people, so he gets defensive and maybe even overprotective. it’s endearing, but also concerning, considering how it’s born from his deeply rooted fear and constant paranoria.
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this poor guy. just... everything about Frank is protective. to the point where he’s got to attack just to feel like his loved ones are protective. anyone who’s seen this man at work knows what i’m saying and needs no more explanation.
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look at this sad, puppyfaced boy. Joe Teague is motivated entirely by his need to protect what he loves. Joe would go to the ends of the earth and burn the world to protect what he cares for. that’s all you need to know.
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BJ is deeply protective of his son and his family and would never, ever, ever willingly allow harm to come to them. he is constantly worried about his loved ones and wants only the best for them.
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Shane is less protective than he is, i dunno... territorial? he does protect lori and carl viciously, since they are his surrogate family, and would do even more for a family that was truly his, but shane does have problems. still, his loyalty is intense unto fault, and is therefore high on the list of protectives. if less positively.
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Michael knows what he’s protecting and defends it fiercely. on the show, what he’s protecting are the rights and liberties of the people and the promises they were made. he’s earned his spot.
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Braxton defends his secrets and privacy with utmost rabidity. however, he did kinda punch his brother in the face so... he’s a little fickle. still, the intensity with which he protects his personal agenda is likely indicative of a larger protective streak.
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Eddie’s only this low on the list because he’s hard to fluster. Eddie’s fine. he believes in learning for yourself, and he knows he’s better off letting people live their lives and experience it firsthand. he’ll always be there to comfort if something goes wrong and protect from any real danger, but for the most part, Eddie isn’t gonna go out of his way to coddle people. he knows they’re strong and he’ll be there to support them, but not to helicopter them.
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secretive and a little selfish, Griff is less “protective” than he is “pissed off”. he’s quick to anger and annoyance. he’s fine with fighting his own fights but would prefer to be less alone. he protects his privacy.
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Grady is just trying to stay alive out there. he can’t really even protect himself. he wants to try and protect others, but it’s just not always an option. it’ll be okay. he’ll grow into his protection, someday.
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