#like.. yeah they're bad guys in the sense that they wanna destroy earth
mo-ok · 2 years
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Week of Toku Ladies: Day 3, Fav Relationship with Another Lady
(Or in this case, multiple ladies...)
Idol Number One, G3 Princess is here <3 <3 <3
I just love and appreciate how easily Saki and Miu just... accept their fate when it comes to Kegalesia. War crimes CAN be forgiven when one's idol career is at stake
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hollowsart · 5 months
kept forgetting to post these, but here, some silly scenarios and out-of-context moments & more with (my) Guy Gardner & Feste that I wrote up for @arcade-writing :) ;)
==(Warning: This is an EXTREMELY LONG POST)==
--(tfw you start shipping your friend's self-insert with canon.. Guy/Feste is so real and official in my heart and soul cuz it's so funny, and I really wanna share some of these snippet things I wrote cuz they're just too good to keep to myself)--
(Anyways, when I say this is long, I MEAN IT)
Guy: Guy Gardner works alone! Ain't nobody worthy of workin' alongside me, you'll all just slow me down--
Feste: -walks in-
Guy: the ONLY guy worthy of workin' with me is sweet cheeks, here! -puts his arm around Feste's shoulders, giving a little squeeze, and kisses his cheek- I ain't accepting ANY offers. Ain't nobody could or ever WILL replace my best man!
Feste: ❔❔❔❔❔
Guy: Can I stay the night with you? I don't have the energy in me to go to mine. I just…… I just wanna….. cuddle for awhile… if that's alright with you…?
Feste, realizing just how bad Guy is doing: I will destroy whatever made you this way, just give me the word… but after we've had some sleep. You look awful.
Guy: ..Thanks.
Guy slicks his hair back and upwards one time at the beach, it's all wet and he makes a joke to Feste like "Hah, whadda y'think of my new hairdo?"
Feste looks like he's gonna be SICK. The utter horror that Guy did his hair in a way that looks like how Feste has envisioned in his nightmares.
Feste storming up to him, smacking his head and then quickly ruffling the hair until it sits like a bowlcut again and then kissing him and holding his face firm to look at him like "NEVER do that again."
Guy is confused and flustered, but he promises.
Guy: You wanna go blow up some asteroids later? I wanna see what that ring can do!
Feste: Oh, it's a date!
Guy, faltering, ears going red but his face isn't: What
Guy: So why're you called 'Feste'? is it like some kinda self given title, like an ironic wordplay for the fact you're a Pink Lantern? I thought all you guys were supposed to be all 'ohhh la de da, mwuah mwuah I love life, I love you, and you, and you, and everything~' but you're more like when love festers and dies.
Feste: ………Yeah, haha. yeah that's totally the reason. Pretty cool, right? festering love…
Guy: Yeah.
Feste: So what about you? Why's your name 'Guy'? Sounds pretty generic and bland compared to your gaudy personality.
Guy: GAUDY?! WHY YOU-- Ergh.. No. My parents named me that. Guess I was just a disappointment to everyone since birth. Hah.
Feste: Are you okay, Guy? Do you wanna talk about it?
Guy: ………..No. I'll be fine.
Guy, puffs out his chest: Well now I'm THE Guy. The Guy everyone talks about! I'm THAT Guy! SO my parents can SUCK ON IT. ~'PathETIC PUny GArdnEr'~ is no more! If they could see me now, they'd be soiling their pants at what I'm capable of! I'm doin' more work savin' the world and more than that lousy old man has in all his years as a cop!
Feste: Are you done?
Feste: Guy……have you ever considered your parents are idiots and their opinions don't matter?
Feste: do I need to kill them for you?
Guy: I thought you guys didn't kill?
Feste: I can make an exception.
Feste: I killed out of love and star sapphire has tried to kill Hal, I think I can kill your parents
Guy: Hal probably deserved it. Ah. Nah. Y'don't gotta kill'em. For all I know they're probably long gone by now, or on their way out, at least. Haven't seen or spoken to'em in years.
Guy: Good riddance, I say.
"Feste of Earth, your heart is so very lonely. Come. Join us and you will find your heart full once more in time. There is a great sense of love within you. With us, we shall help you to unlock that potential, to feel what it is that you desire. You will. find Love."
Feste: I'm sorry. W H A T
Star Sapphire: Feste of Earth, allow me. -leans down to caress his face and read into his heart and mind-
Feste: uhhhh uuhhhhhhhhhh
SS: I see what it is your heart desires. We shall heal you. This may take some time, however, as the universe is vast.
Feste: huh?? okay???
Guy Gardner on earth just stepping out of the shower:
Pink Ring: Guy Gardner of Earth--
Guy: WHOA HOLY &^#@$&@^#$^$@#?!??!
Pink Ring: --You are whom we seek. For there is one who is need of you.
Guy: The @#^$&# are you on about??
Pink Ring: Come. Accept this ring and see for yourself.
Guy: ..You gotta be ^&#@%&# me. I already got a ring -walking to retrieve the green ring on the table- I think I'm good now #%^$@# off--
Pink Ring: I am afraid you have no choice. This is an emergency of the heart and soul.
Guy gets YOINKED by the pink light and the ring nestles itself onto his wedding ring finger, his outfit changes and he gets portaled to Feste.
Guy's Pink Ring: Feste of Earth. Your heart and soul's match has been found. May you both find comfort in each other's love.
Feste & Guy:
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Guy: I got a scar from taking an imitation toy parachute for a joy ride when I was 8. didn't go so well, got a scar on my head from it, you wanna see?
Feste: you what
Guy: Yeah! Look! I jumped off and landed wrong, snagged my head real good-- check it out!
Guy: -brushes his hair out of the way and leans down so Feste can see the scar-
Feste: I thought they hit you for stealing it-- that's kinda disappointing.
Guy: How dare you.
Feste sits in his room, getting ready for a surprise night out with Guy. He tossed out some verbal hints, but never right out said where they were going, but Feste could only assume it had something to do with cowboys. Still, Feste was going to dig through what he had to find something to fit the theme.
He was halfway dressed and digging through his dresser when he heard the door open, a sound of boots with the spurs that one could never mistake following suit. Feste looked up to see Guy leaning on the door frame with his arm, the other propped up on his quirked hip, legs crossed. He was dressed like a fancy cowboy, green suit with matching stetson and all. The tassels swayed from his movement.
"Y'ready, par'dner? We're gonna be late if y'don't get yerself dressed. C'mon, we're goin' to a rodeo bar. It's hoedown night an' they got th'bull out. Y'don't wanna miss that, now do ya?"
Feste shuddered at the accent Guy was putting on. If it weren't for their date, he'd have half a mind to jump him right then and there. Grab that stupid bolo tie and matching belt buckle, too--
"Come on, Feste! Don't tell me yer gonna be wearing just some jeans and a t-shirt. Don't you have anything, y'know.. more appropriate?"
"Why would I have--"
"Y'know what? I'll buy you one on the way! Get your shoes on and grab your stuff and let's go!"
Guy was a little too excited for this.. it was kind of cute, Feste thought.
Feste in the Lantern break-room one early morning, pouring some juice or whatever, they hear the door open and glance to look, but it turns into a double whiplash take as they see Guy Gardner walking in completely shirtless in only his boxers, a pair of ridiculous socks, and some slippers. he's shuffling in yawning, stretching with one arm behind his back while the other is scratching that happy trail from to navel to waistband.
bro doesn't even acknowledge Feste, just cracks open the fridge after scratching the light shadow on his face, grabs a carton of milk with a cheap tape and sharpie label on it with his name and starts chugging it, free arm resting on the top of the fridge door. he finishes, puts the cap back on, stuffs it back in the fridge, shuts the door and FINALLY looks over to see Feste.
"'Sup.. Didn't know anyone else would be up this &^%$ early." his voice is still groggy and has a slight gravel to it. and for once, he doesn't sound agitated.
Feste, questioning how this man can even survive, making up theories in his head about how he is and junk when he's back on earth:
Guy, on earth, walking with some lackluster groceries back to his place: -kicking garbage and using his ring to put it in the trash, shouting at a guy for bumping into him and almost getting into a fight about it-
Feste, watching: I was so right
Guy: -sees a kid trying to get something out of a tree on the side of the street- HEY! Hey! What do you think you're doin'?! -runs up and grabs the kid out of the tree-
Feste: Oh no -readies his ring-
Guy: That's dangerous! You could've fallen and gotten hurt or worse, you could've went crashin' into the busy street! You're lucky ole Guy Gardner's got his eyes on this city, kid! Ain't nothin' gonna slide past this Green Lantern! What're you tryin' to get outta that tree anyway?
Kid: -points and looks sad- sorry Mr.Gardner Green Lantern, sir..
Guy: Ah, it's nothin', kid, no worries. I got this, just you watch! -shifts them to his hip as he uses his ring to fly up and gets the thing down for them, handing it right to them- There now, y'see?
Kid, being placed back on the sidewalk: yay! Thank you!! You're so cool!!
Guy: It's nothin', kiddo, now I want ya t'promise me y'won't go climbin' anymore trees like that, y'hear? I don't want any o'you runts gettin' hurt doin' somethin' stupid like that. And.. -squats to the kids height and talks a little quieter- I may be a Green Lantern and we don't feel fear, but don't you go tellin' anybody you heard this, but you got me scared for a minute there!
Kid: Whoa.. Really?! I'm sorry! I promise!! I pinky promise I won't go doin' anythin' like that again! -holds out their hand-
Guy, laughs and gives them the pinky promise: Yeah, that's a good kid! Now run along and play safe!
Kid: Okay! Thank you again!! bye!!
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