#like we laugh and joke about 'i'm a dj' 'i resell vintage' 'i'm looking for a sublet' 'i sell k' or the commune being full of nerds who can
peemil · 1 year
re: last reblog i really do think it’s a testament to the idea that. humans do genuinely WANT to work like we all fucking LOVE among us we like to do little tasks and feel like we are Helping. and we know intuitively that we have to Help in order for things to Work, but luckily we all have Things that are Pleasant for us to do (or, at the very least, that we are Good At) that we can and want to do to Help. the problem is NO ONE wants to work if that’s the only way we can keep living, to pay for housing, for food, to get healthcare. and people are instead going to do whatever thing they can kind of whatever at in order to pay bills most effectively... meaning people aren’t actually doing the Helping in the way they are best suited to... and that makes me sad. just as a guy who is good at Very Few Things and has a very limited set of jobs he can actually do, but, through a rare instance of extreme privilege (amidst the Everything Else i have not going for me), have the opportunity to take one of the Very Few Things i have and run with it. and hopefully i will do a very very good job!!! but so many people want that job and other jobs because they pay well, not because they genuinely think that is the best way for them to Help. and it’s just frustrating because that’s how you get a lot of people who are Really Fucking Bad At Their Job, which is a huge problem in things like healthcare, or a lot of people who are Really Good At Their Job, But Their Job Happens To Be Being The Worst Fucking Human Alive (wall street, marketing research, corporate lawyers, any job that involves the production and protection of capital). and i’m like Man. what happened to the kid who asked their classmates if they were okay when they fell off the playground. the kid who shared goldfish if they saw another kid didn’t have a snack that day. humans hate seeing other people suffer, yet we are so willing to perpetuate it if that means we can save our own hinds. and then we get confused when the people who are suffering say “fuck this!!! i don’t wanna anymore.”
this has... diverged a long way from where i was originally going. but idk. i guess what i’m saying is “to each according to his need,” yes, good, we can all agree on that. but it’s preceded by “from each according to his ability...” and i guess what i’m saying is, if you remove the imminent threat of death... humans on the whole are much more able, in a much wider arrange of domains, than we give ourselves credit for.
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