#like that's unabomber shit with a much bigger budget
cantsayidont · 2 days
The TL;DR of this story (18 September 2024) is that the Taiwanese company says the booby-trapped pagers used in the 17 September attack in Lebanon were made under license by a mysterious Hungarian company called BAC Consulting.
Three years ago, Hsu [Ching-kuang] says he was approached by a Taiwanese woman Hsu says he only knew as “Teresa” who claimed to be a local representative for a Hungarian company named BAC Consulting. After more than two months of negotiation with Teresa, Hsu agreed to sign a contract to sell Gold Apollo’s pagers to BAC and additionally, to let BAC use Gold Apollo’s trademark on his [sic] own products. “She had already flown several times to Europe to contact [her colleagues],” says Hsu. He says he was also told BAC also had interests in East Africa: “From beginning to end, they never mentioned Lebanon.”
About a year after BAC signed a contract with Gold Apollo, Hsu says they came back to him with an unusual request: they wanted to design their own products but put his company’s trademark on them. “They said they wanted to cultivate a cohort of engineers,” Hsu says he remembers BAC telling him. “I told them, the stuff you make is neither easy to use nor is it aesthetically-pleasing. Why not just use my products?” Hsu also noticed their payment transfers were “strange.” While BAC is located in the capital of Hungary, Hsu said the company paid Gold Apollo from a Middle Eastern bank account that was blocked at least once by their bank in Taiwan.
This sounds to me like a front for an intelligence agency, probably either Mossad or some Mossad contractor.
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