#list of neos
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queersrus · 9 months ago
Winter theme
[winter theme]
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Avalanche, arctic, apricity, andri, aspen, alaska, artica, antartic, antarctic, antartica, antarctica blizzard, bylur cold, coldine, coldina, coldette, coldetta, coldelle, coldella, coldino, coldetto, coldellie, coldello, chill, chilli/chillie/chilly, coat, chan, cherith, cheimónas, claus, cypress demetria, diamond, december evergreen, eira, eirwen, edur, eryi frigid, freeze, freezine, freezina, freezino, freezelle, freezellie, freezella, freezette, freezetta, freezetto, frost, frosty/frostie, freezing, frozen, frozone, frozette, frozetta, frozetto, frozelle, frozellie, frozella, frozello, frozine, frozina, frozino, frosta, frostette, frostetta, frostetto, frostelle, frostellie, frostello, frostella, frostine, frostina, frostino, flake, flykra, fannar, February glaze, glacia, glacial, glacier, gwyneira hail, haukea, haunani, hiver ice, icey/icie, icicle, icestorm, icette, icelle, icetta, icella, icine, icina, iciclette, icicletta, icetto, icellie, icellie, icetto, icino, icicline, iciclino, iciclina, iciclelle, iciclella, iciclello, iceberg, inverno, invierno, iarnă, isolde janus, janara, january, juniper kis, kari lumi, lixue miyuki neve, nevis, nieves, nivia, noel/noelle, noella, nic/nick, nichol/nichole, nicholas/nicolas/nickolas/nikolas, north, norther, northern, november, nevada, neva quilo snow, snowelle, snowette, snowella, snowetta, snowy/snowie, snowflake, snowfall, snowstorm, snowine, snowline, snowina, snowlina, snowellie, snowello, snowlino, snowetto, snowino, sleet, squal, snowdrift snowfield, snowpack, snowcap, snowcone, snowslide, slush, snowbank, solstice, skadi talvi, tuhin, tushar vinter, viola, violet/violette, violetta/violeta winter/wynter, winterelle, winterella, winterello, winterellie, winterina, winterine, winterino, winterette, winteretta, winteretto, wintertide, wintry, wintery, wintertime, warrin, wren xue yuki, yukina, yukio, yule, yuletide zima/zyma, zane
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1stp prns: i/me/my/mine/myself
wi/winte/winters/wine(wintine)/winterself sni/sne/snowy/snowine/snowself ni/nove/novy/novembrine/novemberself di/de/decemby/decemberine/decemberself yi/yule/yuly/yuline(yuletine)/yuleself ni/northe/northy/northine/northself i/ice/icy/icine/iceself gli/glace/glacy/glacine/glacialself fri/fre/freezy/frozine/frozenself(freezeself)
2ndp prns: you/your/yours/yourself
wo/winter/winters/winterself sno/snower/snowers/snowerself no/november/novembers/novemberself no/nor/northerns/nothernerself do/december/decembers/decemberself yo/yuler/yulers/yulerself io/icer/icers/icerself glo/glacier/glaciers/glacierself fro/freezer/freezers/freezerself
3rdp prns: they/them/theirs/themselves
wi/winter, win/ter, winter/winters, winter/wonderland, winter/solstice sno/ow, sno/snows, snow/snows, snow/flake, snow/shoe, snow/pile, snow/fall, snow/snowy, snow/snowing no/november, no/vember, nov/ember, november/novembers, no/north, nor/th, north/norths, nor/north, north/northern, northern/light, north/ern, northern/northerns, north/pole de/cember, dec/ember, decem/ber, december/decembers, dec/december, dece/december yu/le, yu/yule, yule/yules, yule/yuletide i/ce, ice/ices, ice/icy, ice/iced, ice/icicle, ice/icle, icicle/icicles, ice/cube gla/cier, gla/cial, gla/glacier, gla/glacial, glac/ier, glac/ial, glacier/glaciers, glacial/glacials fro/zen, fro/frozen, froze/frozen, frozen/frozens, fre/freeze, free/freeze, fre/eze, free/ze, freeze/freezes, freeze/freezing, free/zing, freezing/freezings, fro/frost, fro/st, fro/ost, frost/frosts, frost/frosted
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the cold season, the living north, the snowflake, the fallen snow, the winter monarch/king/queen, the snow queen/king/monarch, the frozen golem, the frozen being of the snowplanes, the dweller of the snowbanks, the snowman, the icicle, the dweller of the frozen late
winter embodied, winter personified, winter incarnate
*one who lives benieth the frozen waters, one who burrows in snow, one who rules winter, one who adors the chilly season, one who celebrates yule, one who was born in the cold months
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daughrly · 8 months ago
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ᨳ᭬꒰ᩧ৯ Furina NPT 's
Titles;The One Who Fakes/Masks,The Fake God,(( PRONOUN )) Who Sings,(( PRONOUN )) Whos Whiny,The Endless Solo Of Solitude
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staydandy · 2 months ago
The Lost Tomb 2: Wrath of the Sea (2019) - 盗墓笔记2 - Whump List
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List by StayDandy Synopsis : The group of heroes are pulled into another tomb-raiding expedition that takes them beneath the sea. In an ancient Ming Dynasty ship, they encounter monstrous creatures and puzzling traps. Wu Xie opens the box that he obtained from the Seven Star Coffins of Lu Wang's Palace to discover a snake-browed copper fish. Uncle Wu San Xing recounts the strange occurrences over ten years ago when they went on an archaeological expedition to Paracel Islands. Wu Xie leads a team down to the same place to explore a sunken ship where hidden dangers await. (MDL)
Whumpee : Wu Xie played by Neo Hou (center right) • Zhang Qi Ling played by Cheng Yi (center left) • Wang Pang Zi played by Zhang Bo Yu (2nd from right)
Country : 🇨🇳 China Genres : Action, Adventure, Mystery, Supernatural, Bromance
Notes : This is a Full Whump List • Adapted from books 2, 3 and some of 4 of "The Grave Robbers' Chronicles" (Daomu Biji) by Kennedy Xu • Suggested watch order of series (not including movies & spin-offs) : -- 1. Mystic Nine (2016) -- 2. The Lost Tomb (2015) >> 3. The Lost Tomb 2: Wrath of the Sea (2019) -- 4. The Lost Tomb 2: Explore with the Note (2021) -- 5. The Lost Tomb 3: Ultimate Note (2020) -- 6. Adventure Behind the Bronze Door (2024) -- 7. Tomb of the Sea (2018) -- 8. Reunion: Sound of the Providence (2020) -- 9. Reunion: Sound of the Providence 2 (2020)
Related Lists : The Lost Tomb (2015) - Full List • The Lost Tomb 2: Explore With the Note (2021) - Full List • The Lost Tomb 3: Ultimate Note (2020) - Full List • Adventure Behind the Bronze Door (2024) - Full List
Episodes on List : 25 Total Episodes : 40
*Spoilers below*
01 : Wu Xie shocked awake, sweating, from a layered nightmare (nightmare within a nightmare within a nightmare) … Wang Pang Zi knocked out
02 : [nightmare] Wu Xie choked
05 : Unsteady … entrapped in a trance, strangled, broken out of it … Pang Zi knocked over from an explosion … Wu Xie attacked, thrown to the ground, Pang Zi thrown into a wall, Zhang Qi Ling fights; choked & lifted off the ground
06 : [flashback] Passes out
07 : Wu Xie dizzy, entranced … [flashback] head pain, pushed into water … [present] Zhang Qi Ling head pain, recalling forgotten memories … Wu Xie, Zhang Qi Ling, & Pang Zi escaping a collapsing underwater building, stuck on the way out.. Wu Xie unconscious, receives chest compressions, spits up water, knocked to the ground
08 : Recovering from fever (not really shown) … [flashback] cut his own hand
09 : Shocked awake, sweating, from nightmare
11 : (near end) Wu Xie & Pang Zi captured, tied up
12 : … continued from previous ep. ...Wu Xie still captured, tied up … imprisoned.. dehydrated, breathing hard, unsteady.. passes out.. helped to walk
17 : Pang Zi attacked, Wu Xie attacked.. attacked again, knocked out, drowning.. spitting up water … Pang Zi bit by insect
18 : Wu Xie Hit with the butt of a gun, knocked out.. wakes tied up … Pang Zi having a reaction to bug bite; unsteady, arm in hives & paralyzed, passes out … Wu Xie falls, nightmare; wakes trapped in a casket, choked
19 : Drugged, unsteady, passes out, arm nicked & blood taken
21 : Falls, knocked out briefly … Pang Zi entranced into almost killing himself … rolls down a slope
23 : Wu Xie cuts his own hand … dizzy
24 : … continued from previous ep. ... Dizzy … unsteady, holding his head … attacked, choked
26 : Blown back by an explosion, briefly knocked out … falls, hits head, blurry vision, unsteady … cuts his own hand … blown back by an explosion, drowning … wakes in hospital (comedic: with a high-pitched voice from concussion)
28 : Pang Zi's arm in a cast (tho I'm confused as to why)
30 : (near end) Wu Xie knocked out from an explosion … falls into a pit
31 : Pang Zi found unconscious
32 : Found unconscious, head sore from being knocked out
35 : Wu Xie & Pang Zi in a fight; Wu Xie coughs up blood … head pain from noise
36 : Digs out from being buried in snow, head pain.. [flashback] buried in rubble from collapsed tomb, unconscious … [present] rolls down hill, arm hurt.. exhausted, passes out.. headache, collapses … headache … drugged asleep … caught in a trap, hung upside down
37 : Headache … captured … Pang Zi captured, tied up, mouth gagged … Zhang Qi Ling head pain, drugged unconscious
38 : Drugged unconscious … Zhang Qi Ling & Pang Zi trapped in a net, both tied up & hooded
39 : (near end) Wu Xie exhausted, collapses, hypoxia (not enough oxygen), slaps himself, passes out … hallucinating
More Whump Lists for this show: love-me-a-lotta-whump
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100shark · 1 month ago
Trends whatever man..... 🚬
Tag list
@fl0ralsxgar @somefunkyaxolotl @electricvinyls @cordshake @vergils-beloved @grimauxiliatrix624 @heartsfromcyber @zoroscanonhusband @lady-mole @willottie @lucciet @esotericdivinity @lyndexv @fandaniel @feppepurin @maspaz @fate-rarely-calls @bizarrescribblez
Dm for removal or prefer a different account tagged
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fishuus · 1 year ago
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for the sake of neku's mental health i think beat should wear the monocrow croptop
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jellyfshing · 1 year ago
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C3彡 clown id pack !!
☆~{ for anon }~☆
C3彡 names :
clown , yippie , polka(dot) , dottie , buttercup , daisie , ditzie , skittle , spark , button , bon , jester , patches , stitch , kipper , tetris , ruffle , sketch , kite , snicker , doodle , sprinkle , cirque , ribbon , carnival , parade , bonnie , espie , puzzle , kip , kizzy , poppy , raspberry , patches , tune , nifty , scout , piper , jestette , clownette , clownesse , harley , harlette , quinny , quin(n) , fool , trick(tryck) , trix(tryx) , jokesy , ace , joker , jesterette , jesteresse , jesterlita
C3彡 pronouns :
joke joker , jester jesters , clown clowns , harley harlequin , fool fools , trick tricks , trick trickster , joke jokes , joke jokester , prank pranks , prank prankster , perform performs , perform performer , co comical , pos posse , mim mime , an antic , honk honks , dot dots , pop pops , juggle juggles , party partys , colo(u)r colo(u)rs , fun funs , smile smiles , mis mischief , dot dots , pom poms , :3 :3s , :3c :3cs , :p :ps , boop boops , boing boings , bri bright , giggle giggles , splat splats , chi chime , yip yips , pip pips , bard bards , jingle jangle , 🤡 🤡s , 🎉 🎉s , 🥳 🥳s , 🎡 🎡 s , 🎠 🎠s , 🎪 🎪s , 🎢 🎢s , 🎊 🎊s , 🎈 🎈s , 🎂 🎂s , 🎁 🎁s , 🖍 🖍s , 🔔 🔔s , ❗ ❗s , 🗯 🗯s , 🧁 🧁s
C3彡 titles :
the trickster , [prn] who is known for [prns] (tricks / pranks / sillyness) , the one who preforms , [prn] who loves laughter , the bard of [anything here :3] , [prn] who jingles when [prn] walks , the funniest jester , [prn] who is laughed at by all
C3彡 genders :
pastelclowaesic , clowneocorian , trijezeic , carniqueer , jestercoric , jestercostumic , jestgender , jocugender , jestagender , jestmasquin , clownlolitagender , costumeclowngender , clowncomfic , circuscandyic
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khaoala · 1 year ago
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Louis Thanawin, Fish Upon the Sky & The Eclipse (2021, 2022) Drake Sattabut, Only Friends (2023) Mark Pakin, Only Friends (2023) Force Jiratchapong, Only Friends (2023) Title Kirati, Only Friends (2023) Mond Tanutchai, Only Friends (2023)
(set only possible because of all the data gathered by @ranchthoughts who made a whole gmm kissing multiverse post)
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simply-whump · 3 months ago
Fangs of Fortune (大梦归离) - Whump List
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Whumpee : Zhao Yuan Zhou played Neo Hou and Zhuo Yi Chen played by Tian Jia Rui
Synopsis : During the Zhenyuan era, due to the accidental death of the Bai Ze goddess, who governed the realms of humans and demons, the Bai Ze Order goes missing, leading to rampant demon beasts causing chaos and numerous bloody murders in the human world. At this time, the leader of all demons, "Zhu Yan," disguised as Zhao Yuan Zhou, volunteers to "surrender" and proposes to help the imperial court form a demon-hunting bureau to quell the chaos. (MDL)
Genres : Mystery, Romance, Wuxia, Fantasy
Warning! Possible spoilers below!
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Zhao Yuan Zhou
Ep 1 : (11:00) Stabbed in the chest — (23:40) Stabs himself, coughing blood — (25:50) Lets himself get captured, hands chained — (35:50) Neck cut by a dagger, dizzy, drugged, passes out (very briefly)
Ep 2 : (07:00) Pretends to be unconscious on the ground — (08:00) Stabbed in the leg (semi-comedic)
Ep 3 : (19:20) Shot with an arrow in the leg (comedic)
Ep 4-5 : None
Ep 6 : (02:55) Coughing blood, concern for him — (17:15) Stabs himself, bleeding from the mouth — (40:35) Crying (single tear), passes out, concern for him — (41:50) Wakes up in bed, weak (might be pretending), concern for him
Ep 7 :  (40:10) Hand cut with a sword 
Ep 8-11 : None
Ep 12 : (23:10) Fighting, hit, spitting blood — (31:00) Infected by some “plague” 
Ep 13-14 : None
Ep 15 : (14:40) Suddenly in pain, concern for him
Ep 16 : (11:20) Malicious energy is getting absorbed by his body, loses control (for the whole episode)— (Flashback) (24:05) Uses a lot of power, spits blood, loses control — (31:40) Crying
Ep 17 : (02:35) Still controlled by the malicious energy, stabbed, collapses on his knees, crying, asking to be killed — (08:30) Regains control, realises what happened — (15:15) Crying — (19:30) Back full of scars — (22:45) Crying (really a heartbreaking episode)
Ep 18 : (34:35) Trapped in a cage that limits his magic
Ep 19 : (16:45) Crying — (29:00) Imprisoned 
Ep 21 : (07:40) Catches an magical arrow with his bare hand, losing his five senses, collapses, concern for him, losing control to the malicious energy 
Ep 22 : (07:25) Focusing to keep the malicious energy at bay, sweating — (14:55) Focusing to keep control — (22:25) Still trying to keep control — (25:45) Losing control
Ep 23 : (06:20) Controlled by malicious energy — (21:45) Stabbed — (24:50) Collapses on one knee, finally freed from the malicious energy, in pain 
Ep 24-25 : None
Ep 26 : (40:15) Goes against a strong magical power, struggling, freezing, frozen
Ep 27 : (01:45) Frozen
Ep 28 : (20:05) Ready to sacrifice himself, takes out his inner core, spitting blood, concern for him
Ep 29 : (18:45) In pain — (22:40) Uses magic that will greatly depletes his power and hurt him, spitting blood, passes out, concern for him, unconscious in bed, arm badly injured, looked after — (33:40) Stabbed, spitting blood, concern for him
Ep 30 : (06:35) Hit by magic, spitting blood — (39:30) Weak, stumbles, helped to walk
Ep 31 : None
Ep 32 : (07:05) Takes a big hit to protect Zhuo Yichen, burned very badly, gravely injured, passes out (It was a dream) — (12:45) Stops a blade with his bare hand — (32:40) Blasted by an explosion 
Ep 33 : (08:25) Unconscious, given power, wakes up
Ep 34 : (20:55) Crying, slapping himself — (27:10) Teary-eyed, stabbed, crying, collapses, bleeding from the mouth, dies in his loved one’s arms
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Zhuo Yi Chen
Ep 1 : (23:30) Crying 
Ep 2-3 : None
Ep 4 : (09:45) Fighting, small cut on his shoulder — (15:05) Spitting blood, wound treated, wound healed — (25:20) Coughing, recovering — (28:55) Coughing — (31:15) Coughing
Ep 5 : (17:30) Crying
Ep 6 : (08:10) Hit by magic, vision blurry, passes out, falls into water, trapped in a dream, collapses on his knees
Ep 7-10 : None
Ep 11 : (33:35) Hit by darts, vision blurry, passes out — (36:40) Dragged unconscious — (40:55) Powdered drug throw at him, dizzy, collapses on one knee — (43:40) Stabbed by a magic dagger, in pain, stabbed again, in more and more pain, grabbed by the neck, magic used on him to control him
Ep 12 : (01:45) magic used on him to control him, breaks the control, kicked — (08:30) Weak, coughing — (10:55) Weak, mind control used on him again, collapses — (20:40) Mind controlled — (31:15) Infected by some “plague”, passes out
Ep 13 : (23:30) Still infected, almost collapses, caught
Ep 14-16 : None
Ep 17 : (2:25) Crying
Ep 18-21 : None
Ep 22 : (01:50) Vision blurry
Ep 23 : (22:10) Hit, spitting blood — (32:25) Choked — (35:00) Fighting, beaten up beautifully (hit, choked, kicked, stepped on), hit in the throat hard, bleeding from the mouth, passes out, concern for him (Gif Set)
Ep 24 : (03:55) Unconscious in bed, serious internal injuries, between life and death  — (Flashback) (15:20) Crying — (Present) (18:25) Wakes up, blood at his lips, concern for him, passes out again —(23:45) Strange magic enters his body that will turn him into a demon over time 
Ep 25 : (01:45) Agitated, wakes up, controlled by the power inside him, attacking his friends — (06:30) Found unconscious, tries to control his demonic power — (09:45) Dry heaving, concern for him — (13:25) Imprisoned, hands chained — (22:10) Spitting blood — (26:30) Crying, eggs thrown at him, ostracised, pushed into water, called a murderer (went from being admired to being hated by the people) — (30:30) Weak, coughing blood —(33:30) Stepped on, face grabbed 
Ep 26 : (36:45) Ready to sacrifice himself, freezing, frozen 
Ep 27 : (01:45) Frozen
Ep 28-29 : None
Ep 30 : (21:40) Crying
Ep 31 : (32:15) Passes out
Ep 32 : (07:05) Blasted by an explosion, on the ground — (32:40) Blasted by an explosion 
Ep 33 : (09:35) Neck grabbed, power given to him — (23:40) Choked
Ep 34 : (02:15) Shocked, crying — (21:55) Crying, depressed — (25:50) Crying, has to kill his dearest friend
>> Another Whump List with Tian Jia Rui
>> More Whump Lists
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leorobotsworld · 3 months ago
Jaune: Can I try rizzing you up?
@his ships: *giggles* Sure
Jaune: *on his knees* please, please, please, please, please, please, please, please, please, please, please, please, please, please, please, please, please, please, please, please, please, please, please, please-
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novaluxvi · 9 months ago
u should share some agent 24 headcanons!
OH OH OH! I have one in mind!
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Parental figures who curiously pose together well when they are together for a wild kid (neo3) ☝️ (Like those movie posters LMAO)
They complement each other very well and Neo3 is a parentless young Octoling with "Inkling personality and culture" so he sees them as an example to follow in both ways. 🥺 In terms of combat, Three as the captain would teach him more how to fight and Eight is the emotional support part because he doesn't like fighting (and is very absent in the Squidbeak Splatoon, but sometimes he happens to be there) and is more into fashion and songs stuff despite being the one who has had it the hardest.
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theunconcernedembalmer · 27 days ago
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More Victor doodles cum colouring practice plus some other guys
The watsons are @ask-victor-grantzcampbell 's fault. Kind of. Not really but still
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queersrus · 1 year ago
Good day. :-) Could I request pronouns and titles relating to machines/robots and/or medicine/doctors ?
machines/robots! @oh-my-god-automaton you might like this?
3rd p pronouns: they/them/theirs/themself
mech/mechs, mach/ine, mach/machine, machine/machines, machine/machinery, mech/mecha, mecha/mechanic, mechanic/mechanics, mechanic/mechanical, mecha/noid, mecha/mechanoid, mechanoid/mechanoids droid/droids, drone/drones ro/bo, robo/robot, robot/robots, robot/robotic bot/bots ai/ais, a/i, artificial/intelligence, auto/autos, auto/mation, auto/maton, auto/automation, auto/automaton, automation/automations, automaton/automatons, an/droid, android/androids golem/golems, gol/em com/puter, compute/computes, compute/computer, computer/computers
the robot, the robotic one, the android, the droid, the man made being, the ai, the artifical being, the artificial inteligence, the program, the computer, the machine, the automation, the automaton, the golem, the iron giant, the iron golem, the mechanical one, the mechinery, the mech, the bot
[prn] who is man made, [prn] who is artificial, [prn] who is mechanical, [prn] who isprogrammed*, [prn] who is metalc, [prn] who is robotic
*you can add what you might be programmed for, such as "programmed for love" or even add "not programmed", easier to add crossovers of other themes that way
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daughrly · 8 months ago
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ᨳ᭬꒰ᩧ৯ Fox NPT 's
Titles;The Trickster,(( PRONOUN )) Who Cause The Most Mischeif,One With High Spirits,Winter Trickster,The Soft One,(( PRONOUN )) Who's Fluffy
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shenmaomaos · 2 months ago
2024 Tumblr Top 10
tagged by my beloved super sweet and talented moots bex @baekhyunnybyun 🩷 liz @yunogf 🩷 and rhi @honeydewtual 🩷
go here to see your top 10 of 2024, share them and tag others
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tagging: @hoforwonho @myungjaehyun @renjunniez @pookiez @dazzlingkai @donghyuckkies @kyufeed @seokryus @soonhoonsol @antonleez @96z
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librarisxng · 6 months ago
also reminder, please do not send hate towards the other NCT members. they are not involved with Taeil’s scandal whatsoever and if they were, SM would’ve announced their departure from the group as well.
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knightotoc · 7 days ago
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congrats to Neo to for being the only character audiences don't want dead👏
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