#listen i'm not afraid to admit that i would give anything to be that baseball bat.
bugsongs · 2 years
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JESS MCCREADY in every episode → 1x02 "Find the Gap"
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tonystarktogo · 5 years
I'm still wallowing in the Post-CW salt so you're definitely not alone there! And I look forward to more of your salt because it is so good. (Also, according to iTunes, my favourite song is Your The Voice by John Farnham, which... fair.)
Great, that means we can wallow together!! :) Which, just a heads-up, we’re apparently not as alone as I first assumed. If we were to start a joint self-help group with a ridiculous acronym Tony-Stark-style, I don’t think we’d lack in members. Btw I really like that song! For some reason I immediately associated it with the “little people”, all those un-enhanced humans trying to find their equilibrium in an increasingly über-human reality.
we’re not gonna sit in silence
Andrina spends a two hour lecture glaring at her teacher and enduring the stupid Captain-America-is-so-proud-of-you video they shove down their throats every other year. She’s so tempted to start a discussion about propaganda and the impression holding a fugitive up as the moral idol every teenager should aspire towards gives of – clearly her brother’s recaps on his political science lectures are rubbing off on her – but – in high school they teach you to shut up and listen, in college they want you to argue and speak your mind – she grits her teeth and doesn’t say anything.
It doesn’t stop Andrina from wearing her #JusticeforLagos T-shirt every day for the next week and handing out #superheroes are not above the law, #there’s no such thing as an acceptable civilian death count and #accountability is not a privilege, it’s a duty buttons to anyone interested.
we’re not gonna live with fear
Emet’s first reaction to seeing Captain fucking America walk down the street a couple of meters in front of him is to almost walk into a lamp post. His second is to panic and run into the other direction because clearly shit is about to go down any moment.
Except the guy wears normal – and ugly, for that matter – clothes and a baseball cap and no shield, so hey, maybe Emet’s gonna survive this day after all.
Thankfully, the fear doesn’t last long – because there it is again, the one thing that’s gotten Emet through the past four months: anger. Well, anger and his parents, and his siblings, and his friends, but definitely also anger. And it’s not always a good thing, Emet knows that. But when it comes down to it, he prefers being angry over being afraid.
He hesitates for a long moment, frozen to the spot and unsure how to proceed. In the end, Emet doesn’t follow Captain America, for all that part of him itches to walk up to the guy and break his fucking face. It’s not gonna bring his uncle’ uncle back, it’s not gonna bring Saskia back – and maybe there’s still a bit more fear in him than Emet would like to admit.
He calls the cops instead.
And he’s not surprised when the Captain gets away, although at least this time no one died. Emet isn’t sure how he would have dealt with that.
(But when he talks with his friends about it a couple of days later and Milena jokes about an international tip line, it’s Jérôme who suddenly sits up and takes notice, who asks with bright eyes and a wide smile what if there was one and what if we made it?
Track the Cap goes live five weeks later.)
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