#lilac's silver springs chronicals
lilaccatholic · 11 months
I don't have any desire whatsoever to be in a relationship right now, so how come finding out the guy who I was half in love with for half of college just got married messed me up so much?????
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lilaccatholic · 7 months
I need to tell this to someone who can possibly share the pain, but today in church my parents were talking to an older gentleman, and he was saying how he had participated in a retreat this weekend and that there was a wonderful young lady that was leading it that I should try asking her out. Said young woman was actually a high school friend that I did try dating at the time.
Noooooooooo oh my gosh that's so painful I'm so sorry! Oh man, that's incredibly sucky. God bless sweet old people with the best of intentions, they know not what consequences will come from their actions. Let's blast some Silver Springs TONIGHT
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lilaccatholic · 21 days
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