#little baby face who drinking đŸ„č
sukunas-wife · 7 months
baby yuji who is super clingy to his dad and would rather be with him than his mom until mama has to leave to see a relative (or for some reason) and misses her so much that he makes trouble for daddy sukuna
Not sure if I wanted to do Modern day or Heian Era, but I really like the thought of
Yuji clinging to one of Sukuna’s arms while he just goes about his day sighing with a dead look and lifting his arm to bring Yuji to eye level just to make sure he’s still there. So that’s it, Heian Era it is, I’ll need to start adding that to when requests are submitted đŸ„č
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Ryomen Yuji Sukuna loved clinging to his daddy’s side. Something the King of Curses was not used to but grew fond of in the course of days. He’s not a gentle beast and much less a soft man, but the way Yuji would cry when he entered the room, his little hands pushing him away from your chest and reaching out for him? He loved, it made him swell with pride that his son knew he was the one, he was the all powerful one and wanted to be by his side.
Many times you’d walk in on Sukuna speaking aimlessly to Yuji who was laying on his chest, one of Sukuna’s large hands almost covering him entirely. Two arms crossed behind his head, and his forth hands waved around aimlessly accentuating his points. “Hey are you listening brat
” Yuji’s little round eyes kept slowly opening and closing, doing his best to stay awake listening to whatever was happening. He let out a coo before his head fell completely against his dad’s chest and he fell asleep, little fists on his dads chest. Sukuna let out a long sigh, “mm, sleep then.”
Sukuna heard your hushed laugh and he looked at you, standing there in the doorway of your shared room. You quietly made your way over to him sitting beside him and brushing his hair out of his face. He grabbed your wrist, pulling it to his lips, and biting over your pulse point lightly. “Do you want to hold him or should I lay him down?” Sukuna let your hand slip from his before he pulled you down with him, “Leave him with me.”
Time crawled on and soon he was sleeping in the middle of your bed, his little pillow wedged between both your pillow and Sukuna’s. You could bear it but Sukuna was a menace to his own son. He’d bundle him up and throw him on his other side so he could hold you, Yuji would cry and punch his dads back with his little fists and wouldn’t stop until Sukuna would put him back in the middle. You’d smile fondly as Yuji would stand half laying on his Sukuna’s chest, and poking his face. It was funny watching how Yuji would try to touch his extra eyes and Sukuna would just hold him up in the air so he’d kick and laugh. That’s when he’d get his kisses in, and Yuji would fight harder because you were getting his dad’s attention instead of him.
Yuji did love you, he liked to hold your hand and go outside with you, he liked to follow you around and for some reason he always got clingier when you had to use the bathroom, it was “fun” using the restroom and there he was laughing and saying “hehe poopie” He loved sitting with you and drinking milk while you had tea and snacks. He learned your routine and Sukuna became curious one day when he was wrestling him around why he started kicking and trying to break free, “lemme go daddy I gonna go.” He was confused and offended, but curious why was his son running off so suddenly. He followed just to find you there sitting at a tea table outside under the plum blossoms. The soft look on your face was enough to lore Sukuna in to join you, that was until he saw the little hands pop up from behind the table in exaggerated motions like he was storytelling. “Mhmm, so you’re just like him then?” You were talking to Yuji who was exaggerating a story of how he was just wrestling with his father. His other hand was holding a sweet to his mouth where he was laid back on your lap, Sukuna was tempted to leave until you signalled him over. “I need to go to my family home soon. My only sister is getting married and my Father and Mother are requesting everyone to be there.” He sighed, he hated that overgrown village you came from. You didn’t come from a poverty stricken home but you weren’t bathing in lavishness as you were now.
“I’ll see you in 3 weeks. I love you.” Your lips met Sukuna’s in a kiss before Yuji was wedging himself in between both of you, “Bye mommy luf you.” He hugged your leg smiling up at you, you put a hand on his head rubbing his hair before kneeling down to hug him kissing his face all over and he laughed. “I love you too Yu.” Sukuna looked displeased when you finally left your home. Yuji was quick to pull on his hand to take him to wherever, everything was normal while Sukuna went about his business, Yuji lingering around until tea time came.
He got excited and started to run out into the garden where he’d always find you waiting. He stopped, The Plum blossom tree was there
 but you weren’t.. no tea, no cake.. no “
” the tears welling up in his eyes when he laid on the grass crying where the table would’ve been. Sukuna found him and rolled him over onto his side. He was red from crying, “Why do you cry?” Yuji was sniffling, tears and boogies running down his face. “ere’s no mommy.”
Sukuna sighed, picking him up by the scruff of his shirt, “stop crying she told you bye this morning, remember? She said she was leaving and you didn’t even try to go with her.”
“SHE'S NOT COMING BACK!?” Yuji started screaming and kicking while dangling in the air, “MOOMMMYYYY”
This was how Sukuna spent the rest of the first day. Yuji crying and kicking and fussing because all of a sudden he wanted to be with his mommy.
Lord Sukuna, forgive me but don’t you think the young prince should be consoled or at least fed?” It was one of your ladies in waiting who had stayed behind. She had the bravery to talk to Sukuna in a respectful and appropriate way which is why you decided to ask her to stay. You knew if anything happened she’d be the most reliable woman considering she was also older in age.
Sukuna didn’t bother a quick glance, “He’ll be fine, bring him here.”
There he sat holding Yuji and patting his back, “Your mother is coming back Yuji, she wouldn’t abandon you with such ease.” Yuji sniffled holding onto his dads open robes with a tight grip, “she’s comin back?” His little teary eyes moved his heart, “Yes, she’s coming back now you need to eat or you won't be here when she comes back.” Yuji sniffled with a wobbly lip. “Wan noodles” Sukuna huffed hoping he wouldn’t have to eat noodles every day you were gone just to appease the boy, “then you’ll get noodles, but you will eat them all.”
They sat at the large table, Sukuna wasn’t eating but rather watching Yuji. How the boy kept pathetically using his hashi and dropping noodles. Until he gave up and out them down only to use the broth spoon to burn himself with the liquid before spitting it out. Sukuna was amassed but intervened when Yuji threw the spoon down aggravated, “I hate it.”
“What’s wrong now?” “Mommy always helps me with my hashi and blows on my spoon
” he looked up at his father with a desperate pleading look, Sukuna swallowed and pulled Yuji’s chair closer to his side along with his bowl of noodles, “Fine.” Yuji perked up with a little laugh “eheh.”
Yuji was busy the rest of the day following his dad and playing his own little games to remember why he was crying. That was until night time came and you weren’t there to tuck him in. He laid on your side of the bed, it was so cold without you there. There was so much space. He let out silent tears and the occasional sniffle until Sukuna finally came into the room. It was past the time you would lay Yuji down so he expected him to be asleep already. It wasn’t shocking to see him crying considering you would be there with him wrestling him down to bed while he persisted he should be with his daddy. So Sukuna laid down pulling Yuji into his side, Yuji hurried his face against his dads side holding on tight, it made Sukuna’s heart waver in a way, ‘he makes it feel as if she’s dead..’ His hand ran up and down Yuji’s small back, mumbling a story until Yuji fell asleep in his hold.
The next day was just as bad, and so was the third. During the day he was fine, until tea time came along and you weren’t there to receive him, he’d run back crying to his dad, and even when Sukuna ordered to have a tea table set up the way you would it never pleased Yuji, the teapot would just sit there full, getting cold. The sweets weren’t as sweet and the sun wasn’t the same sun that kept him warm while he slept in your lap.
The week passed, and finally one morning Sukuna woke up with Yuji drooling on his arm. He still cried himself to sleep, missing you and calling out for you. He yawned, getting a weird smell and leaned down sniffing before he understood, Yuji was the source of the smell, his smelly brat. Yuji yawned slowly, pushing himself up, and looking around before falling down against his fathers arm to sleep again. Sukuna let him sleep a little longer so he could sleep a little longer also.
Finally it was mid day when he woke up yawning again and then he woke up stretching, his bones popping as he sat up. Yuji let out a yawn/scream while he stretched trying to mimic the sound his father made when he stretched. Sukuna sat there for a minute, “You need a bath.” Yuji looked at his dad in disbelief, “No!”
That’s how Sukuna ended up sitting on a stool, sleeves tied back, watching Yuji pout at him with sad eyes, “T’s cold..” “URAUME BRING HOT WATER DAMN IT” there went Uraume in a rush to keep Lord Sukuna from becoming upset. Sukuna kept scrubbing Yuji down, who kept whining when Sukuna would move his head around to get him cleaned up. Finally Uraume came back with water that was hot enough the young prince wouldn’t complain. “Tank you ‘ume” Yuji didn’t look at Uraume, instead kicking over the cold water bucket from his smaller stool.
Uraume stifled a snicker, “Itïżœïżœll be a long few weeks Yuji, but you’ll live.” Yuji hummed, swinging his feet, “yeah I know.”
The day passed slowly after Sukuna wrapped Yuji in clean clothes and sat him out under the sun to dry and warm up. He was busy with his devices during the day leaving the boy to follow him around or play with his own things in his room. Night came quickly and it was no surprise to find Yuji in his room passed out on the bed again. Sukuna did his best to gently move him over only for Yuji to wake up and take hold of his arm.
He was woken up in the middle of the night by Yuji crying “don’t leave me too.” He was holding on tight to his chest and crying, snot dripping onto his chest while he tried to calm him down. “What is now?” He was too disoriented to process what was happening until Yuji started crying harder and trying to explain what happened in his dream. His dad left him in the middle of the night saying he was useless and didn’t love him anymore. And that he was leaving like his mother had. Sukuna was confused, but held him close, rubbing his back, “shh shh shh, I’m not leaving, forget your silly little dreams. I've told you before, that as long as I live I will be here with you.” Yuji sniffled, his tears drying up, and he held on tight to his dad, nodding his head forcing his eyes closed.
Which led to Yuji clinging to Sukuna’s arm that morning, and all day. It was funny to see the “King of Curses” With his arms crossed over his chest and Yuji just hanging there. It was a sight when Sukuan was speaking, making hand motions just to see Yuji being shaken around unintentionally with ease.
The only downside to this was that it lasted all week, meaning in battle Sukuna would take a strong hold of Yuji bringing him to eye level or holding him up higher to assure he was there or constantly in line of sight and out of harm's way.
It had been a long two weeks
 “what of another week?” Yuji stood on his dad’s back while he laid face down on his bed, “‘m tall.”
The third week passed slowly with a mix of emotions, Yuji still cried for you at night but would fall asleep faster once his dad would start to smother him into his side. Then the day came when Sukuna needed to tend to business but knowing he couldn’t leave Yuji he took him along. It just happened to be within the hour you made it home. You didn’t expect a greeting party but it was best this way, at least you could actually find a way to rest before having to face Sukuna and tell him everything and how your parents were pushing for you to have a wedding ceremony in your family home.
”Lady y/n! You’ve returned,” Your lady in waiting bowed to you, “Lord Sukuna and the Prince just left. Do you require assistance?” You waved her off, “I’d really just like to sit down with a cup of tea please.” She gave you a soft smile as you followed her through the house and outside. Your little tea table was set up, “I knew you would return today I just hadn’t known when, rest and I’ll steep some tea.” She bowed when you nodded with a smile, “Thank you very much.”
You sat on the cushion feeling relief in your feet as you slipped your shoes off. The sun felt warm and comfortable under the plum blossoms, unlike the cursed heat of your family’s home where they refused to have more than just a few trees. The breeze was soothing as you reclined back against the base of the tree. The smile on your face was soft, thinking about your sister’s wedding. It was chaotic, everyone was happy despite the threat of the wedding being cancelled twice. The comments of how you should’ve married someone so you could also have a wedding in your family home, but now you had decided to go off and marry a curse and live secluded. The comments didn’t bother you, rolling your eyes and always answering with crude comments to match their own.
You laughed to yourself shaking your head as your lady in waiting returned. You talked with her sipping tea, until she left you to sit in peace. You sat there for another hour getting ready to get up and wait for your husbands return until you heard the scream “MMmmoommmmyyyy!!!” You saw a glimpse of his teary eyes and snotty nose when he hugged your legs rubbing his face into the bright red fabric of your robes. You looked down at him, rubbing a hand on his back and the other through his hair, “aw, did my little Yuji miss me?” You looked up at Sukuna who looked visibly relieved, you didn’t miss the faint smile on his lips. Looking back at Yuji he was holding his arms up, you squatted to pick him up and he hugged your neck. Laying his head on your shoulder he sniffled when you placed your hand on the back of his head kissing his forehead whispering to him and he smiled, “missed you mommy.” He turned his head quickly burying his face against your shoulder. You didn’t stop rubbing your hand up and down his back while you carried him in. He didn’t move his face from your shoulder after becoming embarrassed when Sukuna began to tell you everything that happened while you were away.
That night Yuji didn’t let you go, he stuck to your side all night wanting to feel you hugging him again. You weren’t away but Sukuna was aware how frequently Yuji would wake up, his little chubby hand reaching up to just graze your face before he’d yawn and curl up against you to sleep again. He wanted to make sure you were really there with them.
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Tag List: soft tag are now called squishy babies :p
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bunnys-kisses · 22 days
can I pretty please get nanaimo bars,english muffin with the side of milkshake, frozen latte with Charles Leclerc đŸ„čđŸ«¶
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the bakery is open and accepting orders! we're cooking up smiles every day! submit your own order! reblogs & comments are appreciated! thank you lovely anon for submitting this, it was something very different to write that i loved. size kink with charles is super interesting given how many people see him. but sometimes i forget he is close to six feet tall and built like someone who does f1. he may look sweet as honey, but there's probably something more sinister (sexually) going on in that brain of his, haha.
nanaimo bars ("who's my pretty girl? c'mon say it.") + english muffins ("aw, is someone crying?") + milkshake (size kink) + frozen latte (dumbification) served by charles leclerc (formula one)!!
cw: smut/pwp, size difference/kink, dumbification, teasing/dirty talk, crying kink, cry baby!reader, oral sex (charles receives), deepthroating, facials & cock slapping, safe words/signals, hair pulling
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"mon cƓur"
"la douleur dans ma poitrine."
"mon amor..."
"ma salope."
charles liked to make you cry. he loved when his mean words would curl up into your brain and make that waterworks come out. he was the prince of ferrari and of his home country. it's pride and joy. he was seen as effortlessly cool and could entice anyone. that smile, those green eyes. but even with all he had been afforded, nothing turned him on more than seeing his precious girlfriend's bottom lip wobble her eyes grow cloudy with tears.
he was running on high after monza, it was like everything was barking in the back of his head. even out of his driving suit and away from the track for the night, he could still feel the adrenaline. and while many would go for a run or spend the night with a drink in hand. he yearned for something different.
and when he saw you in his lavish hotel room, in one of his shirts and what appeared nothing else underneath. he knew that he was in for a treat tonight. with his bag down and his shoes off, he entered further into the room. he ended up by you on the couch and took you by the chin.
he smiled, "most take off the make up before they get comfortable." his thumb trailed under your left eye.
you replied, "i took everything off earlier and put on the mascara that runs easily." it was from a cheap brand at the pharmacy. perfect for what charles liked.
he chuckled, "you are just full of surprises, my love. you're going to be good for me tonight, right?" it was moments like these that you realized just how much bigger charles was. most painted him as short and frail.
he was just under six foot but built in a way to withstand the strain of racing. with large hands and thighs that could kill. his hand could easily fit around your neck as easily as his cock did to the back of your throat. there was a flicker in the greens of his eyes, the noble prince had stripped away into a hungry animal that yearned for you.
you swallowed, "i always am. always for you."
he tapped your cheek six times and you tapped his wrist once in response. even if these sick games where you cried and grew stupid on his cock, there were limits everyone had. charles didn't want to break your little world apart because he took it too far. he got on the couch next to you and undid his belt. your delicate hands helped him and dropped the leather to the floor.
charles held you face to look at him. he remarked, "you really are pathetic, so eager. i'm surprised you didn't stalk the halls looking for something to fuck your throat while i was out."
you frowned a little bit, "i'd never, honey."
he pinched your cheek a little harder than normal and leaned in, "right, right. because you're a good girl, my pretty girl. who's my pretty girl? c'mon say it." his words were enticing and it made your stomach flip.
"i am."
"you are pretty, my love." he said, "god blessed you with good looks because he knew you'd be stupid. add a dash of being a cock hungry whore and sometimes i get worried. i've never wanted to kill a man, but if another sank his teeth into you." his words were low and they made you curl in your gut.
if you wanted out, as a last resort. tap once then six times in rapid succession. charles liked to make your bottom lip wobble, but he wasn't a monster. he pulled you in for another searing kiss, his hand in between your legs. he felt panties as he rubbed his hand up.
he knew it was going to be a long night tonight. but first, he had his eyes on your pretty throat. after all his marks had faded over the week. while there would be press photos soon, they didn't mean he couldn't mess up the inside of your throat. even if you couldn't talk for the week, he was more than happy to do all the talking for both of you.
"stupid thing." he said, "you know that? i feel sorry for whatever school gave you your diploma." he acted like he wasn't at your graduation, "i bet you paid them off. or worse, sucked them off. little whore on campus, too stupid to actually learn anything except be on her knees and breath through her nose." he made a small noise of disappointment.
and charles got excited at the sight of you. that bottom lip was going, he could see the shudder in your shoulders. that struck a nerve, post-secondary was hard for you. you felt like people called you dumb without actually saying it. and charles' toxic words only added the fuel to the fire of doubt.
"aw, is someone crying? don't cry." he said, faking sympathy, "if you start crying then you won't suck my cock properly." he rubbed the back of your head as he watched the tears come down your cheek. he sighed once more, "silly thing."
soon your head was between his legs. he could feel your hot tears against the base of his cock as they streamed down your face. they weren't a rush of tears, but a slow trickle as charles' words clouded your head.
you started to work his cock and he felt the excitement in his body. it took a good while but eventually you learned how to deep throat him. he hissed and held onto the back of your head. you were both still clothed (or at least partially for you).
charles had a habit of running his mouth when your mouth was on him. and he rocked the blunt end of his cock up against the back of your throat, occasionally making you choke, he started talking. "i should throw you to the rest of ferrari. let them ruin you. then maybe you'll stop being so greedy for cock when you've had enough for a lifetime. i see how they look at you, my logo across your pretty breasts as you look so cute down at the paddock. if i waved my hand and told them to have their way with you, you wouldn't be getting far." he tugged on your hair a little and forced you up and down his cock faster.
you choked a little bit and sputtered, trying to catch your breath through your nose. it all was a deep throb in your head as you tried to cram as much of his cock into your throat.
"i'd say they'd make your ass ferrari red. but i think it would be closer to mercedes black. you wouldn't be able to sit right for months. maybe i'd be generous and let the other drivers have a chance too. crying on their cocks."
you sniffled, tears welled up in your eyes some more. while most despised having 'raccoon eyes', charles found it endearing. the poor little thing can't help but cry because she knows that he's right. you knew in your gut that you were at least a little cock hungry at all times. he watched you squirm in your seat at times while you let your imagination run wild.
he continued to use you to his liking. you were perfect. trained you from the ground up to be perfect on his cock. he caught glimpses of your face and your red eyes. poor thing, crying to much making a big mess.
so dumb, so small, so stupid.
he took his cock out of your mouth and rubbed it up against your cheek roughly. spit and pre-cum caught across your right eyelashes. his cock pushed your top lip up and he groaned at the sight. your tongue licked a bit of pre-cum that was dangerously close to your face.
"so small, i'm surprised you could take all this. i remember when i couldn't put it in without prepping you. then you spent all season training your cunt for when i got home. now you take me in every way perfectly." he licked his lips, "you know where you belong."
his words excited you as you put your mouth back on his cock. you whimpered as you felt it hit the back of your throat once more. he was big in a way that it made you squirm.
you continued up and down his cock, putting all your brain power (what little you had left) into taking him well. you coughed and panted, air felt in short supply as you got him to the base. your nose in his groomed pubic hair.
a picture perfect beauty, all for charles to devour.
he knew he was close. he could feel it in his bones and in the tension of his muscles. he then tensed up further with his hand in your hair and pulled your mouth off his cock (as much as it pained him to do that). with his other hand he stroked himself off quickly to the sight of your quivering, overheated body. you panted heavily and he finished all over your face. he streaked your skin white with cum up to your forehead. it dripped down your face as you coughed a little.
the debauched sight made him get a few more ropes up cum on your face before he settled down. he pulled your head back to look at you, you could barely have your eyes open. he wished he could take a picture. the white of cum and the mascara mixed tears created a sight that made charles run hot.
"now you look like a slut." he said as he got his jeans off. he rubbed his cock up against your soft lips before he slapped his still hard cock against your face, only making the mess on your cheeks more intense.
"charles." your throat felt raw from it. you looked at him and panted heavily, your tongue stuck out a little bit. and charles knew the night was far over. he fucked you stupid without stimulating your poor pussy. he wanted to see how stupid he could make you.
"we're not done yet." he said.
you tilted your head to the side, almost innocently as if your face wasn't a mess. you asked, "what?" your brain not capturing all the words properly.
he held onto you for a moment and said, "ten seconds to clean up your face. then i want you naked on the bed, or i'll fuck you on the bathroom floor." then let go of you and watched you scramble to clean yourself up. those words stuck in your blissed out brain even though you almost tripped over yourself.
charles chuckled and leaned further back onto the couch, his cock at full attention. even though the mascara was going to be gone, it was okay. you still looked just as pretty with just those tears streaming down your face. <3
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natsaffection · 2 months
Dont play with me, i got another idea!!! While I was listening to another song😭 Birds of a feather, by my baby billie.
Reader had always had a crush on G!P Natasha, but Natasha only viewed them as bestfriends, yet they constantly flirted. Tony was the only one who knew of reader’s crush due to “the look in her eyes” and he tried giving reader advice but they both were too late, Natasha had gotten with Bruce. Reader distances herself from Natasha as a way to get over her, but Natasha notices and an argument breaks out between , leading towards Readers confession, not knowing that Bruce and Natasha didn’t work out. Smutty n fluffy endingđŸ„č
The lyrics that inspired me😇 “I knew you in another life, you have the same look in your eyes, i love you ,don't act so surprised”
Never letting you go. | N.R
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Warnings: 18+! MINORS DNI!, G!P Natasha, unprecedented Sex, veeeery soft sex
Word count: 4,7k
A/n: My lovely 💋 I'm thankful for your service as always. I dont know where you always get your Ideas, but keep going, please.
You had fallen in love with Natasha.
It began as a fleeting thought, which you dismissed as mere admiration. But over time, that thought grew into something bigger. You felt drawn to Natasha in a way you couldn't explain. Every time Natasha entered the room, your heart skipped a beat. Every smile, every laugh, every touch, even the most casual felt like electric sparks igniting a fire in your chest.
But Natasha seemed unaware of your feelings. She treated you with the same friendly warmth she extended to everyone, but nothing more. To Natasha, you were a friend and teammate, someone she could trust in battle and share a drink with after a long mission. Nothing more.
You tried to push your feelings aside, convincing yourself that Natasha could never see you that way. But no matter how hard you tried, you couldn't stop the longing glances, the sting in your heart whenever you saw Natasha and Bruce together. The two had a connection that was obvious to everyone. Bruce, with his brilliant mind and kind heart, was the one Natasha had chosen.
Tony always had a knack for seeing through people. That was one of the reasons why, despite his often gruff demeanor, he was such an effective leader. He noticed how you looked at Natasha when you thought no one was watching. How your gaze lingered a little too long, your smile was a little too soft. Tony, being Tony, couldn't resist meddling.
One evening, after an especially exhausting mission, the team was sitting in the common room of the tower. You were sitting on the couch, sipping a drink and watching Natasha, who was quietly talking with Bruce. The sight made your heart ache with familiar pain.
"You're not exactly subtle, you know." Tony's voice broke through your thoughts. He sat down next to you, his sharp eyes sparkling with amusement and you almost choked on your drink. "What are you talking about?"
Tony grinned and raised an eyebrow. "Come on. I've seen the way you look at Romanoff. It's written all over your face." You felt your cheecks flush with heat. You looked away, unable to meet Tony's gaze. "I don't know what you're talking about.." you mumbled, though the lie sounded hollow even to you.
Tony leaned back, his expression softening slightly. "Listen, there's nothing wrong with having feelings for someone. But if you're serious about Natasha, you should tell her. You never know, she might surprise you."
You bit your lip and let your gaze drift back to Natasha and Bruce. They were laughing together, and Natasha's hand rested lightly on Bruce's arm. The sight made your heart sink. "I think it's too late for that.." you said quietly. Tony followed your gaze, and understanding dawned in his eyes. "Banner, huh?" You nodded, your throat tight. "They make a good pair. I could never compete with that."
Tony was silent for a moment, his expression uncharacteristically serious. "Y/n, listen. Love isn't a competition. It's not about being better or worse than someone else. It's about being honest with yourself and the person you love. If Natasha really means something to you, then tell her. Even if she doesn't feel the same, at least you'll know you tried."
You wanted to believe him, but the fear of rejection, of losing Natasha even as a friend, was too strong. You shook your head and forced a smile. "Thanks, Tony. But I think I'll just leave it as it is. I don't want things to get awkward between us." He looked like he wanted to say more, but instead, he sighed and patted your shoulder. "Alright, kiddo. But if you change your mind, I'm here." You nodded, grateful for his support, but the decision weighed heavily on you. Deep down, you knew you couldn't bear to risk the little you had with Natasha, even if it meant never knowing what could have been.
The days passed, and you continued to hide your feelings. You watched as Natasha and Bruce grew closer, their bond strengthening with each passing day. Every smile, every touch was a reminder that Natasha's heart belonged to someone else. That realization was like a knife twisting in your chest, but you buried your pain deep inside and masked it with a smile whenever Natasha was around.
One evening, after a long day of training, you found yourself alone in the training room. The rhythmic thudding of your fists against the punching bag was the only sound in the otherwise silent room. You were so focused on your movements that you didn't hear Natasha enter the room.
"Hey." Natasha's voice broke the silence, and you flinched and froze, your hands still against the punching bag. You turned around to see Natasha standing at the entrance, her expression unreadable. "Hey.." you replied, trying to keep your voice steady. Natasha stepped closer, her gaze locking onto yours. "Is everything okay? You seem distant lately."
You forced a smile, hoping it would convince Natasha. "Yeah, everything's fine. I'm just tired, I guess." Natasha studied you for a moment, her sharp eyes seeing more than you wished. "Are you sure?" You nodded, trying to ignore the pounding of your heart in your chest. "Yeah, really. I've just got a lot on my mind."
Natasha didn't seem convinced, but she didn't push further. Instead, she gave you a small smile. "You know, if you ever want to talk..I'm here." The sincerity in Natasha's voice made your resolve waver, but you quickly pushed the feeling aside. "Thanks, Natasha. I appreciate that."
For a moment, the two of you stood in silence, the weight of unspoken words hanging between you. You desperately wanted to tell Natasha how you felt, to let out everything you had been holding back for so long. But the fear of losing her, of ruining your friendship, held you back.
Butt Natasha seemed to sense the tension in the air. She took a step closer, her expression softening. "Y/n..if there's something you need to say, you can say it. Whatever it is, I promise it won't change anything between us."
You felt your heart clench at Natasha's words, the temptation to finally confess almost overwhelming. But before you could say anything, the door to the training room opened again, and Bruce walked in. "Hey, I've been looking for you."
Natasha turned to Bruce, a smile lighting up her face. "Hey, Bruce. Sorry, I was just talking to Y/n for a minute." Bruce smiled, but his gaze shifted to you, and you saw the understanding in his eyes. "Hey, Y/n." he greeted you kindly. You forced yourself to return the smile, even though it felt hollow. "Hi, Bruce." As Natasha and Bruce exchanged a few words, an overwhelming sense of inevitability washed over you. This was the reality you had to accept. Natasha was with Bruce, and there was no place for you in that picture.
When Natasha turned back to you, you had already made your decision. You took a deep breath and forced a smile, one that you hoped would hide the pain you were feeling. "I should go. I'm pretty exhausted." Natasha frowned slightly, as if she could sense something was wrong, but she nodded. "Get some rest, okay?"
You nodded, unable to trust your voice. Quickly, you gathered your things and left the training room, your heart heavy with unspoken words and unfulfilled desires. As you walked down the hallway, Tony's words echoed in your head: If Natasha really means something to you, then tell her. But now it was too late. Natasha had chosen Bruce, and you had to find a way to move on.
The following weeks were some of the hardest you'd ever experienced. You threw yourself into missions and training, anything to drown out the pain in your heart. But no matter how hard you tried, you couldn't escape the longing for Natasha. Every time you saw her with Bruce, the pain flared up again, sharper and more intense than before. You knew you had to find a way to let go, but it felt impossible. Natasha was everything you had ever wanted, and now that you knew you could never have her, the loss was unbearable.
Tony noticed the change in your behavior and tried to reach out to you again, but you brushed him off. You didn't want to talk about it, didn't want to admit how much it hurt. You just wanted to forget, even if it meant burying your feelings deep inside where they couldn't hurt you anymore. But no matter how hard you tried, you couldn't escape the truth. You loved her, and nothing could change that.
In the days that followed, it became increasingly difficult to be around her. The pain became too much to bear, and you decided to distance yourself. It started subtly. You found excuses not to be in the same room as Natasha. If you were assigned to the same mission, you requested to be reassigned, or, if that wasn't possible, you interacted with her as little as necessary. You stopped going for drinks with the others after missions because you knew Natasha would be there, laughing and talking with Bruce.
But Natasha noticed. She noticed how you no longer stayed in the training room to train with her, how you avoided eye contact during team meetings, how you left the room whenever Natasha entered. Natasha felt a nagging sense of loss in your absence, an emptiness that grew with each passing day as you pulled away.
One evening, Natasha finally confronted you in the hallway as you tried to sneak back to your room unnoticed. "Y/n, we need to talk." You froze, your heart racing in your chest. You had dreaded this moment, knew it was inevitable, but hoped it wouldn't come so soon. "There's nothing to talk about.." you replied, trying to keep your voice calm as you turned to face her.
Natasha's eyes narrowed in determination. "Don't give me that. You've been avoiding me for weeks now. What's going on?"
"I told you, it's nothing!" you replied, your voice tense. You tried to move past Natasha, but she blocked your way, refusing to let you leave. "You're lying!" Natasha countered, her voice growing sharper. "And this time, you're not getting away.."
Before you could react, Natasha grabbed your arm and pulled you into a nearby room, closing the door behind you. The sudden movement caught you off guard, and you found yourself trapped, with the door and Natasha both standing between you and the exit. "Let me go, Natasha." you said, your voice trembling slightly. "I don't want to go through this right now, please.."
Natasha crossed her arms and stood her ground. "You've been running from me for weeks. I'm not letting you run anymore. Talk to me, Y/n. Tell me what's going on." You felt the walls closing in around you, panic rising in your chest. You knew that if you started talking, everything would come out, and you weren't ready for that. "There's nothing to say." you insisted, avoiding Natasha's piercing gaze. "Just let it go."
"That's bullshit, and you know it!" Natasha snapped, her frustration evident. "This isn't you, Y/n. You're pushing everyone away, and I want to know why. I want to help you."
"Help?" you scoffed, the word igniting the anger you had tried so hard to suppress. "The only way you can help me is by leaving me alone, Natasha!" She flinched at the harshness in your voice, but she didn't back down. "I'm not leaving you alone. Not until you tell me what's really going on."
You felt yourself reaching your breaking point, the pressure of keeping everything inside finally becoming too much. You turned away from Natasha, your hands balling into fists as you struggled to hold yourself together. "Just stop, Natasha. Please, stop."
But Natasha didn't stop. She stepped closer, her voice softer but no less insistent. "Y/n..whatever it is, you don't have to go through it alone. I'm here."
"And that's the problem!" you exploded, turning to face Natasha, your eyes blazing with a mix of anger and pain. "You care about me, but not the way I care about you! And it's tearing me apart!"
Natasha's eyes widened, but instead of recoiling, she looked at you with a mix of surprise and amusement. "Wait...are you saying..you're in love with me?" she asked, her voice softening, almost teasing.
"Yes, Fuck, Natasha! I've been in love with you for so long, and it's killing me to be around you, knowing that you'll never feel the same way!" you shouted, your voice breaking under the weight of your emotions. Natasha blinked, and then, to your complete astonishment, she began to smile, a small, almost relieved smile. "Wow...you really just let it all out, didn't you?" Natasha said, her voice taking on a playful tone.
You stared at her in disbelief. The raw vulnerability of your confession seemed to be brushed aside, as if it was something trivial. "What..what the hell, Natasha? Is this a joke to you?" you asked, your heart twisting in pain. "I just told you I'm in love with you, and you're making jokes?"
Natasha's smile softened, a mix of affection and regret in her eyes. "No, Y/n, it's not a joke. It's just..kind of sweet, you know? I mean, here I was, trying to figure out how to tell you, and you go and beat me to it by just blurting it out. I should have expected that from you."
"Wait, tell me...what?" you asked, still off-balance and more than a little hurt. Natasha stepped closer, her hand gently lifting to touch your cheek. "That I'm glad you love me. Because I love you too." Your breath caught in your throat. You searched Natasha's eyes, looking for any hint of insincerity, but all you saw was warmth and something deeper, something that made your heart ache even more. "No, please don't..." you whispered, shaking your head as you tried to pull away. "Don't say things like that just to make me feel better."
"I'm not just saying it." Natasha insisted, her hands holding your face gently but firmly. "I mean it. I broke up with Bruce because it wasn't working, and honestly? It was because I couldn't stop thinking about you." Your eyes widened, disbelief battling with the hope that began to bloom in your chest. "You..what?"
"Yes." Natasha said, smiling a little as she moved even closer. "I realized I was lying to myself. I tried to make things work with Bruce because I thought it would be safer, less complicated. But the truth is, I've been in love with you for a long time, Y/n. I was just too scared to admit it."
You stared at Natasha, still unable to fully grasp what you were hearing. "But...you, you were with Bruce...?" Natasha nodded, her expression growing more serious. "I was. But it didn't feel right. Not when my heart was somewhere else. I couldn't keep lying to him, and I couldn't keep lying to myself. So I ended it. And then you started avoiding me, and I thought maybe I had missed my chance...until now."
Your head spun as you tried to process everything. The anger, the pain, the love..it all swirled together until you felt like you might explode. "Natasha, I..I don't know what to say.."
"You don't have to say anything." Natasha whispered, a mischievous glint in her eyes as she leaned in and silenced you with a kiss. It was electrifying, filled with all the unspoken emotions that had built up between you for so long. As your lips moved together, you felt the tension and fear that had haunted you for weeks slowly melt away, replaced by a deep, overwhelming desire for the woman you had loved for so long.
Natasha's hands moved from your face to your waist, pulling you closer as the kiss deepened. You could feel the warmth of Natasha's body against yours, and it sent a shiver of anticipation down your spine. You had dreamed of this moment for so long, but nothing could have prepared you for the reality of Natasha's touch, the taste of her lips, the softness of her skin.
When Natasha finally pulled back slightly, you were breathless, your face flushed, and your heart pounding wildly. You looked up at Natasha, your eyes wide with a mixture of excitement and nervousness. This was really happening. The moment you had only dared to experience in your dreams was unfolding right before you, and it was almost too much to believe.
Natasha smiled gently down at you, her gaze soft and full of affection. "Are you okay?" she asked quietly, her thumb gently stroking your cheek. You nodded, but the truth was that you were more than okay, you were overwhelmed. Overwhelmed by the reality of Natasha being so close to you, by her touch, her kiss. It was everything you had ever wanted, and it made you feel both euphoric and scared.
As Natasha's hands moved to the hem of your shirt, her fingers gently brushing the fabric, you felt your breath catch. The anticipation of what was to come made your pulse quicken, and you could feel your cheeks growing hotter, your heart beating faster. "Is this okay?" Natasha asked, her voice deep and filled with concern. You nodded again, your voice caught in your throat. "Y-Yeah.." you whispered.
Natasha's smile widened, a hint of amusement in her eyes. "You're so cute when you're shy, you know that?" she teased, her tone playful but loving. Your face grew even hotter, your embarrassment increasing. You had always imagined this moment with Natasha, but you had never thought you would feel so vulnerable, so exposed. A tear slipped from the corner of your eye, surprising even yourself.
Natasha noticed immediately and froze, her smile fading as concern filled her face. "Hey, hey..what's wrong?" she asked, her voice full of worry. "We can stop. Did I go too far?" You quickly shook your head, raising your hands to cover your face as you tried to hide your embarrassment. "No, no, it's not that.." you murmured through your hands, your voice trembling. "It's just..I can't believe this is real. I've wanted this for so long, and now that it's happening, I'm..I'm just so overwhelmed."
Natasha's expression softened, a gentle smile playing on her lips as she realized what you were feeling. "Oh, Y/n." she murmured, her voice warm and soothing. "There's nothing for you to be ashamed of." But you were too overwhelmed to look at her. You kept your hands over your face, your cheeks burning with the intensity of your emotions. "I'm sorry.." you whispered, your voice barely audible. "I'm just..I don't know how to handle this."
Natasha chuckled softly, finding your shyness endearing. "You don't have to apologize for anything." Gently, she took your hands and pulled them away from your face. "Come on, let me see you." You resisted at first, your face still burning with embarrassment, but Natasha was persistent. She held your hands gently but firmly, raising them above your head and keeping them there.
"Natasha, please..no.." you murmured, your voice filled with embarrassment as you squeezed your eyes shut, your cheeks glowing bright red. But Natasha only laughed softly, clearly finding the whole situation incredibly sweet. "You're even cuter when you're shy and embarrassed."
Your face grew even hotter, your heart racing as Natasha held your hands above your head, your bodies pressed close together. The gentle, playful way Natasha handled the situation made you feel both exposed and loved, a combination that left you breathless.
"Please.." you whispered, your voice trembling, though you weren't entirely sure what you were asking for, relief from your embarrassment or more of the sweet torment that Natasha was so skillfully creating.
Natasha's eyes softened, and she leaned down to place a tender kiss on your forehead, then on your cheeks, and finally on your lips. "You're so precious to me." she murmured against your lips. "And I'm going to make sure you feel so good."
Your heart swelled with love, and you found yourself slowly relaxing into Natasha's touches, your nervousness fading as Natasha continued to kiss and caress you gently. Her hands began to explore your body again, her touch slow and deliberate as she moved with a tenderness that took your breath away. You felt the warmth of Natasha's body against yours, her weight comforting, grounding you in the moment.
"You're doing so well." Natasha whispered as she moved lower, her lips leaving a trail of kisses on your neck that made you shiver with anticipation. "Just relax and let me take care of you."
You nodded, your hands trembling slightly as Natasha's lips continued their journey across your body. Her hands moved to gently caress your inner thighs, her touch light and teasing, sending sparks of desire coursing through your body. You gasped, your hips lifting slightly in response to the sensations Natasha was stirring.
"Slowly.." Natasha whispered, her voice full of warmth as she leaned down to press a gentle kiss on your thigh. "We have all the time in the world." You nodded, your breath coming in quick, shallow gasps as Natasha continued her gentle exploration. You could feel the heat pooling in your core, your body aching for more of Natasha's touch.
When Natasha finally moved her hand to your center, a soft moan escaped your lips, your body trembling with the intensity of the pleasure Natasha was giving you. Natasha's fingers were gentle, exploring you with a tenderness that made your heart swell with love.
"Does that feel good?" Natasha asked softly as she continued to caress you, her fingers moving in a slow, deliberate rhythm. "Yes.." you gasped, your body arching into Natasha's touch. "It feels..so good."
Hearing your confirmation, Natasha guided you both to a bed, and it was only then that you realized you had been in Natasha's room all along. Natasha moved slowly over you, her touch gentle, every movement filled with a kind of reverence that filled your heart with emotion. Natasha was deeply connected with you, but there was no rush, no haste in her movements, just a slow, deliberate rhythm that allowed you both to savor every moment.
Your breath hitched slightly, your eyes closing as you focused on the sensations flowing through your body. You could feel every touch from Natasha, the warmth of her skin, the steady beat of her heart. It was a moment that felt almost sacred, and you lost yourself in the intimacy of it all.
Natasha watched you closely, her green eyes soft and full of affection. She could see how your body responded to her touch, how your breath quickened and your cheeks flushed with desire. "You look so beautiful.." Natasha whispered, and your eyes opened briefly, meeting Natasha's gaze with a shy but loving smile. She leaned down to capture your lips in a soft, lingering kiss, her movements slow and deliberate, as if she wanted to imprint this moment in her memory. You responded eagerly, your hands tangling in Natasha's hair as you pulled her closer and deepened the kiss.
When you finally broke the kiss, Natasha rested her forehead against yours, your breaths mingling in the small space between you. "Are you ready?" Your heart skipped a beat at Natasha's words, a warm blush spreading across your cheeks. "Yes." you whispered, your voice thick with emotion. Natasha smiled gently, her heart swelling with love as she closed her eyes and surrendered to the moment. She moved slowly, savoring the warmth of your body, the softness of your skin, the way your bodies fit together perfectly. It was a moment that felt almost otherworldly, a moment Natasha wanted to last forever.
As she moved within you, Natasha focused on the sensations, on the way your body responded to her, the soft moans that escaped your lips, the way your fingers dug into her back and pulled her closer. Every movement, every sound was a testament to the connection you shared, and it filled Natasha with a love she hadn't known she was capable of. "You feel so good.." Natasha whispered, as she gently rocked her hips, drawing out the pleasure for both of you. "So perfect for me."
You could barely speak, your body trembling with the intensity of the sensations flowing through you. "Natasha...this feels...it feels so..."
"I know," Natasha murmured, her voice full of understanding as she leaned down to kiss your neck, her lips soft and tender on your skin. "It's perfect. You're perfect." As the pleasure between you slowly built, Natasha allowed herself to get lost in the moment, her eyes closing as she savored the sensations. She moved with care, but also with tenderness, determined that you feel every ounce of the love and affection Natasha had for you.
Your breath came in soft, shallow gasps, your body arching into Natasha's touch as the pleasure grew more intense. You could feel Natasha's steady rhythm, the warmth of her skin, the gentle pressure within you, and it made you feel more connected to Natasha than you had ever felt to anyone. Natasha's breath also grew heavier, but she kept the pace slow, determined to draw out the moment as long as possible. She could feel your body trembling beneath her, the way your muscles tensed and relaxed with each thrust, and it filled Natasha with a deep sense of satisfaction and love.
"Are you close?" Natasha whispered, her voice full of affection as she looked into your eyes. You nodded, your breath hitching as the pleasure reached its peak, your body trembling with anticipation. "Y-Yes..please.."
Natasha smiled gently, her own pleasure rising as she continued to move in slow, deliberate motions. "Let go, Detka." she whispered, her voice full of love. "I'm right here with you." With those words, you finally let go, the pleasure washing over you in a gentle, rolling wave that left you trembling in Natasha's arms. It was a soft, sweet release, one that filled you with warmth and contentment, and you clung to Natasha as the sensations overwhelmed you.
Natasha followed shortly after, her own climax building and reaching its peak as she moved deeply within you, her body tensing as the pleasure overwhelmed her. She held you close, her breath coming in short, ragged gasps as she savored every moment of your shared release. When it was over, Natasha didn't pull away. Instead, she stayed close to you, her body still connected with yours as she pressed gentle kisses to your lips, your cheeks, and your forehead.
"You did so well.." Natasha murmured, her voice full of love as she stroked your hair. "You're so incredible, Y/n. I'm so proud of you." You smiled, your heart full of love and contentment as you snuggled into Natasha's embrace. You felt safe, secure, and completely loved as you cuddled into Natasha's arms. It was a feeling you never wanted to let go of, a moment of complete fulfillment that you would carry in your heart forever.
Natasha held you close, her hands gently stroking your back, her touch soothing and tender. She could feel your body finally relaxing completely in her arms, and it filled her with a deep sense of satisfaction and love. "You belong to me." Natasha whispered softly, her voice full of affection as she pressed a final kiss to your forehead. "And I'm never letting you go."
You nodded, your heart swelling with happiness as you slowly drifted off to sleep in Natasha's arms, knowing that you were loved, cherished, and completely safe. As you finally fell into a deep, peaceful sleep, Natasha stayed with you, her arms wrapped tightly around you, her warmth and love flowing into every fiber of your being. She held you throughout the night, guarding your sleep and ensuring that you found the rest you had been longing for in her embrace.
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cloudystevie · 1 month
omg I used to be such a Steve girly when I first followed u and now I’m more a Bucky gal so I’m glad to hear u like him toođŸ„č any crumbs of the jealous/protective Bucky trope would be sufficient đŸ™đŸŒ
warnings: sleazy stupid pervy man(not bucky obvi), petname (baby), asyphxiation, reader is more horned up for bucky than she cares about stupid sleazy man sorry, manhandling, pinv, semi-public sex (in a locked club bathroom)
author’s note: clearly idk what drabble means cuz this is 1500 words. trying to figure out the flow of writing drabbles (and just writing in general this is not my best work) ! the steve girlie to bucky girlie pipeline needs to be studied tbh!!! thank you so much for sending in this little thought baby hope you enjoy!!!đŸ©·đŸ©·đŸ©·
18+ only minors dni.
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“I’ll be back in a second baby, just need to use the restroom real quick.”
You attempt to shuffle off Bucky’s lap, surrounded by all your closest friends at a circular booth at one of the newest clubs in the city. But before you can completely wriggle yourself free of his grip, his hands flex on your waist halting your movements. “I’ll come with you sweetheart.”
You giggle and playfully roll your eyes, “I’m not going to die in the 20 steps it takes to get to the washroom Bucky, I’ll be back in a sec.” You place a quick kiss on his bearded cheek and squirm out of his lap before making your way to the washroom, looking at him over your shoulder and giggling as he glares at you.
Currently, you were in the midst of working up your brooding boyfriend so he would take out all of his frustration on you in the most delicious way possible. Being a little bratty was just a little investment for the incredibly rewarding return you’d get later on.
Surprisingly the washrooms were unoccupied so you were in and out in just a few minutes, powdering your face and touching up your lips while you were at it. Giving yourself a once over in the extravagant mirror you head out of the washroom, swinging the door open and attempting to put your lip liner and lip oil back into your purse. You accidentally bump into someone, causing you to shoot your neck up and let out a flurry of apologies as you see their drink now splattered on their shirt.
“Oh my gosh, I’m so sorry I didn’t see you coming. I’m so so so sorry I should’ve been paying more attention. I’m so sorry about your shirt.” Furrowing your eyebrows in concern you take in the man before you. He was a bit taller than you, dirty blonde hair all ruffled up with green eyes just scanning your body with an appreciative smirk. You couldn’t help but feel uncomfortable despite your apologetic gaze as you subconsciously search for Bucky, glancing around the suddenly very packed VIP section.
“It’s alright sugar, wasn’t planning on stripping naked so early into the night but if that’s what you want, who am I to deny you huh?” His voice attempts to be sultry but it just comes across as sleazy, making you grimace and chuckle curtly.
“That really wasn’t my intention, I’m really sorry once again. You can ask the bartender to put a drink on my boyfriend's tab. Just for the inconvenience of course.” A smile that doesn’t meet your eyes is on your face, as you continue looking around for your table of friends, for anybody you may know to save you from this slimy piece of shit.
“Boyfriend huh? Does your boyfriend know you bump into other guys dressed like a little slut?” He steps closer to you making you take a step back. It’s too crowded for anyone to take notice of you specifically and the music is too loud for you to scream and cause a scene.
“Excuse me?” Your voice comes out as strong as you had hoped.
“You heard me, now, what are we gonna do about making this up to me huh? Why don’t you follow me.” He roughly grabs your arm and you attempt to jerk it out of his grip.
“Don’t fucking touch me.” You spit out, yanking your arm out of his sweaty grip and shoving him back, causing him to stumble backwards and almost land flat on his ass. This causes a commotion as the people around you stare at the scene unfolding in front of them.
One second you’re trying to shove past the man to get to your table and the next he’s forcing himself onto you again with much more force this time. Before you can even react he’s being ripped off of you and shoved to the floor by your boyfriend who seemingly appeared right when you needed him most.
Bucky pushes his forearm into the man’s throat, making him struggle for breath and weakly fight back, but he is no match for your super-soldier boyfriend. “You wanna go around putting your fucking hands on women is that right? On my girl?” Bucky seethes, eyes wide with anger as the man struggles to shake his head to deny his words.
Everyone has their eyes on you as your group of friends quickly cut through the crowd to get to both of you, Steve and Sam trying to gently pull Bucky off the guy as Natasha and Wanda come to your aid, standing by you and asking what happened, trying to soothe your thumping heart.
You can’t focus on anything except the way Bucky is holding this man down for you. “Don’t let me catch you even breathing in her direction again you piece of shit. Tryna put your fuckin’ hands on my girl, I’ll fuckin’ k-”
You breathe out his name once. Bucky snaps his head away from the man whose colour is draining out of his face to take in your expression. Bucky can read you even better than you can read yourself sometimes. He can see you are obviously upset but even more than that, your eyes are scanning over his shoulders and biceps, his beefy frame easily overpowering the frail man.
Bucky can read you better than anyone else, and right now, you’re not scared or uncomfortable. You’re turned on. The quick rise and fall of your chest, the twinkle in your eyes, and the way you tug at your bottom lip. He even knows you’re ashamed that you’re turned on. But that doesn’t stop you. It never has.
Bucky smirks, and grabs the man by his neck, standing up with him as his legs weakly kick in the air, wheezing out unintelligible apologies and Bucky just looks at you over his shoulder, ignoring the way Steve and Sam are struggling to get him to put the man down. The veins in his arms make you practically drool as you make eye contact with Bucky, and the next moment the man is crumpled on the ground. The man scurries away, clutching at his throat where bruises are already starting to appear. Calling Bucky crazy and how you weren’t even worth it. Bucky pays him no mind because now his attention is all on you.
“You okay baby?” Bucky asks as he walks towards you, pulling you into his broad frame as he scans you with a worried expression. You nod mindlessly and before you know it you’re being ushered into the restroom you just came out of. Bucky locks the door behind him and before you can breathe you’re on him. Your lips clash against his, your tongues and teeth and spit mixing as your hands grip onto his shoulders as he picks you up and places you on the counter in one fluid motion. The display of strength makes you mewl into the kiss as you rut against his growing bulge making him hiss.
“Bucky- Bucky please I need you right now.” You beg, reluctantly pulling away from the heated kiss to look at him with your wide eyes. He looks at you through his hooded eyes, taking in your desperation before smirking. “What does my baby need hmm?”
His teasing makes you whine as you messily grind your crotch against his, looking for any friction. “Need you Bucky, need you only you need you to fuck me.” You blabber mindlessly, begging for him to claim you. Your words make Bucky groan and his hands wrap around your throat to hold you in place against him.
“Need me to remind you who you belong to? Is that it? You’re my girl aren’t you?” He growls against your mouth, biting your bottom lip and nipping at your sensitive skin.
You whine and nod as his hands wrap around you the same way they were wrapped around the man earlier. You moan as he sucks into the sweet spot behind your ear. “Yea- Yes need you to fuck me so good so that everyone can hear us please Bucky. Please, need everyone to know I’m yours and you're mine.” You’re not even sure if your words make sense.
But Bucky understands. He always does.
So he squeezes his hands around your neck just once, watching the hazy smile take over your feature, before quickly manhandling you so you’re bent over the counter, your eyes meeting his through the mirror. You push your hips back against his once and he wraps his forearm around your neck to pull you up, fiddling with his pants and shoving your panties to the side before filling you up in one thrust. He slides in easily due to how wet you were but his girth always creates a delicious stretch and you cry out at the feeling of being full. Your head lulls back to fall onto his sturdy shoulder and he tuts, tapping your cheek with his free hand before squishing your cheeks together and forcing you to look at the two of you.
He leans into your ear, feeling the shiver that wracks your body and he presses his open mouth against your cheek, his breath more prominent than your own. “Don’t you fucking dare look away from the mirror. You’re gonna watch yourself while I fuck you so you’ll always remember what you look like where you belong. Going dumb on my dick.”
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chrisevansonly · 9 months
𝐍𝐹𝐭 đ…đšđ« 𝐃𝐚𝐝𝐝đČ, đŽđ§đ„đČ 𝐒𝐚𝐧𝐭𝐚
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𝐋𝐞𝐰𝐱𝐬 đ‡đšđŠđąđ„đ­đšđ§ đ± đ…đžđŠđšđ„đž đ‘đžđšđđžđ«
𝐬đČđ§đšđ©đŹđąđŹ: charlotte is adamant on making sure her dad knows exactly who the plate of cookies and glass of milk is for, and it isn’t him

đ°đšđ«đ§đąđ§đ đŹ: very cute fluffy dad! lewis
𝐚/𝐧: i couldn’t resist writing this blurb, he gives off dad vibes constantly đŸ„čđŸ„č
Charlotte loved Christmas, she loved helping you decorate the tree, helping her daddy set up all the lights outside, and adored dressing roscoe up in funny hats and sweaters. She also loved to bake cookies for santa and making sure Lewis knew the plate for him was off limits.
You laughed, watching your five year old little girl climb off her kitchen stool, her curls bouncing as she ran towards the special stand where her plate would go for santa clause
“Yes darling?”
“Come here please!” she called back, standing with her hands on her hips, she was precious and got her sassy attitude from her dad, and you found it too adorable.
“Oh you look like you mean business princess
Lewis smiled biting back a laugh as he walked over and kneeled in front of his daughter
“See this plate daddy?”
“Yes I see it baby”
She nodded before pointing a finger at him, her eyes stern
“I made cookies for santa okay? So when I put the plate here and his glass of milk no touching okay daddy?”
Lewis wanted to laugh so bad, truth be told you couldn’t hold back the giggles either
“Mummy this is serious!!” she squealed, not impressed to see you amused
“I’m sorry my love, you’re right it’s not funny, right daddy?”
You watched your husband nod
“Mummy is right, I promise I won’t eat any of santa’s cookies or drink his milk I promise
Charlotte seemed pleased enough with this answer but still stuck her pinky finger out for him to link with his, the father-daughter duo always sticking to their pinky promises.
“And daddy
“Yes baby?”
Charlotte smiled innocently before holding his face gently in her hands
“If you eat a cookie or drink the milk, you’re on the naughty list which means you get only coal for Christmas!”
Lewis smiled letting out a soft laugh
“I promise I won’t princess..”
“Good! Thank you daddy!”
She yelled before taking off towards the kitchen, straight past you to continue decorating her cookies, a smile on he little face.
“Well she definitely gets her dramatics from you love
” Lewis said, coming up to kiss you softly to which you rolled your eyes jokingly
“Mhm but she got her sass from you
guess we know she’s our daughter for sure”
There was no doubt in the world of that, Charlotte was the perfect mix of you and Lewis, she might be opinionated and know what she wants, but at the end of the day she was the sweetest angel in the entire world.
Until someone threatened to eat santa’s cookies
never go for the cookies

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batsythoughts · 4 months
hiii, can we have a second part for the yandere! bruce with baby trapping đŸ„č maybe some pregnancy kink
Of course you all can! I'm always willing to do continuations of any works I do or requests if you all ask nicely and I feel comfortable with it! And sorry this took so long to write. A lot of family stuff came up and I needed to take a step back for a while.
Part 2 of Yandere! Bruce Wayne and baby trapping!
As stated in the request, there is smut under the cut. Minors please do not interact with the post.
It had barely been a week since Bruce and you found out you were pregnant
Alfred had been discreetly informed so he could go buy your prenatal vitamins without any of the kids finding out
You all had agreed to do a reveal to them fairly quickly so they didn't find out themselves by accident
After some consideration, the both of you decided on a cake with a simple message
Bruce even got you to agree to let the message say 'It wasn't Jason'
"It's a bet the kids have on who would have a baby next. It's a family joke we have that's been going on."
You simply smiled at the explanation while saying it was okay as long as it was in a certain color
The next night a dinner, before anyone could get up from the table, Bruce said that Alfred made a special dessert for everyone
They all looked at one another in confusion as they tried to think of what the occasion was for a 'special dessert' to be made
When Alfred came in and set the cake in the center of the table, the kids stared at the written frosting with blank expressions
Jason was the first to react while throwing his hands up with a cheer
Dick started out with a huge grin before his eyes widen as he stared at Jason with disbelief all over his face
Tim and Damian shared a look for a moment before giving their congratulations
Cass smiled while looking between you and Bruce while asking multiple questions regarding the baby
Bruce smiled at the sight of all the people he loved celebrating the surprise of a new addition to the family
He gently took your hand in his while watching you happily eating the slice of cake Alfred cut for you
The first trimester was definitely interesting for the whole family with the random nausea, food cravings, and mood swings
Everyone worked together to help you deal with it as best as they were able to
Got a craving for something in the middle of the night that's not in the manor? Alfred told everyone and now Red Hood is in the store grabbing two of everything.
Your back hurting a little after getting off work? Tim has the heating pad on the couch for you as Cass gets a scented bath bomb that you might like so you can relax after dinner.
Randomly started crying? Dick and Alfred both stand nearby to hear you let out cries of whatever caused it
Damian would even offer to make you drinks that he had been taught were beneficial to both you and the fetus
Bruce was pleased that they were being so accepting of the situation instead of thinking you had been the one to cause the situation
The best thing though was a weekly ritual that only Bruce got to be apart of
An hour before he would go on patrol every Friday, you both would sit on the bed as his hands lightly caressed your stomach to carefully feel your body change over time
Even in the beginning when there wasn't anything to feel, Bruce enjoyed reliving the fact that he had gotten you pregnant successfully to keep you around
But he was still felt like you could do a bit more to be committed to the family
He wanted you to quit your job so you could be focused on him, the kids, and the baby with all your energy
Besides, he had more than enough money that you wouldn't have to worry about providing for yourself ever again
At first Bruce suggested going part time so you weren't straining your body too much while the baby was developing
You were hesitant at first, but relented and said you would ask your boss if it would be possible
It wasn't entirely what he wanted, it was just the start until you gave birth
You were beginning to tell the difference in your body after the two month mark with a slight firmness in your stomach
Bruce felt ecstatic as the days got closer to your due date
He did become concerned about the fact that you were showing a bit more than what was normal with all that he read
He even brought it up with the doctor at one of your appointments to ask if everything was alright
As they got the machine ready for the ultrasound, the doctor and nurse assured Bruce that everything should be alright with your hormone levels
The doctor began asking questions on how you were feeling and any issues you were experiencing
As they moved the wand over your stomach, the nurse stopped to look at the screen with a concerned look before her expression shifted to surprise
You became worried while asking what was wrong as the doctor focused on the screen before she got a similar look
"There's, um... there's two."
The screen was turned to face you both better as she pointed out the very close, but individual little blobs
You and Bruce stare in shock before you squeeze his hand with a soft coo
The doctor made sure to give you plenty of copies of the pictures before you left and made the next appointment
Bruce felt proud that you were giving him not one, but two children that would bind you to him for the rest of your lives
You told everyone that evening the news and they were thrilled by the prospect as well
Bruce had even signed up for a 'Baby and Me' class that meet up weekly
Of course that meant that everyone went and sat around you to retain any and all information that was being said to the class
A few of the other participants were judgemental and would whisper about how it should only be the expecting mother and father in the class
All the kids were quick to speak up and shut that down real quick with the woman who started it
"Wow Debra, that's really great advice. I'm sure your husband is proud of how outspoken you are."
"Speaking of husbands, where's your husband Debra?"
"Oh, he's working late like he always does? He must be worried about providing for you and the baby."
"I'm sure it's a very happy and loving marriage you have with him."
"But how long will it last, Debra?"
You quickly told the kids to behave while Bruce held back his smirk as the class finally began
Everyone paid attention to everything that was told, even asking questions about how to assist you through the whole process
Bruce was very proud of all his kids for being so willing to learn along with you during this stage in your life
As the weeks passed, the twins were growing healthy and making themselves known to the world
Their kicks profound enough that Bruce could sit on the other side of the couch and see the bumps they would make
He loved it most went you put headphones on your stomach while playing a small list of songs you made for the twins
"They can feel the vibrations! It is proven to be beneficial for development."
He only smiled while kissing the side of your head
Bruce had even made sure to have the baby room ready for the birth long before they were due
It did take a bit more time to keep the room neutral with the fact it was agreed to be a surprise of what you were having
But he made it work terrifically for whatever combination of twins you were carrying
With the help of Dick and Jason, of course. They refused to let Bruce try to put together the cribs and changing table that would hold their little siblings
It was always so adorable how you would go in to see the progress and coo at how everything was coming along
You of course gave an opinion on where you wanted things to go and the boys would move them without question or complaint
There was already two dressers full of baby clothes that all of them had picked out when going out shopping for any reason
Bruce adored it most that you had gotten a few maternity dresses that were elegant enough to wear to any galas he would attend
The looks that you would get from most of the people there didn't bother him
Despite the different reasons for the stares, he felt proud of the fact that everyone knew that you would always be his no matter who would try to change it
It became even better when he got a message from Alfred one day saying you had returned to the manor not long after you had went to work one day
He was worried when he finally returned that night to find you sulking in your shared room eating a bowl of fruit while wrapped in multiple blankets
Bruce hated the sight of you upset, but he hated that you seemed to be purposely hiding away the bump he was loving more every day
He sat down beside you as he waited for you to tell him what had happened at your job that morning
It took a few minutes before you finally mumbled out that you had impulsively quit your job
While he felt overjoyed, Bruce played the part of being concerned while asking what had occurred to cause it
You took another bite of your fruit while leaning in to rest your head on his shoulder
"One of the guys put his hand on the upper part of my stomach despite me telling them all not to do that. Then he asked me if... if my milk had come in."
Bruce clenched his jaw before apologizing for what happened, but gentle assured you that everything would be okay with him still providing for all of you
It took a few minutes of Bruce reassuring you that your actions were valid to preserve your self respect from the unsavory coworker you had
You gave a weak nod after a couple minutes before leaning further against for comfort
He held you to his chest while softly kissing your head and whispering affirmations to lift your spirits
That evening everyone noticed that you were feeling upset, but didn't push for an explanation so you could tell them if you felt comfortable
You gave a tired smile to the whole table while saying it was just a bad day at work and they shouldn't worry themselves
They all let you have a quiet night without arguments over anything until they went down to the cave to get ready for patrol
Bruce watched you prepare for bed with worry as you absent-mindedly went through your routine without a word
Before you could get into the bed, Bruce gently lead you over to the full length mirror he got for you that stood in one corner
He stood behind you as he rested his hands at the swell of your stomach while swaying back and forth
He placed kisses along your neck as his fingers danced over the bump while whispering against your skin
"You're such a good momma." "Doing your best for them already." "Providing me with the greatest gift."
Bruce continued with his praise as he watched the reflection until you finally cracked a smile
He carefully turned you around before connecting his lips to yours before guiding you over to the bed
He made sure you were completely settled in for the night before giving you a kiss and promising to return safely
The night had went by with only a few attempted muggings and a failed robbery of a gas station before the whole family returned
Bruce took a shower in the locker room and changed like every night so you wouldn't wake up from the noise
Bruce had tried to remain as quiet to not disturb you as he entered the room, but he saw that you were turning around under the comforter with soft whines
He thought you were just having a weird dream until you pushed up from the bed with a groan before meeting his gaze
He almost asked what was wrong as he walked towards the bed, but the words didn't need to be said with the way you bite your lip to keep back a pout
Now, you and Bruce had sex a few times since the pregnancy had started, but after you began showing he didn't want to potentially cause you any discomfort
He wouldn't deny the fact that he thought you were beautiful during the day doing any little thing
However, staring at you in the his bed with the light of the moon streaming in through the window and accentuating your features while one of the straps of your nightgown sliding of as you give him that pleading look
Bruce couldn't get in the bed quick enough after taking a moment to admire how breathtaking you were in that moment
He gently pushed you back to lay down on the mattress before lifting up the lower part of your sleepwear
He couldn't bother to remove your underwear as he pulled it to the side and immediately latched onto your clit
The startled moan you let out was a melody Bruce never wanted to forget as he passionately worked his tongue over the small nub
Wasting no time, he moved one hand to rest on your hip while the other went to prepare you
You laced your fingers in his hair the moment he pushed a finger into you for the first time in months
He slowly moved his hand as he listened to the way your breath hitched with each whine you gave before pushing a second finger in
He had only been at it for a minute before you gave a small cry and came undone by his fingers and tongue
Bruce smiled to himself as he worked you through the spasms before trailing kisses up your stomach, leaving a few attentive one underneath your breasts, until finally reaching your mouth
He didn't even give you time to protest the kiss as his abdomen pressed against you while lining up at your entrance
He made sure to go slow as he felt you shake slightly under him with your nails softly digging into his back
He kept his thrusts shallow as he pulled away to watched your expression as you let out small whines of pleasure
He moved one hand to rest on the side of your stomach as the other held your chin to keep you looking at him
He groaned at the way you tightened around him as he felt a small kick come from your lower stomach
He sweetly kissed you again before pulling away enough to speak with a smirk spread across his face
"Oh, aren't you just a beautiful momma?" "Still able to take me so well after so long." "I should just keep you like this for the rest of our lives."
Bruce gave a small laugh at the last thought as he gave one final thrust before you tightened around his cock
He almost let a small taunt out about you enjoying the idea of him already keeping you there, but just smiled as he trailed a finger over your cheek
It didn't take much longer for Bruce to find his own release with a deep groan
He waited a moment before pulling out and going to the bathroom to get a warm washcloth
He affectionately shook his head when he saw you had already fallen back to sleep with a calm grin on your face
He gently wiped the mess between you thighs away before tracing his fingers over you stomach for a a few moments
He quickly got rid of the cloth before putting on a fresh pair of boxers and slipping under the covers
Bruce moved his arms around you while laying down to get a few hours sleep himself
The next couple weeks, Bruce made sure to shower you with as much affection as he thought you deserved
You and the others simply assumed it was because you were steadily getting closer to your due date
But he did it to help build the emotional vulnerability you would ultimately go through after giving birth
He knew you would go through a strong surge of hormones that would cause you to rely on him even more
It all going to be for the best in the end because Bruce just needs you to realize how much he truly loves you and will always be there for you
What better way is there to convince someone to agree to marry you?
Bruce already had a ring picked out and the speech he would give on what each of the kids would do to be included in the wedding
He would still have you pick out all the important things that you wanted like the flowers, dress, location and every other aspect you wanted
But he had to be patient until after the twins had been born for at least a few months before asking you
But to get you to be apart of the family more than you already were? Oh, Bruce was nothing but determined.
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ericshoney · 2 months
Tara's Sister ~ Chris Sturniolo (part two)
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Summary: After meeting your sister's friends and getting Chris' number, you finally hang out with him.
Warnings: possible swearing, first date, kissing, fluff
a/n: Here you go! To everyone who asked for a part two! Hope it's as good as part one! đŸ„č
Today was the day. You were hanging out with Chris. Tara hasn't stopped teasing you since you met him and you've been texting back and forth constantly.
Tara begged to do your make up and you finally agreed as long as it was nothing fancy. You then picked a simple but cute outfit as you were just getting dinner.
"Ahh! You look so cute!" She exclaimed.
"Taraaaa I'm not a baby." You mumbled as she gently squished your cheeks.
"Your my baby sister." She replied, making you laugh.
"How is Chris picking you up?" She then asked.
"Uber." You answered simply, checking your phone to see a message from Chris.
Hey now on my way 😁
Twenty minutes later, you heard a knock at the door. You went and opened it, seeing Chris there with a smile.
"Hey, wow you look really pretty." He said.
"Thank you, it's just simple." You replied with a smile.
"Honestly you could rock up in sweats and a hoodie, I'd still think your pretty." He rambled on, making you blush and smile.
You then said bye to Tara as you both got into the Uber. Chris was telling you a funny story of what happened with Nick throughout the day.
"And he just blamed me! I wasn't anywhere fucking near him!" He shouted.
"He's clumsy. He and Tara could be the same person." You said.
"Right. They are both loud." He replied, making you smile and nod.
When the Uber stopped, you both got out and went to the restaurant that Chris had booked for you. He spoke to the waiter and you were led to a booth near the back.
You started looking at the menu and knew what you were going to order. The waiter soon came back, letting you and Chris order your drinks first.
"How's the college break going?" He asked.
"It's going good and I love staying with Tara, I honestly don't know if I want to go back." You answered.
"If you went back I wouldn't see you as much." He mentioned.
"I know, that's another thing playing on my mind." You replied with a faint blush.
Chris smiled as you drinks then arrived and you both ordered your food. The two of you talked and joked, Chris making you laugh the whole time.
A few hours later, a belly full of food and a massive smile on your face, you were both ready to leave. Chris offered to pay, which you playfully argued with saying you could pay too, but Chris wanted to treat you.
"You wanna go for a walk, maybe get some ice cream?" He suggested as you left.
"Yeah sounds good." You replied with a nod.
You then walked down the street, listening to Chris chat. He was also a good listener, letting you talk as well. You two walked around the city and found a cute little ice cream stall.
"I'm paying this time!" You exclaimed, running over to the stall.
"Not if I get there first!" Chris shouted.
You giggled as you both raced to the stall. You were about to get there when arms wrapped around your waist, lifting you off the ground.
"Hey!" You shouted with a giggle.
"I win." Chris said, making you smile.
"Fineeee." You whined, making him laugh.
Chris ordered two ice creams and paid for them. He passed you yours, which you thanked him for, as you went and sat on a bench.
"You know, along with Tara, me, Nick and Matt can help you find a job you'll like to do with photography and fashion." Chris offered.
"That would be nice." You said.
"Or even you could put more on your socials." He added.
"I might do. I think I'm done with college, many more things here I like." You replied.
Chris smiled as you faced him. Your eyes flicked to his lips as his to yours.
"Can....Can I kiss you?" He asked softly.
You smiled and nodded as he leaned in, his lips touching your softly. You smiled against his lips kissing back.
"Wow." You whispered as he pulled away, both of you giggling.
Chris smiled and called an Uber to take you both home. You held his hand gently the whole ride home.
When the Uber pulled up at Tara's place, Chris walked you to the door, both of you still smiling wide.
"I had fun tonight, Chris." You said.
"Me too, wanna do it again sometime?" He asked.
"Totally." You answered with a nod.
Chris smiled and kissed your cheek, waving as he left in the Uber. You walked in and saw Tara watching a movie on the sofa.
"Did you have fun? I need all the details!" She exclaimed.
You laughed and sat telling her the details. Once Chris got home, he was the exact same question by Nick and Matt. Both of you smiled as you explained the amazing date.
@lgbtq-girl @mattsfavbigtitties @onelesslonelygirlbieber6 @sturniolo-fann @riowritesitall
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flemingsfreckles · 4 months
Physio’s Daughter Part 13 (epilogue)
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Jessie Fleming x Reader
The whole series is here!
Warnings: none
WC: 2.5k
A/N: I’m not even sure what to put here, thank you to everyone who read this. I never expected people to like it as much as you all did and I never expected myself to be writing 13 parts but here we are. I appreciate every single person who’s left a like or reblogged or commented or send me asks about this series, I wouldn’t have ever had the motivation or ideas to write this series. Thank you đŸ„č
I’ve thought about writing some little blurbs/headcannons type things if you guys wanted to hear the details of how I thought the middle 20+ years that this went through would go. If that’s something yall want just feel free to send requests and I’ll write them. (I’m not quite ready to let go of this series of you couldn’t tell)
“You ready for this?” You squeezed Jessie hand tightly, trying to reassure her and give her peace of mind.
“As ready as I think I can be.”
That’s when you hear the announcement.
“And for her final time representing and leading Canada, please welcome Jessie Fleming.”
Jessie looks over at you one more time. You give her a nod and a tight squeeze on her hand before letting her go and she walks out onto the field. The cheering for her is deafening and you hear it for a moment before it all is drowned out by your ears ringing as your brain goes fuzzy at the realization that you’re watching your wife walk onto the field for the last time ever.
You watch as she walks out, looking around and making her way to the middle where a ceremonial framed jersey was waiting for her. You had both cried enough tears over her retirement decision, you had pinky promised that today was going to be a celebration, no tears.
“Mommy!” You feel the tug on your arm and look down to see your and Jessie's four year old daughter tugging on your hand while her other arm waved wildly toward the field. “Can we go with Mama?”
“Just a second baby.” You look down at your daughter, she’s just excited to see her Mama play, she hasn’t quite been able to grasp the idea of Jessie’s retirement. You knew she’d probably be asking when she can go watch her play again in just a few days.
You look back out to watch as Jessie makes her way down the line being hugged by all of her teammates before she gets to where the jersey was. You watch her look at it, then take a second to look around the field, taking in every second. She then takes photos with the coaching staff before she motions to you.
“Go run to Mama.” You let go of your daughter's hand and she runs ahead of you to Jessie. Jessie squats, grabbing your daughter under her arms and lifting her up around her hip. You make your way out onto the field before standing next to Jessie to take a few photos.
You give Jessie a quick peck to the cheek before taking back your daughter and walking off to the side of the pitch. You stand for a minute watching Jessie continue to absorb the moment around her.
“Look at this!” Olivia comes rushing up next to you holding out her camera for you to look at. It’s a photo of your wife from the side, she’s got a big smile on her face and is squatting down, arms stretched out toward your daughter who is also smiling big, running toward Jessie. “You two seriously have the cutest kid.”
“Soon to be cutest kids.” You whisper to her putting emphasis on the ‘s’. Olivia turns to you, mouth wide before looking down at your stomach.
“Are you?”
Her face lights up as you give her a nod, “We just found out a few weeks ago.”
“Oh my gosh! Congratulations!” Olivia pulls you into a hug. She then passes you a piece of paper with a note before giving you a wink. Her eyes get really wide for a second and she says “don’t drink the champagne,” before heading back to take more photos of the pregame ceremonies.
You make your way up to the reserved box, all of Jessie’s family attending the game as well as many of her former teammates. Your daughter was quick to run to her grandparents, excited to see them.
“Not working today?” Janine says coming up beside you. She hands you a drink and you give her a look questioning what was in the cup. “It’s just cranberry juice. Congratulations by the way, Jessie told me so we could make sure we have non-alcoholic stuff at the retirement party.”
“Thank you and yeah, I took the day off, thankfully Canada Soccer understood the importance of attending my own wife’s retirement game.” You had finished up school nearly 14 years ago, getting hired back immediately by Canada Soccer. That’s when you and Jessie had to be upfront with your relationship, disclosing it to HR and management before you signed the contract. Your relationship meant you were no longer able to handle Jessie’s treatments yourself but you were able to keep your job and still work closely with her.
The two of you had been dating for just over a year at that point, the first few months of long distance were hard, having to figure out communication expectations along with both of you juggling busy schedules. But you put in the work and effort and managed to figure it out together. You visited Jessie when you could and she’d visit you, FaceTime was your saving grace being able to see her face most days. You did silly little dates where you’d read together on FaceTime, not speaking but still as if she was in the room with you. You’d cook the same meal and eat together, you watch TV series together, she’d help quiz you for exams, the two of you made it work.
When you first told your Mom you were still talking with Jessie she didn’t think much of it, to be fair you didn’t give her the impression the two of you were together. You had planned on it, but chickened out and made it seem like a friendship. It wasn’t until almost six months into dating that you finally told your Mom. You and Jessie had talked about spending the holidays together, back in your hometown with your Mom. When you asked if your girlfriend could spend a couple days, your Mom was confused, never having met or heard a mention of a girlfriend on your end. She insisted she meet the girl first, to which you had to explain she had met the girl, she actually worked with her. Your Mom was able to put together the hints and realize you and Jessie were dating. She still scolded you just as she had when she caught the two of you kissing. Worried about the age difference, worried you’d never find a job if people knew, worried about the traveling and long distance, she went on and on for a while. But with some extra begging, she agreed to let Jessie come for the holidays and you formally introduced her as your girlfriend. Your Mom was quick to come around on your relationship once she saw how you and Jessie interacted, how happy she made you, it only took a couple hours before your Mom was getting out the scrapbooks to show Jessie embarrassing baby photos of you.
You started as a trainer with the Canadian team just after graduation, in a similar role as you had been for the team that one summer. You stayed in that position for a while before your Mom retired. Your Mom had previously taken over for Mark when he retired and you were given the promotion to that same position as the head of staff. This meant less hands on work and more administrative business, while a little less fun for you, it meant you could work from home whenever you needed to or just wanted to. You’d come in when the team was in or when you needed access to the facilities but when the girls returned to their club teams, you’d often follow Jessie to Portland and the two of you would live there.
Within the past few years you had been offered the opportunity to create a new position to oversee the physio and training staff as well as working with the player performance team. You loved your new position, you worked with the coaches, the nutritionists, the team doctors, the players themselves, all to work on creating training plans that made your players better while keeping them healthy and safe. You were going to continue to work after Jessie’s retirement despite how much she tries to convince you that you could both retire now, you loved your job too much to leave it quite yet.
It was five years into your relationship when you finally proposed. You had known for a long time that you were going to marry Jessie, but the two of you weren’t in any rush, the commitment to each other was always the same, married or not. You had taken her on a picnic to a wildflower field you found. Picnics became a staple date in your and Jessie’s relationship ever since your first one. You had waited for her to look away, to get distracted by a flower and you quickly scrambled to get on one knee, ring box open and facing her. She of course said yes once she recovered from the initial surprise and the two of you got married a year later. You had a small ceremony, only a couple people in attendance, keeping it easy. You instead hosted a large reception, with Jessie’s teammates, your coworkers, both of your friend and family, you couldn’t have asked for a more perfect start to your married life.
It was just a year into your marriage when the idea of having a baby started to float around more and more in both of your minds. You had talked about kids while you were dating but it was all talk, you both not quite ready to settle down with a child yet. But after seeing Jessie with her teammates kids weekend after weekend at Portland you couldn’t help but long for that to be your kid in her arms. So one day you simply asked Jessie. You asked if she’d be interested in getting a consultation together to see what your options were as far as having a kid. She agreed happily and you two found yourselves quickly in the seats of a fertility clinic, getting started with the IVF process. It took a couple rounds before you got the positive test and nine months later the two of you had a healthy baby girl.
The sleepless nights and traveling with a baby was not easy. It was especially hard when Jessie would be away from club games and you were left to parent alone. Thankfully your friends and family were always there to help out, knowing how crazy Jessie’s travel can be. All the chaos and exhaustion was worth it everytime you got to watch your daughter totter around wearing your wife’s jersey, just as you got to see today as she ran to Jessie for her final game.
Jessie’s decision to retire hadn’t been easy but you both knew it was time and she was settled with her decision. So now you stood watching the last few minutes of her career play out in front of you. You had been ushered back down to the field sideline by security so you could greet your wife and as the final whistle blew you watched as Jessie moved to the center of the field before sitting down. Her hands move to her boots and she slowly unties them before sliding them off her feet and you can practically see her heart break. She’s taking deep breaths the way her shoulders and chest are rising, most likely trying to keep her emotions at bay. Her teammates and the opposing team’s players made their way to her congratulating her, giving her their praises. You walked to her, your daughter in your arms. She stood up to greet you and you could see the tears in her eyes, quickly causing your own to well up.
“I’m so proud of you.” You whispered to her as she pulled you into an incredibly tight hug. “I love you.”
“I love you.”
“You okay?” You say when you pull back from her, you let your forehead rest on hers, not caring about the sticky feeling of her sweat.
“Yeah, it’s just weird, that was it after 24 years on this team. I’ll never do that again.” She seems to be in a state of shock, not quite believing that she would never play for Canada again.
“I know.” You rub her back gently as your daughter blabs on about a bird that’s flying overhead.
Jessie is quickly swept away for interview after interview. You and your daughter make your way around the pitch talking with Jessie’s teammates to kill time before everyone heads back into the locker rooms and the stadium crowd clears out.
You find Jessie’s parents, who graciously offered to watch their granddaughter for the night so you and Jessie could have the evening to yourself. They knew their daughter would likely need an evening of relaxation and reflection after the long day of celebration which might not be possible if she was being asked to build legos or color or play dress up.
“Hey, she’s the last one in there, I’m not sure how long she’ll be. She’s just standing there, you might want to go in and check on her.” Jordyn says as she and Julia exit the locker room and see you waiting for Jessie.
“Thank you.” You take Jordyn’s suggestion and enter the locker room. There’s Jessie, she’s changed, wearing sweatpants and a shirt, standing in front of her cubby staring at the name plate above it with her name, number, and a large C on it. You come up and hug her from behind, not saying much, just being with her. It’s quiet but finally Jessie grabs the name plate, sliding it off the cubby and puts it in her bag.
“Alright let’s go, I don’t want to keep people waiting at the party.” Jessie says. Janine and Sinc had organized a small retirement party for later that night, you and Jessie had both put heavy emphasis on it being a small party, thankfully you still had a couple of hours.
“There’s something I wanted to do first, if you’re up for it. The party isn’t for a couple hours. We have time.” Jessie nods. Youre happy that she’s agreeing and that she trusts you aren’t going to make her do something crazy after playing her last ever game. You take her hand pulling her from the dressing room, down the hall, and back in the direction of the pitch. You walk with her until you come to the middle of the pitch. “Sit.” You point to the grass before taking off running to one tunnel, the one Olivia had written on her note and grabbing the basket she had left for the two of you. You make your way back to Jessie and open the basket pulling out a bottle of champagne and a single glass.
“Olivia didn’t know I was pregnant when she set this up, I told her today though. She got a really cute photo of you and Emery.” You say to Jessie before pouring her a glass and getting out some of the snacks she had packed.
Jessie laughs to herself. “Remember when I thought the two of you were together.”
“I still can’t believe you thought that.” You shake your head thinking back to the screaming match you and Jessie had in the hotel, all because both of you were silly, immature, young adults who didn’t know how to talk to each other about your feelings. “You were so jealous.”
“Was not!”
“You so were.”
“Fine I was, but it turned out pretty great for me.” She crosses her arms across her chest pretending to be mad.
“Yeah, we turned out alright.”
The two of you fall into a silence, you wait for Jessie to speak. You want to let Jessie have the time to think through all of her thoughts, feel all of her emotions, take her time sitting on the field.
“I love you.”
“I love you Jessie.” You respond as she plops her head onto your shoulder.
“This is just like our first date, when you brought me to the field in Paris.”
“I know. And I knew how much you appreciated that. So I just wanted to make sure you were able to soak it all in for one last time.”
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berberriescorner · 8 months
“Are You Listening?”
Interlude: “Drinks On Me, Yeah?”
Characters: Rio x Black!Reader.
Summary: Issa Interlude, mama. Expect the unexpected.
Warnings: Profanity, angst, fluff, and drinking-little libation for the one, two.
Word Count: 1,700+.
A/N: My lovelies! My babies! Mama’s back and I got a little sum-sum for ya! Let’s start this weekend with a little Rio and the crew, yeah? Yeah. I want to give so many thanks to all of you sweet lovelies who have been rocking with me this entire time. Most of you know that the past year and a half has been quite the struggle. To everybody who took time out of your day to come and check in on me, please know that I’m appreciative and forever grateful to have connected with such amazing peopleđŸ„č♄. Thank you for all the sweet, hilarious comments and asks as well💓. I’m a little rusty, so be gentle with your girl. Enjoy my sweet babies.  Before anyone asks, yes, I’ve been working on Pt. 4😂😏😈.
"Are You Listening?" - The Playlist
Apple Music.
Part One Here.
Part Two Here.
Part Three Here.
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Inspired By:
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Your body pressed down into the plush mattress as you reveled in the comfort and security of being home. Your mind replayed the image of your mom snatching the door open, the two of you hugging tightly, rocking side to side. You had spent the past week trying to survive final exams and warding off the many questions of, “What’s wrong, baby girl?” The woman who gave you life knew you all too well. Sensing that her youngest baby was struggling, her attempts to get you to open up over the phone went unanswered. With the semester complete, being home didn’t leave much space to dodge the knowing gaze in her eyes. 
That master’s degree will probably be a waste of time.
The moment you pulled away from the hug, she cupped your chin, and your poker face cracked as the tears cascaded down your cheeks. Two hours later, you filled her in on everything from the stress of school, financial aid, working doubles, and the fresh crack in your heart that was taking its sweet-ass time to heal. All of which had only taken about forty minutes to stutter out. The talk and her comfort had left you wiped out, and just like any amazing mother would do, she sent you to your room for a nap and got to work on preparing comfort food.
You considered dozing off for a bit more rest, but your bedroom door flew open, bouncing off the corner of your vanity. Your eyes narrowed to mere slits as you started to curse your oldest brother out. His hand raising halted the verbal reprimand.
“Alena’s big-headed ass is here to see ya mean ass,” he snarked about the woman who would eventually become his wife.
These two bitches are so in love. It’s sickening. The attraction is so annoyingly obvious. Shit makes me sick to my stomach.
Before you could tell him you didn’t want company, she was already in the doorframe. “Uh-uh, bitch you are not about to dodge me for another two weeks.” With those words said, you had no choice but to give her a rundown of what had transpired. Not only had she forced you to divulge every last detail while the two of you hugged and cried together. She also took it upon herself to wiggle you into your best freakum dress and head out for a girl’s night.
Being the baby and the only girl in your family made for very over-the-top protective parents. The moment your father saw your attire, he wouldn’t let up. He was hell-bent on forcing your brothers to chaperone.
It wasn’t a horrible idea.  Only you didn’t like your independence challenged. Luckily, the older siblings were pretty chill, so long as no one was overly aggressive. They had taught you how to handle shit for yourself at a young age. You spent the first half hour in the club pouting and ready to go home to wallow in self-misery.
“Hoe! If you don’t fix your face, scaring off every good-looking man in this club!”
“They’ll be alright, so long as they keep their distance. In case you didn’t get the memo after our long talk. Men make my ass itch,” you growled, kissing your teeth.
“Whateva, you and that stank attitude can have a good time together,” she sassed, throwing up a hand and walking away from the bar.”
“Where are you going? Alena!”
“I’ll be back, damn! Let me go on and annoy them, fine-ass brothers of yours. Be nice, and don’t bite nobody head off, sourpuss.”
“Always thirsting after my blood, just triflin’.”
With the flick of a middle finger, she sauntered over to their section. You could see the irritation rolling off them as she seated herself in the middle. The arguing started seconds later. Your eye twitched at the sight. Swinging the barstool back toward the liquor, you were about to pass the time scrolling through social media. Instead, a set of bronzed-colored, muscular digits came into view. They gently pressed your phone to the bar as the matching digits slid another lemon drop into view. Your eyes danced along those muscular fingers, trailing upward until they landed on one of the sexiest faces you’d ever witnessed. If any other man would’ve done this, he would’ve been set straight expeditiously. In this instance, ole boy was just too damn fine, and it left you on mute. The corners of his mouth lifted into a handsome smirk.
The stranger turned his barstool to get closer. One hand rested on the bar while the other cradled the back of your seat. His eyes roamed over your body, lip tucking between his teeth, matching you stare for stare. He chuckled when he noticed your quirked eyebrow.
“I don’t mean to intrude on ya evening, but I figured you could use another drink.”
“Is that so?”
“Couldn’t help but overhear your conversation with your friend. I’m tryin’ to  figure out why these men got your fine ass itching out here.”
Shit, he heard that? Floor, open up and swallow me. That’s so damn embarrassing.
As if reading your thoughts, he continued, “Nothing to be embarrassed about, mama. There’s a lot of boys running around here pretending to be men. Who was crazy enough to fumble you? He gotta be the dumbest man on earth.”
As if on cue, said fumbler’s name popped up on your caller ID. With a swipe of a finger, the phone went silent. You turned back to your new admirer. He had signaled for another round of drinks.
“Either you’re a big spender, or the bartender is your connect,” you teased.
“Connect is one way of putting it. This my spot, darlin’.”
He chuckled as you damn near choked on your drink.
“I’m sorry. Tend to put my foot in my mouth.”
“You good. I like a woman who’s not afraid to speak her mind. Dealing with me, you go to say it with your chest.”
“Oh, so you plan to be around me beyond tonight?”
“Around, underneath, on top. We locked in, mama,” he insisted, licking his lips.
“I don’t even know your name, fool,” you cackled at his cockiness.
“Name’s Rio, but you can call me Christopher, mama. My future wife needs to know my government name. I’m putting my trust in you. Don’t be tellin’ my business, sweetheart.”
“Who says I’m checking for you, Rio?”
“You accepted my company and drinks. Deep down, you’re intrigued by me. Ain’t no need to hide it. When I see something I want, gotta go after it, mama.” he rasped, voice lowering to a panty-dropping level.
“You’re trouble. I just know it.”
Rio planted both hands on your thighs. The gasp that escaped you lit his brown orbs with passion.
“Can I have your undivided attention for the night? Want to get to know you better, mama.”
Grabbing his outstretched hand, he helped you down off the stool.
Piercing light flickered in the darkness, pulling you from the memory that played itself in your dreams. Your hand snatched the vibrating phone from the table. Your orbs squinted to read the screen, teeth clenching in frustration.
Fucking Rio, I can’t even get away from him in my sleep. Stupid-handsome-asshole.
With a single tap, the phone rested on DND. You closed off from the world to find a peaceful slumber, only to wake from another dream. Throwing the covers back, you startled, feeling the bed dip. His cologne wafted through the air, and your eyes connected.
“Why all the tossing and turning, amor? Hmm,” he rasped, hand trailing up your arm. His warm palm cradled the side of your neck, rubbing away some of the tension.
“Sorry, did my restlessness wake you?”
“No, querida. I’ve been up taking care of some things.”
“Same old Miguel. Everything business. Still don’t sleep much, huh?”
His eyes crinkled with a small smile, but you could also see sadness. It’s the same unhappiness that’s always lingered, only now accompanied by sparks of anger and resentment. Your mind replayed his words in the elevator.
Where’s your wife, Miguel?
She had other plans tonight.
The slightest mention of her had nearly sent his mood spiraling. You weren’t privy to what was happening in his marriage but didn’t want to pry. He would only reverse card uno your ass. Miguel would insist that you vent about your own life and frustrations.
“Thank you for taking the couch,” you nibbled at your lip. 
There was a hint of frustration and guilt lingering in your chest. Not being able to sleep without dreaming of Rio left you feeling conflicted. Part of you wanted to say to hell with loyalty. Being in such a vulnerable state had you craving to be held and cuddled, but regardless of circumstance, the two of you were very much married. Concern swam in the pools of his eyes. Miguel sensed the ongoing dilemma in your head, and his fingers gently cupped your chin.
“Hey, talk to me. What’s all this,” he asked, tugging the lip between your teeth. “Tell me what you need.”
“I can’t,” you sighed.
“You can, and you will. Look at me,” he insisted as your eyes locked.
“Anything you ask me. It won’t leave this room. You need me to hold you until sleep takes over, amor?”
Unable to verbally say it, you gave him a slight head nod. Removing his tie, watch, and shoes, he made it over to the opposite side of the bed. Miguel got right to it, not giving you time to overthink it. He pulled you into his chest, arms engulfing you in a tight hug.
“Were you having nightmares, cariño?”
“No, just happy memories reminding me of the present painful ones,” you replied, voice filling with unshed tears.
“You want to talk about it?”
Silence filled the room as Miguel continued, “We don’t have to ta-.”
His sentence cut short as he felt the tremors and your head burrowed into his side. Miguel’s heart cracked at the sound of the sobs falling from your lips. His arms pulled you further into him until there was no space left, and the palm of his hand rubbed at your head.
“Shhh, you’re okay. I’m here,” he cooed, leaving soft kisses on the crown of your head.
Miguel continued to whisper calming words. You cried until your head pounded, and sleep took over.
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Hope you all enjoyed that little peek into how Rio pulled up on your girl for the first time. He saw something he liked, and he had to have youđŸ„°. We’ll just call this a vague moment of insight into upcoming events...if that makes sense 😆. If you enjoyed please be sure to hit the love button, comment, and reblog. Spread the love, my babies.
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sweetestcaptainhughes · 25 days
my lil' jealous boy - John Marino
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Word Count - 3k
Requested - Yes by a lovely anon who asked "John Marino smut please where he gets jealous when his new teammates flirts with his girlfriend because they don’t know who she is yet đŸ„čđŸ«¶đŸ»" and another lovely anon sent this in "John Marino smut please where he just ignores when girls flirt at him but when y/n gets flirted by other guys he gets so protective and angry đŸ„č"
Summary - Deciding to meet John at the bar as he's coming from the rink because it was easier. But what happens when one of his new teammates decides to flirt you not knowing that you were John's girl.
Warnings - dominate boy/ submissive girl , jealous boyfriend, semi public sex
Author's Note - Thank you to both of you nonnies for requesting. I hope it's everything you thought it would be. đŸ«¶đŸ»đŸ«¶đŸ»
Since John’s new team, the Utah Hockey Club had so many new players this year. The franchise decided to do a family skate to kick off the new year today. Afterwards, the players and wags were planning on going to a bar to kick off the new season. Normally, you would go to all the family skates of Johnny’s past teams - New Jersey Devils and Penguins. But since you both just officially moved to Utah a little over a week ago, your new apartment was an actual disaster of boxes from Jersey, Michigan and new amazon packages. Mentally you couldn’t spend another day walking through an apartment that was half unpacked, so you and Johnny both agreed that you would just meet everyone at the bar after. 
John helped you tackle unpacking the kitchen so that it was functional before he left for the family skate. Spending the rest of the day jumping from the kitchen to the guest bedroom, the living room, the master bathroom. Although you didn’t finish everything you felt much better by the time 7 rolled around and you needed to start getting ready to go out. Taking a much needed shower and then deciding to wear a simple floral dress and some white high top vans and some light make-up knowing that everyone else would be dressed casual as well since coming from family-skate. As you were leaving your apartment you felt your phone buzz as you were locking the door, assuming it was the uber you ordered you looked down surprised to see a text from Johnny. 
my johnny 💞
Hi baby, the family skate ran late so you might get there before me.
Walking outside you wait until you get into your uber to answer Johnny, telling him that it was okay and you weren’t even there yet. After a quick 20 minute uber ride you arrived at the bar, walking in you survey the crowded bar to make sure that Johnny wasn’t here already. Deciding to just order yourself a drink after the long day of unpacking the new place. Opening your phone you send John a quick text to let him know that you’ll be waiting for him at the bar when he arrives. Once you get your favorite drink and open a tab for yourself you open Instagram and start mindlessly scrolling while waiting for Johnny to come. 
Getting lost in scrolling your feed, not sure how much time has passed. Suddenly feeling a body close to yours at first you assumed it was just someone trying to order a drink in the busy bar, but then you felt them pressed a little too close to comfort forcing yourself to look up. But before you can tell them to kindly back off they start talking to you. 
“Whoa, you're even more beautiful than I imagined.” the guy says. 
“Thanks.” trying to make your face look the most uncomfortable as possible, wishing that Johnny didn’t run late and he was here so this dude wouldn’t feel the need to hit on you. 
“What’s a pretty girl like you doing here by yourself.” he asks with a grin, but you can see his eyes traveling down the v-line in your dress and suddenly you regret wearing this dress.
“Just waiting for my boyfriend actually.” you mumble, looking at the door hoping that he walks in soon because sadly you don’t see this guy leaving you alone soon. 
“Oh he must not be very smart to leave you alone in a bar full of professional athletes like myself. “ he smirks like the fact is supposed to impress you and you have to resist the urge to not roll your eyes. 
Suddenly you feel someone's presence behind you and you relax when you hear John’s familiar soothing voice. “What was that about me not being smart Douglas?” his jaw setting, and you were grateful his aggravated tone that was directed at his new teammate wasn’t directed at you. One of his arms went to wrap around your waist, stepping behind you and pushing you back so your back was flushed with his chest. Taking his other hand that wasn’t wrapped around your waist bringing it to your chin, slowly turning your head so he could greet you. 
“Hi handsome.” you softly say to greet him as he closes to the distance for what you assumed was a quick peak but quickly turned heated as he bit your bottom lip silently to enter his tongue in your mouth. Sadly it ended as quickly as it began as you were reminded where you were standing when you heard someone clear their throat in front of you. Although you pulled away, your cheeks a slightly flushed from the kiss and someone interrupting you both. John didn’t seem bothered at all and didn’t even glance at his teammate trying to get both your attention. 
“Hi baby.” he says a little louder than needed, obviously wanting his teammate to hear him. “Sorry I’m so late, parking was an absolute nightmare.” he mumbles as he turns back to his teammate, squinting his eyes in what could only be described as annoyance. 
His teammate who you recently learned was named Douglas was nervously stumbling out an apology, tripping over his words. “Sorry Mariano I wa- wou - would've never if I knew she was your” but before he could finish his apology John cut him off. 
“I know. But word of advice kid.” he says, as he steps to your side his hand is still wrapped around your waist, his hand never even attempting to leave your hip. “Next time a girl tells you she has a girlfriend whether you think she’s lying or not.” He steps closer to the blonde haired boy although he was taller than John you could tell Douglas was nervous. “Don’t respond that you're a professional athlete Curtis, you sound like a dick and also chances are if she is lying about having a boyfriend it’s because she isn’t interested. And do you really want someone who’s only with you cause you play in the NHL.” As he finishes his words he steps back to fully embrace you and you hear Curtis say something else before he hurries off to the rest of the team that has taken residence in the back corner of the busy bar. 
“Well I haven’t seen you act like that before.” you tease John, seeing how far you can push his buttons before he pulls you away for being a brat. 
“Shut up.” he mumbles he doesn’t even look at you flagging the bartender down to order himself a beer and you another drink. Looking down he notices that you already had a drink and suddenly he had bitterness in his voice as he asked, “please don’t tell me he brought that for you?” His usual bright brown eyes now dark with a new maddening look and it made you clench your thighs as you leaned over to him. 
“It’s not, but what would you do if it was?” you whisper a coy smile on your lips as you watch John take a deep breath trying to control his breathing. Deciding to push your luck even further you jump off the bar stool. “Come on Johnny dance with me.” you say as you walk backwards to the makeshift dance floor swaying your hips to the beat of music, stretching one arm out to Johnny as your other goes to play with your hair. John knew what you were doing, you wanted a reaction out of him and he was putty in your hands as he took your seat and watched you dance by yourself for a little. He was enchanted by you, a smile on his face as he sank into the bar stool that you were sitting in moments ago. His eyes followed every little move as you got lost to the music, lost in your own little world. Until he noticed the wandering eyes around you and how the men around you were trying to undress you with their eyes and then he was even more bitter than when his teammate tried to hit on you. Abonading both your drinks at the bar, deciding he can buy new ones late, he walks up to you pulling you by the hips into his embrace. 
“I hate this.” he whispers in your ear. Not noticing the eyes following you around the dance floor yet, you give John a confused look. “I hate how everyone is trying to undress you with their eyes, including fucking Douglas” Bending closer to your ear, you can feel his hot breath breath of the top of your ear as he says “your mine.” Gently going below your ear to the sensitive spot on your neck teasingly biting it. Closing your eyes immediately to the feeling and moving your neck slightly to give John more access as your breath quickens at the sudden movement. He starts to leave wet kisses down your neck as you continue to dance against him. 
“Ahh John.” you lightly moan just loud enough for him to hear, encouraging him to pull you closer kneading your ass as he continues your attack.
“Your so fucking beautiful” as he leaves another small nip down your back. “And sexy.” moving further down your neck, his mouth now where your collarbone and neck meet. “Look at you gasping for air and all I’ve done is kiss your neck. You think they can do that to ya?” His words spitting out of his like venom as he contonies “Think they make you feel this good.” Before you can even answer he bites hard on where your neck and shoulder meet and it takes everything in you not to cry out in pleasure in this bar. 
“No only you.” you gasp and he rewards you by pulling you into a deep kiss, fighting for dominance, your tongues battling before he slips his tongue in your mouth and lets out a light moan. The kiss only gets more heated, both of you forgetting that you’re in the middle of the dance floor. Finally pulling away for air, John’s leans his forehead against yours and closes his eyes. As you both take a few deep breaths, you can tell that John is trying to control himself and not sneak you away to the nearest bathroom or out to his car. But you decide to push him further to his limit by teasing him even more. “Johnny” you whine, he snaps his eyes open at the sound of you calling his name standing up on your toes so you can whisper in his ear easily slipping into your submissive roll when you whisper. “ Please make me feel good.” 
“Fuck” he goans as his pupils became blown with lust. He closes his eyes for a second and you can tell he’s having an internal battle of what to do. Next thing you know he grabs your hand dragging you to the back hallway. He quickly pulls you into the single stall bathroom and locks the door behind you. Quickly moving his way to your neck leaving open mouth kisses all the way down all the way to the deep v cut of your dress. “God you’re so beautiful” dragging his teeth across the part of your boob that’s exposed causing you to moan in response. 
“Please Johnny do something.” needing to feel him do something to help the arch between your legs. 
He pulls his head back with a smirk on his face as he says in a cocky voice “Uh uh you said make you feel good you didn’t say when.” A full on shit-eating grin on his face now as he watches your face scrunch as if you're in pain as you process his words. 
“Johnny.” you beg, you know your next words will cause you get to punished for being a brat but at this point you can’t seem to care, as you say “do something or do I need to go get one of your teammates.” 
“You fucking wouldn’t” he spits his words his jealously from earlier consuming his body again. 
“Try me.” Now it was your turn to smirk. 
Grabbing you by your wrists he pulls you the sink “God your such a fucking brat” as he turns you so your hands grasp the sick, making you bend over so that your ass is slightly sticking up your underwear on display due to the shortness of your dress. “I should just leave you like this” Slapping your ass hard enough to leave a handprint.  “Make you sit in your own wetness all night” slap “cause of your own goddamn mouth.” slap. Each slap slap of your ass causing you to push your ass up further moaning for more. “Is that what you want, princess?” He only calls you princess when you're being a brat and it makes you try to clench your thighs at the nickname.  “should that be your punishment?” slap. 
“N- no.” you stumble out. “Please, I just need you.” you whimper making eye-contact with John through the mirror. 
“Ya think you can be quiet.” he asks as he brings you up so your back is flesh with his chest as he starts to suck on lightly on the back of your exposed shoulder,”I don’t want anyone else hearing your pretty little moans.” nodding your head yes at his words. “Naw naw you know the rule, gotta hear you say it princess.” 
“Yes Johnny I- I’ll be quiet whatever you want.” you stutter out.
“Good girl.” he rewards you by pulling your underwear down, his finger teasing your entrance. “Shit your soaking baby.” he exclaims, not sure if he’s talking to you or just making a statement. But you don’t care biting your lip at the feeling of him finally touching you. Closing your eyes focusing on the feeling of his finger at your entrance trying to push back to feel his finger more. “Naw naw I'm in control.” he says darkly as you feel his finger disappear whimpering in response, biting on your bottom lip to try and stay quiet. Suddenly you hear him undo the belt of his jeans and your clench around nothing in anticipation for what’s to come. 
“Look at you such a slut for my cock your already clenching baby.” John teases you as he brings his dick to your core slowly pushing himself into you, barely giving you time to adjust before he’s pulling out to thrust back into finding a steady space. “God your fucking wet. Who made you this way huh princess.” he grunts out as he takes one of his hands and moves it to your neck lightly pulling your hair back forcing you to make eye contact with him in the mirror.
“Ya’ you- Johnny only ya- you.” you moan. 
“That’s right.” grunting his teeth as he answers you. Taking his hand that was squeezing your hip, pulling it around to draw circles on your throbbing clit. Between his hand pulling your hair, his other rubbing fast circles on your clit and the hard steady thrusts of his dick into your core you're a moaning mess. Your hands sliding forward giving John a new angle letting him abuse your g-spot over and over. 
“Joh - Johnny I’m close.” you whimper looking at him in the mirror, tears almost in your eyes from all the teasing before and the need to cum. Your words cause John to quicken his speed, his balls hitting the curve of your ass with each thrust causing both of you to moan louder. 
“Fuck. Me to baby.” he moans. “You gotta wait just a little longer princess.” he grunts. 
Not knowing if you're gonna be able to restrict yourself from cumming you feel yourself tear up. “Please Johnny. I - I -” you beg your eyes threatening to cry. “Please please can I cum?” you beg. 
One look at you, almost in tears and for the first time all night for a second you swear you see his eyes soften to his normal soft brown color. “Okay baby let go it’s okay.” he grunts and with that you feel every muscle in your body tighten as you throw your head back on John’s shoulder as you moan letting yourself finally released for the first time tonight. John continues his assault on your clit but moves the hand from your hair to squeezing your right boob playing with the nipple. Continuing to thrust in and out of you at a hard and fast pace hitting your g-spot with every thrust helping you work through your orgasm. 
“Johnny fuck right there da - don’t stop.” you moan completely lost in pleasure, your moaning triggering his own orgasm as he shoots his cum into you. Slowing down his thrusts slightly as he works through his orgasm finally completely coming to a stop. John lets go of you bringing both his hands to hold your waist much more gently than before his forehead resting on your shoulder as you both try to bring your breathing back to normal.
A small chuckle leaves your lips as your head is still resting on his shoulder. He lifts his head up a wide smile on his lips. “What?” he asks.
“It’s just all this because you got jealous that some new teammate offered to buy me a shot.” you tease him another chuckle leaving your lips. 
“Shut up, you loved it.” he teases back at you, slightly squeezing your hips as he pulls out of you, grabbing some toilet paper to clean you.
“Oh I’m not saying I didn’t.” Smirking as you reach for your underwear, pulling it back up as you turn around, as John throws the toilet paper away. Putting your hands on his chest you lean up to him, peaking his lips quickly “I actually find it adorable when you become my lil’ jealous boy.” you tease. 
“Hahaha very funny. I'm gonna remember this next time a girl tries to flirt with me and you get jealous.” Grabbing your hand making your way to the door to unlock it. 
“Alright whatever you say babe.” continuing your light teasing as you exit the bathroom rejoining his new team for a round of drinks. 
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httpscomexe · 2 months
I’m just now becoming obsessed with Logan after the Deadpool Wolverine movie and I need more fics!!
Logan and Wade protect the reader at all costs bar from some asshole then realise she’s too drunk to drive herself home?? Some smut đŸ„čđŸ„č
Drunken Force
Wade x Reader x Logan
2595 words
WARNINGS: P in V, smut, non-con, rape, Somnophila, crying, double penetration, some comfort, kidnapping, alcohol, language. Use of the word "Retarded" to describe a drunk man.
You fall to the concrete, the bouncer's hands finally leaving your arms as he throws you out. Apparently, there’s a new drinking limit, and you obviously weren’t very happy about it, then caused some big ass scene because you couldn’t get another shot of whiskey.
So now here you were, looking stupid as you wobble to get back to your feet, immediately having to hold onto the hood of some stranger's car in order to keep yourself up, but you let go of it to look back at the bouncer who shakes his head at you, making you giggle. Fuck today was horrible. Your friends all fucking hated you and you weren’t sure why, and you fucked up one of your missions at work. Now you couldn’t just drink everything away. Oh, and to add to the problems. You take your phone out of your pocket. The asshole of a bouncer fucking broke it when he threw you to the ground, so now you couldn’t even call an uber. Fucking shit.
“Hey, beautiful.” Ew. The voice makes you turn around. Some ugly ass drunk dude walks towards you, and even in your drunk state, you want nothing to do with him, so you just ignore him and walk away, stumbling towards the wall to keep yourself up. ïżœïżœïżœOh come on baby.” You hear him jogging lightly to stop you, grabbing your arm and turning you around. “I just wanna have some fun with a beautiful babe tonight
” He holds your waist and walks you until your back is against the wall. You would’ve already broken his fucking jaw if you weren’t drunk right now. “I gotchu baby
” His words are slurred, making him sound absolutely retarded, and his breath was revolting as his hot nasty breath fanned over your face, making you turn away and gag, you would’ve actually thrown up if his hand didn’t shoot up and force you to face him.
“Get the fuck off of me.” You finally mumble. You knew you probably wouldn’t be able to overpower the asshole drunk, but it never hurt to try. Well. It might hurt a little.
“Bad words for such a cute little mouth.” That’s not hot dude. “It would look a lot better around my cock.” He tries to reach up and touch your lips, but you suck your lips in and turn your head again. His nasty fucking hands aren’t touching shit.
“I said, get the fuck off of me.” Your voice is more stern this time, hoping that somewhere in his fat head he would back off. But nope. Instead, he has the fucking audacity the backhand you, not very hard since he was drunk, but it still made your head turn.
“This is the part where you shut the fuck up, and I fuck you right here on this fucking wall.” He growls into your ear.
“Just leave me alone dude.” You look back up at him. You’ve gotten many worse threats in your line of work. It wasn’t exactly for the weak to be a mercenary.
He scoffs. Oh I’m sorry was that fucking funny? Your face contorts in anger, and just as you're about to go off on him, another voice takes the show.
“She said to leave her the fuck alone.” You look over the asshole's shoulder, and behind him are two men, both were tall and definitely hot that was undeniable. But one was wearing some kind of costume. Red and black with white little eyes
“You dude, and you are not hot enough for a babe like that.” The other guy, the one wearing a costume, makes a circle movement with his hand towards you, and the asshole fucking speaks up again, his voice revolting enough to make you gag again.
“Just mind your own fucking business, cocksuckers.” He turns around on the last word, and you think his nasty mouth is about to touch your lips, but instead his hand collides with the wall next to your head, hard. Then he’s pulled away from you, the larger man had his hand fucking pulling the dudes hair as he threw him to the ground, and you stayed plastered to the wall.
“Wanna keep running your fucking mouth asshole?”
“Uh oh, daddy is not happy.”
“Dude what the fuck! She’s my girlfriend!” Ew what no the fuck you are not.
“No the fuck I ain’t” You chuckle, the alcohol in your body turning it into a giggle, and the man with the beard has his eyes land on you.
“Look dude, say one more word, and I’m just gonna shove this down your throat,” He pulls a gun out of a holster on his costume, “And I’m gonna fucking shoot you.” The asshole finally get up to his knees, then stands up, taking one last look at you before finally fucking leaving.
“Are you alright?” One of the men walked up to you, and you hoped to God he wouldn’t touch you, you felt nasty enough, even if this guy was a fucking God.
“Yea. I’m okay, thank you.” You tell him, taking a step forward and losing your balance still fucking drunk and you fall into the costume dudes arms as he catches you.
“Hope you’re not driving like that.” You shake your head.
“Was gonna walk.” You stand straight again, still wobbly as you do.
“Yea I don’t think so.” Excuse you? “You can barely stand, what makes you think you can walk home, especially with an asshole like that around?” He nods in the direction the drunk man went. You close your eyes for a moment, a ringing sound in your head that makes you wanna puke causing your brain to throb.
“Well, I can’t call an uber, the bouncer broke my phone when he threw me out.” You shrug, and shift a little while standing, causing you to lose your footing again, but this time the costume dude was ready to catch you.
“How about we take you home instead?” The man offers as he holds you, and you can feel the look he gives the bigger man. “Cause Logan, clearly this little bunny can’t walk home, there’s a fox on the loose, haven’t you watched Zootopia?”
“You mean the movie where everything was fine in the end?” Logan asks. “Not the best movie to compare to the situation. But if she would like a ride.” He looks down at you, still being held by the costumed dude. “Then yes Wade, we can take her home.” Wade and Logan.
You nod a little. “That would be awesome, but you guys aren’t like
 serial killers or anything right?” Your words slur a little, and Wade speaks behind you.
“Uhhh well.” He looks up at Logan. “Yes, and no.”
“That works.”
They take you to their car, Wades arm around you as he walks you and helps you into the back of a rusted red pick up truck and you feel your back pocket get lighter as he puts you in, but as soon as the engine starts, your eyes feel heavy, and you fall asleep with your head leaning on a window, only one thought in your mind. They don’t know your address.
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When you wake up, sore you might add. Well, you didn’t expect to wake up. But you do, and you actually shoot up. Realising you’re definitely not in your home for one, and then two you were on a couch, but you relax a little, remembering you didn’t tell the guys your home address last night, and assuming they’d take you home once they woke up, so you lean back, hugging your knees to your chest, your brain throbbing with a headache.
“Do you need anything?” You flinch, one of the men from last night standing next to the couch, only wearing pyjamas, low enough to see his V line but you immediately look away.
“Uh, no. I’m sorry about last night, and I fell asleep before I could
 Tell you my address.” You only just realised how fucking stupid you sounded, making you shrink into yourself.
“You’re alright bunny, figured you could stay here anyways.” Stay? That didn’t sound right.
“Oh, is my little girl awake?” Little fucking girl? You hear Wade's voice, before he’s standing opposite of Logan. Logan on your left, Wade on your right, also only wearing pyjamas. Just with unicorns on them. And your heart starts to panic. Why the fuck would drunk you let this happen? You’d have to talk to yourself later and put yourself down to fucking forgive yourself later. If there is a later.
“She is, looking a lot better too.”
“She looks amazing in my shirt.” What- You look down, you’re wearing a white shirt with a fucking unicorn on it, and only then do you realise you’re also not wearing anything fucking else.
“I better have at least been awake.” You try to lighten the mood, then Logan sits next to you, his hand gently squeezing your thigh.
“You were.”
“For the most part.” Wade adds. But regardless, they still fucking raped you, and you were acting much calmer than you should’ve been.
“And we woke up nice and early, just so you’d be more awake this time.” His finger gently moves a strand of hair out of your face, but that sentence was apparently enough to trigger you, and you start to move off the couch.
“No, I think I’ll actually be going now.” Your voice is higher than normal, and as you stand, Wade has made his way in front of you, and his palm lands on your chest before he pushes you back down.
“It wasn’t a question, peanut.” He tells you, then makes his way down to straddle your lap, and you feel Logan's lips suddenly attach to the skin on your neck, making your eyes widen as you try to lean away from him, but Wade keeps you steady by leaning down and kissing the other side of your neck.
 stop.” You whine, then start to try pushing at him but he’s a fucking brick and he just leans in closer, and you feel Logan bite you gently as you start to struggle.
“Just relax, let us take care of you. It’s the least you can do considering we helped you last night.” Wade tells you, getting off of you and picking you up with a vice grip as he carries you away from the couch and Logan follows, getting on top of you the second you’re thrown onto a bed. Fuck, fuck, fuck. You’d already be fighting these assholes if you knew you would be able to, but they’d probably be able to snap you like a fucking twig.
“Oh, fuck.” A moan escapes your throat as Logan moves down and you leave your thoughts as he sucks your clit into his lips gently before licking your hole, Wade crawling on top of you, his own lips attaching to yours. And it was already too much.
Wade sucks the fucking life out of you with the most starven kiss you have ever fucking experienced, leaving you breathless as Logan worked on making you cum, at some point causing you to moan into Wades mouth as he pumps his fingers into you. And you were sure you looked a fucking mess with Wades hickeys decorating your neck in purple and red marks on your hips from the fucking grip hes had on you, trying to keep your hips steady as you tried to rock yourself against Logan, coming closer to your finish with every second that passed.
And finally as you do cum, your moans silenced in Wades lips, you hear Logan say something, but you don’t hear it as you finally get to catch your breath, Wades mouth leaving yours before he sits up, wasting no time as he leans back against the bedframe with your back against his front, and you feel his hands moving around as he’s making you straddle him before he pushes himself into you with no warning, erupting another moan from your lips as he pulls you back against his chest, and your left to watch Logan as he also his removes his cock from his pants and it hits his stomach as he kneels in front of you. Whispering shit you could barely hear into your ear but it still makes you whine as his lips touch yours, kissing you like he fucking hated you before his hands took hold of your thighs, the lack of recent movement helping you think.
“You sure we’ll both fit?” You hear Wade behind you, but you still aren’t conscious enough to even comprehend the meaning behind his words.
“I’ll make sure we do.” Was all Logan said before moving you with Wade still inside of you, him moving with you until you’re both comfortable and Logan's fingers making their way back into your cunt, stretching you impossibly further. “You’re being such a good fucking girl.” and “Can’t believe you tried telling us no.” Were only words that fell on your deft ears.
A sort of scream erupting from your throat as he gets closer to you, trying to push into you and you swear you feel something warm trickle down between your bodies as he manages to shove himself inside of you, you assume it’s blood, considering your current fucking position as Logan pulls out a little, then slams back into you, causing another scream to come from your throat, tears starting to fall from your eyes and your hands move up to Logans shoulders as you try to push him off of you.
“Hey, hey.” He groans, but his voice is soft as his hands move up to hold your face, squishing your cheeks a little as he stares into your eyes, his look was almost comforting and it probably would’ve soothed you more if you were being fucking torn in half. “Just breathe okay.” He mumbles slightly, his lips hovering over yours as he gently runs small circles over the sensitive spot under your ear, slowly pushing the rest of himself inside of you, but it’s not as painful as your breathing matches his, eventually, after feeling him move a little more inside of you, the pain does go away. “See? It’s gonna feel so good, just relax.” He tells you, then you feel Wades hips begin to jerk, slower than Logan’s as they both fuck you, Logan’s pace eventually picking up, and Wade takes his turn to whisper into your ears, but you don’t hear it. Your body feeling tired and stressed as they both violate you.
With Logan kissing you, and Wades sweet words, eventually you do reach your edge, moaning into Logan’s mouth as they feel your walls tighten around them, groans emitting from both of their throats as you’re still sandwiched between them.
Then the room is filled with moans, yours being the loudest, then they both move, and you feel hollow without them inside of you, but worry crosses your eyes as you see a trail of blood leave you as Logan pulls out, and Wade lifts you gently off of him. Placing you down next to him and you look stupid out of your mind as you immediately lean down on his shoulder, your eyes fluttering closed but you see Logan pulling his pyjamas back up as he moves to sit on your other side, kissing the top of your head.
“Can we keep her?” Wade asks him.
“Yes, we can keep her.”
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orphicdreamers-wp · 9 months
Girl Of My Dreams — Mat Barzal
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Summary: In which Mat Barzal inadvertently falls for the oldest Hughes sibling and her brothers aren’t happy.
Content Warning; Taylor swift 1989 isn’t by Tay(its by reader) Mentions of University of Alabama (reader went there) Trevor Zegras being hopelessly in love with reader. Readers social media face claim is Addison Rae bc idc she’d clear as a WAG for a athlete.
Pairing: Mat Barzal x Hughes! Reader.
Mat would be lying if he said he didn’t sneak glances at the announcers box after meeting you. You had been carrying a plate of food and two margaritas to your booth where your friends sat. Tito had made a joke about you seeming familiar then the pair heard your voice and knew, “Alright now, eat up because y’all are bumming me out.” Mat’s jaw slacked, “He’d known that the Islanders had gotten a new game announcer who was a girl but he wouldn’t have known it was you. You were effortlessly stunning, you had captivated the attention of every straight man in the bar. Mat had approached you as you sat at the bar, “I’m Mat, can I buy you a drink?”
You grinned and spoke, southern accent slipping out, “I’m Y/N, I mean Barzy after the way you played last game? You better buy me a drink. ‘Yknow how many hate comments my broadcast got?” Mat grinned as the bartender approached you, “Another Corona Light and whatever she’s having on me.” You grinned sheepishly, “I’m fucking with you. I’ve heard worse.” Mat grinned, “So now would probably be a shitty time to ask you out?” You smiled at him, “Maybe not.” Mat smiled, “If I may, your not from New York are you? Where are you from?” You grinned, “I grew up in Toronto with my 3 younger brothers and moved to Alabama for college and been in New York for a few months now.” Mat grinned, “Well welcome to New York beautiful.” That was a year and a half ago. You still hadn’t told your brothers who your boyfriend was, just that his name was Mathew. Until your album release came creeping in and you wanted to go public with Mat.
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ynhughes; my album ‘1997’ is now streaming! thank you for all your support(especially the bf, ‘slut’ and ‘suburban legends’ are 4 us)
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barzal97: celebrating you is my favorite pastime. i have never met someone who people gravitate towards more than you. you are by far the most wonderfully amazing woman i know. it is a privilege to say i love youđŸ€Ž this past year or so has changed my life. you make living easy and so so much better. i can’t wait to see what the future has in store for you.
trevorzegras: alexa play that should be me💔💔
ynhughes: forever in awe of you mathew barzal. amazed a gal like me is lucky enough to be adored by youđŸ€Ž
oliviarodrigo; THEY HIT THE PENTAGON!! @conangray
>conangray; told you it was them i saw at radio music hall!
ny_islanders; our roman empire is all the sweet posts for to y/n todayđŸ„čđŸ„č
sydneyemartin: brb crying. the purest people in the world. so grateful my girls get to grow up seeing a love this pure that isn’t their parents.
>ynhughes: we adore your girls more than words can express.
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_quinnhughes: my biggest inspiration is out here killing it. in awe of you everyday sissyđŸ„č thank you for being my best friend from day 1
ynhughes: in a puddle of tears quinny. thank you for always being on my side, even when im wrong.
sabrinacarpenter; hockey players making me ugly sob wasn’t on my 2023 bingo card
elhughes; my first babiesđŸ„č extremely emotional over you all today
>_quinnhughes: we love you momma💕
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jackhughes: 1997 reasons to love my meanie head sister, i guess her bf’s alright
ynhughes: i love you little brat, come visit me and mat!!
>jackhughes: will do, sissyđŸ«Ą
trevorzegras: i can’t believe she won’t date me 😞😞
>ynhughes: buck up z, your way too young for me. perfect age for @sabrinacarpenter tho!
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lukehughes: the worlds best big sister came out with the best album to date
ynhughes; really feeling the hughes love train today, i need to plan for all of us to be together soon! so y’all can meet Mat!
etnow; this just in; the Hughes brothers have brought tears to my eyes supporting their sister
barzal97: the third picture is actually the most accurate representation of your sister now
>lukehughes; always messing with those darn cats! even if they are on the side of the street.
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daisyblog · 6 months
Uncle Louis
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Our Story Masterlist Summary: Louis meets Grace for the first time.
From the moment Louis learnt that his sister and Harry were having a baby, he longed for the day he meets his little niece. He loved Lucky and Olive, and he couldn’t wait to feel the feeling all over again. 
He had asked not to see any photos of the new arrival as he wanted to meet the little one without seeing her little face first. So once he knew YN and Harry were back home and settled as their new little family, he went to see them. 
Louis immediately congratulated Harry as he walked through their front door, pulling him into a brotherly hug. 
When Louis arrived, he was met with YN lounging in the living room and the tiniest baby cuddled into her chest. “Oh my fo-“. Louis stopped the swear word from spilling. “She’s so small!”. 
“She’s like a little doll!” YN smiled down at her little baby, rubbing her back gently. A habit she had quickly picked up. “Do you want a cuddle?”. 
Louis sat down next to YN, his eyes still attached to the little baby that he now got to call his niece. “Of course I do!”. YN gently moved so she could place her little girl into her brother’s arms. “‘ello
you’re so tiny”. Louis smiled down at the newborn. “You look just like your Mummy!”.
“Harry said that when she was born” YN explained as she remembered their conversation after she was born. “He said she looks like Mum too”.
Louis let out a sad smile. “I can see Mum too
I just didn’t want to say incase it made you upset”.
“It brings me comfort
yah know to think I can see Mum’s face again”. YN reassured him as they both look at the sleeping baby, who was still content in her uncle’s arms. 
Harry returned to the room, with three mugs of tea in his hands. He smiled at the sight of his daughter cuddled up in Louis’ arms. “Suits you Lou!”. He teased, earning a “fook off Harold!”.
The three spent the afternoon chatting, drinking tea and being absolutely obsessed with the new arrival. But Louis realised he hadn’t heard them mention and it began to make him curious.
“So has this little beauty got a name?”. Louis looked between his sister and Harry as they shared a cheeky grin. 
“She does.” YN smiled innocently at her brother, not giving anything away. 
Louis looked for any signs on the newborn clothing or something in the room but he was still clueless. “Are you gonna tell me?”.
There was a short pause before YN gave in a revealed their daughter’s name. “Meet Grace Johannah Robyn Styles!”.
YN and Harry noticed Louis swallow harshly, almost like he was trying to hold his emotions back but he was quick to wipe away a single tear from his cheek. He looked down at Grace in his arms and was completely overwhelmed at how much thought had gone into her name. 
“I love it
and I love you both for giving her a thoughtful name”. Louis complimented the special name. 
“They are all special people
who will always be with us”. Harry kept his focus on his daughter, as he thought about the three people they had lost. 
“They’re all proud of you
and so am I!” Louis’ voice was emotional, a slight tremble to it. “Especially you”. He spoke directly to YN. “You make me extra proud”. 
Tears streamed down YN’s cheeks at his words. Harry wrapping his arms around her to comfort her. “I couldn’t ask for a better Mum for our Gracie!”. Harry kissed the top of her head as she wiped away her tears. 
“You two need to stop, I’m going to flood this place”. YN tried to hold back more tears from falling. But in true YN style she managed to make them both laugh, with her lack of care to what she said. “I need my baby back
before my boobs do a milk explosion!”.
“Welcome to the family Grace!”. 
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liked by louist91, gemmastyles, and 2,778,932 others
ynstyles Cuddles with Uncle Louis❀ View all 11,451 comments
annetwist Aww how precious đŸ„°
lottietomlinson best uncle đŸ«¶đŸŒ
marktommo1111 A special photo❀
louteasdale đŸ„č
mrsemily.deakin Doris and Ernie can’t wait to visitđŸ„°â€ïž ⌞ ynstyles Can’t wait to see them and Grace is excited for her cuddles with her Auntie and Uncle đŸ€
niallhoran I hope there’s some left for me xx ⌞ ynstyles Always! Can’t wait to see you xx
louist91 Missing her already!!xx
thephoebetomlinson the best uncle to our girls and lucky❀
louisfan MY HEART ❀❀❀
1Dfan4 too much cuteness
harryfan8 Grace is so lucky having Harry as her Dad and Louis as an uncle!!!
Tag List:
@pansexualwitchwhoneedstherapy @harrys-flower @platinumbarbie143 @frickin-bats @harrysbbyh0ney @chronicallybubbly @goldensunflowe-r  @walkingintheheartbreaksatellite @kaverichauhan @peterholland04 @panicattheuc @or-was-it-just-a-dream @hittiesontour @bunnyharold @fanfictioncafe @lilfreakjez @iamahallucinationnn @theekyliepage @indierockgirrl @buckybarnessimpp @ashleighsss @jerseygirlinca @fake-coolbeans @itsmytimetoodream @treehouse-mouse
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cowboybarzy · 8 months
unexpected with baby’s first all star game? đŸ„č
loving the baby myla requests!! I have another one coming soon!!!
wc: 1.1k
cw: mentions of sex, lowkey hating on Justin Bieber (sorry not sorry), babies
part of the unexpected series
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"How much do you want to bet Mat is going to change his wallpaper from Myla to that picture of him and Justin hugging?," Liana asked you as you walked back to your hotel after the NHL All Star Draft. Mat got elected to play for team Matthews, which Justin Bieber was the coach for. And Mat was a big fan of his. He hadn't shut up about him being there for days and contemplated for weeks about what he'd say to him if he met him.
"He better not," you replied, kissing your daughter's head who was fast asleep in her carrier. "$50."
She laughed and accepted the bet. At the hotel, you put Myla to bed, who would be spending the night with her grandparents while you, Liana, and Mat spent the night at the after party.
"There he is." Mat's eyes lit up in excitement when he saw you and threw his arms around you, kissing your cheek with a lot of force.
"I'm on his fucking team," Mat yelled over the loud music, his arms still tight around your middle as he lifted you in the air. You shook your head with laughter and embraced the kiss he pressed to your lips.
The night consisted of some good music, some fun people, and you and Mat enjoying a rare night out. And Mat showed how much he loved that time with you, as he never let go of you. Not once did his hand leave your back, your hand, your shoulder, whichever body part he was holding on to, not to go get a drink, to chat with his friends, and definitely not when he pulled you into a dance. That high continued throughout the night and into the very early morning. You couldn't waste those precious moments the two of you had alone and in a fancy hotel room like this one the NHL had set you up in, oh things got spicy.
But as much as you had loved spending the night enjoying jut each others company, you were both over the moon when you picked Myla up from her grandparents' room the next morning and brought her back to your bed for a slow morning before Mat had to get back hockey.
"Hi, baby girl." Mat's morning voice was deep and raspy and made you want to bring your baby right back to her grandparents to slip back under the covers with him. But cuddling with your baby under the sheets was a different kind of satisfaction that you loved just as much.
Mat pressed kissed to her cheeks that had gotten a lot chubbier when she started eating solid food a couple of months ago, making her laugh uncontrollably. She loved to eat. Anything you cooked her she'd eat. And tons of it. Just like her dad. But you were also still breastfeeding her, a sweet bonding moment for the two of you.
The room service Mat had ordered while you were off getting Myla came soon after while you were feeding her, so Mat set up the trays for you in bed. Though eating breakfast in bed with an 8 months old turned out to be more of a hassle than the slow morning you'd envisioned. She was crawling all over the huge bed, trying to throw herself off the mattress every couple of minutes or getting her little fingers in your food, dirtying the sheets. But you live and you learn and you definitely learned that what had once been your favorite way to spend the morning may have to be delayed until she was older.
"Here, do you want some avocado?" You handed your daughter a slice of avocado which you picked from your toast, when Mat finally pulled her into his lap. She accepted gladly, shoving it into her mouth. As you continued eating, you watched Mat interact with Myla, who was making silly faces and noises to make her laugh. But he was the one to laugh when she held up that chewed up piece of avocado to his lips. He made a disgusted face, but he could resist her offer of sharing and bit off a piece of the slice, swallowing quickly.
The rest of the morning was over a lot sooner than you wanted and before you knew it Mat was back at the rink and you barely saw him for the rest of the day. You cheered him on during the skills competition for as long as you could before Myla was over it and you took her back to the hotel room.
The next day was basically a repeat of the previous day, only really seeing Mat when he got back from the game. He slipped under the sheets with you, gladly letting you congratulate him for the amazing weekend he had.
When you were cuddling watching TV a bit later and Mat reached for his phone, something caught your eye. "Mathew." You practically ripped his phone out of his hands and locked it to inspect his lock screen. Your jaw dropped in disbelief and you jumped to your knees. "Mathew!"
"What?," he asked confused then yelped when you lightly slapped his naked chest. He threw his arms up in confusion, so you turned the phone around to face him to show him his lock screen. You could not believe it. You couldn't believe that he had actually changed his wallpaper from a sweet picture of baby Myla to one of him and Justin Bieber.
"What?," he asked again, but this time grinning. "So cool, right?"
"No! You abandoned your daughter for him?" Needless to say you weren't Justin's biggest fan. His music was alright but as a person you weren't a fan of him.
"I did not abandon her! You're so dramatic." He rolled his eyes laughing at you and took his phone back. "It's just a picture and I'll change it back in a few days."
"You better pay me those $50," you said pointing at him, before laying back down beside him.
"What $50?"
"Liana bet me $50 that that is exactly what you would do. That you'd change your wallpaper to that picture. But I had faith in you!" Mat laughed beside you, then pressed a kiss to your cheek.
"You're so dramatic," he chuckled. "I'll change it back."
Once you felt like he'd kissed and sweet talked you enough to make up for it, you grabbed your phone to text Liana.
You: I owe you $50
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pablitogavii · 1 year
bring back gavi prank wars omg I miss those sm đŸ„č
I miss them too!! So here we go!!
I don’t wanna kiss right now!
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You were watching one of Pablo’s recovery trainings since your school ended early and you wanted to see your boy.
“Your girl is here Pablito” Frenkie told him pointing to you walking and sitting next to Mikky touching her ever growing pregnant belly.
Pablo smiled running to greet you smiling when he saw you looking at your friends pregnant belly. He knew how happy you were for her just like he was for Frenkie.
“Amor!! What are you doing here Nena!?l Pablo came to the fence and you giggled getting to your feet and about to run down to meet him.
“Don’t forget the prank!” Mikky whispered and you giggled nodding your head and walking to Pablo finally who was already puckering his lips bless his heart. You knew how much he loved your kisses so you thought this prank might be fun to pull on your boy.
“I don’t want to kiss right now amor..” you say and he pouts but doesn’t think much of this thinking you were probably shy because everyone including his coaches was there.
“Wanna get food after the training? Did you drive?” He asked and you told him you took an Uber which he liked cause he wanted to drive you for some lunch and then take you home to cuddle. It’s all he craved after a long training

“Mhm. Go play now! They’re waiting for you!’ You say and he smiled moving closer by climbing on the fence as your face blushed from his closeness.
“And we can kiss all night when we’re alone then??” He whispers and you felt your cheeks head up and you nodded which was all you could do in that moment.
“Perfecto!” He kissed your cheek before you could complain running away as you returned to the girls. He was so cute and you knew this was gonna be hard to keep up for long! You love his kisses just as much!!!
When you were eating at the restaurant, Pablo kept looking at your lips longingly and it was getting so hard not to kiss him right now! Damn it! You already hated this prank!
"Can I have a bite of yours amor?" he asked adorably and you giggled nodding your head taking some meat from your plate and putting it into his mouth. After chewing it he puckered his lips wanting a kiss but you shook your head which made him pout.
"Not now amor.." you say continuing to eat your meat like it was nothing and he thought it was because you were eating although starting to get a little curious as to why you cared all of the sudden.
"I missed you so much princesa.." Pablo spoke up while driving you both home and you smiled nodding your head as you noticed that he was staring at your lips again while red light was on.
"And I missed kissing you too..soo much" he whined but you shook your head again which now was making him frustrated.
"Porqueeee!!??" he said but then the light changed and you were saved by the bell. He just continued to drive getting grumpy that you wouldn't kiss him already!
When you came home, first thing he said was "we're alone! now kiss me!" but you kept fidning excuses.
First it was to drink some water cause you were very thirsty, then you rushed to take a shower, then you were talking to your mom on the phone while laying in bed with Pablo.
He loves your family and they love him but right now he wanted you all for himself so he kept asking 'how much longer?' like a needy baby. He knows it is hard that your parents live so far away and you don't see them much but he also craved all your attention after such a long day.
When you hung up, Pablo was so excited reaching for some lip balm on his nightstand which made you internally scream thinking it was adorable that he wanted to smoothen his lips just to kiss you.
"I'm so tireddd.." you yawned and he shook his head pulling your body easily since you were tiny and weak compared to his muscular self and you ended up on top of him as he desperately tried to kiss your lips but you wouldn't let him moving your face around.
"Amor stopp! I wanna kiss you!!" he tried catching your lips but it was difficult as you giggled and kept moving around.
"Why won't you let me kiss you muñeca!?" he said and you blush looking away from his eyes knowing they are your biggest weakness.
" I don't want to kiss right now amor.." you repeated for god knows what time today but he wasn't taking it anymore. He knew something was wrong because you loved his kisses and he loved giving them to you.
"Are you mad at me?? What did I do?" he said and you moved to lay on your side but he was quick to nuzzle into your neck pulling you into himself and not letting you go.
"I'm not mad..I just don't want to kiss" you kept an act although you were giggling now and he started to catch that something was fishy.
"Since when!? You would kiss all over my face every time I would come home from work??" he reminded you and you rolled your eyes now desperately wanting to do just that but keeping your act in check.
"Not anymore..." you challenged and that made Pablo crazy pulling you down and hover above youmoving your hair behind your ear.
"No..don't stop kissing me please..I..um..I love it so much princesa" he said and you could tell he was sincere and you were done with this pranks anyways.
"You're so cute.." you say and he was about to beg again thinking you will say 'no' but then he was confused looking down at you with raised eyebrows before focusing on your lips biting his. Damn it Pablo!! When your eyes met and you nodded, he knew it was alright so he leaned down kissing you passionately for several minutes and it was pure heaven.
"You've..kiss..been..kiss..pranked..kiss..again..kiss kiss kiss..Pablito" you giggled not able to complete that sentence easily because he just kept kissing you constantly satisfying his craving.
"Mmm I hate you princesa!!" he said still with his lips resting against your and you giggled snaking your hands around his neck and pulling you down as your lips met again..there was a lot of kissing left to make up 😉
Hope you like! PRANK WARS are BACK!! ❀❀❀
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smooth-perceval · 1 year
“My love, my life.”
“I’m just a guy who drinks tea.”
Max Verstappen x Fem!Reader
Max Corner
Summary: [Max and reader crossed the line in their 3 year friendship, resulting in 2 positive pregnancy test. And 1 baby on the way.]
Reader finally forgives Lando for being a bad friend, Max finally decided what he wants- if only the reader wants that.
Warnings: 18+ little bit of idk pre-smut or just some ‘steamy scenes’, angst, pregnancy, swearing, some heavy flirting, Google translate?, no proof read.
Key: Y/N (your name), Y/L/N (your last name)
Word count: 3,783
A/N: I honestly just wanna thank use for the love on each of my post, it means so much đŸ–€ I’m not the greatest writer in the world, hell I even make myself cringe at things I write
 and how I write them but the love I’ve received is just so lovely đŸ„č Thank you đŸ–€ again movie quotes I think- đŸ„Č
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**Two weeks 3 days later**
The two boys stuck to what I said, they kept no contact with me
 It hurt, hurt like hell that they really didn’t keep in touch, I didn’t expect them to really leave me solo- but here we are.
Slowly the whole situation became more real, I have my first private scan in 4 days- and I did feel joyous. It’s not the greatest situation, but I’m having a baby.
Truthfully the thought always brings a smile to my face, wether I’ve got Max and Lando or not. I’ve always got this baby. And that’s more exciting than anything.
The shock and tears stopped the minute I shut the door on them two boys. I knew I had to be stronger than this for my baby. And I was adamant on not letting some stupid boys bring me down in the process, I was going to do this. And I was going to be perfect, all alone.
My parents are both thrilled for me, not the entire situation
 but happy for the news, which gave me the motivation I needed. I had my two parents and this little baby, I had more than enough to do this, okay my parents live back in England
 but it’ll be fine.
I’ll be honest
 this is my mind 24/7, reassuring myself I can do this- with or without Max’s assistance. It was a painful torture
 especially when the devil on my shoulder was whispering anything but hope in my ear, telling me everyday this is going to be the struggle of a lifetime without Max
 This would last for hours before the perfect little angel would shut him up, and reassure my mind that I was a mother now, and all mothers are strong, and that everything was going to be okay.
I was sitting down eating my dinner, when my phone rang out, making me jump slightly. A contact I wasn’t expecting flashing on the screen, followed by a message I wasn’t sure I’d receive.
“Landiniho đŸŽïžâ€
Please read this.
I’m sorry I haven’t been in contact, I thought it’s best to leave you be- as I wasn’t the greatest friend. What your doing is incredible- and if anything after the way Max reacted, I should’ve realised then you needed a friend than some idiot screaming because he wasn’t told a secret- I’m sorry from the bottom of my heart, I don’t want our friendship to feel like nothing to you, because it means the whole world to me
 Please forgive me.
P.S: don’t give my uncle rights to Carlos please.
P.P.S: I’m so proud of you.
Love Lan x
Could I help the smile that broke out on my face? No, it’s Lando. Was I still mad at him
 again no. He was just reacting in a way any friend would if their pal didn’t tell a secret. It hurt how he reacted sure
 but he still my friend.
Typing a message back I sighed clicking onto Max’s contact
 still reading the last message he sent
“Maxiiii 🩁”
“Hope your feeling better Schat. Me and the idiot will be round after quali x ” (Darling)
My phone sounded again multiple times, I clicked on Lando’s notification, laughing to myself at the spam messages.
“Landiniho đŸŽïžâ€
Your how far?!
I haven’t been there

I’m sorry, are you getting an early scan?
I’d love to come?!
I’m trying to make it up to you for being a shitty friend x
Messaging him back I confirmed the scan date, time and location. Was he forgiven easily, yes. So easily, but it gave me some sense of relief knowing he cares.
The scan was a day before he had to fly out to Canada, but he was adamant on being there, meaning he had to fly from Barcelona, back to Monaco then to Canada. Which only made me feel guilty at the insane amount of effort. I’m glad I got Lando back, truthfully the sun didn’t shine without him.
The days had passed, nothing major happening, Max still hadn’t reached out, and as the days went on I was pulling myself further away from him, not wanting any association with him.
I was getting ready for my scan and my phone signalled, Lando reminding me of the appointment, he had kept in touch a lot
 he really was apologetic, and I’m so glad he reached out cause it sure did dull the devil on my shoulder. He wasn’t so loud anymore

Lando messaged last night when he arrived back in Monaco telling me he had arrived and that he would see me in the morning. I couldn’t help but feel a sense of relief, Max or no Max I had someone. I missed Max. Missed him a ton
 even if whatever we did was a ‘mistake’ just having him as a best friend, someone I could talk to- I missed just him. It’s a different vibe with Max,
With Max it was late nights curled on the sofa, gossiping about paddock life, a glass of wine in hand and soft touches that we both swore was innocent, we just had another level of connection- someone who understood myself on a different level.
Lando on the other hand? It was hectic- spur of the moment kind of things, he would call at random times of the day telling me we are going somewhere and expect me to be ready- it was always an adventure! It was always a laugh and joke between two friends.
Two different vibes, with two different outcomes- my brain doesn’t function without Lando’s random calls, however my heart aches without Max’s teasing smiles and lingering touch
 I was really in deep.
I was waiting around in the parking lot, legs jittering around nervously trying to spot Lando’s car anywhere, waiting only for a few more minutes before heading inside and checking myself in. I hadn’t heard from him for a few hours and he hadn’t respond to any messages
 which only led me thinking he had to go somewhere else- which is fine, his a busy guy

There was still no sign of him- and I was now getting called into the office, sighing with defeat I got up shuffling in. That little flicker of hope burning out- all I needed was a friend today

Me and the nurse was going through a few documents, and details to cover about the pregnancy, before she asked me to go behind the curtain and remove my bottoms and underwear, placing a sheet over myself, then requesting for me lay down on the bed while she got her equipment ready. The door rattled slightly from a soft knock, causing us both to look up.
“Sorry- two minutes.” The nurse smiled apologetically before getting up and opening the door slightly and stepping outside.
Within a few seconds the door was opened again by the nurse and following behind was him.
Max- he had a cap on and was holding onto some sunglasses I guess he is calling that his “disguise” some dark blue jeans and a casual white t-shirt.
Mouth hung open I stared at him, sitting up on the bed. Ensuring the sheet was still covering myself. “What are you doing here?”
“Lando said you had an scan
“I haven’t heard from you in weeks.” I angrily whispered, I felt a rage in me all of a sudden to bite this man’s head of. Yet grab him and hold him tight and thank him for being here.
With his head hung low he stepped closer, giving the nurse a small smile. “Maybe we discuss all of that stuff after this?
” glancing back and fourth between me and the nurse.
And once again in defeat I sunk back onto the bed turning my head away from him. The little flicker of light burned in my chest, and I couldn’t help the small smile
 it’s a good thing I had my head turned so he couldn’t see what he was doing to me.
Giving me hope again.
“Where’s Lando?” Mumbling I watched as the nurse started preparing everything.
“I- I asked him if he could wait out there.”
Nodding my head in acknowledgement the nurse then looked up smiling.
“Are you ready? It may feel a little cold- but it shouldn’t cause any discomfort, if it does just let me know straight away.”
Nodding my head again I smiled a little glancing over at the screen, trying to find any form of distraction.
Taking a sharp in- breath at the coldness of the gel, the nurse laughed a little apologising once again. She was right there was no discomfort, the room was silent as we was all watching the screen waiting for any sign of the baby.
 there is your baby.” Pointing up at the screen, the picture showing what looked to be a small bean.
Resting my head back onto the pillow in a happy daze, I caught a glance over at Max, who was leaning over slightly watching the screen. As if it was out of instinct his hand clasped onto mine in a tight grip, like he needed reassurance for himself. Some form of clarity.
Squeezing his hand back, he broke his gaze looking straight at me, eyes shining with threatening tears, and as quick as he looked at me, he looked back at the screen.
“I’ll just go get the scan printed for you both-” The nurse disposed of the equipment before excusing herself, I untangled my hand from Max’s and held the sheet heading back behind the curtain getting dressed, nervously I shuffled back out from behind the curtain Max now sitting down hands covering his mouth, as if he is understanding the situation properly now.
“We really are having a baby
” his voice was barely audible above a whisper. Humming with a small smile more for myself. I finally got to see my baby- it seems so real now

Tilting his head up He reached over taking my hand pulling me closer, nearly tumbling over my own feet.
“I’m so sorry.” He mumbled wrapping his arms around my waist head flushed against my stomach.
“It’s okay-”I whisper back, rubbing the top off his back before pulling away. My hands moved to his face wiping his spilled tears.
“I shouldn’t have jumped to conclusions I was just terrified-” sighing he looked down at the floor, breathing in and out slowly.
“You wasn’t the only one- I was scared to even tell you.. I didn’t exactly tell you in the greatest way
“Well it wasn’t my best reaction, it’s been eating me alive for these past few weeks how bad I acted
Shrugging I look away, taking a seat in the doctors chair next to him “Water under the bridge
 just glad you and Lando are both back. Even for a day.” Nudging his shoulder he smiled a little, taking my hand once again.
“You got me for a lifetime now.” Laughing a little I hummed rolling my eyes. “Lucky me.”
Both thanking the nurse, and leaving her office Max’s hand was gently placed at the bottom of my back, like a guidance, and in his other hand he was holding the scan photo’s looking at them with a smile on his face.
The wind was nearly took out of me, when Lando practically jumped onto me hugging me tight.
“I’ve missed you.” Letting out a huff, with a little laughter I hugged him back tight. “I missed you too.” He quickly pulled away taking the scan photos from Max walking ahead of us both to the exit.
“Why does it look like rice?” Both shaking our heads we followed behind.
“Because it’s early stages Lan.” Laughing I had a little run catching up with him. “About a month and the baby will start developing little arms and legs!” Linking my arms with his, Max trailing next to us both. I reached my other arm around Max’s linking him as well, pulling both of them closer.
Max followed me back to my place, Lando was complaining that he had to go get some more sleep before his flight in the morning. Leaving us both in the car park and the screeching sound of his tires as he pulled away.
“Did you want tea or anything
?” I poked my head out the kitchen looking over at Max.
“I don’t like tea
“What kind of person doesn’t like tea?” I smiled teasingly at him. Shaking my head I trailed back into the kitchen. He laughed lightly following me into the kitchen standing in the doorway.
“A person called Max” he hummed crossing his arms, I spare him a glance, a small smile playing on my lips. In silence I made a tea and offered Max a bottled water, placing his across the kitchen island, me sitting down on the opposite side.
“I’m sorry again, for everything I said.”
“I said don’t worry-”
“No- it wasn’t fair on me to shift blame
 if anything it was my fault we was in that situation.” Moving his drink aside, he leaned down on the counter hands clasped together.
Smiling a little, cheeks slightly red at the faint memory. “If I remember it was both of ours
“No.” Moving around the counter, I turned on the stool, him now standing in front of me, lost in his own thoughts.
“I knew what I wanted as soon as I crossed that finish line.” Max stared down at me, his mind looked like it was turning, like he was trying to understand himself.
“The night ended with just a slice of what I was thinking about when I got out that car and see you standing there, smiling at me. With that smile of yours
 that pretty smile...” he was mumbling words, it was as if he was in a trance, his hand moving up to my face letting his thumb swipe my bottom lip slightly before tucking a strand of hair behind my ear.
I was frozen in place- scared to act on my thoughts
 I didn’t want the same feeling I’ve had these past three weeks of no Max, I’d rather hold back.
“So this was all planned
“Not exactly planned
 I was planning on telling you the truth
” mumbling he looked down at my hands that were fiddling around on my lap. “It was just me telling you without words-” once again my face burned red at the thought of what we got up to 3 weeks ago.
“You can’t tell me you don’t feel the same?” Looking back up at me he quirked a brow- like he was taunting me for words.
“Ah-” Cutting me off, he stepped between my legs caging me against the island arms either side as he held onto the counter, his head had ducked slightly, trying to level with me.
“Do you, or do you not?” Shaking my head quickly, not trusting my voice, I already knew my body had given every motion for him to continue, from the way I was biting my lip, to even leaning in so our chest are nearly touching.
Humming to himself in disapproval, his hand grazed over my hip, dancing up my stomach and resting on the centre of my chest, “Your heart says different
” his eyes followed his hands as they slowly roamed my body. My body was reacting to every little touch. Telling him to continue even if I said anything different.
His fingers brushed above my heart again as he tapped his finger to the racing heart beat. “You don’t feel the same?” He didn’t even need an answer from me to know how I was feeling- I’m sure even my eyes speak for themselves.
” whispering I looked down at his hand removing the one from my chest. “I invited you for tea
” subconsciously my tongue darted out licking my bottom lip as I looked back up at him.
Raising his eyebrows a small smile playing on his lips, I tugged at his other hand removing it from my hip,clearing my throat.
“And you, don’t can’t do relationships.”
As quickly as I removed him he was back on me- like a lion stalking it prey. His lips trying to kiss every inch of my face, and as much as I was trying to hold back- I failed
 my hands gripped onto his bicep and shoulder, head slowly falling back as his lips trailed down my neck whispering sweet nothings.
“You’ve stated what you think I can’t do and not what you want.”
“I don’t want something that you can’t do.” He placed a soft kiss behind my ear, making me only bite my bottom lip- trying not to give myself away any more than I have

“Maybe I can.”
“I don’t want if, buts and maybes. I want absolutes.” Gulping, closing my eyes. I let out a shaky breath, my hands slowly moving to his chest, before I pushed him back gently.
We was both now staring at each other, breathing heavily, like it was our last.
Covering my face with my hands I stood up, my fingers combed through my hair as I left the kitchen wandering to the living room, my hands finally resting in my hips I turned to Max, who as always was following behind me.
It was awkward
 the energy was still basking on lust- and me and Max just didn’t know how to use our words.
“I should go
” clearing his throat, scratching the back of his head he looked down and the floor.
“Maybe it’s for the best
” I whispered it, only because it was a lie. The silence overcoming us again.
“Right-” he moved his hands to be clasped together in front of his trousers- hiding anything to show for the little break in the kitchen. Shuffling his feet slowly he moved down the hallway to the door, quickly pulling his shoes back on.
 did you want to take one of the scan photos
 you don’t have to?” Tilting my head slightly, I could barely hear myself let alone his response over my pounding heart.
I only knew what he said by the nod of his head that followed, I quickly ran to my bag in the lounge grabbing one of the scans and bringing it back to him holding it out.
Smiling a little he pinched the other corner of the photo- both scared once again to go near each other. Max was looking back down at the scan photo as he took it from me, the smile on his face only wider.
“That’s our bab-”
I couldn’t tell you what came over me- I just needed to kiss him- even if it was a last- his lips had kissed everywhere on my face today- but my lips, and they craved the sensation so terribly.
I practically jumped onto him arms around his neck- and it’s now I thank heavens for his quick reaction, I probably would’ve slid back down him if he hadn’t reacted. The scan photo getting caught between our colliding chest, both his arms were fasted tightly around my waist holding myself in the air-
Our lips felt as if they’re moulding together, both hungry, desperate, lustful.
I felt his hands slide from my waist down to the backs of my thighs tugging them up around him, before he moved back along the hall to the lounge. Both giving feather kisses, my hands tugging the end of his hair softly. He couched slightly placing me on the arm of the sofa before pulling himself back slowly.
The picture now fell from between us and we both looked down at it before he picked it back up placing it on the coffee table.
No words needed to be said, his hands were supporting me as he placed soft kisses back on my lips, and with every kiss we slowly fell back onto the sofa, Max climbing further up, one knee between my legs the other practically hanging off the sofa holding him up slightly.
And in silent agreement we both started undressing each other, as if it was the first time again. Both awed by the sight of one another.
As always, Max looked heavenly, his hair was disheveled from my fingers running through, his eyes were a bright blue filled with lust and adoration, the apples of his cheeks were flushed red
 his toned body was warm to the touch. He always is perfect.
Moving closer his soft, wet kisses were making their way down my exposed chest, feeling him smiling against my skin after every kiss he placed. Mumbling things like-
“So perfect
“My pretty girl.”
“My schat” (darling)
I felt as if I was floating, if this is what heaven feels like I want it everyday.
I said once before- heaven wouldn’t accept two sinners. And there’s no way I could stop from sinning now- if it meant locking me up in the depths of hell I would happily dance myself down to the gates only if I can have Max devouring every inch of my body like he was.
He worshipped my body, and took me on highs I don’t even remember either of us reaching the last time we ended up in such positions.
When all was said and done, our bodies heaved with exhaustion, Max still pulled back on his underwear and hauled himself upstairs to the bathroom getting wet towels to clean us both up with. He even helped me get my underwear and his T-shirt on
 he took such gentle care with me, it was difficult not to love him.
It took some time before our breathing levelled out, Max turned his head bringing his lips to kiss my forehead. A small smile tugged at my face, my head now leaning against his shoulder.
“Please stay the night
” he moved his hand around cupping my cheek, placing more kisses to the top of my head.
“Don’t have to ask twice.” My smile widened and I responded with a hum.
“I’m going to make a cup of tea, did you want a cold drink?
” slowly I pushed myself of the sofa stretching turning to look at him.
His hands slowly moving up each sides of my legs, as he looked up at me.
“I’ve got more water?”
“Actually I’ll have tea.” I raised my eyebrows at him, brushing some hair back.
“Are you trying to impress me?”
“Of course not, I’m just a guy who drinks tea.” Laughing a little I push his head back gently leaving him in the lounge.
We have so got this Verstappen.
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A/N: idk what it is but I just had terrible writers block- and as you can tell it was sort of forced finished, so hopefully Part 3 I will have a bit more inspo flowing đŸ„Č But hope you enjoyed anyways đŸ–€ Part 3 hopefully end of the week the latest I’ll update if not đŸ–€
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