#like the tara card says 'i'm under your spell shanna' which is just the COOLEST thing in the history of the world
Aww:( They canceled the Angel expansion that was coming to the Buffy board game? (This Buffy board game pictured below, I mean.)
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That's really too bad:( It sounded so cool! But it seems like Covid really put a stopper on things (because it was supposed to come out in 2020, I guess, but then Covid happened then and, yeah.)
Anyway, this is what we knew about the expansion, I guess, for anyone who wants to cry with me:
"Didn't originally want to make this post, but at the same time it will help the most poeple if I just dump here the information I gathered. Anything written here is based on https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=AjD-BNUS1dE and is planned, but not set in stone obviously.
16 locations and effects (that I could actually read, the video is in 480p): - Wolfram & Hart (Take 2 Money from the deck) - Archives (Discard 1 Item card to draw 1 Artifact card) - The White Room (After Monster activation 1 character here gains the Conduit card) - Angel Investigation (Draw 1 Item, then place your character in any location) - Hyperion Hotel (Take 2 Tomes from the deck) - Caritas - Pearson Arms (Look at the 2 top cards of the Artifact deck and return them to the top or bottom in any order) - St Matthew's Hospital (Take 2 Blood from the deck) - Sahjhan's Chamber (Take 1 Wound or discard 1 Magic supplies to slay 1 Baddie in any location) - The Oracles - Police Station (Choose 1 Baddie or Townie and move it to an adjacent location) - Seedy Motel (After Monster activation, 1 character here must discard 1 item) - Wesley's Apartment (Draw 3 items) - The Sewer - The Projects (Take 1 Wooden stake) - East Hills Teen Center (Rescue 1 Townie alone in any location)
These imply a number of playable characters: - Angel (obviously) - Cordelia - Wesley - Gunn - Lorne - Maybe whoever Elisabeth Röhm played but I doubt it - Maybe Doyle, although the prototype shown last year did not include him - Maybe Illyria, the prototype did have her included
Filed under 'Items': - Arrows - Blood - Money - Axis of Pylea - Band of Blacknill - Binding powder - Ethros Box - Fred's Invention - Gunn's Axe - Collapsible Sword (great addition in my opinion) - Holy Glove
Filed under 'artifacts': - Steps - Binding powder - Marigold - Delethrian Arrow - Staff
I might have missed some items and artifacts, but you get the gist of it. There is a Conduit card, as seen above. Meaning new mechanic I have no idea of, but that's cool.
But for actual items on the board, so far we have: Blood, Money, Stake, Magic supplies, Tomes.
The influence track seems to have its own set of tokens. Maybe the Conduit card has a link to that mechanic. There's still the concepts of Townie and of Monster activation.
Here's to that, hopefully it helps everyone looking for information on this game.
EDIT: Scratch that, Illyria wasn't part of the prototype, Fred was. See https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=EQlRgeJnfXQ around 2:45. Prototype shows Fred, Angel, Cordelia, Wesley, Gunn and Lorne. But I believe the Cordelia card is actually a limited edition card for the Buffy boardgame, along with season 7 Eyepatch Xander and a special Anya card (or was it Tara, I don't recall precisely)."
"Wow, this information is a lot! You are awesome! Great job! Finally I got to the analysis.
I saw the abilities of the remaining locations: - Caritas (Gain the Future Foretold Cards. No one can Fight, take Wounds or kill Townies here.) - The Oracles (Discard 1 Item to remove either 1 Townie or 2 Wounds) - The Sewer (After Monster Activation, 1 Townies here becomes a Demon) - The Projects (Take 1 Wooden Stake, then convers 1 Townie into a Vampire Hunter)
Yes, the game will also contain 6 characters (They were announced at Origins Game Fair 2019 in that video)
- Angel (Starts in Angel Investigations with 1 Weapons) - Cordelia Chase (not shown, on the video an exclusive card for BtVS: Board Game) - Charles Gunn (Starts in The Projects with 1 Wooden Stake) - Winifred Burkle (Starts in Hyperion Hotel with 1 Tomes) - Lorne (Starts in Caritas with 1 Holy Water) - Wesley Wyndam-Pryce (Starts in Wesley's Apartment with 1 Magic Supplies)
!Character information may not be accurate. It is difficult to see on the video, since the Cards was not shown from close up. Also, it may not be final. It's strange that the characters in the starter Items don't have new ones as it was with Dawn in expansion.
New Cards: - Item Cards: Blood - perhaps it will strengthen vampires (Angel, Spike) or lure Vampires to certain Locations (as the antipode of Garlic). Well, or used for rituals. Money - at least to stay overnight at Seedy Motel. :D In fact, they can be used in many different ways. Recruiting Townies, Baddies, Vampire Hunters? Buying Artifacts, not shown new Items?
- New types of cards?: Conduit card - can be obtained in "the White Room". It is likely that this card is some kind of instruction from the Senior Partners. Perhaps this will help pre-empt influence WRH. Or is it an analogue Evil Card? Future Foretold Card - can be obtained in "Caritas" (like Lorne's "aura reading"). I can also assume that this is Cordelia's starting card (like her "visions"). Will we be able to predict future Event сards, as it can Anya's Special Ability? Or something different?
- Artifacts (in the "Items" folder there were screenshots from series - reference for future arts of Artifacts. The folder "Artifacts" contained ready-made art for cards. There are many artifacts, without knowing the mechanics of the game, it is difficult to even imagine what effect they will have. But I will try.:P)
1. Commercial - something related to an advertising campaign Angel Investigation? The first thing I found was a video filmed by Cordelia and Doyle. But it can also be a business card. Artifact to interact with Townies? 2. Tak horn - Artifact to slay MotW (like Mr. Pointy)? Perfect fit. 3. Ethros Box - Shall we do an exorcism to Possessed Townies? Discard Evil Card? 4. Binding Powder - Apparently we can block the exit from the location for monsters. It's like Dagon Sphere just the other way around. Cool. 5. Band of Blacknill - travel between dimensions? This artifact is perfect for expansion with other dimensions, but useless for main game. But its art is already done. Perhaps this is the main argument confirming that the expansion for Angel's Game will be. Or is it a ring that sends to Sunnydale? 0_o
6. Ra-Tet Talismans - This artifact will clearly not be one of the coveted. Thanks to this, the Beast began the apocalypse. I bet it's something like Gem of Amara or Box of Gavrok. 7. Muo-Ping - Preservation of the soul. It is unlikely that the game will have a mechanic for draining the Vampire's soul. I have no idea. Will likely be a bad artifact. 8. Delothrian's Arrow - Powerful and cool stuff. I think it will be something like Slayer Scythe. 9. Calendula Marigold - Removing wounds? 10. Staff of Devosynn - We will subdue the will of monsters! Or become evil? 11. Scrolls of Aberjian - a scroll containing the Shanshu prophecy and a way to resurrect a vampire in the form of a human. I think the artifact will be used for some new mechanic. 12. Gunn's axe - Analogue of Blessed Sword? This weapon must be legendary.
13. Holy Glove - Something too powerful. Kill a Big Bad with one touch? ^_^
14. Pylean collar - Something that constrains our Character (Fight Action?). I suppose that in order to remove this, you need to perform an Event Check. 15. Fred's Invention - Time to kill MotW. 16. Axis of Pythia - I don't know how this artifact can come in handy. Link to other dimensions? 17. Collapsible sword - Like other character items, this item must be useful. And have a variety of functions like the Faith Knife. 18. Orb of Ramjarin - Specific artifact for defeating 1 MotW? It's strange. 19. Mutari generator - Can this thing Stun a MotW like Troll God's Hummer? It would be helpful.
- New Tokens Vampire Hunters - a new type of tokens, that dusts Vampires (Obviously). But I don't think they will Wounds our Characters like Soldiers. Maybe only Angel, Spike, Lorne and Oz (as Werewolf) will be threatened.
Also, of course, the Game must contain its own sets Townies, Vampires, Demons, renamed Event Cards, Items Cards, MotW Cards (if they are at all), Action and Special Tokens etc.
Thinking about expansion, I absolutely like the idea of other dimensions. But in the series we were shown only a few dimensions: Pylea, Vahla Ha'nesh, Zealot's dimension, Holding Dimension. And only Pylea is well revealed. We definitely need Illyria, Connor, Doyle as playable Characters. The Groosalugg is suitable for Pylea. Harmony is the only remaining character from the main cast missing from the game. And the last could be Kate Lockley. But there are no famous names in this expansion. Many people don't like Connor. Doyle, Kate, Groo left and participated very little on the show. Only Illyria, but she was at the very end of the series. Sales will be minimal. It is highly doubtful whether the expansion to Angel: the Board Game will be released.:("
And then someone wondered if Spike could be in the expansion--which he very well could have been--and also wished that Gwen Raiden could have been there.
Oh, what could have been.
(This info is all from this Reddit post, btw.)
Oh! And it sounds like Connor was eventually going to be a playable character, too!
-cries again at what we lost-
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