#literally just going from Mr. “Vox's body? What about it? Yes I do suppose he HAS one.”
prince-liest · 6 months
Jumping on the “about you wanting to write more lucifer” bandwagon, don’t mind me!
I loved your ‘How to Bag an Angel’ fic so much, I’ve never read an Angel/Lucifer fic like it (and was subsequently very disappointed to find that it wasn’t a popular ship); you totally sold me on that rarepair! Absolutely zero pressure, I totally get prioritising writing for your own enjoyment, but would you ever consider writing a continuation based on Angel’s “maybe you can call me daddy”? Because that line made me go 👀
HAHA, okay, confession: I'm absolutely writing a sequel (banged out 2k words today so far baybeeee, pun intended) but it's absolutely also not going to include any daddy kink because while there are few things out there that I find too personally silly to write in a not-joking context, that is one of them.
Have a snippet as an apology:
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