#literally idk how the fandom didn't take notice of these two sooner i've been
newathens · 7 years
untitled — cont.
i asked if i should continue, i got answers. here it is [ jazz hands ]
original fic prompt and part i · this is part ii
summary: uh? it’s the nico and annabeth are terrifyingly good at being demigods but got ambushed prompt, idk how to summarize this lmao
hope you enjoy!
They dragged themselves to a diner. 
It was difficult, what with Annabeth being unconscious and Nico possibly having a fractured rib, but after awhile—and maybe a few rounds of harsh shaking—she came to and they hobbled themselves into town.
“I can’t believe we were roughed up by wolves.” Annabeth said, eyes closed, hands in pockets, head against his shoulder. They were in a booth, holed up in the corner, trying their best to avoid prying eyes. He’d ordered two coffees and a plate of fries, and was eating them one by one, as slow as possible, to extend their time inside. He wasn’t sure how long it’d been, but he knew neither of them were ready to face the cold again.
“It’s not our fault, there was way more than expected.” He said, then added, “Something is going on.”
She shrugged her shoulders, “Same shit as usual.”
Nico scanned the room, stared at the door. Sunlight filtered in through the windows, warm and golden and shining. It made him squint, made him sweat under his jacket; he groaned, rested his head back against the booth.
“Relax,” Annabeth said. “Maine is hours away from New York. They won’t be here for awhile.”
“Then we’re going to get kicked out soon.”
“We’ll just rest here until we do.”
Silence stretched between them. Then—“Your rib.”
“Not important.”
“You need a hospital.”
“I need ambrosia.”
She huffed, clearly to exhausted to argue and neither spoke again. They sat there for some time, listening to glasses clink, plates clatter, sugar packets shake. The afternoon sun continued to beam against them, drying their clothes to the very last fray. It wouldn’t be easy to find a place to sleep, it wouldn’t even be easy to stand, but he knew they’d manage.
Though, it become apparent they wouldn’t need to worry, once the bell jingled at the front. He opened his eyes, was blinded by the light, but caught two figures walk in as he blinked the sun away. Both were tall, both were men, but one was brunette, while the other was blond.
“That’s not possible,” He said, but it was also impossible to deny.
Percy and Will spotted them in the corner and navigated between tables silently, until they stood in front of their booth. Nico stared up at them, mouth agape.
“How did you—”
“We hijacked one of Hermes’  chauffeurs.” Percy said, eyes flitting between him and Annabeth and back again. “Please tell me you’re both alright.”
“He hijacked the car, not we.” Will said. “But, yeah to the second part.”
Nico shook his head in disbelief, pushed himself up and gestured to Percy, who was already shuffling over to take his place. Annabeth woke from whatever daze she’d fallen into and grabbed his sleeve, “Nico, your rib—”
“His rib?” Will whispered, exclamation mixing with his tone.
“My rib,” Nico said and wrapped a hand around his chest as the repercussions of standing hit him. Percy took him underneath the arms and with the help of Will, Nico slid into the other side of the booth.
“You’re unbelievable,” Annabeth said as Percy sat at her side. Will sat next to Nico, hands flying underneath his jacket, pressing gently up his abdomen.
“She’s right,” Will muttered; Nico rolled his eyes. “Percy, get the tin of ambrosia from my backpack.” Before complying, Percy reached over the table and shut the shades, cutting the light from them. Nico exhaled, felt his shoulders sag. He hadn’t realized just how annoying the sun had been.
With the glare gone, he was able to see the others better. As Percy shuffled through the pack, he noticed that his hair had grown longer, loose curls now arranged on his head, reaching down to his ears.
“Nice hair, Jackson.” Nico said and felt Will’s hands tighten around his midsection. 
“Thanks,” Percy said and popped the tin open, taking a piece out before sliding it across the table. Annabeth took it from him, bit off half without pause. “I’m growing it out.”
“I told him if it gets any longer I’m chopping it off.”
“What,” He smiled, taking her hand. “Only one of us can have long, flowing locks?” 
“Exactly,” She laughed.
Will sat up, pushed the tin right in front of him. “Take two squares, right now.” He raised his hand, flagged the waitress. “You’re both dehydrated and you need rest.” Nico munched on ambrosia as the waitress came over, took an entire new set of orders and hurried back to the kitchen. He really wanted to know what impression they were making, it had to be off-putting. 
Shadows streaked the floor of the diner, thin and long. It was getting late, people would flood in soon, for dinner or take-out or to just escape the cold. He hoped they’d shadowtraveled far enough that Lycaon’s cronies weren’t regulars. 
“I can’t believe you both just ran off.” Will started.
“We were sent on a quest,” Nico said. 
“You could have asked for backup,” Percy said.
“We were each others back up,” Annabeth said and shot Nico a look across the table. It was exasperated, humored. He tried not to smile.
“You know,” Nico said. “We also came across the manticore.”
Percy choked on Annabeth’s coffee. Will blanched. 
“Yeah,” Annabeth agreed. “A hoard of dracaenae’s too.”
“Think I even saw a Titan,” Nico said, laughter spilling over. “Told him to choke on—ow, ow!” He grabbed at his rib, smile still in place. Will fell back against the seat.
“Oh, they’re joking,” He said. “You’re both horrible.”
“You both need to stop worrying yourselves to death.” Annabeth said and turned to Percy, who held his face in his palms. She pulled him up, grabbed him by his chin. “We’re the best there is.” 
“Fatal flaw’s comin’ through, babe.” He sighed, but kissed her nonetheless. There food came then, sandwiches and burgers and milkshakes crowding the table. As small talk passed between them and the staff, he leaned over to Will.
“I love you,” He pressed a kiss to Will’s shoulder. “Thank you.” A question about desert—blue jello, specifically—was made and the waitress hurried off. Will turned to him, worry lines still etched into his forehead. His head shook softly, and he pressed a quick kiss against Nico’s lips.
“No thanks needed,” Will said. “Love you too, you daredevil.”
“Overachiever,” Nico corrected.
“So, should we tell them the actual story?” Annabeth asked, gaining their attention. Nico shrugged and grabbed a milkshake from the middle of the table.
“If we do, you’re telling most of it.”
“Alright, let’s get started.”
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