#like you're complaining? she's 19 and you're complaining??? sansa otoh...
acertifiedmoron · 7 days
you're doing that thing jonsas also do where you conflate 'i do not like this ship, the idea of these characters fucking does not spark joy' with 'i am blind and unappreciative to any dynamic at all between these characters'. (obvious caveat is obvious but a
is this about that sansan post.... it was about their canonical dynamic, those angrily opposed to sansan were obviously implying there is no textual basis for anyone's interest in it beyond general moral depravity(!) and most of them were also j onsa shippers who think there's a possibility of their ship going canon, hence the tag ("#i just think it's funny to ignore all that and then turn around and ship J ONSA"). now that you have context ->
yea okay, statistically speaking, there is at least one fic out there which manages to write j onsa in a way i will find compelling, but that's true for all ships. i'm allowed to have a general opinion on a ship based on the fact that i neither like the popular interpretation of their dynamic nor do i care about them in a shipping context because those two don't have enough (any!) interactions or thematic overlap. and the defining thing about sansa's chapters for me is the examination of the lie of chivalry, that the role of the perfect lady waiting for her true knight is simply another form of entrapment. it is no coincidence that the two men who offer her even a little bit of compassion (it's not enough) in king's landing are tyrion and sandor, characters who will never be proclaimed as heroes under the chivalric paradigm because of their disablity, and in sandor's case, the disfigurement. because in the songs all knights are able bodied and handsome and all maidens are dutiful and fair. they are the 'beasts' to her beauty and the beastliness is their ableist rejection by society, a rejection which has fostered feelings of cynicism and nihilism in them. sandor's monstrosity also manifests outwards, he doesn't recognise the value of kindness. he must mock and torment sansa, which is his way of educating her, because he was never subjected to kindness. not until sansa.
sansa dreams of a fair knight within the constraints of the chivalric paradigm, but she's beginning to see through that lie. true knighthood in these books will not arrive in the form of an aemon the dragonknight (who was too wrapped up in his vows to protect naerys from their brother), but the earnest belief that despite the unjust structures of the world, we have a responsibility to make the hard choices to one day fulfill the dream of a better future. i expect she will find a true knight in the form of an unconventional hero such as brienne (or sandor, after his moral transformation), but they won't play the role of shining knight to her docile, helpless maiden either. she will have a measure of self-reliance first. anyway those were a lot of words to say that i don't like this framing of jon as her handsome true knight (he is a knight, but not necessarily sansa's) who swoops in to rescue her in winds, and i think it plays into ideas her chapters are deconstructing.
and these are just my thoughts on the ship (in a canonical setting, people can do whatever they want in their AUs), i don't have a problem with anyone shipping any characters. also my fav ship for jon is jonsam greatest jon ship of all time jon and satin don't have what they have. okay that's it 👍
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