#like this is why incest kink is like. one of the most vile things to me. i can't imagine finding what my grandfather did to me sexy. at all
i'm sick of saying my abuse and especially my csa wasn't real but at the same time all my abuse except my csa doesn't feel real because everything was textbook except for that. the csa was like. a combination of disgustingly sexualizing women in front of my child self to the point my mom was scared i was going to repeat what he said at school and "have everyone think he was a child molester" because in her eyes child molestation = rape/sexual shit but not what happened to me which was nonsexual groping (by nonsexual i mean i know he didn't intend it sexually he intended it to freak me out and make fun of my reactions to him overstepping my body's boundaries). and he nonsexually groped me until i was 24 and even then sometimes he grabs my legs and barks at them or pretends they're "spiders" crawling up my leg in front of other people. IN FRONT OF OTHER PEOPLE. god i remember one of his first things being him barking at my leg and grabbing onto my thigh while i was in the backseat and MY GRANDMA WAS THERE. SHE WAS SUPPOSED TO PROTECT ME I KNEW THAT WASN'T NORMAL BUT SHE DIDN'T SAY ANYTHING!!! WHY DIDN'T MY GRANDMA SAY ANYTHING. THAT'S THE WORST PART OF IT. NOBODY SAID ANYTHING EITHER BECAUSE THEY DIDN'T CARE OR IN MY MOM OR SIBLING OR EVEN OTHER FAMILY MEMBERS CASE *THEY* WERE AFRAID THEY WERE GONNA BE ABUSED BECAUSE HE LITERALLY ABUSES EVERYONE IN MY IMMEDIATE FAMILY. god that's probably why i have more tactile hallucinations when the schizo ocd gets bad. because schizospec symptoms and disorders are often linked to trauma and a good part of my trauma is linked to being groped by him and also a member of my church and in general having my body's boundaries violated so my worst hallucinations (tactile and presence) are usually because of that. god i can't stand it. i can't stand me and my mom being the only one he did this to and my mom even sorta excuses it because she said it happened to her and he didn't mean it sexually to either of us so it's what normal grandfathers/fathers do. MOM YOU ARE BRAINWASHED YOU WERE NONSEXUALLY GROPED TOO. HE WAS AN ASSHOLE WHO LIKED TO OVERSTEP BOUNDARIES TO MAKE BOTH OF US UNCOMFORTABLE AND UNPERSONED MY SIBLING MANY TIMES BECAUSE OF THAT. THEY ARE STILL UNPERSONED. I CAN'T STAND IT. I CAN'T STAND HIM. GIVE ME MY CHILDHOOD BACK GO AWAY
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lipglossanon · 10 months
Hello! I just wanted to let you know that it is 100% not your job to monitor what minors are doing online whether you write nsfw content or not. Minors who want to consume nsfw content most definitely are not going to care about a warning and it is 100% on parents to ensure their children don’t have access to that kind of content. I wish tumblr had a better system for blocking minors from viewing that kind of content, but it’s the internet and I feel like people really need a dose of reality when it comes to the internet. I’ve seen some real vile, fucked up works of fiction online and yours are literally just basic taboo with very, very common kinks that are usually only hot in a fictional setting. I understand everyone has boundaries, but some people truly shouldn’t scour the internet if they can’t grasps that someone that’s not committing a crime (or even writing about minors in the first place because can we talk about how common it is for fandoms to write porn between minors or even minors with adults??) should be able to write a work of fiction. I might come off as overly mad about this but as someone who dealt with sexual abuse from a family member as a minor, I find it crazy when someone starts suggesting that engaging with incest fics or even ddlg fics is supporting grooming or pedophilia. Writing should always be a safe outlet of expression and if people find it gross, they do not have to consume that content. If I was you, I would just ignore it all. You’re not at fault for anyone but *you*. Not what your followers say, not what someone doesn’t agree with, not if a minor reads your work. This is your page and you don’t have to explain yourself to anyone for writing insanely common smut even if you do want to be respectful. You deserve respect as well and I find it disrespectful that people expect u to be mommy to everyone on ur page.
U don’t have to post this either, I just wanted to rant as well because I’m mad that u had to deal with people making u feel bad about small things like a warning and accidentally using the word grooming in the wrong context when u obviously have 0 bad intentions and are always so fucking kind.
Hi anon!
I know you said I didn’t have to post, but I wanted to reply back to you (and this is the only way to do it haha).
I just wanted to say thank you! 💜 💜 It might seem silly but this means a lot to me! 🥹🥹
You seriously made me tear up cause I really do try to be respectful and kind on this platform; it’s the least someone can give to another. We’re all just people ya know?
And looking back at it now after a few days have passed, I’m still confused (since I don’t even know what was being said about me/my blog) as well as disappointed cause I thought I was on friendly terms with these people. I didn’t even get a chance to defend myself before everyone just dropped me like I have the plague lol.
And to be quite honest, I find it kinda hypocritical to unfollow me for a misunderstanding when most of the mutuals I followed at the time wrote equally problematic/dark content (and I’m not even writing underage or grooming to begin with!).
Like it’s one thing for someone to not follow me for their own reasons; it’s another to tell people not to because of X, Y, Z and it not even be in the correct context cause you’re just cherry picking my asks/posts based on my ignorance.
Also, I’m sorry you had to go through that sort of abuse, anon! ❤️‍🩹 thank you for sharing ❤️‍🩹
I’m moving past it! I’ve blocked/unfollowed anyone who I thought might see my content that was involved (just in case). And any hate gets deleted. I’m honestly doing fine! Just get peeved every now and again cause like why be nice to me up until zero hour and then not even discuss it with me? I mean critical thinking skills are a thing ya know? 🤣 it’s giving Kelso (damn Jackie, I can’t control the weather 🤭)
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sp4rrowdoll · 1 year
regarding such brainsick fantasies
m!Robin/f!Reader, warnings for mommy kink and also maybe a bit of incest kink. read on ao3 here
He doesn’t know why it bothers him so much. 
He’s overheard worse things about you before, in the school hallways—there’s always some jerk running their mouths and not bothering to stop before a friend elbows them in the side and motions towards Robin, like he’s not supposed to hear the things they say about you. He does, he always does, this school likes to pick a favorite and then there’s no stopping the waves of vile things said about them. You’re far stronger than he is, knowing that these things are said about you and then still coming to school regardless.
Robin thinks that in your position, he would probably stay home to cry every other day. But you don’t, you get up and face it, and you keep smiling through it all. No matter how many assholes leer at your tits in the hallways, no matter how many times Whitney tries to humiliate you—no matter how many random strangers smack your ass. It’s incredible. He loves—admires—no, love is right. You’re his girlfriend now, he’s allowed to think that, he can even say it if he wants—he loves how strong you are. In fact, he’d go so far as to say that your strength is one of his favorite things about you.
He just wishes he was a little stronger, because the first time you stand up for him and someone whisper-shouts, “Aww, someone had to go get Mommy’s help,” he hides in the nurse's office to cry. It doesn’t make him late to history class, but it’s a near thing, and you shoot him a concerned look, and then his cheeks are getting hot.
Ok, maybe he was lying to himself—he certainly didn’t go to the nurse’s office to cry. Not that he didn’t cry, just that the crying came after the most shameful and intense jerk-off session that he’d ever had in his life. And maybe the heat in his cheeks was more about the fact that the concerned, motherly, expression on your face sent heat spiraling low in his gut than it was about embarrassment. 
Class passes excruciatingly slowly, but it passes, and then he can go and have a blessed hour free before the two of you walk home together. He smiles and grabs your hand as you leave Winter’s classroom together, and he’s almost regretful that he needs the time and space to clear his head. He’d much rather you have all your classes together—he wants to spend whatever time with you he can. And then he overhears someone wishing you were actually a mother because you were clearly prime ‘milf’ material, and he can’t take it anymore.
“Robin?” you ask, as he pulls the two of you towards the bathrooms with single minded determination. “Is everything okay?”
He shoves you through the door, and then locks it. It’s a crappy lock, in a crappy door, but everything should be fine, as long as the two of you are quiet. Robin knows that he can be very good at staying quiet—maybe you’ll even tell him that much.
“Yes Mommy,” he says, as he sinks to his knees.
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mayasaurusss · 6 days
It's sweet of you to defend deerlottie and know that there are still people with at least some common sense. As a trans guy, I thank not only you, but all the people who advocate equally, for not seeing me and immediately assuming I'm a freak or that I should ‘make things easier’. 🫂❤️
I think it's only natural for people to stand up for others. It's mind blowing to me how someone might have so much hate and anger in their hearts that they feel the need to hurt others.
I've always thought that we as a community of people who don't fit in quite right by society's standards had to stand up for one another, to help and love each other but many times I've been proven wrong.
The Yellowjackets fandom headcanons the girls as lesbians. Now, if we can do it and most of the fandom agrees with this idea, I can't understand why headcanoning someone as trans might be weird, off putting or annoying. There are simply no foundations for this type of hate. It's stupid and harmful.
Regradless of what one might write, bullying is something vile and horrible. Yes, deerlottie might have wrote somethings that people don't necessarily like, like kinks (step incest thing and others) but that is in no way an excuse to hurt others. There are so many more harmful tropes regarding fics circulating the internet that what deerlottie sometimes wrote pales in comparison.
Given the recent events, I know this might seem disingenuous but I truly think that most of the people here will agree with me when I say that we will always love and support all of you.
Headcanon what you want! Play around with the character's personality and with different scenarios, do what you want (as long as it's not harmful to others)!!
Said this, I will now try and write something or play mtg against myself.
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amaria-the-soup · 4 months
This ask is made in good faith, I need to emphasize that because many people are extremely hostile about it.
“Your thoughts become your actions”
You said this in reply to someone, and I have such genuine concern for you if you have such little self control and lack of authority over yourself that all of your thoughts become actions. Like- I fear for every person you interact with on a day to day basis and I’m sorry for how lonely you must be living like that. /gen
That being said your experience is not universal, the vast majority of people can parse what should happen irl vs what should stay in fiction, that’s why goreporn horror and gratuitously violent action movies are so popular and rape kink is the most common kink among women. It’s fiction.
Expecting and encouraging people to be ashamed of themselves for the fiction they consume is just repackaged purity culture and the right reactionary thinking that continues to plague the world and is the root of all systemic issues.
Ultimately, that shame that you’re trying to push will only backfire. Because kink very often has roots in trauma and, in general, absuers aren’t the ones reading fanfic on the internet. They in the world, abusing people. So by trying to shame consumers of immoral fiction you’re only harming victims and innocents.
Especially because (and this is not an accusation because I realize it can read like one) shame is very often used by abusers to manipulate their victims. “Well you *like* what I’m doing, so you’re disgusting and if you leave I’ll tell everyone.” Whether the victim does or does not like it is irrelevant, the threat is real and shame is what makes it real.
By encouraging shame you’re only enabling actual irl abusers. You’re enthusiastically giving them the means to further trap their victims.
If you’re really, genuinely worried, look into how you can help the victims irl. There might be nothing you can do, and that’s fine. But vauge posting on the internet does nothing but harm.
I really hope you have a good day, and once again this ask is in good faith and I’m willing to have a conversation with you as two mature adults. If you don’t want to reply publicly you’re welcome to dm me. /gen
I understand what you’re saying but I sincerely hope you do realize that any thought is an option to an action. God said “what man thinks man shall do.” I do my best to keep myself in check. Thanks for the concern, but I’m just fine.
However, I am not talking about rape kink or violence. I believe that I have stated that I like those things too. It’s just part of my nature. I don’t want those things to happen to me, I know it’s bad, but the thought can be exciting. That’s not what I’m talking about.
I’m talking about incest. The act of sex with another family member. I am talking about the act of being with someone who you know and who you are supposed to love and support but never romantically. People who encourage, support, ask about, or write about these acts are disgusting and vile. They take the time to actively engage in the thoughts of having sex with a daughter, a son, or siblings. Even grandparents or aunts and uncles.
These thoughts are vile and disgusting. I genuinely had to take over twelve hours after receiving this ask to respond to it. Because to me, it sounds like you are actively seeking to defend the people who would put their hands on someone they have witnessed grow up and know about.
This is not about the issue of rape kink. Blood play. Bondage. This is not the same thing as someone who has actually been through trauma. This is about a grown person using their power over their siblings and their children to have body gratification.
I’m sorry if that confused you. I’m sorry if you feel like I have attacked you in some way. But I am NOT discussing anything about kinks. I am discussing incest.
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olderthannetfic · 3 years
Seeing an anti post again with over 100k notes back from 2016, ya'know when they actually attempted long posts with misinterpreted and biased studies and omission of facts. I have to sit here and wonder how did I survive that fandom landscape when I was at my most vulnerable? Not exactly unscathed because my brain likes to go bad on me every time I get too stressed, it just reverts to those early stages of myself that felt the worse to even look at an innocent picture of a child having fun because what if I am a pedo? You think a kid is being cute like a thousand times you did before but now? Rando faceless asshole mcgee accused you and got you doubting yourself.
But truly, seeing how vile those notes are with repeated, long, notions that you are in fact a predator in the making if you enjoy kink and also you are protecting and inviting your fellow already predators. How wasn't I indoctrinated? Was it baby teen infallibility? Was I too into anime? Did I like "yaoi" that much? What mind shield did I have to go "Fuck you. Y'all dumb. I should know. I got an Avid Reader Award at school to tell me so. I read butchered Egyptian and Greek mythology in middle school, if it was so wrong why was allowed to learn incest was a thing?" Then looked for whoever wasn't being mean which was shipwhateveryouwant at the time and that opened up to an array of people.
In comparison to that one 2016 post, I think I would rather the lame brains now because most of the time it's just being a nuisance and easy, or should I say easier, to debunk stuff vs people actually trying to throw studies at you that require a skill to parse through and fact checking.
It's weird to reminisce about fucked up users.
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simonjadis · 6 years
I've always felt divided on shaming others for shipping "problematic ships." Don't get me wrong. I get the icky implications of Reylo but at the same time, well, I don't want to be that "No Fun Allowed" guy to teens and young adults who are just chilling. Sure, plenty of those shippers can be problematic (see how Finn is villainized unlike Kylo) but they don't speak for everyone.
That is super fair!
To be honest, I don’t really see Reylo as falling under the major “problematic” umbrellas. Imo, most Reylo shippers are thirsting after one or both parties, which is fine. My Star Wars OTP is Sheev/Vader. I don’t ship Reylo but it’s not a NOTP for me by any means. (I find Kylo and Snek disappointing as characters and as the only Dark Side representation in the series, but Kylo has nice hair and nicer tatas)
I remember seeing arguments after TFA came out where people equated Kylo’s (attempted!) mind-reading to sexual assault or to abuse. While it’s very fair to not want to ship someone with their abuser, I think that an enemy from the opposing faction is a very different concept, and that fantasy violence between enemies should not be misconstrued (remember the hubub about Mystique vs Apocalypse in 2016? That kind of sentiment is what made female superheroes relegated to having long-range energy powers and then passing out for decades. Let’s not go back to that).
I absolutely agree that it’s horrifying to see Finn, who has literally done nothing wrong, be villainized. It’s always a mistake to pretend that a rival ship is awful so that you can feel more secure about your own, but it’s extra bad when it’s the series’ first leading black character. That said, from my perception, I don’t think that those condemning Finn represent the majority of Reylos.
More generally, I think that what someone ships, in their imagination, only rarely reflects who they are as a person or their real-life values. It’s pretend.
While we’re right to judge books, films, shows, and games on things like representation, those pieces of media are not the same as fanfic, let alone smutfic. Fanworks are distinct in multiple ways.
Gonna get into this: cw for a reference to incest
For example, when Supernatural first launched, I watched the pilot live in 2005 (I am 1000 years old) and immediately shipped the only two actual characters, who both happened to be hot guys: Sam and Dean.
(Note: I don’t actually ship them anymore, but tbh I haven’t watched the show since Season 8 and even before that, I had grown to despise them both – one of the perils of writing a very long-running show with lots of personal drama is that characters do things that cannot be forgiven by some viewers. But that’s irrelevant.)
Only later would I learn that they were largely inspired and even named after Sal Paradise and Dean Moriarty, two bisexual main characters from On The Road who were lovers, and who were based upon real men who were also lovers. (Which goes into part of why Supernatural is fucked up – notably, Castiel was also inspired by Constantine; another case of a straight character based upon a bi character, and that’s without getting into the issues with race, gender, and worldbuilding)
At that point, fandom culture (in my experience at the time) only treated incest as a squick – something that some people personally disliked, as one might be turned off by mpreg or watersports, etc.
Why wasn’t it a squick for me? Who knows tbh. I have zero brothers and I’m gay, so I never had to develop a feeling of aversion like that.That’s my best guess. I didn’t exactly fetishize those ships, but if there were only two hot dudes in a story, I didn’t think anything of it.
(Note: I think that incest ships may be specifically appealing to some fans because the bond between the characters is already secure? A similar appeal to the “found family” trope but the opposite thing. That’s just a theory)
However, upon coming to Tumblr, once I got over my culture shock of seeing people treat imaginary pairings as not squicks but moral indictments, I did come to understand where a lot of people are coming from with this!
For some people, it’s not just a personal squick, it’s an extra-strong aversion because they’re leery of incest being fetishized (for example, most real-life twins do not find twincest jokes funny!). More often, it’s people who were abused in real-world incest and cannot fathom why it would be someone’s kink or even factor into someone’s ship.
The solution to any sort of ship that’s going to remind someone of the worst moments of their lives is to do what I did in bold, above: use a content warning. If your fic contains sex abuse or incest or whatever, please tag your work. The same is true with fanart. If you want to share your other media with friends or the fandom at large but worry that your kinks may be off-putting, literally just make a second art/writing account or a separate blog to share those.
Don’t deliberately take people bag to the worst moments of their lives.
We’ve seen a lot of people write about how they don’t want to see fandom treated like Catholicism (or, alternatively, as Protestantism; the word that they’re looking for is orthodoxy).
People have every right to ship whatever vile things they like. That goes for things that personally horrify or squick me. All that they need to do is be respectful in public spaces and to upload their work/commentary in the appropriate places with the appropriate tags, warnings, and readmores.
I think that people who don’t feel especially powerful or in control in life are the ones who get the biggest kick out of things like gatekeeping, exclusionist rhetoric, and being fandom police. Others are simply well-intentioned but became carried away. Not all antis are bad people, but it’s not a healthy thing about which to frame your personality and your online brand.
Your personal dislike of something doesn’t make you a morally superior person. As someone who hates mushrooms, I know that it’s tempting to believe otherwise, but it’s true.
And wielding social justice language as a cudgel, especially one that just happens to validate your opinions on a piece of fiction, is disingenuous and harmful in so many ways.
Ships (or kinks, etc) don’t equate to someone’s real-life values.
(Side note: anyone else notice that people who wouldn’t bat an eye at someone writing Age-Appropriate Wolf fanfic, when the characters are highschoolers but played by adults, are quick to condemn people who ship cartoon teens together, even though those teens are literally ink on paper and are absolutely voiced by and drawn like adults? I’m not sure what that’s all about, but it needs to stop. It’s literally just pretend!)
(Other side note: I understand that a lot of people are uncomfortable with shipping real people, even though said shipping has been a part of culture for millennia. My thoughts on that is: literally just act like an adult about it! Don’t tweet them fic or fanart, and don’t show it to them at conventions or whatever. The same thing goes for actors who play fictional characters. Talk show hosts should also maybe stop showing fanart for shock value but that’s a whole other conversation)
If you’ve gotten carried away with fandom-policing or something else, hey, that’s part of being a person. I’ve done it too! What matters is to be a better person. Making mistakes and becoming a better person are part of what it means to exist.
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hisband · 6 years
warning for the gor.illaz rpc & for the rpc in general.
as a lot of you probably know by now, i seldom get involved in callout posts unless the person in question appears to be a legitimate threat to the safety of others. but it has come to my attention that this particular individual does, in fact, appear to be genuinely harmful, deliberately so or not. this person is 666-MUR/DOC. below is evidence that has been gathered of the previously mentioned harmful behaviour.
major trigger warning below for ableism, erasure, transphobia / transphobic slurs, racism / interracial relationship fetishization, abuse / abuse fetishization, mentions of rape / rape fetishization and mentions of incest / incest fetishization.
at first glance, their rules seem reasonable enough. this person states that they will not force their partners into writing content they are uncomfortable with, that they respect boundaries, that they are not going to be writing with minors, etc. but then you keep clicking through the blog and look at the sort of content they’re interested in pursuing, and actively admit to be interested in pursuing...
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...which, again, seems reasonable enough at first, right? nothing wrong with two consenting adults shipping or writing nsfw of adult characters. but then you look into what kind of smut and shipping they like to do and it’s, quite frankly, fucking deplorable. their “fetish list” can be found here. (in case any links get taken down, i have a dropbox with the evidence here, along with some of the other links and screencaps mentioned in this post.) please proceed with caution before you click on it. it’s very heavily triggering and incredibly gross. to spare those who don’t want to suffer through that experience, and to save time, i will be highlighting the most worrying items on that list - and believe me, there are a lot of those.
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the topic of the 2.D/mur.doc ship is extremely touchy at best. the two share a toxic relationship, canonically, and a highly abusive one. i understand those who use this ship to cope, or those who portray the ship while fully acknowledging how problematic it is and treating it as an abusive relationship. while i can see that this writer is aware how abusive the relationship is, the impression i’m getting is that legitimate sexual pleasure is derived from the way mur.doc treats 2.D. i can’t say for absolute certain, but things like this art piece (major trigger warning for implications of sadism & abuse), along with these “kinks” below strongly suggest as much:
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keep in mind that 2.D is someone who canonically suffers from brain trauma and struggles with his cognitive functions, and this is listed as a kink. very concerning. unfortunately, the list keeps going on.
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there’s no such thing as “dubious consent”. there is yes and there is no. “dubious consent” is literal rape. other “kinks” saved under their “favourites” section is the following:
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items under the “likes” section include:
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...incest. listed as a kink. i hope i don’t need to explain why this is incredibly fucking bad.
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while i am not a POC myself, i really don’t like the implications of interracial relationships being on a literal fetish list, nor do i like the fact that amputees (you know... living, breathing people) are also listed as a fetish.
also on the “likes” section of the list includes:
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“nonconsensual”... again, that’s literal fucking rape. as for their “maybe” section, the following can be found:
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way to be vile and transphobic.
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and as you can see, nonbinary people are listed as “potential fetish material” as well.
this individual does have a disclaimer:
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however, even if they use the excuse “it’s the character’s fetishes, not mine”, “this is fiction”, etc, then that just means they’re willing to use a fictional sexual abuse / trauma survivor’s visage (and yes, these are canon elements of the character; mur.doc’s traumatic upbringing has been brought up repeatedly by the canon gor.illaz writers, and there have been numerous canonical references to mur.doc being a rape survivor as well) to explore incredibly triggering topics in a very exploitative and harmful manner. this person is the one who made the decision to apply these traits to mur.doc’s character, for no other reason than the fact they wanted to. this person is still responsible for making their willingness to write this shit in a fetishistic nature known; if a person writes fetishized abuse, they are still writing fetishized abuse whether it’s them getting off on it or “just the character” getting off on it. they are still actively making the choice to put that content out there, to encourage it in some way, and to publicly broadcast themselves as someone who will collaboratively write it with someone else. they can slap mur.doc’s name over it all they want, but never once did his creators claim, nor did they have him claim, that these are things that he would do. this person expressing desire to write triggering, controversial material in a fetishistic manner was their own decision, and therefore they don’t get to hide behind the “it’s fictional” argument. they are the one made that list. they are the one who compiled that list. they’re just using a cartoon character’s face for it.
a couple other important points i want to make:
1) i find it interesting that they deny getting a thrill out of writing this type of content, yet made that earlier statement saying they “love writing that shit” in their rules page. even if they’re only doing this for a cheap laugh or pure entertainment as opposed to sexual gratification, it’s not funny, nor is it in good taste whatsoever.
2) what’s up with these being in their headcanon section:
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...they do realize that the traits they just described mur.doc having (abandonment issues, unhealthy sexual tendencies, obsessive tendencies) are literal symptoms of mental illness, right? since when does having mental illness make anyone a “cinnamon bun”? just what are they implying here? and if people want to headcanon mur.doc as someone who is autistic or has tourettes, why is that such a bad thing? who is that hurting, exactly, and why are they so opposed to it to the point where they feel compelled to make a statement like that on their blog?
this goes way beyond just “alternate character interpretation”. this doesn’t have anything to do with the fact they write the same character as i do, nor is the fact that they’re depicting mur.doc in a negative light - because mur.doc has done evil, despicable things in canon, and those aspects of him should be portrayed in a way that lets the audience know that he is in the wrong. he is manipulative. he is horribly abusive towards 2.D and has mistreated countless other characters as well. he is prone to causing violence and mayhem. he has kidnapped people. there is no sugarcoating these traits, or making light of them, and you shouldn’t sugarcoat or make light of them. but you also should not be open to writing said traits in a fetishistic manner, nor any other of the topics mentioned in this post in a fetishistic manner, period, regardless of whether or not they’re “your” views or your character’s views. whether you mean to or not, you’re still making these things look idealized. that’s incredibly damaging on so many levels.
that being said - while the material presented is extremely concerning, this post does not encourage hate being sent to this person, nor is it is encouraging those who read it to even approach this person. this post is not telling you how to feel about this person or the circumstances. all i’m trying to do is warn those who may be negatively affected by this individual’s behaviour and the depiction of which they approach triggering topics to be very careful, and to do what they need to do in order to avoid them (i.e. blocking, unfollowing, blacklisting, etc).
ignore or disagree with this post if you wish. reblog this post if you wish. all i ask is that the situation does not turn into a full-blown war. that is not what i want and not why i made this post. just read what i’m saying objectively and come to your own conclusions about this information. do what you want with it. just be careful, above all else.
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Chloé & Buster
Chloé: You coming to Abi's party tonight? Buster: No Chloé: Why not! Gonna be such a laugh Buster: It's not really any of your business, is it, Chlo, but let's be honest even if I was in the country, we both know it wouldn't be a laugh Buster: Abi's probably fucked up already Buster: And that's only one of the reasons why it's a no Chloé: Ooh, someone's moody! Chloé: Unlucky you're out of town babes 😂 Chloé: Family time, is it? Yawn Buster: Fuck off, Chlo Buster: There are other things to do besides annoying my sister, you should try it Chloé: Not in her inbox, am I? Chloé: 😷 Chloé: As if you're doing anything worth talking about Buster: Neither am I so how in the hell would I know, like? Buster: Why do you care so much still what I'm doing? Buster: Sort it out, babe. The who ain't you, but there's plenty of lads in your postcode who would Chloé: Just inviting you to a bash don't get wild about it Chloé: Never see you out these days, not YOUR postcode anymore, no? Chloé: Fake girlfriend still, is it? 💔 Buster: And why do you reckon that is, babe? Buster: Fault's yours not mine. Stop inviting me out, yeah? I'm not here for it. Or you Buster: I'm not sorry I'm busy with my actual girlfriend Chloé: What have I done! Chloé: Nothing but nice to you, and your sister, for that matter Buster: If that's what you think I ain't got the time to change your mind Buster: Nor write you a list, like Chloé: 🙄 The theatrics! Chloé: So, what's she like then? Must be something if you're willing to leave here for it Buster: Draw your own conclusions Buster: I'm not talking about her to you Chloé: Cute 💘 Chloé: Though you don't need to talk that game to me Chloé: Might be able to convince a girl outside the postcode that you're #loyal babes but no need or way that'll wash with me 😏 Buster: Shut up Buster: Maybe the reason I had to go out of the postcode was less to do with me and more about the type of girl there, you ever thought on that? Chloé: Omg Chloé: Admitting you can't handle us? Buster: You wish Buster: It wasn't a compliment, babe Chloé: Whatevs Chloé: You're looking good anyway Buster: Course I am Buster: Is there anything else I can actually do for you or what? 'Cause there's plenty my girlfriend can do for me if we're done here Chloé: If you wanna make me jealous Chloé: so many better ways to go about it Buster: Please Buster: Don't flatter yourself, honestly Chloé: Who's this??? Chloé: [Rio's post] Buster: Your subtlety is astounding Buster: Your sleuthing needs some work though, clearly Chloé: It's on my feed, I ain't ashamed Buster: Give it a double tap and move on, babe Chloé: Yeah, don't think she's your type Chloé: Maybe your sister's, she's always commenting hmm Buster: Like you know anything about mine or my sister's type of girl Chloé: Getting warmer, am I? Buster: In the sense you're getting more desperate, yeah Buster: If this turns you on that's an issue for you to worry about, not me Chloé: Please Chloé: it's fun isn't it Buster: No Buster: If I tell you who she is will you go away? Chloé: Sure! Buster: She's one of my many cousins, alright Chloé: Oh Chloé: That explains it Chloé: Disappointing but don't need to tell you that Buster: Off you go then Chloé: No Chloé: I thougt you were going to tell me who your girlfriend is Buster: Why the fuck would I do that? Chloé: Why would I care who your skanky cousin is? Buster: 'Cause you're obsessed with me apparently Buster: And don't call her that Chloé: Like you care babes Buster: I obviously do or else I wouldn't waste my breath telling you to shut up Chloé: You've said worse about all of 'em Chloé: Oh my Gosh Chloé: Just realised who she is Buster: I can whatever I want. Who the fuck are you? Buster: Congrats Chloé: She is, isn't she? Chloé: The one everyone's slept with Chloé: How shaming Buster: It'd sound more sincere if you hadn't slept with most of Chelsea, babe Buster: One rule for you, yeah? Chloé: I live here, I didn't fly in for the experience Chloé: Why was she even here? Buster: Maybe if you upped your own game the lads wouldn't need her to fly in Chloé: How can you talk about your own family like that you sicko Buster: 😂 Buster: You do have a moral code of some sort then? Buster: Take it up with your boy besties, they're the ones who like to chat about it Chloé: More than you do, clearly Chloé: Doesn't that just make you want to die? How mortifying Buster: It makes me wanna kill them Buster: Thanks for asking Chloé: As if you're any better 😂 Buster: I don't sleep with any girls they care about, do I? Chloé: Yeah right Chloé: Family man now, are you babes? Chloé: Take it up with her if you're so close now Buster: Whatever, Chlo Chloé: More touchy about this than you were with your own sister Chloé: Guess there was no risk of all your mates getting on her Buster: Exactly Buster: And you've missed your chance too so no worries there Chloé: You're so vile Buster: Like you'd be above fucking my sister? Okay babe Chloé: 🤢 Chloé: I'd sooner drink bleach Chloé: thank you Buster: I'm sure she would too Buster: Shame there was none in my glass that night at the party, like Chloé: Sorry to disappoint whatever incest kink you've got going on Chloé: but nah babes Buster: Why? You ain't been sorry about being a let down in any other way Chloé: Shut up Chloé: I was wasted and you're not giving a second chance Buster: If it was only how unfuckable you are, I'd let you off Chloé: You certainly managed Chloé: Trust me Buster: As I've only got your word on it, I have to Chloé: How else do you expect me to prove it? Chloé: DNA test? Buster: I don't care Buster: It happened and it ain't again. End of story Chloé: Whatever you say Buster: There ain't nothing else to say Buster: Unless you've got something you desperately wanna add? Chloé: Just talking to James Chloé: he reckons you're well weird about your cousin Buster: Says the lad who told me in graphic detail what fucking her was like? Okay Chloé: Didn't do it for you? Chloé: Poor boy 😂 Buster: But I'm the vile one, sure Chlo Chloé: Calm down, it's only bants Chloé: You're sooooo serious now Buster: Serious about how much I want you to fuck off out of my inbox Chloé: Can't handle it now or what? Chloé: There's a reason, I know Buster: I ain't never wanted to handle you, babe Chloé: Obvs not Chloé: not related to you am I Chloé: how country 😂 Buster: Fuck off Buster: Excuse me if you slagging off my family isn't a huge turn on for me, like Chloé: Why's it matter Chloé: Not gonna say it to their face am I Buster: You literally did say shit to my sister though Buster: Already forgotten or what? Chloé: No I never Chloé: Mads tagged her Chloé: then everyone else did Chloé: it wasn't me Buster: Back in the day in was all you though Chloé: She say that did she? Chloé: I was the only one who even tried to be her friend Chloé: not my fault she was in love with me Buster: Bullshit Buster: You ain't her type either, babe Buster: Get over yourself Chloé: Hmm not how I remember it Chloé: not like you were paying any attention so what would you know tbh Buster: I've heard it from her now Buster: Not just in Dublin seeing my girlfriend, as you've already worked out Chloé: Thrilled for you both, I'm sure Buster: Act like it then Buster: Leave me alone Buster: And it goes without saying, my sister as well Chloé: Well you see I can't Chloé: Hate to burst your bubble, of course Buster: Yeah you can Chloé: I really can't Chloé: As fun as this has been I have some news Buster: Go on then Buster: Sooner you've said it, sooner you can go Chloé: Ha Chloé: I'm pregnant Buster: What the fuck, Chlo? Even for you that's low Buster: Still going to Abi's party though, yeah? Buster: Bullshit Chloé: God, I can still have fun and A GLASS Chloé: beside the point Chloé: [pics of tests] Buster: Well yeah, you can do whatever you want until you prove it's my kid Chloé: How do you expect me to do that Chloé: and I know it's yours, thank you very much Buster: You might, but I don't Buster: And forgive me if I don't automatically take your word for it after all the shit you've said and done, like Chloé: Well if you weren't being so difficult Buster: Me? Buster: Fuck that Buster: Get a prenatal DNA and get back to me or wait until the kid is born, do it and get back to me Chloé: Wow Chloé: Class act Chloé: That's going to require a bit of cooperation, babes Buster: All you need is a blood sample or mouth swab Buster: I'll give you either Chloé: Done this before, have you? Chloé: Jesus Christ Chloé: it's a child, your child Buster: Not as far I know yet Buster: You having this convo with James and the rest of them too, are you? Chloé: Fuck off Chloé: No Chloé: and don't you dare tell ANYONE Buster: Like I want them knowing about it Buster: Whether it's my kid or not Buster: I've gotta tell my parents though so Chloé: You can tell them Chloé: Mine don't know yet Buster: You should tell them too Chloé: Will you tell them with me? Buster: Okay Chloé: Yay good Chloé: When are you back? Buster: I was gonna skip school but Buster: When were you planning on telling them? Chloé: I don't know, doesn't matter Buster: Of course it does Buster: You need to decide what you're gonna do Buster: They can help you Chloé: What? Chloé: I know what I'm doing Chloé: I've already been shopping with the girls Buster: I thought you didn't want anyone to know? Chloé: I don't want YOU telling people it could be anyone else's Chloé: when it couldn't, how rude Buster: So you've told your friends but not your parents? Buster: Come on, Chlo Buster: Have you even been to the doctors or anything? Chloé: Yeah they'll just fuss and wanna know things Chloé: how cringe Chloé: No point yet Chloé: I think Chloé: it's like 12 weeks scan, yeah? Buster: You can get DNA done at 9 weeks Buster: I've just looked it up Chloé: How long's it been? Buster: If you don't know that how are you so sure it's my kid? Chloé: I haven't slept with anyone else for ages Chloé: if you must know Buster: It is kind of worth knowing, yeah Buster: Fuck's sake Chloé: Don't be funny with me Chloé: I just know alright Buster: Don't tell me how to be Buster: I asked you after if you needed me to take you to the pill and you said no Chloé: Well I thought I was fine, obviously Buster: Well, now neither of us are, obviously Chloé: I'm good Chloé: Drama Chloé: It'll be nice, if you let it Buster: Nice? Buster: Grow up, Chlo Chloé: Well I'm not getting rid of it Chloé: you've done it now, deal with it Buster: Like I said, when you prove to me that it's my baby, I will Chloé: Fine, I will Chloé: you'll see Chloé: anyway, I'm going out, gotta get my nails done for tonight Buster: I'm glad you've got your priorities in order, babe Buster: Jesus Christ Chloé: What? Chloé: I can't do anything, I told you I've got loads of stuff for it Chloé: keeping it at Lindseys Buster: Don't go the party Buster: That's what you could do Chloé: I'm not going to sit at home on a saturday night Chloé: i'm not 40 Buster: Clearly. 40 year old's don't tend to get knocked up accidentally as a rule Chloé: Menopause'll do that to you babe Buster: That's not the point Buster: We need to talk about this you can't just ruin my life and then go do a toast with your friends Chloé: Me ruin yours? I didn't impregnate myself Buster: You're ruining your own by not thinking this through Chloé: I'm not a baby killer Chloé: sorry about it Buster: I don't even have words for how stupid that sounds Chloé: I can't believe you're trying to make me get an abortion Buster: I'm not trying to make you do anything except use your brain Buster: What about uni? Are you still gonna go or what? Buster: Are you gonna get your own place or stay with your mum and dad? Chloé: Wow, 20 questions! Buster: This isn't a game Buster: Fucking hell Chloé: I'm having a baby Chloé: that's my plan Buster: And then what? Chloé: Be a mum? Buster: You know how hard that's gonna be, yeah? Chloé: I think I'll manage babe Chloé: I'm not an idiot Buster: You're an idiot if you think it's easy Chloé: How hard can it be Buster: Very Buster: Babies can't do fuck all and kids aren't much better Chloé: Yeah, I know how to feed it and change it Chloé: Abi's got a baby sister she's so cute Buster: Good for her Buster: I bet she ain't doing the night feeds while her parents sleep, is she Chloé: Whatever Buster: Don't fucking whatever me, Chlo Chloé: Don't you talk to me like that Buster: I can't talk to you right now if you're gonna be like this Chloé: That's good because you're making me late Buster: Fine Buster: Bye then Chloé: 👋
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