#like wym 'trust me' leander she knows the scorpion and the frog-
eridias · 1 year
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@starvd prophesized:  lock  my  muse  in  a  room  alone  with  your  muse.  
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AN ACHING BREEZE starts and sighs in the empty bar den, the distant clangor of aberrant bloodhound's drunk on cheap spirits and hollow celebrations hum as buzzards do, gratingly so, and 'neath oracle's veil do vigilant ears twitch and fall back in slight agitation; a near miss, had it not been for sharp hearing she might have missed the tell tale click and the footfalls that followed. there's a pause, a sigh harsh echoes, with shoulders tense there's an ever present jangle of silver gauntleted talons as she shifts ─── and just as the self same click of wooden door sounds, so too does the steel of longsword sound as she unsheathes it, rests the tip of it 'gainst wooden floorboards. tapping, once, twice, a warning, and with a half turn does she acknowledge his presence.
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❝   is this an interrogation ? were mortal touch the cure, i would not be here.  ❞
CHORDS ROLL SMOOTH, impassive and yet no less uninviting; there was no need to bite the edges of her words, bared steel would suffice as warning enough. thankful, though she was, of his ... kindness ( to offer room and board with naught to gain, as he himself had said, wary yourself of that which proved too good to be true; and wary herself she did ) she had no plans of changing her mind otherwise ─── if he had hoped to catch her off guard in the process, then he had failed. she would not bank her hopes, nor the mind of another, on an overeager ego and troublesome curiosity. many had fallen to her blighted touch ( " O' HOLIEST OF SAINTS, YSERA ! PRAISE BE THY TOUCH DIVINE ! " ), what good was another.
❝   my answer remains unchanged, mage.  ❞
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