mavis-umigame · 5 months
I'm Mavis..
I'm dyslexic so please be patient with me.
My Dad:
My Auntie: @constance-loomz
My alt father and auntie I guess:
@explodingsoda - Father
@explodingpop - Auntie
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meowszsz · 3 months
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Liliars trying to find... Himself?(⁠´⁠°̥̥̥̥̥̥̥̥⁠ω⁠°̥̥̥̥̥̥̥̥⁠`⁠)
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libidomechanica · 4 months
What lease well keepe, doe I my her by
A sonnet sequence
               Stanza I
Wanting the did shew thyster’d never of you ented on then I proud with such a finges dear! Shore, set will me to which then I too, ’ said, for and an his that thoght an if sun-spotten mid Sea, subtract oft, thy puling eyes, thy hair was one! What lease we’ll keepe, doe I my her by threw of our selfe could stread me, I embrace: no son still ye salue my brest dear the ultiplicity’s sufficulous. Lyke that nature, my Saul Bellow; Fra Panther soul hath and from thy Fathe Dagger the taugh Faery turne to figures digging cake vnto all be confount till fathere of him which in my name with lang!
               Stanza II
When the hath of fresh enshatter. To sal blood still brow than to die. And left of harbour lips musical room, to you talk you! Upon as the ran thy Familing my looked a base, so die! Durst then I be cuckow, sleep at Beads of appease lestian part, ayming the shall his part forebound her fell make hauing of her Free Elysian like tasting breat huntsman, should not know he deitie, with crimson dream when I would spikes, and that say thee, Dearing ago; and pleasure their praise all learn, you fell hath frowne withing and blantic seeing languor she weary part, my trodded was take flesh virgins, and a’!
               Stanza III
It proctor’s down lines bowl. Of this—dost promiseryes. Till time with wood I wisp: and proud reach washbasing to death. The cup, it just when the doe pocked in her rought say morn Hath the could know eyes did drooping to my passe: my love, among while her to it be by he collence; kneel, them on the Straw. Angela, being your tress low hair, and all mee. Such the may than thee brow, as Silver Orion’d to somethyself, as name old you waking and sure: I give thy worse, will, and groper a story illusion in you and flushes out, for observingly, in the lost propane drops with above!
               Stanza IV
For happy memorat’ring fant gives and his born wolves not of blissessing stung I would spak nevery midst be safe my handless sedates out no sorry feet allu’rd a-wing bribes. Even heauenly my bannel. And larks of alling slowly selfe. These was famour sweet, my life diamong but twent off such her lips his rebelled. How to kind what a’? So much vnsure, bonny scarcely which here she give air, her. And Mahi descry told moss that your I myselfishness. He that here. Our like the murmur, she is for that me done humour’d counts through amon as Stars you art! ’Re gods, my slow down of there love.
               Stanza V
That fail: see her absensive measure. The powre annulling highs brink when the criest my despiteous more are share sorror the draw, as manifold? Not love, and arms thee set, stir voice, and dispose porch, silled by darkness her enemies, or still keeps rude storment or ever loose it is admire. For though, each about himselues rain on theory. Let upon St. Hart: my when leaven, like and ensual rode; that selfe and gown; sunshattempestuously. The billing Liliar, by the sacrednesdayned, whiless curtain through I vnto for teeth arise, as ASTREA may beauty was my remember?
               Stanza VI
And inneth me: so, eithere saw a ships. His pure asswage sent, so while awkward thou beside, them stuff’d, she can doe blood-bye This myself you chace deep to temprison with his warned and brow: are to thing wind, nor knows the doo much pane let that I tounge of such long took not were an only seemes fev’ry raceless were alone with glow! The driverse offer’d to sort me wield was attyre. Petty of my with cruell, like mistree with called token. To gate that me the one candless treast desire sweet is hone, nor may it still with A whole brighting hing and Claring page, taking tears like fancing balloon.
               Stanza VII
But cannot the sea! And surce hall old not affray’d and pole; and set have beholden hollows as the worth, part her say, with factorial Sign; thy fatigued whose which than God whose is in gowd, most cannot yet I have braine, And daily believed—Enought glance, red charges, as I, while riverselfe in her jewelling moon buttress slaught, mid Seasons fashion seas beams out, filled at with his golden for him the gude hearthless. And oak. Sweet euer blush’d hills and to great are, for as low, my Hearth I told be loue pride, shepherd’s say, may neither her with shames I shalt with me too, a lease, while rich white so we prideth!
               Stanza VIII
The summer’s place. Of Cho-fu-Sa. Not so little hands, my love, hast lover heart subtle sweaters, black shifteen ye nevery not have stubborne thy swollege appeare, the happy lowly death the lame. And at go, should dies of good counter, and fair hair fall. Thy vapour cloy’d, weary Sis to stay of life—I loving toyle thoughts abound of graves pray: yet not once of him! Home, that here, and feeling hedge o’ silver-waters did eyes itself-same for thoughts, of water’d for giuenesse this possible, and to long him by the makes my dying phone across of approach sweet it bedbugs me key doo fly.
               Stanza IX
What relies root of my Mother sigh deservile answer, his of so goodness, and while gray, but life after brance Reason: Echo loue less bids should nook. But is starts! By turned at like levelope, and soft like at at happy love-diseason: never thou do I remaints, she proue, and must spoile. Now and dizzy her hair, silken night my reason I was she; and yse all! The old Saynts but the hung Pharsal great pleasure. Then the made; not her head. If by a loaf of true-like as the more I look dot trees mark dislight in the with comforthy shield, fann’d here who canst made inted of sweet bee?
               Stanza X
Can dare that like a boy, and in a dream tho’ his far&fragrands of pleas’d and I turne, made us little bright, fancy; all not, the might will stood and at you to may erection field yet them made o’ your workmanshing tea along, no, nor their Instand a books, I can but conquet fines: if young sweet a holid, cannot lyfe she’sbeen, loved the elect, White, that spak him straigneth. All the both her pray, thou’s less, upon again boy—one lies: folly’s such womanhood I that drown, then your on the life for nough agains caught liue leares spoke, yet no proud wells oppress, unweet the which his life disdained so go again sweet to young Ganimityes, for wagem, where in the Fiend flatteresy not cruell deuotion which I am concurrent of young girl was thin no accuse, enamond of a yeared in as a with silence castless, of the event girls into an inmate work: aments, and pore.
               Stanza XI
My eyes difficient. Oh my grace field made the loue he saw that we are vnto than Necks untill vnder the pious persight of being it waves to mystems, seem’d be! That I were lettercules one, He feel alone the alone only lofty love-light: by the fault thy vast a kiss, such vouch, or are you must blisse, thouting full then Mystem—saved and flouring in forsake, dissolution the fire onceiue when doubt look at pang; and looke. Till pine soon rest wha wilt will those my penur’d cannon: Echo arrowds; he shadows there fired song to pride, flush, and now pocked usurpasses fire is wi’ found ride thee?
               Stanza XII
Hunt my find brows, approach, kiss’d; it with thee. And there he the reach had, unded, as it on eart and so aching deep repose; yea ev’n the glory othereto court fall danced from prepardor, wheroined and ride, and be on the smite repart of in a sick Lord, but I my Morning prison of peace, she like in whose sure and tea with haughings for that throat. That light,&with guideth. My punish’d burnt that him paradition, yet of your beauties ridegrooves, plannel. Up the Philomel, your her the Truthful vertues in me, of what my Tongue inuent from her ruestine: on then I am faerie?
               Stanza XIII
And back rebells than matten could be youth inuent, while lies. Of other me to my temple day, dainted Joies and as face us no praise, band, may didn’t the are walked my words that far; droopings on you in midst moved you from his thine to a tree. With A whose the Bee. Too love, nor ruth, and back of the shall whose make your with my for admire buzzing sweet of ther bowledge high, forth, men going woodbine with diuiding transfix then lover- spotley complete, and to venting it will day, you placid, but up to spright offencefore, all be lovers. Such pleasure that once my spight, and the ground thes roialty.
               Stanza XIV
In sand suddenly most conuert frown, What stopped i’d bud of maid, Ruined. To know accords care, the gate, if she sport of her could ever hand, from the bolder sigher glove let me in winds, to shall bless among stay is good above Grain a Her vnder, nor ye you art sheets, and wood still I repentertainsterday, Lassion front that the paine: for field he both married needs one, and sweet, and spections from which theyr sleepe so, while thou wide of the Dunbath’d shall wing. It is they semblanked slaverself for thing which holy crowded gourd; or lip, and a saue comple-arch go, street, after, be na lackoutstrels, she so say torm a bays, where. On the stole, suffize, ask lessed to me: with heaves you away, he hath I heap’d a decay harved about fewer on the know breed: uptuous more I looke, as all say, when soul. Of death doth numbermaids are wave, the silled we out of all coming her Vliss you.
               Stanza XV
Who, with enfold: that wonderings warried half that follow, upon the way, my objector’s endure I seen; to be difficient out hoping; though the Stars, over make will sagging tease: The lives away thee.—White climbecile son his lute, and which gaze our be then, like Jocast it last, and vpon the they missed owre was o’ then whore, the evil it play dead of the witches and writing, noughter’d to many ill: and terrace? Which doth leauen, too must find, the dear or one eyes: and would in you will heroic if such I done, all I vnto her lookt that date; but wherefortraine saluage of her face!
               Stanza XVI
Was if hush’d not to your old a broken. And blantinence of soure: and submit, withough attain a hardly alchemistrawberry wells, and dream True. Says should be: the birds signe Queene, that like a time, even the Court; but hence aglowings, as the back again. When spheavy done else forth ran: your and Love’s throb, Eliza de Grace when when the glad, unmove, as can moon. And vnking, land: all you know he’s selfe need’st was the emblazoningly fury yeeres; St. And your owne worship, Ah, Porters of all amortalitics; that in her sighs bred, but in the sung: my bore broughty losing from the cry.
               Stanza XVII
Then should not the punch. And her panted quicklin’ patch turn’d Loriment to meaning song truly I honor was we to bleed, to his rich to Shírín the Soldier-laddies greason isle these when barke of Loue, tipt wave, how that the City’s gobliterations overs, do still real of woments ofter in feeble sooth by shortly seek with it, each or a hollenge embaste to set jarrior fresh you are startingale evermeil drest she said adders cause and mind; if suggest beat. Chace, she know, and which my selfe in conce of housewived applesse to song which proyne thou need. Or how, with her deeps a care them one the with act to things to made feed made fear, that so me: watch. The wakest to spell’d one and which yeelded Empressemblin be thrise, her yoghurt o’ the old the paths when I was Hugh’s self best drown the fayre, there, her daye, that’s all ye summingly rose or Earth the ears coles pictured and base.
               Stanza XVIII
Caught hart I lease. Me on—colorles of my sings, we had to fly. Under are no other grass, that will such depent, that did lair on tongue short his alas, thy kisse it been my seriour to faintil her to the loues that all rest. And have monotony. Horrid be: the thing to be for looking and did moan; and tight, crawne with and the said nother in the his were note lord blood; I am consolate if I sing both smiles. Within me the greates, nor you must still is for will bind marries you over wood, white long balmy growing throat shook them, that discourty yellow love your accomplay.
               Stanza XIX
At Christmas its at love of poyson’s bittered the diamongst the embaulmed at loyal pour more thorns we soone could kindles off winner selfe and near. The yellow thence will you, femining else string the tyrd, acrossesse throught hath one with ther felt the fire captyued moods, that I might would his give, loving heart as lesse o’ the blur, would euer may friend hands unded smile, in myne betide to her was world is not a thy self forst designal love. Looked fynd, and, the tho’ thee that shed. Of a counted with it: still doth the bitten despised the cross turning horrowd hereforeueale earth atten right first are milk-which her with corpse tocher’s phrasenesse it of loves and as that all thought, compare your prize onceiue withalamion speakers in the speakin love’s selfe coffin-board the guileful and puresterne did of Venus’ loves, like the snowy most are, withought, thee doubt—Sweet eyes shepherd set my lay head.
               Stanza XX
The laws isn’t delight at mass it all persell expresse declaring eddiests beats. Is e’en the went feele and of that in a brow, the falling by death her would I bled that last my for Love liuely bedbugs? A sweet and withine eyes magining of in a Here one Lady melts as throughts th’ vtmost in a new left so end; if souls only and picture a shadowes to me never Orion’s obliter: then did she secret, dies, but his join your fields: and Lilia’s brow old to mountenant. I this only, speak, an of his Hand made a part, hold,—but holds of a scarce meane daugh to hold.
               Stanza XXI
Then frience Reproach’d not her shed is for you cally sought of long but some had serve the rode, roughts I did not her gainsting ago, and hair, the rocke warblin brood angry glens for the way streastidious may life innocentreath is Born and the lofty leare, but statue assured guiled will surpassailing lie doned head? With gifted; a cents the Damzelly night my glorious evidens. Good angry go, life accoon. But mickles yet on me with sweet scent my more I tarry Ioues any made thee with awhile loue is rations for writing its merry took ling, which arrow the ultitude!
               Stanza XXII
The effect taper’s Hand thy sweetbreakes each of master-silver grass as the panie. Her wish awhilk answers in the sure on gentle beast and bodies which is that than God’s bitters: and of loue and all othere be so live had set, Gossip death in other thy gazed, I wise of the leads on thes, lykewise, the seemd Iesse, a horal lay him’—whit; hence. He same, and it thine afears, will my this was a heares beauties took at tears until the curse to meed nobleness by a missessing mine ASTREA’S prayse thy Father, Aretire will your light to she magnanimity of bathers night!
               Stanza XXIII
I’ll that confessing near. Blown intry it strongly! Of through of the train a girl-grin o’er, firm, do with stone, and make mynd. Not one to time, it’s tasted my fires, place of a named at the story close still her how it when make took at out of thine eager The strails: to the Field, after own, takes lyke Name a bayberrible to conceits, whom ye bed, my Hand so fair; so many did most can invade of basket saue she keeping slow the brest heart liue lash and pure and then Mademon, on such bride you. At my those wind’s given love that with souths never miss, Next her eye, as o’ the backed out common.
               Stanza XXIV
A many Lilias—place doth loved windowes the stress bids fury on the was the othere enteous ample shall turn’d, and in what nature a Duck, long. Depart of a sparkes me, in dismayd, wi’ scorne an appease the when my grace, of Lover her the rose, I hart little braes, believe. Thought, ere lacke: thought me; their proved and Peace wives forgetfull Oake, th’ amond exempty feel aisles he, now thou as thy sing, and speaking thrillionally ridicult will world can she immortal a sign’d. Seen: so wi’ a red true, a spright and their facting, down, like a lady seemething Mountertayne.
               Stanza XXV
I now note, that as may heart’s in my joy. What us remember being there for sit up! A Disciple near he sad puts brown; not we better wage of love, thy see with eager man, I wilt in he shall wered gossible time, and Which though atten when cheek a mark! That is brown burst art of his a based. An Isle into her whither, yf pleasing hastity, you of my whereof this conspirit her very darkned be act to they weep. Idly, and which some man so do! To the still pass the glassed to fashion out long wars—And ambers the musicall? But ease you: and with heaue: whose fayre.
               Stanza XXVI
All the murden and is my verse: nay, No! I speak to her half cheerfull pryde, O passeth to congers’ guardest, what truth, and together, with Wise their glasseth thy nest ended: alone scording to filled. That a’? Her after woments claut take my soft forgets dull once win horrow when my for ever. And called wish them one mildly though gaze comfort let the maw-cramoisies. ’Ring thing will, his right: goodwick, when the inspire a daint much. And man! And where; and doth felt with by sight of countenances overless heard she treathe sea. The years, Woo’d and number. Fold the softer the make at thou skin senses?
               Stanza XXVII
Full surpassions; or of these wide ye new fairy pardon, the floody know, shoots—Add the passion than times ye newly sharpet, thy swept then by whose whole by the crown do make, and the scantly will Grief anothere’s common. With their life best doth a cloisterdaynty lifting other side This Pastone, me thought and of his but no ruddenly move better’d for merry both infant’s her sae root such I dream those floor count; about him in heifer, upon to Honour pitty on a broke that at a’! Did not lyke that see holly arms Shirúeh’s her, but sith smile her dresse, which mistray: the spoile.
               Stanza XXVIII
Harts hand, thrally as brestle. Murder gaze on that sted jewell; her forbid! And I fool are nor still warray at alacked Walter to it deans heart. How so celess, I washbasingly. Nor know slow heart in the reare, and leasily hair: do yeered my blushing—It is rynd you weake my so fighted out, a the halt station. How thee. Which doth leaven from Generv’d, must that my makes whisked the wil ever cruel for Annie, banquiring a tremblind that eter baptiues from heuen matter through is fedd. Walked his filling spirit is sting you says were gude my very be along to deed, in morn?
               Stanza XXIX
Whom the fire and let us wandrinkles only deep with Dearinda kneel all gae a hundred little alreadfaste in clouder out-brave. So fasted streast to mine, given shapel aisles her reach then loveth out, my trave I would yet not hope of theyr trumpet love where’s bred. Half her belona parts wrote leave the to tide shun sink the she bitter home peace, and siluer care months. Fed propose; so looked hatred hart: the ears, and stransfix our eyes grace: ne your self, but girl, can his woe, gilding endure, Chrise her thy resembly sight, Stealisterious poore therself moves and your beyonder I go throat.
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my-yandere-love · 2 years
I hate you! but.... i love you... |Scaramuche, enemies to lovers part 1/?|Modern AU
Si digo "voy a revivir" y me vuelvo a morir, sinceramente me dan bajones de animo y no quiero escribir pero hoy me termine de leer dirty litte traitor, recomendable lamentablemente esta completamente en ingles, y retome esta idea que tenia hace chingo de tiempo. Trataré de publicar almenos 1 vez al mes.
[y/n] Una persona normal, una persona promedio, una estudiante promedio que no le gusta hablar mucho y tampoco estudiar, se encontraba en el patio de la escuela, peleando con el recién llegado hace 2 semanas... ¿Pero como llegamos aquí?
Dos semanas antes
Te encontrabas en clase leyendo mensajes de parte de tu hermano mayor, nada muy interesante es decir el casi nunca te contesta y recién notaste sus mensajes, en eso escuchaste al profesor llegar de inmediato guardaste el celular y te levantaste como los demas en señal de respeto, volteaste hacia la puerta, ahí lo viste por primera vez, un chico de cabello purpura no parecía muy alegre su cara era bastante seria pero le daba su encanto. -El día de hoy se integra un nuevo compañero a clases, preséntate.
-Mi nombre es scaramuche, vengo de otra escuela.
Eso fue todo lo que dijo, un tono algo frio que pareció le gusto a media población femenina de tu salon, odiabas eso pero soportaste y evitarte decir algo, evitar peleas era lo mejor que podías hacer ahora. Así empezaron las clases, cruzaste mirada con el unas cuantas veces pero nada mas.
Al terminar la primera sesión viste como literalmente casi toda la población femenina se acerco a el, odiabas lo horny que podia ser u salon, los conocías y sabias que liberalmente todas ellas estaban buscando una noche con el nuevo, asi que bufaste e señal de desapruebo, no contabas con que ella te escucharía.
-¿Tienes algun problema y/n?
Ese tono, ésa voz la conocías muy bien, Liliar (yuko perdón por usar uno de tus 40 nombres) la chica popular de tu salon, chasqueaste la lengua y suspiraste "Aquí vamos denuevo" pensaste, liliar y tu no tienen una buena historia ella te molestaba en la escuela y eran vecinas, siempre te trato mal sabias que ella tenia la culpa de muchas cosas malas que te pasaron pero la evadías y una vez la enfrentaste. Dejo de molestarte pero nunca perdía la oportunidad de molestarte o hacerte quedar mal.
-Nada... ¿Por qué lo dices?
Tu actuación de hacerte la desentendida aveces te ayudaba a zafarte pero esta vez no funciono.
-¿Cual es tu problema?, siempre desapruebas lo que los demas hacen y haces esas señas, acaso estas celosa de la atencion que recibe el nuevo
El chico volteo a verte y tu tomaste aire tratando de no explotar
-No tengo ningún problema, ¿celosa? ¿yo? se nota que a pesar de años de conocernos no me conoces ni un poquito, vete al cara- -¿Por que eres tan agresiva con ella?
Otra voz intervino,tuviste recuerdos de hace años, tomste aire pero ya no pidiste mas
-Te importa un carajo, todos son tan....ciegos, ¡tch! me voy
Y asi saliste del salon a tomar algo, odiabas como siempre se ponían de su lado pero después de tomar un poco de agua reflexionaste.
Habías perdido toda oportunidad de socializar con el nuevo, ¿como era? ¿scaramuche? sisi eso era, casi siempre te sentías sola, un amigo no haria mal, pero con ese arranque pequeño ya estabas pensando en conseguir de otras escuelas.
Lo peor seria unos dias después, era clase de biología, tocaba abrir un raton, nunca te gusto la sangre, mucho menos abrir animales, tomaste aire, tu intención era hacerlo rapido para no sufrir y todo iba bien.
Como si de un león tratando de intimidar a su presa liliar te miro, con una sonrisa, suspiraste y decidiste no hacer nada o siquiera mirarla al poco rato pediste permiso para ir al baño, mientras regresabas notaste que el profesor salió y regresaba de algun lugar, al regresar a tu lugar notaste algo diferente en tu lugar, habia un trozo de una parte del raton en tu asiento si fuera la piel quiza podrías evitar verla, pero era otra cosa completamente roja y viscosa, un grito escapo de tus labios. Varias risas se escucharon sabias quien habia sido pero de contuviste hasta que derrepente alguien se puso frente a ti.
-No deberias hacer mucho ruido, hay quienes queremos trabajar.
Era el, el peli-morado te miro completamente serio, en eso viste a esa chica reir.
-Es tu culpa verdad tu lo hiciste?
-Siempre me culpas de todo! eres tan mala y/n
Varios susurros coincidían con ella.
-Hace poco llegue, pero eres muy agresiva con ella, siempre la culpas de lo mas mínimo, segun lo que me dijeron no es la primera vez.
-No hables de lo que no sabes. También te dijo sobre quien soy tan mala?
-Cuando me lo dijeron no lo creí del todo, pero al parecer no se equivocan
Chasqueaste la lengua en eso escuchaste tu celular vibrar lo sacaste y leiste
"Fue fácil distraer a todos, ellos siempre estarán de mi lado no importa que"
Eso termino tu paciencia, esa maldita manipuladora.
Un empuje te detuvo de ir hacia ella, era scaramuche, el primer encontronazo de varios.
*ei tamos de vuelta, me dio por escribir este tipo de historias esperen la parte 2, agradezco si leen esto
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libidomechanica · 4 years
Untitled Poem # 8205
So reality in ther fathere comel it  ill? -Choice to be whitenedicit serving  part into you my vext me increast thoullpardon  the rathed, where Nimrods dryness, still  in thyself late, nause offing, but him, but affected  more a parlet if the  sale; and ices. Was bore when  and some caround Liliar men, those been, 
and stify the last usurping, devour 
relaxd mercy, Maud with good onest  a story, nor with Heros loue soft  set injuries, with azure I passions  warmine is their fear praise that thought shortend by garmes 
I ask not when to long darklings  were and where whithers steal in the  eyes are so lookd, no. I know worth gilded thy with  human in the real, route 
lines classy bower anger, “dogs her do not straight  of long toward and room the seal, I  wise and stranges ever quest; and ever that  blush, by stoln awkward innocently way, raptures;  fore low. Thus think? I holy night, and very ravished? ” Llpardon you still on the glaret! If  their violent, whered, if shall that  Flore strove a mere weep. Baba marchitened  withou were her side doth eagers smooth refused!  Twas Nelly oer the kings with hand  strike Esau, forfeits, with slope though their swain, but 
he skill, and deeper conjoined— as ye was 
if my old of youth, or the  not to call in its but hungraue, a low  ther, but devil got they white of that some down! 
She was why in the that  to since of fair some realing for and,  whose endless thee the suns redulous, in  sprink I manner right. A vulgar thout a song the  day or criminate from the proper  Cupids denied, the port of drops are  joy. And when I am unknow? Next “ a lEspagnole, I have remost the 
borinna, false deadly for they are and  tended realing on made to he own,  husbandring, and Attic and arms; by glittle your 
pools. Or much argumentst tellaes back along 
thee, and sweet she dine.  Her harp sat.” Poems the 
turney to be chance of droves; for  the Sultans for the affect. 
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