#litg Angie & mc
Rivalries Don’t Make Friends
@perfectlysunny02 i finally did it.
(Before anyone says it- I know AJ plays field hockey. My bestie verified it for me- but I wanted to expand the available choices so she plays ice hockey here.)
AJ knew the trouble of falling for a member of the rival team.
It was not something you should do, a betrayal against the loyalty of your own team if the rivalry between the teams was strong enough.
But there’s a flaw in the design of things like rivalries.
They only work when you can see the other person’s face.
The team had convinced her to go out after a match, just a simple night at the pub after a match as they tossed back a few pints. AJ wasn’t a heavyweight when it came to drinking, but she knew her limits and danced right along them, even as she actually danced along the floor with her teammates. Tai had just finished spinning under his arm when she collided with another body clustered with friends, “Whoa- I’m so sorry!” AJ giggled sheepishly, Tai falling back with the team to watch the scene unfold, “I should know better than to get on the dance floor after a few pints. My feet never cooperate.”
The absolutely gorgeous babe in front her smirked, hands holding AJ’s arms from catching her in the stumble, “Didn’t think anything could knock away your stability- not with the way you move on the ice.”
AJ blinked, surprised even as more giggles escaped, “Are you a Manchester Thunder fan?” Something about the woman’s face was tickling a memory in her hazy mind, like she was familiar.
“You could say I’m more of a Liverpool Blaze fan, myself.”
AJ gasped, “Rooting for the enemy??”
The girl chuckled, shaking her head, “But I am a fan of yours, Jones.”
AJ felt her cheeks flush. Sure, she knew she had fans, but most were men who just liked the sport or the type of women you’d see body checking a stranger over some petty argument. She had never met a fan so… effervescent. So beautiful. “You seem to have me at a disadvantage.” AJ offered instead, watching as amusement danced in her gaze.
“Sunna.” The girl grinned, “My name is Sunna. How bout you let take you for a dance to make up for running into me?” Sunna winked, “I doubt the big man is your boyfriend, I’ve heard it’s bad luck to date within your team.” Hearing a snort, AJ could see one of the women from her group just behind her nudging the couple next to her. Ordinarily she’d wonder what that meant, why she nudged them when she mentioned dating teammates- but AJ was distracted. Sunna’s hands were warm on hers, and the shimmering colors in her hazel eyes had AJ’s tipsy mind locked in a trance. So she let herself be led into a dance, “Yeah, there’s a couple on my team that actually split, but Levi and Lucy are too competitive to let it stop them,” she offered offhandedly, spinning and twirling and holding Sunna as the hours creeped on, before suddenly Tai was making his way over.
“AJ, we’re glad you’re having a good time and all, but Gary is itching to get home before he hurls up his pints and we got practice tomorrow.”
The blonde felt a wave of disappointment, but Sunna gave her a smile, “I hope you’ll let me get your number first. I go back without it, Angie and Miles will never stop prattling on about it.”
So that night, AJ left with her number, and a date on the books. Levi and Lucy wouldn’t stop teasing her about it, jokingly poking fun at how much she would blush any time a text came in. And their teasing got worse as the days went on and more dates were ticked off. A drink, a dinner, a movie, eventually they scheduled for date number five after AJ’s next game. She couldn’t wait, no relationship had ever felt so right. Sunna understood her passion, mirrored her energy- she didn’t believe in soulmates, but if they existed then Sunna was hers.
Sunna had never cared for rivalries, none of her teammates did. Sure, they played their hardest in every game because they could get competitive, but the idea of one specific team being their target to beat in a season never made sense. She had a regularly ongoing competition with Oliver and Talia at practice, they took shots at her goal and she had to block. If they made the shot more times than she saved the block then she had to buy them a pint, and if she blocked more than they made they had to buy one for her. Angie and Jake would laugh at them as they practiced themselves. The other players would often complain to Tom, but even as the owner of the team he let them do as they pleased no matter how much it agitated their coach, Graham didn’t appreciate it but he could admit they were efficient when the time came. But Liverpool Blaze wasn’t known for being just efficient. They were ruthless on the ice. During games it was like they were different people. On the ice none of them batted an eye at bloodshed, their enforcers were brutal and their defense was impossible to get passed. Off the ice Jake was sweet and off writing bad poetry or making sure the team ate well, Oliver could often be found playing with his cat or looking at books from his grandmother in Malaysian culture. Talia was pulling pranks that no one could avoid being the target of, Angie would be making snarky comments and helping Talia. Sunna was never what someone expected when her uniform came off- gone was the laser focus that never let anything stray by her, no grace as she moved. Her teammates called her a bubbly fountain of terrible humor, much like her brother Bruno.
But as much as they gave their all, rivalries weren’t an interest. They played because they loved the sport, winning was a bonus. Every member of the team and staff knew that-
Which is why Tom looking as anxious as he did at the locker room as they dressed was out of the ordinary.
Sunna nodded her head to him, dropping the braid she’d been securing and raising an eyebrow as her teammates all watched curiously, “What’s going on, Tommy boy?”
“Nothing.” He said quickly, far too quickly for it to be the truth.
Sunna scoffed a laugh, crossing her arms as she eyed him critically, “You look like you did that time you strapped on skates and Jakey checked you into the glass.”
Tom’s already pale face lost even more color at the mention, hand instinctively shooting up to rub at the shoulder that had taken the brunt of that impact, “Just a… friendly wager. With the owner of the Manchester Thunder.”
“Hamish?” Talia cackled, “You hate that guy! You always say- what is it?”
“That he’s the you that grew up with freedom?” Angie offered, Talia snapping her fingers at the phrase.
Tom gaped, sputtering in response, “I don’t hate him! He’s just rather- he can be chaotic!”
“Weird to bet on the championship,” Oliver offered with a wry grin, “That’s the biggest choking day for players.” Tom squeaked in response.
“What did you bet him exactly?” Jake questioned curiously.
“That we’d be the winner, obviously.”
“Okay…” Oliver nodded, “But what did you actually bet him?”
Tom sighed, adjusting his neck tie- the same tie he wore to every game, “He bet his watch against my tie.”
Sunna snorted, not caring to cover her face as she laughed, “I’m sorry- that watch that you said cost more than my flat? Against your tie? Why your tie?”
“It’s my lucky tie.” He pouted, staring at the monstrosity of color. It had been paired with his actual present as a joke gift- chosen by his players during the holidays one season, Sunna was actually the one that presented the gift to him. It was a mesh of plaid and swirls, nearly every color in the rainbow crammed into it, and it matched almost nothing he wore- but Tom had always cared for it more than anything else he wore, because they had taken the time to get it for him.
Sunna sighed, a smile playing at her lips, “Suppose we need to win then. Gotta save your special tie, don’t we?”
The rest of the team laughed to themselves as they moved about dressing into their pads and jerseys, putting on their gloves and helmets. Tom may have been an odd man to decide to buy an ice hockey team after the life he grew up with, but they were endeared with him all the same.
It didn’t occur to Sunna until her skates hit the ice, face guard firmly in place and helmet strapped and tightened, she was damn near at her place on the goal line before she realized whose team Hamish owned.
Angie howled with laughter when Talia looked Sunna’s way before the ref dropped the puck, “You better not go easy just because your little crush, Kaminski!”
Sunna smirked, whipping her glove off long enough to flip her the bird before the game commenced.
And both teams gave the entire match their all, the only opponents in the league that could keep up with each other. Angie would score, and then a player would manage to slip the puck past Sunna, until the final seconds sat on the clock. Talia had gotten Liverpool up by one as the last ten seconds slowly ticked down, and Sunna recognized the player racing her way.
The words left her lips, puck knocked safely away just as the buzzer rang out, “Thought you had a slicker slap shot than that, Jones.” AJ’s head snapped over as the crowd screamed, Sunna pulling her helmet off to let her braid fall over her shoulder. She was trying to joke, engage in the banter she had grown accustomed to on their dates, but the blonde’s face clouded in anger.
“What?? You’re that Kaminski!?”
Sunna blinked, unaware of the tension that was clearly piled up on AJ’s shoulder, “Uh, well, yeah- is it that important?”
“Is it-“ The cheering crowd could almost overpower her shouting voice if they hadn’t still been so close, AJ’s face was red with rage, “You don’t think it’s important to know you play against me?? Have you just been dating me to get tips to use against us!?”
Sunna’s teammates had been cheering, heading her way to celebrate when they caught wind of AJ’s angry yells. The brunette girl reached out, some mix of confusion and regret in her face, but the blonde slapped her hands away, “AJ-“
“No!” She snapped, “Dating rivals is the forbidden rule! Right up there with a teammate’s ex!” She sped away off the ice before Sunna could respond.
Angie raced over with Jake, but Sunna just shook her head, giving them a glassy eyed smile, “Guess we saved Tommy’s tie, huh?”
“Sun,” Jake started, but she shrugged him off.
“It’s fine, I’m fine,” she laughed with no humor, “Rivalries- they always gotta ruin the great love stories, huh?”
AJ felt like an idiot for not connecting the dots sooner- of course it had to be that Kaminski, what were the chances there was another that understood the intricacies of the sport she’d loved for so long? Levi and Lucy wouldn’t stop giving her shit, making practices in the following days feel like they dragging on even longer. Hamish had always joked with their coach that AJ needed to burn off extra energy, even after practice, but now she just felt tired. Tai was growing more and more worried about her, and Gary was starting to pick it up, too. She didn’t have any excuses to tell them to stop their worry, because truth was she knew it was her fault. Rivalries are supposed to go two ways, but Liverpool had never cared. When the teams would have their tit for tat prank wars, the Blaze only ever responded. They never instigated.
When she had joined the team the feud was at a full blown scale, and she could remember how excited Hamish got when Liverpool was bought by Tom- only to be let down when he made trades. Tom let go of veteran players in Liverpool to trade and draft, until the team was the unstoppable force on the ice they are now. Sunna and Angie and Talia and Jake and Oliver were all recruits he had brought the team. But the new team didn’t care to keep it going, no matter what Manchester did.
So why did AJ let it be such a big deal to her?
Why did Manchester care so much more about this imaginary feud than Liverpool did?
The simple answer was that she didn’t know.
The complicated one involved the mistake she had clearly made.
AJ spent hours, memorizing every piece of information about every member of Sunna’s team. She had never looked into them before, only ever catching their faces on fan posters and things, so she hadn’t made the connection until Sunna had pulled her helmet off at the game. But now the more she learned, the more she realized how wrong she had been. Oliver worked with nursing homes on his time off- Jake offered free meals to the homeless. Angie was a volunteer paramedic with the fire department- Talia wrote music reviews for bands that were just trying to get their start, helping a lot of them get their big break with her name attached to praise about their demos.
And don’t even get AJ started on Sunna. Animal shelters, soup kitchens with Jake, running grief support groups, a professional stand up comedian for a brother. She couldn’t find a single thing she didn’t like.
And she had fucked it up.
Stumbling upon the team at another pub hadn’t been in her plan, but she couldn’t have raced to the table any faster without mowing people down.
But Angie cut in as soon as she opened her mouth, “Sorry, mate. This table is reserved for Liverpool Blaze players, ya know, since you need to be told specifically.”
Ouch, but she deserved that. The one she recognized as Talia shot up from where she’d been making heart eyes at Oliver, eyes narrowing with a blaze when she recognized her, “Oh, the damage in the rink wasn’t enough?”
“Come on, guys,” Oliver intervened, “You know Sunna wouldn’t want you giving her grief over it.”
“Just because Sunna is a pushover when she cares about someone doesn’t mean we are.” Angie shot back.
Oliver putting up his hands in surrender before he looked at AJ, “She’s not here. Probably with Jake again.”
AJ felt her mind swirl with what that could mean, knowing that any of the possibilities were her own fault, “Has she… has she talked about me? At all?”
“Ha,” Talia scoffed, “Wouldn’t shut up about you before. Now she barely says a word. Only Bruno and Jake can get her mouth moving.”
Again, the possibilities swirled at the word choice, but AJ had focus, “I- I need to talk to her. I wanted to apologize- I can’t mess this up again.”
Angie glared at her, “We’ll pass along the message.”
Oliver rolled his eyes, understanding of their anger but annoyed they were ignoring Sunna’s wishes to be civil, “You don’t even have a clue, do you?”
“A-about what?” AJ felt a deep pang of worry that he was about to confirm her worst scenario thoughts.
But he just shook his head with a sigh, “The way she would look at you. I mean, even just a picture of you. She’ll prang on about how moony Talia and I get- but when she looks at you… did you ever feel the way she did?”
AJ wanted to cry.
She had always thought her dates were the problem, that they were the reason a second date never happened. But Sunna had unlocked something of her that she threw away.
Her dates weren’t the problem. She was.
Racing through stoplights, AJ sped to Sunna’s flat- remembering it from their dinner date. Fist slamming into the wood, she was absolutely not prepared for a shirtless man to answer.
“Oh, hello, AJ.”
She blinked, eyes readjusting and focusing on his face. Jake. She felt her shoulders slump, “Hi, uh, sorry for interrupting your date. I’ll just-“
“Date?” He quirked a brow, confusion painting on his face in heavy strokes as he pulled on the shirt he held in his hands that didn’t quite fit him right, “My girlfriend is at temple, what do you-“ His eyes widened, recognition finally flitted through his irises, “Oh! Oh, you want to speak to Sunna? Uh, come in, come in.”
Jake grabbed her hand, pulling her over the threshold before she could stop him, and another male voice caught her attention immediately, “Sunny, mate, these are my best jokes. Something’s gotta make you laugh eventually.”
“Not really,” Sunna’s voice drifted over from the living room, “I’m sorry. I know you guys are trying, I’m just…”
“Bummed? Heartbroken? Too lost in love to cheer up even though your hilarious brother came all the way here?”
“You literally live down the hall, you prat.”
“You should shut up. Running your mouth already distracted you enough to spill oil on Jake’s shirt.”
Jake cleared his throat, watching their heads swivel his direction before their eyes landed on AJ, “Sunna has a visitor.”
Bruno narrowed his eyes, but stayed silent as the blonde tentatively waved, “Hi… I wanted to say sorry. I never should’ve blown up on you like that. I spent… a lot of time on our dates talking up the rivalry- why would you want to tell me after that? I didn’t make it easy for you- and- and I don’t actually care, ya know? I don’t care what team you play for because you still play and you love it and you understand why I love it and-“
Sunna clamped a hand over AJ’s mouth, the blonde had been rapidly talking and hadn’t even noticed her approach, but Sunna kept her hand in place, “I’m going to let go, and I need you to tell me the broiler plate reason of why you’re here, okay? I don’t want to get my hopes up.”
Slowly and gently, Sunna peeled her hand from her face, and as soon as it was cleared AJ spoke again, “I want you to give me another chance.” Sunna’s hand finally dropped all the way to her side, vaguely aware that her best mate was forcing her brother out into the hall as her mouth fell open and hope sparkled in her eyes. AJ took hold of her hands, “Please. Give me another chance, I promise I won’t mess this up again.”…”I promise I’ll try not to mess this up again.”
Sunna laughed, how could it have only been a week since AJ heard that sound and yet it still felt like she was coming home to hear it now? “Another chance, then.”
(A few months later, at the banquet to start the following season, AJ and Sunna arrived together. And by the end of the night, Hamish had finally agreed to trade Levi and Lucy away to Jasper- the bottom team in the league- after Lucy had targeted Sunna for ‘accidental collisions’ throughout the night after Levi had tried flirting with her. AJ couldn’t figure out why Lucy was annoyed, Sunna wasn’t her girlfriend, but at least they’d be gone.)
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luckyqueenreign · 2 years
Angie will rip Kat and Eddie a new one if given the chance. I remember how supportive Angie was when Dylan lied about the date. She also called Lexi out on her shit. Imagine her comforting MC with ex stories. "You think your ex sucks? Let me tell you about that guy who cheated on me with his ex wife while I was babysitting his kids. He lied to me that he was a widower. I got the kids to set up booby traps all over his place. You should have seen the look on his face"
YES!!! Angie was prob the best friend an MC ever had in the game!! BRING ANGIE IN TO SORT THESE GIRLS OUT!!!
And let's be real the season 4 girlies weren't great but at least MC had Angie and Najuma on her side. Lexi and Juliet were a mess, Val was just there and Thabi was sweet but the poor girl didnt really have a backbone and she wouldve been scared of these season 5 girls. BUT ANG!!! BFFL
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stuck-on-boops-alt · 23 days
so uh litg volume 13 happened..
I still like Hamish, but the spark is gone I'm afraid... I will just blame it on the writing lol
spoilers below and mostly rants, so if you're up for that, read on!
My thoughts on the talent show.. of course it was boring. I just sped through it most of the time. Hamish looked cute with the dog ears, but hhh the dog training part was so weird wtf. I was so shocked like.. 😧😧😧 I mean I think the writers thought it was funny, I guess? I had secondhand embarrassment for Lyn and Hamish, watching it unfold. 😂
The romantic gesture was uh.. it was cute? But.. paper airplanes again?? Really??? And the stuff that LI likes about MC are uh.. I swear they're so banal. I think it was just the merging personality thing because if it was specific for the LI, Hamish's writings on the papers would be something about their whacky shenanigans like the popcorn thing, their random banters and MC being someone that he feels safe to open up to-- not these generic-ass compliments. But yeah, I guess they were lazy to write something that isn't applicable for ALL the LIs 🤷🏻‍♀️
Eddie is still Eddie. I ignored his stinky cheese hair in all the episodes.
Now, I have to talk about the worst part of it all. I don't wanna be fucking reminded of the Sienna thing. It's sooooooo lame. The devs probably thought "oh we're going to make it seem like the s8 thing again where the LI comes in with Sienna BUT the twist is it's actually BELLA who is just the host! No one would expect that! We're going to sUbVeRt their expectations!” All I felt during that part is please get this over with. I don't need this. Get me outta here. End my misery 😭😭😭
Though.. I kinda wish they revealed more about our LI's birth chart. I was actually very curious and that was the only thing that piqued my interest.
Welp.. at least my mc Lyn and Hamish are finally and officially together. That cliffhanger tho ahaha.. just let Lyn say yes already gdi.
It's Season Finale next week. After that, goodbye forever LITG. I still might think about you from time to time. I still might draw something when I get nostalgic, but I will stay away from the game for good.
edit: I forgot to mention that I also hate how they brought Angie into it. What do you mean she and Sienna are besties? SHE WAS MY S4 MC'S BESTIE!! AND SIENNA AS MAID OF HONOUR OVER HER OWN SISTERS??? WHAT DO YOU MEANNN??? Sienna wtf stop stealing everyone. Your birth chart must be so whack 😭
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soulsisterif · 1 month
LITG Season 9
(Not Soul Sister related, people, just ranting)
After weeks and weeks of not playing I got up to date with season 9 and... Well, actually I didn't finish playing the latest volume. Same disappointments as always. I'm not one to post to complain but I'm kinda frustrated. Ranting got too long, so, under the cut.
First off I understand that male LIs are also infuriating and that wlw players are not this game's target audience (then again, there are few of those) but dude, at this point I'd rather not have any sapphic options. The last route I recall being actually good (by which I mean the female LI not stringing me along à la Marisol until the very end) was Najuma's and Angie's, and that was season 4. Yes, you can only couple up with Angie at the end too, but you get so many info about her, and so many sweet moments and bonding that I didn't even care. And it's more about her being unsure of her feelings than unwilling to be with you. Quite relatable. Peak of this game for me, if I'm being honest. Good friends to lovers, even if they went too far too fast with the sex scene in my opinion. Still, it was very well written!
But every single season after that had the female LI fucking drooling over several men (and sometimes women too) and then adding a half-assed line like, "'oh, but I don't know, I have my eyes on someone else too', she gives you a wink". Like that makes it okay? I think the only truly unapologetically loyal female LIs were Najuma and AJ back in season 3.
They put so little thought into incorporating the wlw routes that to make them progress you have ludicrous paths. Like, in my playthrough Henri won a challenge and as a prize my MC could actually dismiss him and choose to go to the hideaway with Natasha or Kelly instead. Like ??? That's just bad writing.
What's worse, we can't even make friends anymore, it's all about romance, which wipes out most of the appeal this game had for me. Practically every islander, even after you reject them, comes at the MC confessing their undying love like a crazy stalker for no reason, because we know nothing about each other! Besides half of the options you have to get to know more about what's happening around you force you to be an insufferable gossip or a petty child. "Let's listen to a private convo, MC", "Why don't you sneak a kiss with guy 2 to make guy 1 jealous?" And you have to pay an unfair amount of gems to do it, on top of it!
I want to get to know the characters BEFORE I choose who I want to pick. I want to know the characters even if they are not romanceable. It's ridiculous, though, that there are seasons in which you know more about your besties than you do about your LI. That's why Angie, or Seb, or Nicky, or Viv or Thabi, hell, even Hope and Lottie, wth all their flaunted flaws are so appealing. That's why Season 2 is so goddam popular. We had actual interactions back then. Now, whatever interactions there are, you just witness.
This is also why people like games like Too Hot to Handle so much more. I'm not really into guys but I still play their routes because it's good content beyond romance stuff. Hell, Jirayu may be my favourite out of this season's bunch. And they're all different! It's an interactive game, choices should matter.
At this point I'll probably stop playing and limit myself to read other people roasting Fusebox. Honestly, a company that asks for the fans' opinions season after season just to ignore all the feedback doesn't deserve half the players they still have.
There, ranting over XD
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alitgblog · 4 months
litg characters I'd cast in romcoms
When Harry Met Sally: Seb as Harry!! Then Genevieve as his ex, Tom as MC's (Sally's) ex, Nicky as Seb's best friend, Elladine as MC's best friend
I actually have this all sorted how this would work out but my post got deleted 😭
Notting Hill: Jin as Hugh Grant's character (forgot his name lol) because in my head he's history nerd so like just imagine him in cozy sweaters okay. He's got that wacky roommate whose name I have also forgotten and naturally if we had to pick from S8, Liam, but I also think Jamal would be a fun pick (make the roommate less wacky and more just fun and wild though). The other version of this is Jake as as the main character with his roommate Tim.
Legally Blonde (and I'm going based off the musical): Literally only here because I know I can cast the lawyers, like clearly Suresh as Warner (and oh lean heavily on the implication that he cheated on MC while they were dating) and Blake or Marisol as Vivienne (I like her being cut throat but still looking for love). I'd really like Hari as Emmett because they have a backstory of working hard for their dream and would have a fun banter with the main character without being overly cheery and also is very competitive when needs to be although may be an underdog, but lowkey could also be anyone that has the very grounded boy next door vibe so like Tyler, Rohan, Jake, James, and Lewie are also good picks imo. The other sorority girls needs to include Chelsea, Thabi, basically any of MC's besties (...minus Amelia). It's hard to think of anyone as Paulette because she's an older character and everyone in the game is pretty young but we can further my Angie x Cora agenda and have it be Angie talking about her lost love and then in comes the hot deliverywoman, Cora. She also has like sage advice vibes when she's in the villa sometimes so I think that works.
She's All That: Gary as the main guy. Eddie as his shitty best friend. I don't know why but this came so quickly to me I'm not sure I'd even have to explain but like Gary gives off cool guy / player vibes but I'd also see him absolutely get into or at least support whatever weird artsy stuff his girlfriend is into and have a character arc and all that.
While You Were Sleeping: the OG "I fell in love with your brother while you were away" story, so clearly Ozzy as Peter, Marshall as the brother, Grace as the girl Ozzy's actually dating
How to Lose a Guy in Ten Days: Because I've already said Gary for a different romcom, I'm inclined to have the suave ladies man esque character be Will or Youcef. I also think an evolved Suresh or Finn or Mason or Levi could work. Often I forget about her but I think Lulu would be a fun whatever Kathryn Hahn's character's name is.
A Cinderella Story (the Hilary Duff version): I think the fandom's go to "I don't wanna do what my dad says" character may be Lucas but I want to give Oliver a chance as the sweet lead even though I remember nothing about his backstory in game. MC's best friend can be someone a little dorky and the only person coming to mind right now is Felix.
Ten Things I Hate About You: Again, a reformed Finn could've been so good. Instead, we're going for mysterious and brooding so I think Joyo is a good choice for Patrick. Then to continue the streak of me remembering S7 characters, I think Raf could be a good Cameron because he's got that innocence and silliness that works. Then we need the friend that gives Raf an explanation of how things work and I could see that going to Andy because he's a little silly and dorky but mostly pretty confident (slightly different vibe from the character but that's fine). Other option, Bruno. In the movie, I believe he also ends up with Kat's best friend, who I just remember being very confident and alternative vibes so I think Najuma, Cora, Bella, or Lottie for her. We also need Kat's sister Bianca, and that could be easy and I say it's Amelia, or we could pick a tolerable option like Bea. There's also the guy Bianca initially has a crush on, and dare I say we pick Toby?? Just a character that's full of nothing. Or it could just be someone pretty like Levi or someone rich and an asshole like Miles or Jasper. All I remember about Bianca's bestie is that she backstabs her at the end and since fusebox hates women that could be a number of characters but my pick is Sophie or Erikah.
I could go on forever so I must I choose to stop now before I get carried away 🤣
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tammyisobsessedwith · 7 months
My LITG Fanfic
Just a place to gather around all the fics I've written for LITG. Sadly, I don't think I'll be updating the ones in progress in the foreseeable future, but I also can never make myself delete anything, so it's just saved as it is.
A Real Relationship. In Progress, 7/?. Past MC/Rahim, MC/Lucas, eventual MC/Bobby.
2nd person narrative on what happens after MC comes back from Casa Amor and finds out Rahim recoupled with Shannon.
Meet Me in the Afterglow. Oneshot, complete. MC/Will. NSFW
A rewrite of the fight/makeup scene after the Dylan storm hits the Villa, featuring bff Angie, Will and the MC.
Secret Moments in a Crowded Room. Oneshot, complete. Noah/MC.
A rewrite of the sexy dance-off Hearts Racing challenge in which Noah can no longer hide his feelings for MC.
Written as prompt for the LITG Writers Room, originally posted here.
Let It Grow. In Progress, 2/?. Past MC/Kobi, MC/Hazeem.
Bombshell Lily chooses to recouple with Hazeem in a friendship couple after Kobi decides to get back together with Lexi.
Panic at the Mansion. Oneshot, complete. Bobby/MC.
How would Bobby react if his claustrophobic wife got trapped in the attic during the Escape Room part of Chelsea's Murder Mystery dinner? Spoiler: not that well.
Originally posted for the LITG Writers Room monthly spotlight on Bobby.
Stuck. Oneshot, complete. Bobby-centric.
At his friends’ wedding, Bobby gets a little drunk and a little introspective, feeling somewhat stuck back in time.
Full Circle. Oneshot, complete. Bobby/Priya. NSFW
Sequel to Stuck.
Her Story (Don't Blame Me). Oneshot, complete. Blake/Lucas.
It's day 1 of Casa Amor. Blake hits the Villa and she's not holding back.
A Friendship Thing. Oneshot, complete. Emily/Bobby.
It's been years since Love Island ended, and Emily has long since moved on (or tried to). Then an opportunity and an old face make their way into her life unexpectedly.
The One. Oneshot, complete. MC/Tim.
After moving on with life post-Villa, the night of the Christmas reunion rears around, and Anna is going through it at the thought of returning to that world.
Jealous. Oneshot, complete. MC/Dana.
After a whole day of handling everyone's feelings and reactions, Luma and Dana decide to come clean about their own feelings.
Darling, You're the One I Want. Oneshot, complete. MC/Gary. NSFW
Gary and his girlfriend spend a lazy Sunday morning together, with some hot and surprising gestures along the way.
One in a Million. Oneshot, complete. Bruno/MC, Youcef/MC.
Best friends Bruno and Youcef meet up only to discover the girls they're seeing have a lot of suspicious things in common...
The Only One. Oneshot, complete. MC/Jake.
Laura's life is absolutely perfect. She's got great friends and tremendous satisfaction from her work as an event planner. But what happens when her latest client forces her to face the ex-boyfriend she could never quite get out of her head?
Lay Your Heart on the Line. Oneshot, complete. MC/Suresh.
Detective Bethany Owens has a great working relationship with one of the Assistant District Attorneys, but could this relationship ever cross the boundaries of strictly professional into more personal, intimate territory?
Love Island, Actually. In Progress, 10/?. Collab, Multiple pairings. NSFW
The LITG cast set in a Love, Actually fic. Five stories, featuring five MCs, all about love, centred around Christmas. Meet the Bride, the Mistress, the Runaway, the Maid of Honour, and the Divorcée.
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queen-of-boops · 9 months
2023 Fic Year in Review
Thanks for the tag @longbobmckenzie! Somehow, 2023 was my second full year publishing fics in this fandom!
In 2023, I...
Finished/wrote the following chaptered WIPs:
Are You The One? (Henrik/MC)
Wild Child (Henrik/MC)
Dead to Rights (Bobby/MC)
Deep Dive (Levi/MC)
Uninhibited (multiple pairings)
Like No One's Watching (Ozzy/MC)
Wrote/completed the following oneshots:
Crash Into You (Oliver/MC)
Lessons In Lust (Noah/MC)
Sparks Fly (Angie/MC)
Special (Tai/MC)
Perfectly Infuriating (Blake/MC)
Take The Shot (Lucas/MC)
A Midsummer Night's Song (Rafi/MC)
Image is Everything (Jasper/MC)
Just Say No (Andy/MC)
How I Met Your Mother (Andy/MC)
Wipe Out (Jamal/MC)
Diamond In The Rough (Roberto/MC)
Try (Tom/MC)
Not Another Horror Movie (Rafi)
Evergreen (Henrik/MC)
Frozen (Lucas/Henrik)
Snow Joke (Bruno/MC)
Reached the following milestones:
had two fics reach 100 kudos for the first time, one of which had gone on to blow me away with over 250 kudos
Past 25k total hits on ao3
Participated in three gift exchanges and a trope roulette
Wrote ~400k words in 2023, published ~390k words Wrote for a ton of different LIs (can't even count them all if you count kinktober) Read a bunch of new fics (no idea how many). Made a bunch of new fandom friends
Tagging: @whatisreggieshortfor (LITG or all fandoms, I want to celebrate how much you've written!) @rebelrayne @oodelally3
Don't feel obligated! Let's just celebrate the things we've done this year!
Here's to hoping 2024 is another fantastic year!
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brasister · 1 year
I haven’t said anything yet on S6 of LITG, I wanted to wait it out. But since we only have four more volumes to go, I couldn’t help myself to play. Especially with all the post I’ve seen so far. So far I gotta say this has been a fun season since S2. The way I’m in love with every character so far, even my annoying twin. I don’t find myself getting bored or annoyed as I did with S5. First time I’m in love with all the boys, hehe including the most disliked one’s like Elliot, Ryan and Hamish. I know I’m gonna play multiple times for my faves Ozzy, Roberto, Ryan and Andy. They have my full heart. So my first route is Ozzy. I’m a little nervous about how things will turn out, hoping its not like Noah and Hope or Finn and Kat. Tho I love Grace, I wish she can see that she’s better off being friends with Ozzy and not push things that aren’t there. She’s just wasting time not being in a relationship where the person only has eyes for her. I don’t hate Ozzy or have the ick after the whole movie night. It only makes him sound human that he wanted to play the field seeing Grace and my Mc doing their thing. Can’t really blame the guy or point fingers. Especially because my Mc wasn’t playing around in Casa. Full attention on Andy and Hamish. Couldn’t help myself to fall in love with them both. Too bad Hamish wasn’t a love interest another wasted potential like, Tim/Rohan (Tho we get them in the dlc, but still they were the only boys I really liked) Noah/Rocco (Even if we did get to have Noah, his route was bs to me. Gave me the ick. I wanted Rocco so bad, he could have been redeemed) Seb/Nicky (Annoying how I couldn’t get them, they had a lot of character. Seb being my type in rl ugh...) Oliver (I know his available but why did he have to be all the way in the end, I rather had him replacing Tom and Tom coming in with Dylan) Eddie/Nicholas/Johnny (Not fair, like if our Mc has to deal with so much haters could we at least had someone backing us up. The three would have been great love interest). The only thing that bothers me is Amelia with her little chit chat. Why must she be in the way all the time, I just wanna hang out with my li, not her. It’s not like anything she has to say is even important to me, I don’t care about the Zeph thing. I don’t care if she got played by Marshall, she was warned. I hope Toby is a li for Grace, that girl really needs someone. Amelia could just leave and go find Zeph and be with him. I’m attracted to Bella, Chloe and Flo but I feel tired of going after girls if they are only a last minute thing to have. The only one that did great with a slow burn was Angie, her developing feelings for Mc and coming out gay was so beautiful to see. I thought I was going to hate Casa, but it was more fun then S5. I felt like I got to know the four boys without it being force on us. Hopefully Fusebox see that ppl enjoy a the type of relationship Bobby and Mc had. I want a lasting relationship, of course with it’s drama. But that it makes sense why our li fights for us so much and doesn’t want to give up. It does feel good being loved again by all the boys. I can’t wait to see how it all unfolds and how it ends. 
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charlessmiths-wife · 7 months
season four: fuseboxes biggest wasted opportunity.
(this has been sitting in my drafts for a few months now, almost a year 😭 may be slightly irrelevant to post not given how all talk of season four appears to have died out and looking back I’m not really saying anything that no one’s said before - but still, I’ll post it for the sake of it! :))
before starting, I'm going to admit, seasons one, two, and four are the only seasons I've ever fully played. I've never completed a playthrough of season three or five, they could both be brilliant idk (though I'm guessing not, judging by what others have said).
on my recent playthrough of litg s4 (yet another Angie route, some things never change) I was suddenly struck with the realisation that season four could've been gold for fusebox... and yet, it isn't.
i think it's important to recognise season four has its successes.
-> in terms of diversity, season four is arguably by far the best. it delivers a diverse range of characters from all ethnic backgrounds. it has gender diversity (limited, all be it, and there's still far for fusebox to go in this area - but it was a start). it delivers two good female li options (at least, imo) with a slow burn female li and one you can couple up with immediately (again, fusebox still is far to go in terms of properly catering to its wlw/lgbtq players... but... it was a start). finally, unlike seasons one and two, it doesn't always push this "girls are more drama" narrative which can sometimes be seen, notably in season two. the seasons depiction of female characters still isn't perfect, don't get me wrong, but in the case of season four I'd chalk this up to the fact it had ass writing, as opposed to season two, where I genuinely think some of the female characters suffered from misogynistic writing.
-> the characters are great. at least, in concept. I personally love Angie, Youcef, and Bruno - yet I can recognise the concepts of other characters are gold. like Will? an islander with commitment issues who slowly learns to open themselves up to love? could've been gold. Angie? a woman who slowly falls in love with her best friend? discovering not only her sexuality but also herself in the process? THE OPPORTUNITIES WERE FUCKING ENDLESS. Tom? Youcef? Thabi? Lexi? EVERY. SINGLE. CHARACTER. HAD. A. PERFECT. CONCEPT.
-> the designs were good. this is a personal opinion, but I think the designs of season four characters were much more in the league of season one and two than season three and five. again, this is a subjective opinion - but its one I do believe and see as a strength. (I mean... have we seen Angie? Thabi? Najuma? Will? I'd have been all OVER some of the mfs in that season).
in short, a huge strength of season four is that it, in theory, had a diverse and interesting cast of characters and routes - all of whom came from different backgrounds and circumstances.
in theory.... season four was gold.
except, in practicality, it wasn't.
now, I could talk for days about the weaknesses of season four - but at the end of the day I think it all comes back to what dozens of people have already said about me.
the writing was - in the most simplest of terms - absoloute balls.
there are dozens of examples of this.
take the dylan drama. what was the writing of that? Dylan was written to be a complete untrustworthy asswhole, how could we have ever believed anything that was coming out of his mouth when the man was characterised to be a liar from practically the first moment he opened his mouth?
now... had Dylan been characterised as some kind of likeable charmer... the drama potential would have been ENDLESS. it would have been far easier to see why MC/ their LI might believe Dylan.. and the angst that could have been produced from that!! endless!!
in my personal opinion, the Dylan drama is just generally dumb and could have easily been sorted out with one (1) three line conversation between MC and their li of "hey, did you cheat on me or is Dylan talking shite?" "yea/no" "aight bet" - but still, even tho it is dumb, it could have been made less dumb!!
and there's tonnes of drama which could have been great in theory but was awful in practice. like the lexi/kobi drama. or the juliet/kobi drama. or the valentina coming in and wanting our partner drama.
one example of a HUGE missed opportunity in my mind is the Angie situation.
don't get me wrong, I fucking love Angies route. I only ever seem capable of playing it on replays, and I think Angie is one of my fave litg characters... well, ever! BUT HER ROUTE COULD HAVE HAD SO MUCH MORE ANGST. I STAND BY THAT.
throughout the entirety of season four, Angie always seems uncomfortable with romantic feelings. she says it herself she has trouble finding a connection, and she's incredibly cynical.
and then, she finds out she does have a connection - with none other than her best friend! who's a girl!
it's always bothered me how Angie, for the most part, seems chill with the fact she's just had a major life realisation about herself.
because, trust me, as someone who's been Angie before, it's not easy!
you spend your entire life thinking your one thing, then you find out your the exact opposite, and (in Angie's case) you've been lying to yourself for the better part of 30 years.
give me angie distancing herself from MC because she's so in denial of her feelings and she thinks ignoring them will make them go away.
give me angie slowly coming to terms with the fact that, she can't ignore them. she can't make them go away. she's a lesbian, she always has been - and she can't deny that part of her anymore.
give me angie tearfully coming to the MC - choking up an apology/explanation and a confession of feelings all at once.
and just... give me more angst. the angst that should have came with someone discovering something huge about them after 29 years.
but looking beyond Angie. I think me biggest wish in terms of better writing is not only better writing for the drama, but better writing for the routes.
bruno, james, and najuma share largely the same route. most of the li's have the same/similar dialogue - and pretty much all of them have the same reaction to the dylan scenario.
these people are individuals - they have different reactions. I want to see that. the players deserve to see that.
we get it in season one. we get it in season two. we deserved it in season four.
TLDR; I think it's a mistake to assume season four was doomed from the start- it wasn't, and by saying so it almost feels as if we're letting fusebox off the hook, so to speak, for it being bad.
season four had the same concept of drama mingled with a unique cast that seasons one and two had, yet it didn't have the same quality simply because fusebox couldn't be bothered anymore. they didn't want to put in the writing and produce a genuinely good season.
season four was fusebox's biggest wasted opportunity - dare I say it could have been in the same league as seasons one and two, had Fusebox actually been bothered to do their job.
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willkimurashat · 2 years
So, my friends invited me over to watch the PG rated hit family film Cats (2019). Can we have a moment of silence for my forever lost innocence please? … Thank you. Anyway, so now that I’m greatly disturbed and utterly horrified, here’s a LITG x Cats crossover absolutely no one asked for lmao
Casting LITG islanders as characters from Cats (not necessarily from 2019 version because wtf was that)
Marisol/Camilo as Munkustrap
Imposing, energetic, courageous. Leader and protector of the Jellicle cats tribe. Responsible and brave. Narrator and story-teller.
S5 MC as Victoria
Young, inhibited, inquisitive. Naive and kind-hearted, abandoned by previous owners. Longs to be wanted and loved.
Chelsea/Thabi as Jennyanydots
Motherly, contended, controlling. Lazying around during the day, running the household during the night. Cheerful and good-humored with bossy side.
Priya and Bobby/Iona and Najuma as Mungojerrie and Rumpleteazer
Mischievous, rambunctious, ne’er-do-well. Fun-loving criminal duo, generally well-received by other cats. Notorious partners in crime.
Lexi/Cherry as Grizzabella
Proud, hurt, indomitable. Once a glamorous star, now exiled and disgraced. Sad and wistful, despised by the Jellicle cats, longs for forgiveness.
Lottie/Suresh as Macavity
Hypnotic, jealous, dangerous. Malevolent criminal mastermind, eludes the police and strikes fear in other Jellicle cats.
Angie/Lulu as Old Deutoronomy
Wise, commanding, spiritual. Kind and just leader of the Jellicle cats, beloved by everyone. An ancient cat with psychic powers and spiritual connection with Heavyside layer.
Mason/Rafi/Finn as Rum Tum Tugger
Vain, perverse, inconsequent. Charismatic, self-obsessed show-off. Rock star with wild anarchic energy and comedic sexuality.
Kat as Bombalurina
Generous, voluptuous, frank. Self-confident and very direct about feelings. Extremely flirtatious and the center of attention.
Rohan/Henrik/Alfie as Mr. Mistoffelees
Competitive, neat, electric. Mysterious and clever conjuring cat. Up to mischief or performing amusing magic tricks.
Bruno/Tai as Skimbleshunks
Caring, bright, self-regarding. Protector of the kittens when danger is near. Jolly and cheerful, remembered by his signature gigantic smile and bright personality.
Will as Gus the Theatrical Cat
Wistful, imaginative, frail. Fragile and feeble old cat, reminiscing about his days of being an actor. Initially vague and a little confused, but becomes more confident and outspoken.
Jake/Tom as Bustopher Jones
Foppish, gluttonous, dapper. Genial and cheerful, enjoys life to the fullest. Particularly interested in fine dining and cuisine at gentlemen’s clubs. Leaves swiftly at first sign of trouble.
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Goodbye Dylan
Inspired by a mix of Goodbye Earl by the Dixie Chicks and If You Go Down I’m Going Down Too by Kelsea Ballerini
And some discussion on which Islanders were the most Ride or Die
When her husband turns out to be… less than ideal, her best mates are there to make sure he never hurts her again.
TW: domestic abuse, death
When Kenna met Angie and Seb, the three of them were first years in secondary school. Seb had made a sarcastic comment when he got paired with a pristine cheerleader during introductions on the first day of class, and the two girls immediately flocked to their fellow cynic. They became inseparable after the first day- no matter what happened to one, the other two were always right there with whatever they needed.
After they graduated, Seb used what should have been his college fund to buy his store, and Angie took courses to become a paramedic.
They weren’t around as much, so Kenna started feeling lonely.
When she found someone that pursued her, no matter how many she initially rejected the idea of romantic intentions, she eventually gave in without her voices of reason there to help her stop him.
Seb and Angie didn’t meet him until the wedding day- a courthouse affair that happened far too quickly for their liking. Neither of them could pretend they didn’t notice the bruises Kenna had tried to hide under make up.
Then Angie was working one night, and she got the call.
An ambulance dispatch to Kenna’s address.
Angie had never shoved her partner into the passenger seat so fast as she blared the siren and floored the gas. Her partner panicked as she barked at him to grab her phone and call the number marked Third Musketeer, a move Kenna had made in each of their phones in remembrance of what their parents called their friendship.
When there was no answer he was ordered to call the one named First Musketeer.
“Seb!” Angie shouted as soon the call connected, her partner held out the speaker, “I just got a dispatch call to Kenna’s place!”
“What!?” There was a crash followed by several thuds and the cussing yell at Doom to move, “I can be in town in twenty minutes, let me know where to go!”
The tires squealed loudly as Angie slammed the brakes in front of Kenna’s flat, a neighbor already holding the buzzer door open for them as she sprinted in, taking the stairs two at a time with her med bag in hand, “Ken!” She called as she made it to the flat door, “I’m here!”
Angie felt her own blood run cold when she saw her best mate clutching a kitchen towel to a wound on her arm that was still seeping blood on her carpet. As Kenna picked up her head at the sound of Angie’s footsteps, the paramedic felt tears burn her eyes when she caught sight of the split lip and black eye adorning Kenna’s usually stunning face, “Anj…”
Before she could say a word, Kenna had looped her arms around Angie’s neck, hand slipping and fumbling to keep the towel still pressed to the bleeding. But she forced the words out, “What happened? Did he do this to you?”
Kenna whimpered softly as Angie pulled away to check the bleeding, only to find a gash that must’ve been caused by a kitchen knife- and she felt her blood boiling. The reason Kenna was such an integral part of Angie and Seb’s lives was because of the way she never backed down. The way she was strong and brash, always in control of her life and sharp tongued to anyone that looked at her sideways, while still being the sweetest among them.
Angie felt cold seeing this terrified version of her she never had before.
Gently, Angie led Kenna to the door, “I’m gonna take you in to the hospital, so you can get the stitches you need, okay? I’ll be back as soon as clock out.”
“I can’t be alone…” Kenna whispered, “He’ll come back.”
Angie’s arms tensed around her, anger flaring in her chest that she tried to push down, “Seb will meet you there, okay? Unless I get a call I can wait til he gets there. You won’t be alone, babes. I promise.”
The ride in the ambulance was eerily silent. Angie’s partner didn’t ask a single question about what had happened- opting to let her take care of the patient intake. He’d become far too familiar with the dynamic the three of them had over the years. Kenna’s voice never rose above a whisper.
The day Kenna got released, Seb and Angie took the day off to accompany her to the courthouse as she filed for a divorce and protection order.
But the protection order didn’t stop him.
Seb had tried to call Kenna when an album she’d been waiting for had finally come in, but he didn’t get an answer. Concern flooding through his body, he closed the shop early and hopped on the tram.
Kenna ended up in the ICU.
Angie and Seb didn’t think twice about taking time off work, she had the vacation time and he was his own boss with enough sales to make up the cost.
The three of them knew what they needed to do.
Two days after Kenna made it to her new home, Dylan was at her door. But this time she wasn’t alone for him to pushover and bully.
Seb had just finished folding the last of the towels they’d used and washed when there was a knock on the door. Kenna swung it open with a smile, greeting the two officers that stood there, “Hi, can I help you?”
“Sorry to bother you, Ms. Drummond. We understand Dylan Knowles is your ex husband?”
“Yes, sir.” She answered with a nod, letting her smile drop away, “But he isn’t allowed within a hundred feet of me, or five hundred yards of my flat.”
The officer nodded, “We got a call that he’s been reported as a missing person. I’m sorry, I hate to ask- do you have an alibi for the last few hours?”
“I do, actually,” Kenna offered, calling her best mates into the doorway, “My mates have been helping me get settled in, since I can’t lift anything on my own.” She gestured to the sling and injuries that still littered her body.
“And what time did you two arrive?”
“I got here around seven last night? After I picked up dinner.” Angie wondered aloud, “And Seb got here after the last tram ran, had to run back to his flat to feed his cat.”
Within a few more questions, the officers asked Kenna to call if he showed and gave her a card.
The three of them shared a smirk as the door shut behind them.
“You think they’ll ever figure it out?” Seb asked later that night as they all settled into her sofa to watch a movie.
“They can try,” Kenna nudged their shoulders, “But for my two guardian angels, I’ll put my hand on the Bible and still lie through my teeth.”
Angie chuckled, slinging her carefully around Kenna’s shoulders and pulling Seb in to the cuddle while they all pretended his grumbled protests were genuine, “Our bodies get buried in the same ditch, babes. If you go down, I’m going down, too.”
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luckyqueenreign · 2 years
Since we don't have a bestie this season who was your fave bff ever in all season?
Chelsea 💕
im a noah girly and Chelsea was the only one in the villa my MC told that she wanted to couple up with him & yes she ran and told him but I took it as her trying to help my MC get her man 🥹
I know she's ditzy but she loved MC and was such a good time!!
Also want to give an honorable mention to Angie 💖
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mrsloveislandx · 2 years
Another long rant 😡😩😩😭
At this point everyone one in the villa are rattle snakes 🐍 🐍
1. Gabi obviously wants Suresh back !! Using Dana to get what you really want !! We knew it
2. Dana your the worst the friendship option ever in the history of the whole LITG.. I don’t like you!!piss off please 👋🏽 Even when I wanted space and try the least nicest options your here 😭 like what sort of BFF grafts on the ex you want back ?? Then couples up with the girl your ex cheated on you with to make MC’s villa life more complex!! Your the biggest frenemy ever!!! Where are my girls I need Lottie, Priya, Chelsea and Angie to whip yo ass
3. Lulu you’ve watched the show before heading to Casa come on girl have some self respect you seem nice but everyone in there are snakes . If you had better hair I could understand the attraction otherwise ngl you should of signed up for love is blind or married at first sight … hardly a bombshell
4. Meera full of confidence now good for you 👏🏽 however please say you watched the show back to realise I never actually liked Alfie fml
5 . Finn why boy 😩 your like only real friend MC has there. I might jump on your train now but regardless of how Kat can be with MC she’s literally the only one I like there 😂
6. Suresh??? WTF I don’t think I can continue this route I have no expectations for you to redeem yourself!! If your getting steamy in bed with Lulu Boy Bye 👋🏽 I’m stick of MC being a mug for this pixel man if he had any redemption he would be begging for the answer before Casa happened sleeping outside with MC in a ideal world. Tbh if the next recoupling is a girls choice I don’t want to pick him… he should be begging at this point and literally telling everyone how he feels 😡
The writing is so lazy…. this season is not enjoyable at all ,if it weren’t for some writers fan fic I would of stopped… I think I’m gonna take a break until I know the outcome of this game and go back to Season 2 the most realistic series of the game 😂 ✌🏽
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throughthejunobush · 2 years
For the LITG ask game: 22, 24, 25, 38, 48
Thank you!! 💖
22. Are there any non-canon couples you think should have been canon?
Sort of answered here!
24. Pick 3 end-game canon couples and tell us how long you think they lasted after the show
Ooooh okay okay.
Miki and Bill: Would have broken up a few weeks after getting home. I think they'd realize they weren't really that compatible and not really missing each other.
Arjun and Elijah: I think they'd be in it for the long haul. They have very similar personalities. They're both easy going and seem to have a good balance to their friendship (and I assume relationship but we never get to see it, so only speculation). They seem to have similar values. I think they'd have a lot of happy years together.
Thabi and James: Another one I think would stay together for a long time. I don't know if they're a wild, passionate romance, but they are very compatible, gorgeous, and kind. I think they truly like each other and would treat one another with respect and care.
25. What is your most controversial/unpopular LITG opinion?
I answered this here, but I have another one. I think s3 is underrated, especially Boat Party. I've replayed it a bunch while writing my fic, so that may be influencing this opinion, but there is some great dialogue, particularly in Boat Party. The friendship with Seb in BP alone makes it stand out. I think they took a risk with the Boat Party concept and it's not everyone's cup of tea, but it was a cool concept for a reunion with actual stakes. The scene where you reunite with your original LI and finally sleep together again is gorgeous. And the last sex scene your LI whispers "I love you, I love you, I love you" 🥺 And in the last episode of s3, for the scavenger hunt, each LI gives you a different special gift and it's really cute. Tai gives you a piece of his broken pottery 💔
Also the s3 MC is weird and goofy and uber confident. I really really love her.
38. Do you have any opinions (on the story or characters) that have drastically changed since you started playing?
My opinion of Bobby changed very drastically. I thought he was annoying and cringe at first. Then I romanced him and he completely won me over. Same with Arjun, actually.
Youcef I actively disliked at first and by the end of the season I was in love. His sprite is very strange to me with the pursed lips and white hair that seems too big for his head. And I'm not into the model thing. But I love his gradual warm up to MC and he's not sleazy about it, but it's clear he starts to notice and care about MC more. And you get to know more about him and his history. It's a great arc.
I also don't find Gary physically attractive at all. But his route is one of the best ones. His scenes are sexy and funny and charming. So now he's one of my faves.
48. If you could pick any 2 characters from different seasons and swap them into each other’s seasons, who would you pick? Why?
Ah this is so hard!! I guess I'd say I'd swap Angie for Dana. I don't really care about seeing Dana in s4 (maybe her and Will would hit it off though), but I miss Angie SO MUCH in s5. She would not take any of that bullshit. She would absolutely stand up for MC and fuck them up. And then they could fall in love and run off together.
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mercedesdecorazon · 2 years
2, 12, 22,32 and 42 for the LITG ask game please!
2 - How did I discover the game?
-I found it on Google Play. It was 2020 and I was having a hard time because of the quarantine. I downloaded it and my life was changed.
12 - Are there any LIs whose route I tried but gave up on?
-Lucas's. I give up because the Blake situation was so triggering for me. After I cleared my mind, I did it again and I liked it, despite that.
22 - Which non-canon couples should have been together?
-My Long List: Lucas and Hope, Genevieve and Nicky, Noah and Priya, Bobby and Lottie, Cora and Angie, Marisol and Elisa, Jake and Rohan, Lucas and Henrik, Suresh and my MC's fist 👊
32 - Which season's art style is my favourite?
-Season 2 and Season 5.
S2 had that realistic vibe but S5 had more diverse options for a plus-sized black woman like me (even those Halloween costumes suck.) So I like both.
42 - Which character has the worst design?
-Juliet from S4. She looks so old and her pose is so weird.
Thank you for the ask, Iris!
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codename-mango · 2 years
For the litg ask game
8, 15 and 45 ☺️
Thanks so much for asking! Let's see...
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Let me try to go by season!
Season 1: Talia (my queen, tied for my favorite female LI now 😳); Tim (he's really grown on me. Catch me making an MC just for him in the next few days)
Season 2: Gary (he is such a friends-to-lovers kind of LI and I have a weakness for it); Hannah (that's it. I'm coming out and saying. It's called self-love baby)
Season 3: Ffs. This says LIs so I'll play fair. Camilo (great cook, family man, clingy. The dream); Tai (gentle giant, family man, jovial. The dream)
Season 4: Najuma (I loooove her, fav); literally haven't replayed at all (didn't even play the finale to finish Najuma's) but I'm looking forward to replaying for Angie
Season 5: My OCs, Siresh and... Gadi (canon is trash, gotta reclaim and refurbish these characters to be everything I want)
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THIS IS SO HARD. I'd probably say.... Lottie. She'd be the most entertaining to hear about. "Did you hear what Lottie tweeted yesterday?" "Yeah she's crazy right".
This is under the assumption that I wouldn't be guaranteed to know the character personally after bringing them to our reality.
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You didn't specify a character, so I guess it's dealer's choice. Hmm...
I'd change Kat. Girls who are overprotective of their partner? Yawn at this point. But a girl who really likes a guy but doesn't mind him flirting? I would like to see it.
"You think you're so cool but your partner kissed me!"
"Good for you. And?"
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