#like the sisters... why do they call fubuki older and tatsumaki younger we both know that it's the other way around
theophagie-remade · 1 year
Both opm seasons have an overall solid italian adaptation but some translation choices... why
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senritsunotats · 7 years
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Now, this was a tricky, yet fun chapter to write. I really hope you enjoy it ^^
You can also read on AO3.
However, this time, his touch meant something else.
V-City had the most beautiful beaches and the warmest weather all year around, therefore it was the perfect place to have a summer house that would be fresh and pretty whenever Tatsumaki decided to go there.
It also had her favorite restaurant.
The place was a bit expensive for a brunch specialty, but you had to know that Tatsumaki loved those greasy, unpretentious food, and consequently, so did her baby – or at least that was what she told herself whenever she’d have a bite of pancakes and a friendly kick in the ribs for good measure.
Where else would she take her baby sister to eat if not her favorite place? And if her tag-along boyfriend wanted to come with, well, with a plate of bacon in front of her Tatsumaki could handle.
“You’re paying for your share, Baldy,” she said when they found their seats.
“Okay,” Saitama replied not looking up from the menu.
“I mean it,” Tatsumaki warned and he dropped the menu.
“O-Kay. I have a S-Class check now, brat, did you forget?”
“You do? Tell me about it, then!”
S-Class heroes’ checks were fatter than those from other classes, but the more popular the hero was, the bigger the reward and when it came to popularity… no one liked Saitama much. He could be rank 15, but he was probably under Atomic Samurai’s couple of disciples with the public, and they had just been branched up.
“Come on, guys, can we not go there this time?” Fubuki practically pleaded. There was a dagger shooting contest between Tatsumaki and Saitama going on. “Can’t we just have brunch without the bickering? Sister, you shouldn’t getting all worked up over nothing like that, you’re close to your due date.”
“Oh, yeah, you’re pregnant,” Saitama said evenly and she narrowed her eyes at him. “I keep forgetting why you’re so big, thought you were just getting fat.”
Tatsumaki borderline growled and gave him not only one finger, but two.
“Listen up, your little shit-“ she started holding the fingers right in front of his face for emphasis, but Fubuki called for a waiter just in time.
“We’re ready to order!” she said almost too loudly (or too desperate to stop them). “Right? Tats?”
After a fair portion of pancakes, waffles, bacon, eggs, juice and tea was ordered and a neat basket of homemade bread was put on their table, the talk restarted.
“How long until you’re due again?” Saitama asked carefully spreading butter on a slice of bread. He took food very seriously.
Tatsumaki watched silently as her sister cut a slice of bread for herself too, serving it with raspberry jam instead, knowing that she was a fan of sweets, and it made her smile.
“Five weeks,” she said. Their tea was served and she added a cube of brown sugar in it before drinking. “Give or take.”
“I see,” he said looking at the bottom of his teacup. “Did you pick a name for her already?”
“Not really,” Tatsumaki admitted. “I just keep rolling over the options and I don’t really know what to choose.”
“It’s got to be something badass,” Saitama said and Fubuki nodded excitedly. He looked at Tatsumaki. “I mean, keep the family tradition, right?”
“She’s got to be born with the coolest Hero Name already,” Fubuki agreed. “I know Puri-Puri have a list of options, did you take a look?”
Tatsumaki shook her head.
“I’m not letting a convict choose my baby’s name! I’m not even sure I’m letting him near her once she’s born!”
“Come on, he’s just intense, but he’s a good guy,” Saitama argued and Tatsumaki looked at him.
“What are you even doing here, Baldy? This is a family meeting.”
“I’m keeping company!”
“I’m the company, your dumbass!”
On her seat across from her older sister, Fubuki sighed. The worst part was that she knew damn well that Saitama and Tatsumaki held a lot of respect for one another, but they kept on with that stupid bickering. Honestly, she didn’t really know why she let him come along, she didn’t really offer. Guess she just didn’t know how to say no to him.
“Seriously, guys, this is a family restaurant, can you can it?” she pleaded. To Fubuki’s surprise, they stopped right away. “Tats, why do you keep pushing Puri-Puri away, anyway? You already shut away his idea of a gender revealing party and it made him super sad.”
Tatsumaki made a face. For her taste, Puri-Puri Prisoner was too excited about one of the heroes having a baby, it wasn’t such a big deal!
“Are you serious? Gender revealing parties are dumb as fuck.”
Saitama nodded and looked at Fubuki.
“She’s right, they are dumb,” he agreed and Fubuki gaped at him. She was not used at all to see him and her sister agreeing on anything; besides, a part of her had wanted that little festivity too, to celebrate the new family member. Tatsumaki had been so averse to the idea at the time that she just told the sex of the baby with no party at all, and it was hella boring.
“Okay, I’m not gonna fight you guys on this, but did you at least think about the baby shower?” she tried instead and Tatsumaki made a fart sound with her mouth, tongue out and all. “Sister!”
“People don’t need to give me stuff!”
“But they might want to!” Fubuki argued. “I mean, you are popular and you scare the shit out of the other heroes, so you’re doomed to have your ass kissed. Besides, I’m sure Puri-Puri would be able to organize a baby shower in a week, and if you let him do that, he’ll probably stop bugging you about baby names.”
Impressed with Fubuki’s line of thought, Tatsumaki leaned back on her seat smiling.
“See, that’s why I need you around, baby sister,” she said looking at Fubuki in the eyes, and the younger esper’s eyes widened.
“You… want me around?”
“Of course I do,” Tatsumaki said as if it was obvious. “Who else could point me in clever directions when handling people? Besides, you’re her aunty, I’ll need your help, you know? Take her to the cinema, teach her some esper stuff, spoil the kid.”
Under the table, Fubuki grabbed Saitama’s hand and squeezed, her eyes widely staring at her sister. Their food arrived and their tea was refilled.
“Esper stuff? Teach?” Fubuki repeated, unable to breathe. Tatsumaki nodded.
“Yeah, I mean, you bet this kid is going to be powerful, and your style is a bit different from mine, so… why not teach her, right?”
“Yeah,” Fubuki said breathing out, a small smile played on her lips and she felt her eyes sting. Her sister… at first she’d had her doubts about her becoming a mother, of what kind of mom Tats would be, what role she could have, but this was… “Awesome.”
And when she talked, her voice cracked uneasily, making her swallow.
“Uh, excuse me,” Fubuki said getting up. “I have to go to the ladies room real quick. Be right back.”
As soon as she was out of earshot, Tatsumaki chuckled to herself. Fubuki got emotional over things so quickly, she hadn’t changed at all. She got her knife and fork and started cutting her pancake in four before she’d pour the syrup on it, because she liked her food wet and sticky before she’d take a bite.
“That was…” Saitama spoke up almost scaring the shit out of Tatsumaki. She forgot he was there. “Sweet of you. She adores you, Tats, and it means a lot to her.”
“Well, look at you all sentimental,” she joked pointing at him with her fork and he narrowed his eyes at her. “I didn’t know you were capable of having feelings.”
Saitama opened his mouth to reply, but they both though about how hard Fubuki had been trying to keep the peace in that table and he bit it back, shaking his head to help let it go.
“Can I feel the baby?” he asked instead, pointing at Tatsumaki’s belly and her eyebrows went up surprised before she nodded. Eight months in and he never asked that, always respecting her personal space, but that day she took his hand and placed on top of her baby bump.
“She’s all turned now,” she said guiding his hand. “Her back is here, see? Just waiting to push her way out. And her feet…”
Tatsumaki put a piece of pancake in her mouth then, and as soon as the flavors exploded in her mouth, she felt the expected kick. Saitama’s eyes widened.
“I know. She likes food.”
They avoided eye contact. The baby kept moving under Saitama’s hand as Tatsumaki fished some berries with her fingers and popped them in her mouth, their silence welcoming.
“I want to have her here in V-City, but the doctors…” she said looking up at him again. “They say I shouldn’t. That I might have complications, because I’m so small, that it’ll probably be hard to have a natural delivery. So I might have to go to A-City for a C-section and have her at the Hero Association’s compound.”
“I take they want to make sure you and the baby are fine,” he said thoughtfully and she nodded. “You’re too valuable.”
“I guess so,” she said with a shrug. Hesitantly, Saitama took his hand from her belly and started eating again.
“You know, if you can’t think of a name for her, I have many options,” he offered then, and she grunted.
“Shut up, Baldy.”
Fubuki came back shortly after that, her face washed, and she smiled at them as she took her seat.
“Well, would you look at that,” she said. “You didn’t destroy the restaurant. I guess that means we can live in peace, right?”
“Don’t hold your breath, sister, we’re still in the first serving. There’s still time.”
Fubuki chuckled and served some berries on top of her waffles. It was nice to be with family.
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