#literally though I'm SO CLOSE to writing Mao x Nanoka fluff
sailorstarr-chan4 · 2 years
Okay, so I'm catching the "omggggg I want to write fic of this ship now" feels for Mao x Nanoka because of course I am, HOWEVER, I am floundering on one simple thing:
Mao himself !! 😩
If I thought writing Inuyasha was hard (because let me make one thing clear: he is, without an shadow of a doubt, 1000% OOC in my fics lmao), Mao is on a whole other level, but for very different reasons.
Inuyasha was hard because writing a good tsundere is HARD. It's easy to make cookie-cutter "it's not like I like you or anything BAKA" types, but Inuyasha had some angst and guilt and other layers to him. But it also isn't fair to paint him as a Brooding Angsty Boi because that is most certainly NOT Inuyasha lmao. I'm good at recognizing tsunderes, but writing them is..... a challenge for me. Finding that balance between hot-headed idiocy and nuance??? Yeesh, no thanks >.<"
Mao, on the complete other end of the spectrum is........ stoic. But complex. Angsty, but kind. Enormously kind. But also emotionless. Mysterious AF. Honest but hidden. Calm, collected, wise, pragmatic, protective. He's an enigma which makes him an amazing character to read, but boy howdy, I have not idea how to write his voice 😭😭😭
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