#literally only just now named Bambi and Mirror but they've been in my head for a bit
A soft click and the steady beat of music rose in Click's ears. She pushed open the door and walked in to the small entry room, a large Gauge instance standing there, still as a statue. He was scanning her and Monarch as they walked in.
"Ignore him, Monnie, he's one of the bouncers." She waved dismissively at the annoyed expression the fusion gave her, "Gotta make sure our emotions are in check." She pulled her key out of the door and stuck it back in her pocket as she closed the outer door, "Can't have another Bloodline happening."
She checked her make-up in the mirror there before the Gauge moved and let them through the inner door. She thanked him and gave a little wiggle of her fingers in a wave at him as the pair entered the main club. The music was even louder through here, thudding in their ribcages.
"Ooooh, Ray must be randy tonight." She giggled as she listened to the lyrics and bumped her hips against Monarch's, "Maybe we'll get that stick outta your ass for a night, ah?"
"Oh, fuck off." Monarch laughed, "I'm not that big of an ass."
"You kinda are, doll. C'mon, let's get you a drink."
Click moved across to the main bar and hopped up on a stool, "Is Kvas not working tonight?" She pouted as she saw the four-armed Jealousy instance, Mirror, on their side of the bar. The arachne douji chittered out a laugh, "On break, and she's waiting tables today."
Monarch laughed at the look on Click's face lighting up at that.
Two arms crossed on the bar and the other two propped up their head as Mirror leaned on the bar, "Who's this, Click?"
"Friend of mine, Monarch. He's part of the Medical crew." Click's eyes darted away quickly, "Monarch, this is Mirror, one of the bartenders here."
One of four eyebrows raised.
"...He's the medic for Black Mamba, but he's not a problem, I promise." She huffed at them.
Monarch noticed the change in the Jealousy's expression, giving him a side-eye before they stood up again, "Well, I won't say it's a pleasure, but I'm not opposed to meeting more friends of Click's." They nod at him with a tight smile, "What can I get you?"
They both order, Click getting her usual and Monarch getting a simple rum and coke.
"What's that about?" Monarch mumbled as Mirror left them to go attend another person on the bar.
"Bloodline left a nasty reputation for Elims here. All staff members have a list of Elim team codenames, so they know Black Mamba is an elimination team. S'why I tried to introduce you as a medic. Fuckin' course it had to be Mirror at the bar. Rattin' me out." She mumbled into her drink, "Don't let it ruin anything, okay? The fun is in the people and the music, a'ight?"
Monarch rolled his eyes, but nodded, taking a drink in lieu of responding. Mirror is talking to the other bartender, a tall Slow/Paresse fusion with a faded smile and content, half-lidded eyes. His antlers curve around his hear like a crown and he just shrugs at whatever Mirror tells him, glancing over to Monarch and flashing a smile as their eyes accidentally meet.
Monarch huffs quietly and snatches his eyes away, looking towards the stage, where Ray is bouncing along to the song playing, two dancers on stage as well, one occupied with someone talking to them, likely saying some rather wild shit according to the poor girl's face and Ray paying close attention to whatever is going on. Monarch doesn't even notice when the other bartender comes over, "Hey, lovelies. Mirror's going on break, since Kvas' back and we ain't that busy, so I'll--"
"Kvas' back?" Click perks up like a dog hearing the word 'walk' and Monarch snorts into his drink. He gets a glare for it, but just smirks in response to it. The bartender just laughs good naturedly at being interrupted, but nods his head towards a cute girl with tinted glasses and space buns at a table on the far side of the club.
"Yeah, she's waiting the east booths, one of the tables is open if you wanna go over there."
"Of course she's a Kia." Monarch jabs Click's side with a nail, making her yelp and smack at him, "Go on, turtledove. I'll be alright."
"Just don't antagonize anyone. Remember what I said about you being part of Black Mamba. Best behavior, okay, Monnie?" She hops off the stool and points a finger at him. He rolls his eyes, but nods.
She runs off, leaving the hawkmoth douji behind with... Monarch looks at the bartender, "I didn't catch your name?"
He smiles at Monarch, "They call me Bambi here."
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