#like you're telling me TOPMEW stay together but bostonnick don't????
romanceforransom · 11 months
So I've been lurking in the tags because I can't watch rn but... did they really just break up bostonnick completely?? I- 😭
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Jotting down some thoughts about Only Friends Episode 4:
spoilers, obviously
That first scene with Ray broke me, that feeling of worthlessness and how everyone must hate you hit a little too hard for me
I was right thinking that Ray is closer to Mew than the others (and maybe vice versa), possibly because Mew is his emergency contact and saved him when he was feeling suicidal; which reminds me of when Ray told Sand that it was his turn to save him after Sand took care of him while he was drunk
That one person's theory that Ray is using Sand as an emotional replacement for Mew, who he already holds on a pedestal and probably is attached to Mew more than he likes Mew, is probably true. Idk I'm not really analyzing but I genuinely feel that Ray uses people as an emotional crutch in order to get things from them that he never got from his own mom - love, compassion, someone to hold
Cheum is so me: "Ray, if I wasn't a lesbian I would love you"
Side note: I love scenes where all four of them are together and doing friend stuff even though they're all backstabbing each other (except Cheum, bless her)
The fact that Boston saw his two close friends kiss and recorded it, kept it for two years without saying anything is so???????? I want to crack open his head and figure out whats wrong with him
Ray saying Sand is not his type after he had his tongue down his throat not 30 minutes ago is??????????
Ray still being in love with Mew is so sad especially when Mew clearly only sees him as a friend (He's gotta be on the ace-aro spectrum is2g Mew is demisexual and probably aroflux or something along that line. Trust me, I'm also ace(-probably aro) and he's just like me)
Mew laying clear boundaries with others is hot. Actually, yes, kissing someone who is asleep without their consent is weird and you shouldn't do it, this isn't a kdrama Ray, you can't get away with it
I can't wait for Nick to rock Boston's shit I'll be honest, I really want him to try and blackmail Boston into a relationship, they can be red flag4red flag
Top really has the AUDACITY to call Mew his future boyfriend as if he didn't fuck Boston like he had something to prove just the other day, all men do is lie
That airplane with a B on it....the photobooth at the hotel.....Top I was really rooting for you but you're getting on my last nerve...
Ray is the kinda guy that doesn't know what the price of eggs are
"I do want money but friendship and love can't be bought" Sand I literally can't relate, would love someone to buy me things in exchange for my friendship
Raysand is so cute at the guitar shop I just know Ray is gonna leave Sand broken hearted, there's no way Sand is getting out of this unscathed
Ray is so lovely when he apologizes and looks up with those puppy dog eyes I would forgive him too, its okay Sand
Sand loves arctic monkeys and oasis 😭 move over Ray, I can treat him better
Every time Boston is in the same frame as Top, I let out the biggest sigh; I love Ton, I won't lie, but God I need him to leave topmew alone (on the other hand, I wanna see Mew rock both Top and Boston's shit)
I love that scene in the elevator when Top was reading Ton to filth but couldn't he had done it before he had sex with him???? Like Book, I too will bring up that car scene every single time
God I don't trust Top
Out of context BostonNick is really cute, I wanna see Neo and Mark together in another series where they get play boyfriends
also Nick relistens to that damn audio more times than I rewatch episode 12 of Mignon
Nick trying to blackmail Top instead of telling Mew is such a choice. "Can you stay away from Boston?" bruh he's trying to, Boston is the one that appears out of nowhere like that one mosquito
Book is so fine, idk something about the glasses gets me in every scene he's in
unrequited love for your best friend is so rough, I feel for you Ray (but he has a point. Mew, do you really want Top as your boyfriend?)
"Who punched you? I want to give them a trophy?" You can suck his dick too, Ray, since it's Sand
For a second I forgot who Beam was 😭 I was so focused on Boston and Top that I forgot Top slept with the entire young adult male population of Thailand
"Beam is a drug dealer" hOW IS THAT ANY BETTER?????
why do I have the oddest feeling that Mew has some kind of background with dealing with addicts cuz that "quit drugs" speech was a little too impassioned. like a previous family member or someone was an addict and now he no longer wants to take care of people who are addicts because of how emotionally exhausting it is. maybe this theory is coming out of my ass but it might explain why he keeps Ray strictly as a friend (since not only is he an alcohol addict he also does cocaine???? boy are you trying to kill yourself?) and he gets mad at top for also doing drugs
i thought mew would use sex as a way to prove that he and ray were strictly friends, not as a reward to get top to stop doing drugs. i'm so flabbergasted and also top is kinda weird for wanting sex as a reward for taking care of himself but whatever
now I'm distracted at the fact that Top brought a packet of cocaine with him to Mew's place like??? was he planning to sniff a line while Mew was sleeping or...?
Man I was wrong about that airplane....but my point still stands
out of context topmew is cute
ray just wants to feel important to someone but now that mew has top, he's gonna cling to sand....i'm sad i just want ray to love and be loved
sharing music is a love language
the next episode looks too happy, i dont trust it
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