#like they're more limited than limited units bro
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Where Kibty?
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Nitpicky but I'm surprised that the two animal/animal adjacent characters we have are not in the collab. Like I get why Falin ain't there (probably gonna be a boss but prolly not), but WHERE'S KIBTY
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until-another-one-comes · 9 months ago
More TNMN Headcanons
Sibling Editions
Sverchzt Twins
- Selenne is the more extroverted and outgoing one while Elenois is more introverted and quieter.
- Selenne is haughtier and prouder of her looks and her status but isn't too over the top vain despite what some people think. Definitely the type to say 'Oh, I know darling!' if you compliment her.
- The twins love hyping up other women and will make sure you feel good about yourself, especially Elenois.
- Elenois is better at cooking and other household chores while Selenne is more fashionable and better at handling their daily finances.
- Bicker all the time like siblings but always have each others back. Always try to make up for each other if they get into a serious argument.
- Said this before but they both have WILDLY different taste in men.
- Elenois has more problems adjusting to their jobs than Selenne. Gets tired more easily and feels frustrated over the strict beauty regime and standard she needs to follow. Selenne deals with it better but still have her days when the job gets to her. Elenois is more open about this and will vent to anyone who's willing to listen (Margarette, Robertsky) while Selenne keeps her thoughts on this to herself.
- As twins, the modelling agency they work for displays them as a unit but both sisters wish they get to model separately and be seen as individuals instead of just one and the same
Peachman Bros
- Alberstky is 3 years or so older than Robertsky.
- Growing up Robertsky gets teased a lot and Albertsky constantly defended him. Years later Albertsky still gets very protective over his younger brother.
- Their shoemaking business is actually something both brothers came up with by themselves. They're the only ones in the Peachman family who don't follow the family business.
- The Peachman family naturally has huge genes and almost everyone in the family is tall and big.
- Robertsky is pretty picky with his food and has a limited range of food that he likes to eat.
- They both have a sweet tooth.
- Growing up with Albertsky being defensive and constantly looking out after his brother, the Peachman brothers don't tease or bicker each other the way other siblings like the Sverchzt twins do.
- They love each other very much but aren't very good at communicating. If they get into a serious argument it takes a while for either of them to try and talk things out and it gets very awkward.
- Robertsky is friendlier than Albertsky who prefers to keep to himself but is also kind of mistrustful of people after growing up bullied. He's always worried if people are secretly making fun of him.
Peachman and Sverchzt Twins interactions
- Robertsky and Elenois have a crush on each other. Elenois thinks Robertsky is sweet and Robertsky likes how nice Elenois is.
- Still haven't confessed but shows their feelings in different ways.
- Elenois takes baking lesson from Nacha and makes baked goods for Robertsky even making sure whatever she makes fits his limited food palette.
- Robertsky listens to Elenois venting about her work and always try to make her feel better. One time after Elenois told him about how the new shoes she had to model made her feet hurt Robertsky made her a new pair of shoes that are more comfortable but still fashionable. Its one of Elenois's favorite pair.
- Robertsky finds Selenne intimidating because she doesn't see him being good enough for Elenois.
- Albertsky dislikes Selenne because he finds her arrogant while she doesn't like him because she finds him too gruff and off putting.
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anonraja · 26 days ago
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I love it. I could not imagine a funnier result. Don't know what the fuck they'll do for Deer Bro and Baldr, but I really really REALLY hope Sharena gets something that ties her to both Peony and Henriette. Perhaps Sharena will be the first dancer for CYL? I doubt it, but one can dream. I feel they're just going to go with the "safe" Sothis Regalia attire for M!Byleth, but I'll be pleasantly surprised if they model him after Jeralt.
I'm fairly certain one of the reasons Heroes characters are doing well over others at this point is due to people who actually play mainline titles quitting the game. This trend would leave people who only know the franchise through Heroes, or those who's first introduction to the franchise was through Heroes and a lot of main characters from easily accessible titles are already in. This could also account for Three Houses still doing so well years later; people got introduced to 3H through Heroes and picked it up since they had a Switch or people picked up 3H as their first title then found out about Heroes. Whatever the case, it's likely CYL 10 will have at least one winner from Heroes and another winner from 3H. Unless a new Heroes OC that resonates with Heroes voters is introduced (either because thirsty or they genuinely like the character), I think Heroes voters might jump to Heroes Anna to complete the set or Freyja as she's still ranking highly.
I can't say for certain why Engage isn't doing well, but it's clear it's a combination of factors when even Reba Buhr campaigning for Ivy didn't work despite Mela Lee doing the same for adult Tiki in CYL 6 and Sam Slade helped boost Baldr's votes (although I think a lot of people were voting for Baldr anyway because she's pretty). Granted, Mela Lee's video for Tiki also came at a time when people were upset about adult Tiki getting zero representation. But this should be a similar case: people are upset about a lack of Engage representation, it's taken two years to get a decent amount of the cast in and some are still stuck as limited units (like Ivy herself being stuck not once but twice). I don't know exactly what it is, but it's more than just people quitting Heroes and vote splitting. Maybe the characters just didn't resonate with people? Maybe the game didn't sell well compared to other modern Fire Emblem titles so there's just less overlap between people who bought and played/finished Engage with Heroes players? There's likely more factors than that at play, but those two might be the main ones?
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MY BABIES! THEY DID SO WELL!!! I'm going all in on Azura next year tbh. I love Sylvain, he's one of my absolute favorites, but I really want Azura to win.
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I hope Tsubasa being Top 5 for women forces IntSys to see there's a clear and active fanbase for TMS that's still playing Heroes, but I think she's gonna need to pull off a win for that to happen. I really hope TMS voters will be able to go all in on her next year just to try and force her into the Top 3. Looking at Itsuki's votes, they can probably force a women's Top 2 for her if they all go all in on Tsubasa right at the start instead of swapping midway through.
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It's interesting that Grima had more votes than Reinhardt, but seemingly does NOT count as a male. This implies IntSys might view Grima as female since F!Robin is seen as the "canon" vessel. We would need more data overall to 100% confirm that as it's also entirely possible IntSys views Grima as being genderless. Kinda want to see which side Grima would fall on if they clearly made the cut for Top 10 overall since it almost seems like they were excluded based on some sort of internal technicality.
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toxictwyla · 1 year ago
Mind if i'm curious about your prediction of the upcoming Flashy Sonic vs Empty Void fight? Like what's gonna happen to the ninja duo before Blast and Saitama (and Manako) arrive?
Gon' be a long one.
I tend to stare off into space at work a lot and come up with predictions all the time. So here are a few.
First of all, Flash will not measure up. Flash is the best, but he's not the ultimate ninja who basically absorbs and utilizes every strong being he touches. It's already obvious that Flash will be overwhelmed. And Void is just going to backhand anyone who tries to interfere.
When it comes to Saitama and Blast, I've already expressed concern that Saitama might not be able to beat him, because he doesn't seem to exist as one unit. Boros could be defeated because even though he could regenerate, he was only one physical being and was hit hard enough to destroy his body. Not really sure if that applies to Void. And Blast? I think Void has healed himself to the point of adapting to whatever Blast can cook.
So that leaves Sonic and the bros. And I will continue to call them bros until further notice. Firstly, I believe Wind and Flame are still monsters, just hiding it from the other ninjas for fear of being killed. What I'm guessing is that they didn't become monsters to beat Flash and cheat, but to make their bodies invulnerable to being absorbed by Void. That's why they wanted Sonic to be a monster too, so he could be safe. Wind and Flame will be cut loose, and will attack Void with their monster powers.
(I only think they're still monsters based on the venomous webs Wind made, seeing as he is a spider based monster)
Void will try and absorb Flash. Obviously he sent his weakest 'heavenly party' out to 'kill' him but that would have never happened. This is why Wind and Flame were after Flash, because they didn't want him to be absorbed and Void gain all his power. Un-friggin-stoppable. The end of the world.
I think....Sonic might be the one to defeat Void. Maybe something will happen when he sees Flash about to die, and he just snaps and goes full limit breaker lol
There's this part of me that keeps thinking...protecting Flash is more important than beating Saitama. Sonic doesn't know his full power yet, he just thinks he does by obsessing over his crush, Saitama. I never really found it serious, especially since he acts the same with Flash, but he doesn't get a bloody nose with Saitama. There is something else going on there.
OR, the slapstick will continue and Saitama will karate chop Void into the dirt. Then he'll comment on how gross the fight was, and walk away like the joke demands.
Anyhoo, that's my thought process 👍
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compo67 · 3 years ago
Painsomnia strikes again.
I'm debating switching physical therapists. I like mine, but her office is on the second floor of a converted early 20th century house with no parking lot. I get that her choices for office space were limited, but damn. I wish she'd have mentioned that before. I also miss strength training, and she doesn't have equipment for that.
However, she used to work at a renowned pain clinic here, and she's extremely hEDS knowledgeable. She's very kind and genuinely interested in pain relief based on gentle movements and exercises. She also introduced me to microcurrent therapy, and got me using my TENS unit again.
My mom's PT, I met him last week. I quizzed him on what he knew about RA, hEDS, and MCAS. I asked him what he could tell about me just by my stance. He got a lot right. Until he put his foot in his mouth by saying something about weight loss and working out. It was at that moment that I knew he was a bro. A knowledgeable bro, but a bro nonetheless. I had just finished telling him about the debilitating flare up I've been in since last August and that's what he chose to say. Thanks.
But. He works out of a fancy chain with nice strength training equipment. There's handicap parking in a big lot. It's one floor. It's a ten minute drive, instead of thirty.
It's like, if only we could smash the two together and have the optimal experience.
Writing this out, I think I'd still prefer to see my PT. I'd rather work a little more in certain areas than be fat shamed by a bro who's only worked with two hEDS patients in the past. You might know your stuff bro, but you got an awful way of showing it.
Folks with this approach just miss something. They don't seem to understand or connect the dots. He suggested I switch my cane to my left hand, and didn't really listen when I told him that's the arm I dislocated my elbow and if I irritate it, the nerve damage flares up. He didn't know that I can't take edibles now because they trigger paranoia and psychosis, but they're the only things that help get through the nerve pain. So either I take care not to aggravate it, or I aggravate it and deal with excruciating pain.
This wasn't calming to write like I had hoped. 😅
But it does feel good to make a clearer decision.
There's a lot that goes into the management of a body like mine. There's a lot most folks don't see. Choosing providers is so crucial to care, it greatly impacts my physical and mental health. I also don't allow just anyone to bill my insurance.
Welp. Here we are. Gone and back again.
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danwhobrowses · 3 years ago
AEW Dynamite 2nd Anniversary - 7 Ways AEW can still improve
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So today marks the 2nd Anniversary of AEW Dynamite, since then All Elite Wrestling has evolved exponentially in spite of COVID to the point where they are considered one of the top companies in wrestling.
As much as I am a great enjoyer of AEW though there is still room for improvement; losses Khan and co need to cut and places that need more light shone on them, which I'll go into detail now.
I will note however that these are my opinions, you may not agree with them, I will also state that I am not a WWE Fanboy ragging on AEW or vice versa. This is stuff I think AEW could improve upon to be much better than it's already-awesome self
Downsize or Disband the HFO Matt Hardy still is a good wrestler, with one of the best minds in wrestling, but his HFO Stable is one of the weakest parts of the AEW show. Team Tazz can get away with the fact that every member gets over (the Factory need to ditch QT as well, Comoroto and Ogogo have greater potential than him) and we can afford to give American Top Team a little more time, but when you feud with the HFO you hardly escape. While a full disbanding may be harsh, AEW have to acknowledge that the HFO aren't compelling as a unit, and the stable only benefits half the people in them. The Butcher, Blade and Bunny, TH2 (alas poor Jack, I was hoping OC just did a lazy cut of a single hair) and partly Jorah Johl all suffer by the fact that they're bodies to bolster their numbers, which is a huge shame because Allie is a former champion in Impact, TH2 are former AAA Tag Champions and Butcher and the Blade are great for when you need a heavy hitting match. Johl too has great potential but he is rarely even used. By all means keep the group, but limit it to Hardy, PP and Johl, since that's where the storylines are coming from, and the young tag team have benefitted from Hardy's guidance, but also actually work towards these storylines, how does Johl being mentored by someone he doesn't really respect pan out? TH2 could be the mystery partners Andrade is mentioning to compete with the Lucha Bros, Butcher and the Blade can flesh out their characters a bit and feud with other tag teams and Allie can be free to compete in the women's division more. I'd also love to see Hardy be confronted with money issues; we teased it when he lost to Hangman but it led to nothing, why not introduce a feud based off Hardy not paying the debt he owed to regain his financial quarter - and have Butcher and Blade reveal themselves as loan shark enforcers who infiltrated the HFO to keep an eye on it? Lio Rush has debuted a business gimmick, there could be mileage in that.
Establish a Trios League While the Trios titles is said to not be on the cards at the moment that doesn't mean we cannot build to it. Trios have been common in AEW throughout these two years so the third year would be an opportune time to announce it. In addition, AEW can look to how New Japan started the King of Pro Wrestling trophy concept and have a period of interim champions instead. We can establish a Trios league and ranking system and then after a certain amount of time we either award the No.1 Ranked the titles/accolade or have the top 2, 3 or 5 fight it out. Having a Trios league will allow more teams in AEW to be of use, especially if they can establish rules such as Trios being ranked separately from 2-man tag, which could allow 2-man teams like Bear Country, Chaos Project and the Sydals (I dunno if Mike is injured but Matt is babysitting Dante until Darius gets back), and the same for trios like Gunn Club, Wingmen and the Factory to get some time too, trios leagues also allow for unlikely alliances and means to bolster factions. It's a no brainer for everyone including AEW, but the when always seems to be delayed.
Make Elevation Competitive AEW Elevation is good, but recently it doesn't differentiate too much from Dark, even being greatly shorter. It also feels like Dark and Elevation can rarely hold more than one storyline at a time, which is a shame. Elevation right now is not fulfilling the promise its name entails, and it more a place to see dark matches that are taped after Dynamite while Dark gets Universal Studios. A simple fix would be not only more storylines but something for Elevation members to compete for; a title or a trophy or something, like the Diamond Ring that MJF could easily replace now or a bargaining chip of sorts - like Lucha Underground's Gift of the Gods medallions - where wrestlers could compete for it but also use it to be booked on TV, be it for a title shot or match of their choosing on the tv card. That way AEW can actually elevate their younger and in-development talent such as Shawn Dean, Brock Anderson, Lee Johnson etc., showcasing their character and maybe only at rare times having main roster members show up to be final bosses or gatekeepers - like how Ryo Mizunami did for her run in Elevation.
Bring back the Sit-Downs and Segments While some big name talent will get the privilege to sit down with JR, the segments like 'Undesirable to Undeniable' and Lexy Nair's 'Outside the Ring' do seem like they just disappeared without a trace, Britt Baker's 'The Waiting Room' also disappeared too. When used in modulation, these were decent segments built to get talent over which is kinda the name of the game. Not every story can be 'x did x in the ring against x', and pro wrestling is at its core a soap opera, so segments like these to put people over can establish pushes and give dimensions which they can feud with others over.
Handle the ENTIRE Roster AEW has a great roster, but it is huge. In fact it is so huge you continue to wonder how AEW can still contain the roster within 3 hours? And really, they can't. Stars like Brian Cage, Sonny Kiss, Kip Sabian, Joey Janela (and his new valet Kayla Rossi), Nick Comoroto, Dustin Rhodes, Varsity Blonds, Lance Archer, the Acclaimed, and plenty of women (which we'll get to) still struggle to make it on the card, add the Forbidden Door and any more potential signings like Windham Rotunda - what's Cesaro doing right now in WWE? Ain't seen him in forever, same with Asuka - and the air can get very thin. I can respect Khan's desire not to add any more hours to their programming, but they need a means to use the entire roster without making others feel left out. While I'm sure more time and greater minds can think of other things, but a concept I've thought about is splitting the roster into 3 pools; red, black and white (to keep in line with the poker theme AEW has adopted), we put the White Pool as the champions and maybe a few special wrestlers who will be the mainstays, then the Red and Black pools will only be able to compete for titles on a seasonal basis - barring Casino Royales, Open Challenges or 'anyone could win' scenarios that earn them title shots. That way we could have Red and Black seasons, and while we could book Black Pooled talent in Red Seasons to up their rank comes into effect when the Black Season starts. Then after all four seasons are complete they can shuffle the pools again.
Treat the Buy Ins properly The Buy In is designed to entice people into watching the PPV, but despite lasting an hour there's only 1 match. AEW Rampage proves that the company can make the most of their time within an hour, fitting promos and at least 3 matches, so why can't they do that with the Buy In? I mean, let's be honest, nobody wants to see the same promo package 3 times, the package shows in the Countdown to PPV show before the Buy In and on the PPV itself before the match: we get it. Most people who tune into the Buy In also know the card anyway, so the point is to warm them up. Double or Nothing got a pass because they had one of the greatest pre-show matches ever in Deeb vs Riho, but imagine what one more great match would've done? By no means put title matches on Buy Ins, but with such a large roster you can easily put in more than 1 match within an hour.
More from the Women's Division (STILL) In 2 years the Women's division has gotten bigger, but not better enough. Women are still struggling to get on the card with 3 hours of TV - usually only getting 1 or 2 tv matches and then the rest on Dark or Elevation. Something does have to give, because several of the Women's Division still do not get used; Abadon, Emi (who left Japan to permanently live in the US so she could be more available), Jamie Hayter, Red Velvet, Swole, Kiera, Diamante, Yuka (who returned to AEW for a month and they only put her on TV once!), Statlander, Riho, Leyla (who deserves more credibility with her matches against Shida, Deeb, Ryo and Kamille) and Ryo - who is returning soon. The likes of KiLynn King, Tesha Price, Sea Stars and Sky Blue also still aren't signed which is a huge shame, AEW need to cover that. AEW need to give their entire women's division stuff to work with on a consistent basis, the royale was perfect for it but they didn't opt that route. This rumored TBS title may be a minor step forward, but giving the women more TV time is a must, and even using the Forbidden Door for women will help; because who wouldn't want to see the likes of Mickie, Miyu Yamashita, Mayu Iwatani, Rosemary and Deonna make AEW debuts and Nicole Savoy, VENY, Mei Suruga, Allisyn Kay, Mercedes Martinez and Maki Itoh return to an AEW ring.
Clear up these issues and there will be few things that can halt AEW in its tracks, and with long term storytelling and top level stars still in play, the third year of AEW may end up being its biggest yet.
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