#like wow that's his lil brother I'm so glad they found each other to be lil freak weirdos in the same buildings at the same people
nyan-bynary · 1 month
Sometimes I forget that yuuji is exactly as crass and weird as gojo occasionally and then I remember him just shoving ijichi around and calling nanami a nickname he (secretly doesn't mind) hates
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moonlitberrry · 4 years
not so popular
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➀ ᴀ/ɴ: based from what wonho wore last halloween i'll be following in pursuit of this school themed au where he's a football player and you're his best friend off the same year and i won't disclose that you're a nerd in this but be whoever you want. kinda christmas theme actually
➁ ᴘᴀɪʀɪɴɢ: football player! lee hoseok/wonho x reader
➂ ɢᴇɴʀᴇ: fluff, school au
➃ ᴡᴀʀɴɪɴɢ: none
once the football team opened vacant spots for new comers that's where wonho popped in
he trained a whole lot for this to join the football team and that include:
working out and staying fit
he plays as their new tight end offensive line
you wouldn't worry much about his well-being since he never skips meals or anything just like a couple of people who would prefer protein bars and drinks instead of other food
he uses that but also eats
he healthy boy
always attends practices and would never skip a single one unless there's an emergency
have grown popular in the football team quickly after one game
he was really nervous in playing in their first game like,
he can't focus and kept jumping like a lil bunny all around, trying to convince himself
"i can do this, i can do this."
"of course you can, hoseok!"
he felt so relieved that you’re always there with him. you’ve always been there with him ever since childhood
the both of you are friends since grade school and have always hanged out in each other’s homes. whenever wonho’s parents were out he always stay in around yours
as usual some people and a few of your friends thought that the both of you were a couple because of how close you are with him
you refused 
you weren’t in a denial but you just saw him as one of your family members, like a brother and everyone respected that
no one from your classes ever decided to push you about your relationship with wonho and you were glad they stopped because it gets annoying when they do
so, you’re comforting wonho and his anxiousness over playing in the field
at first you’re not allowed inside the locker room of the football players until a few of wonho’s teammates, the captain, let you in
you almost resulted to kicking one of them until they let you in but decided against detention than anything else
wonho would flip and ask you how you end up there
once you were by wonho’s side you comforted him and pat his back, telling him you’ll be cheering him on 
he keeps asking questions regarding his worries
“what if i mess up?”
“this is my first game, omg omg. this is my first!”
“oh hoseok, you won’t mess up. you’ve been practicing this all week. kill that game!”
because of your encouragements, it made him more pumped up into playing on the field
his teammates found it impossible to bring his mood up, but somehow you’re able to cheer him up for every crisis he receives
from that day on, wonho’s teammates allow you inside the locker room every time wonho becomes nervous 
ever since wonho’s first game his popularity grew
he became busy over the following years that the both of you hardly even talked to each other
you proposed on talking every night but he’s always tired after practice or hanging out with the guys
he promises to hang out with you, which resulted to movie nights every month 
the both of you scheduled on every friday night of the week but wonho kept canceling your plans with him
he’s very guilty about it
he wants to spend time with you everyday like before, but the both of you grew busy over your academics and school curricular activities 
expect random texts from your boi
to: [ your caller I.D ]
from: hoho
hey! have a great day, don't forget to eat your breakfast. i got you a pancake bunny :D see you then!
when you got downstairs you found oddly shaped pancakes but it cutely formed into a bunny
with whip cream as the tail
because he's whipped for you, get it? :'D ahAHa i need to stop laughing at my own jokes
a cute lil bunny just like him
you never cared how different it looked like, it honestly looks unique and cute making you snap a photo of it and save it for keep sakes
almost everyday whenever he had the time he would always leave little small texts to you which you happily see at any given time of the day
and you text him back the same kind of affection and his heart goes CRAZY
you don't know that yet because the both of you hardly see each other but when he looks at you he has heart eyes
that whipped that you aren't aware of but anyway
you wish you could see him in person somehow
i mean, you do see him in school but he's usually busy with practice so you weren't sure
he also found a new group of friends recently that are not much of your status level
they all seem nice but you're not exactly sure on how to talk to wonho's new friends
somehow you find his name being off and across the campus of how a lot of people thought he was cool and how much a couple of them had a crush on him too
you aren't lying, you also find wonho that way
except for the crush
there is no way you would be crushing on your best friend, that would be awkward to handle
but you did
and you didn't know how to handle it
but one night
you get to hang out with him again after so long and it made the both of you relieved
thanking it all to your holidays break! (happy holidays! :D)
wonho made you pick out the movie for the both of you to watch while he chose the food
ever since then
he NEVER changed
well except for the fact of being really obvious of how much he likes you
would sometimes consult a couple of his friends on how to talk to you about it
and or ask you out
i mean he has asked someone out before and you were aware of it until he broke up with them around some year ago
so yes, boi is nervous
what else didn't change from him?
oh yeah, ramen
expect two bowls of ramen that he prepared for the both of you to have
"i. really. love. ramen. owki?"
"aww, more than you love me? ;("
"... but i do love you."
you laughed it off and decided to eat but he was serious though
it made you stop and stare at him like,
wait wait wait
you love who?
"i love you, (y/n)... i really do."
ok so you actually thought he liked someone else and not you
he has a bunch of admirers recently that you can't count how much because THEY'RE A LOT
and wonho is hot so
oh wow look im rhyming
you can't blame them for it but i guess you stole his bunny heart already
for a very long time really
"i actually thought you liked someone else."
"you might think that way but you never failed to cross my mind ever since we were busy. i like talking to you and ever since we were separated like that it made me miss you a whole lot, you know?"
and here you are, gradually melting
honestly, the both of you don't know what to do next but one of you should speak
"i'm so thankful to have this time with you again. so, will you spend it now with your best friend?"
"oh hoseok, not best friend."
"iM nOt yOur fRienD aNymOre??? D:"
"no, but my boyfriend, silly"
this made you laugh at how cute he is
"well in that case ;)"
of course, made the move to kiss you first right on your break with him
had the need to initiate it right when the both of you confessed
"time to watch some sweet holidays flicks to start the day with my favorite person"
"oh, absolutely"
that's not your last kiss though
kisses you a lot lot ever since then
also made a make shift headband where a mistletoe hung
only wears it when the both of you are alone and he can have his sweet time of kissing you,,, under the mistletoe
he just wants your affection, owki?
he just wants all of your loveeee
but wow though, your friends cheering you both for finally getting into a relationship
they thought it was so obvious
that the both of you would like each other at some point
and you guys did ♡
so this is not over guys, i got a little more info as football player wonho aight?
you always come to his games of course and he always asks for a kiss before a game starts
its to boost up his energy and you're just,
"don't you have a lot energy already?"
he won't stop whining about it
honestly just wants your kisses and your love
and so it became a habit of you kissing him before a game starts
when he looses you give extra affection
when he wins he will take you out somewhere or just host up a lazy date at your place
he always ask for a hug or a kiss every after practice
"babe, i'm home! now how about a-."
"i'll give you a kiss after you shower-."
always sweaty after practice, the sweat of hard work
you only give him a peck on the cheek after he's done with practice but no cuddle until he showers
you would always help him catch up whenever he misses a class or two because of practices where a big game is on
boy lacks a bit of sleep so yes
always remind him to pack extra food and water just in case
sometimes you would do it because he forgets
am i done now? yes yes i am finally done.
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hood-ex · 4 years
3 is a good number so a birthday! maybe it's a lil blue maybe not! donna, gar, joey, dick.. your choice! (also, you don't have to do all of them or any of them i'm just sending ideas)
Jason’s hands started to sweat as soon as Alfred pulled up outside Donna’s photography studio. There was a colorful sign taped to the door that said, “Happy Birthday, Donna!” 
He wiped his hands against his jeans and frowned, wondering if he was underdressed for this kind of thing. He hadn’t been to enough parties to pick up on what was considered too casual or too formal for a get together like this.
The only thing Jason had to compare it to was the parties Bruce threw at the manor sometimes. Those were usually black tie events, and he had seen enough TV shows to know that this wouldn’t be that kind of snippety, upscale party. 
Jason decided to go with just a pair of jeans, a Coca-Cola shirt, and white Converse even though Alfred said he should at least wear a nice polo. Alfred was a fine dresser and all, but Jason didn’t really trust his judgement of fashion when it came to this kind of thing. 
“How long are you intending to stay?” Alfred asked as soon as Jason popped the door open and jumped out of the car. 
Jason leaned down to the open window and met Alfred’s curious gaze. “A few hours probably.” He licked his lips, feeling nervous about going inside the studio by himself. “Don’t wait up, okay? Dick said he was gonna give me a ride home.” 
Alfred raised a brow. “I assume Master Dick thought ahead to bring a helmet for you?” 
“I dunno,” he shrugged, realizing seconds later that it was a bad answer based on the way Alfred’s eyes narrowed slightly. He quickly choked out a, “I mean, yeah, probably. Y’know how he is being Mr. Responsible and all that.”
They stared at each other for a moment before Alfred said, “Indeed.”
Jason let out a breath he didn’t even realize he was holding. Alfred’s stare was always so piercing and made him feel like he did something wrong. Dick liked to joke that it was Alfred’s “mom look.”
Jason plastered on a smile and smacked the door with the heel of his hand. “Well, guess I’ll catch you later then, Alf. Thanks for the ride!” He gave Alfred a wave while walking backwards towards the studio, which was just, wow, when did he get so lame? 
“Have a good time, Master Jason,” Alfred called out before rolling the window back up and driving off. 
As soon as he was out of sight, Jason let out a shaky breath and rolled his shoulders. He didn’t know why he was so damn nervous. It was just gonna be the Titans, some other heroes, and some of Donna’s friends from work. Nothing he couldn’t handle, right?
“Right,” he whispered to himself as he went inside. 
Jason kept his sweaty hands firmly tucked in his pockets as he looked around Donna’s studio. It was a nice space that was decked out with star themed decorations hanging from the ceiling and plastered against the walls. It was actually a lot bigger than he was expecting. It had enough room for a buffet of food off to one side with a few folding tables and chairs next to it. 
The other side of the room was set up for people to take pictures in front of a starry background. A table full of props was laid out next to it. Two girls Jason didn’t know were currently wearing cheesy tiaras and having their picture taken by some photographer dude. Jason felt stupidly relieved that the girls were dressed more casual like him.  
The middle of the room was obviously meant to be the dance floor since that was where nearly everyone was standing and looking up at the band on the stage. The band which... wait... what the hell? Why were Dick, Joey, Roy, and Kory holding instruments on the stage? 
Something like disbelief settled in Jason’s stomach as Dick suddenly looked right at him with a big smile and waved. He wasn’t sure if that made him feel better about his wave to Alfie or just downright embarrassed. 
“Jason, you made it!” Dick said into the mic that was in front of him. 
Everyone, even the damn photographer, turned their heads to stare at Jason. The sudden attention made his cheeks get real hot. Don’t you dare do something stupid like wave again, he thought as his fingers bit into his thighs. What if he just nodded? A nod was totally kosher, right? 
Thankfully, he didn’t have to do anything at all because Donna suddenly pushed through the crowd in her black skirt and heels. She stopped in front of him and settled her hands on his shoulders. 
“Hey!” She said with the most beautiful smile ever. “I’m so glad you came! Did Alfred drop you off?” 
“Yeah, he just left,” Jason said. He looked over Donna’s shoulder and let out an internal sigh of relief when he noticed that everyone’s attention was back on Dick and the others. “Oh! Uh, happy birthday!” 
“Thanks!” Donna beamed and began tugging insistently on his shoulder. “Come and dance with us! They’re about to start playing!” 
Jason felt himself smiling back. He let her lead him through all the people until they stopped right in front of the stage. He barely had time to register the fact that Gar and Wally were flanking them because the sound of Dick and Joey’s electric guitars ripped through the crowd. Roy’s drums followed. It took a second for Jason to realize that they were playing Shout! by The Isley Brothers. 
As soon as Dick opened his mouth and started singing, “You know you make me wanna...” Jason felt like he had entered The Twilight Zone. Since when did Dick sing? Hell, since when did he play the guitar?  
Jason blinked dumbly as Kory started spinning around Dick and Joey in her purple dress. She shook a tambourine to the beat and looked more alive than Jason had ever seen her. 
Everyone on the dance floor dutifully yelled, “Shout!” whenever it got to that part of the song, and Jason found himself chanting with them. The energy in the room was infectious, and Jason could feel his own energy buzzing in his chest and spreading down to his hips and feet. Before he knew it, he was shaking his shoulders and jumping up and down with Gar. 
It was fun and freeing in a way that felt similar to swinging between buildings, but it also felt like its own separate thing. It made him feel like he was really part of the normal world all the other teens who weren’t wearing capes lived in. 
It was fucking awesome. 
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