#listen I know he and captain Linebeck are supposed to be copies of each other but they're different ok!!!
wutheringmights · 2 years
17 for the writing questions!
I know I just answered this question, but I'll do it again. And I'll actually try to follow the prompt this time.
17. Talk to me about the minutiae of your current WIP. Tell me about the lore, the history, the detail, the things that won’t make it in the text.
Under Sheikah law, Impa has adopted Warriors, which was a part of how she was able to get him a house and make him take medical leave in Kakariko. On the Miyashita shrine, there is a family tree that lists Warriors as her adoptive child. He has no idea about this.
Ganondorf's daughters (Elham, Amal, and Juri) view Lincoln as an uncle figure more than a step-dad
Spirit's best friend is Linebeck III, and whenever he visits him, he will stop by Captain Linebeck's grave. He can sense bits of Linebeck's lingering spirit and can pick up on a few of his sensations, including what sounds like a teenager shouting "Aye Aye, captain!" Spirit writes this off as being the voice of one of Linebeck's kids, unaware it's actually Wind's imprint on Linebeck's spirit
Also very important is that Linebeck III knows nothing of Spirit's adventures or even his extra senses. He's very confused as to how this teenager became so close to the actual princess, and how he manages to hold down a position in the Castle Guard. Spirit also never told him where he went to when he was off in Warriors's Hyrule, so as far as Linebeck III is concerned, Spirit just disappeared one day and came back like two years later with a nasty scar and anger issues. And Linebeck III never learns about what happened, no matter how much he suggests that Spirit open up to him about it
But one of the main draws of having Linebeck III as a friend is that he knows shit about Spirit's hero and spirit business, so Spirit would rather die than tell Linebeck III anything about destinies or grand fates or whatever
You know how I said Wind disappeared after his argument with Tetra re: the founding of New Hyrule? He originally intended on staying behind only for a year or two as he went on some solo adventures, but after a terrible storm, he unfortunately drowned at sea
Also, in New Hyrule, a town has sprouted up around Linebeck III's trading post. It's where Spirit opened his own garage. He likes to take breaks by walking along the nearby beach.
Malon originally thought that Time spent 5 years in the future to fight Warriors's war. The actual number of years as we all know is actually much shorter. But when Mask/Time returned to his own era, it was in the middle of Hyrule, which Mask swore he would never live in again. So he just immediately left, never bothering to stop by Lon Lon Ranch on his way out
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