#like that's OUR backstabbing diva
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cadillacjohnf1 · 3 months ago
no you don't get it I love George Russell BECAUSE he's conniving and two-faced
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illuminatedcomics · 2 years ago
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Here's something different, pages from two failed projects I attempted to develop. These are both from around 2018.
The concept behind Deadend Diva was casting the sterotypical head cheerleader / mean girl / queen bee of any teenage/disney channel series as the main character of the narrative. In this case, our spoiled rich girl is forced to leave her "position" when she transfers from a Californian High School to a private boarding institute in New England. In this new enviroment she comes to blow with another Alpha Bitch who already rules the school. Why New England? Because this was a horror comedy and there was going to be lovecraftian shit happening in the background. I had envisioned Deadend Diva as a long running series, and from the get go, I wanted to partner up with an artist to make it (back then I still considered myself more a writer than an artist). I had contacted a few, and they all seemed to like it, some were even enthusiastic but just didn't have the time in their schedule. Finally I managed to get one on board, so I sent them the "pitch screenplay" and I don't wanna say they ghosted me, but, I never heard from them again... after a bit, I just stopped asking around. One of my biggest weaknesses as a creator is that I barely plan. I throw myself into projects with just the sketch of an idea, or the drive to put to paper an idea I had. This very often results in aborted projects that are nothing but three or four strung together pages with some elaborate visual trying to back up the lack of meat. This is what happened to SMILE! I was experimenting with my artstyle, going for a photorealistic but semi-finished look, with tons of crosshatching and elaborate frills on the lineart. The story itself was a spy thriller full of betrayals and backstabbing that I was trying to make purposely contrived, obtuse, and difficult to parse because that's a great idea!
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heyyylittlemo · 5 years ago
**Beware of Nintendo Switch Scam**
    Everybody is cooped up these days--Animal Crossing: New Horizons has got so many of us intrigued--and Nintendo Switch demands are piling up. Admittedly, we all like some good fun and what better way to spend it than testing out the new beautiful god-smacking Animal Crossing everybody has been raging about? From those beautiful lavish interior design shots, to the diva-divine clothing lines, to the peaceful tranquil music lashed across in screenshots and play-throughs. Who DOESN’T want to get their hands on a Nintendo Switch right now? 
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     I really wanted my own switch for these reasons. I am a die-hard fan of animal crossing. You bet I was making my ways as a Tom Nook slave since the Gamecube days. Ever since I heard about the new game for the switch I knew I HAD TO HAVE IT. The thing is, the timing was never right. I didn’t have a switch. 
     When we did get it one Christmas, the game was set to launch MONTHS away. I had planned to call dibs on it during my birthday, or y’know Christmas. But no miracle happened. It was coming out in MARCH. 
     So, after deliberately DYING about the fact that I had no switch for my own and that I had no new Animal Crossing--my mother backstabbed me (perhaps unknowingly) and bought my 10 year old sister the game for her B-day. I KNOW I KNOW I KNOW, the BETRAYAL. This was a MAJOR loss for me being that now that meant she’d own the island. And we all know how we feel about this whole whose-is-what-it Island situation. There’s a whole lot of debates about it. 
I know it’s not the biggest deal, but the disappointment across my face was evident--more so than I would have wished. I gotta say it really upset me. It’s the feeling of hoping for something so dear to you being stripped out and patched into someone else’ grasp after passionately weaving it out in your pursuits. You know that it doesn’t stitch together as well as with the ones’ whose lap its been placed in, and yet it doesn’t necessarily belong to you either. And you’d think that it’d be obvious, and it hurts a lot, but you just have to accept that  sometimes you don’t get what you want even after talking about it like your life was depending on it. Yeah, I’m still salty about is, so what? That’s not even what matters! SHE owns the island. 
I knew she’d grow tired and ditch ACNH after 1-2 weeks of playing. Still, that wouldn’t mean that i’d get to just re-vamp the island, or take it over, or *cough* *cough* destroy it. 
So I decided I’d get myself a Nintendo Switch and buy ACNH. Something about seeing someone HAVE what I wanted on their own terms just itched me to make it happen for myself, so I declared war. War on my wallet. 
      Now that I have bought a Nintendo Switch, I realize that along with God, the universe also doesn’t like me. 
Wanna know why? Well, when I first searched for the Nintendo Switch online the results for sights and their pricing was DRASTICALLY different to what I see now when I look it up. The website in which stole me of $99 of my hard-earned busting my ass off money, is NOWHERE to be seen anymore. It’s almost like it didn’t exist. The problem is: it does. You may be next. And you may be scammed. But damn, God, why did it have to be me? 
I know that my blog isn’t about this topic usually--but I just wanted to warn anyone out there who is trying to get a good deal on a Nintendo Switch. Because I just got scammed big time. Yes, now we’re finally getting into the actual exposé of this site after side-baring about how much of a Judas situation this manifesting Animal Crossing New Horizons into my life has been for me!!
     You see, prices on Nintendo Switches are CRAZY HIGH now that times arer hard. People want to overcharge for these things. It’s hard to run across a good deal near the original price of the Nintendo Switch. And when you’re desperate like me and you’ve had the raging hormones of i’ve just been et-tu-brutue’d by your mother you may just not hear the warning signs going off in your head and jump to the best sounding deal. 
But here’s the deal--there is no deal. 
     Yet just like flies, the lollipop caught mein google-eyed eyes and stuck me to its lies. When I saw this A-MAH-ZING $98.75 listing for the console from Solefiness.fun as the 1st website recommended to me from google--I freaked. 
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Being offered right next to those sky high prices from websites like Ebay and Tecobuy(whose offers ranged from $350-450) Solefiness.fun was really bringing out the ��I CAN DO THIS” in me. 
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I love cheap thrills. I felt like a rat walking in to the cheese, who couldn’t see the trap. 
   I took no time into emptying my wallet. Which fair enough, I deserved it. If I’m stupid enough to jump right in the shark’s mouth CAN I really be mad that I got eaten? Who buys from a site which such low prices and no reviews and no sense of security? 
   Surprisingly, probably a lot of people(can’t confirm that)--maybe I’m the only one. Let’s say I’m not though. Well, who would be at risk? Other desperates, and of course those who like me, don’t know anything a dime about “finessing”. 
 And it kinda is my fault that I’m not “caught” up on all the latest terms since recently adulting into the world and having no chance to chase up to these new expressions, such as “finesse”. 
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     If I knew a lick about what “finesse” meant then maybe I would’ve noped right out of that transaction. Hell, even dodged that site after it was recommended to me. How meta can this scam-site get? Cleverly naming itself “Solefiness.fun” as it slicks us away of our money. Maybe I should have listened to my brother and downloaded TikTok. I would’ve known what finessing was all about. 
     But at the same time, NOBODY deserves to be scammed. After serving a bunch of Karens do you THINK I want to just hand my money over to some basement-boy Bobby whose “finessing” his way by breaking the hearts of little Animal Crossing lovers--Switch lovers--Playstation 4 lovers--and whatever else this crude prude “sells” on his/her site? 
     Bitch, you have a storm coming in wreaking my Nintendo dreams. I’m about to switch it up real quick! I don’t want non y’all to get finessed, so I’m about to spread the word about this baloney. 
If you’re wondering: how DID I not see the danger signs? Sure it might’ve been called finesse something something, but weren’t there others clues? OF COURSE.  I wanted to believe in this great deal, was all. It was the desperation--the spontaneous energy--and now the sober regret. I was so proud of cashing out for this purchase. So excited. But not for long. 
 Because I awoke the minute it charged my account and refused to complete my order. Why did it charge me AND still ask for a payment?  Why was my damn cart still full? Who the hell do you think you are charging my account under some new company name--which is now Chinese-and labeling my purchase under the category of “Construction”? 
Let’s not forget that USPS has not informed me of ANY packages and the tracking tells me you delivered it to me 10 DAYS before I even placed the order? What in the scam-oli?
Long story short, it wasn’t very hard to build a case against this site. Especially since the order # started with “idc” and followed with a bunch of randomized numbers and letters? Nice try finessing phineases and ferb fucker. 
I know order #s are VERY random but it had this randomness that just screamed imagined and randomized by a fucked up human scammer. It won’t bot-y or natural. It was orchestrated the house. 
So my dears, DO NOT BUY FROM: https://www.solefiness.fun/
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survivor-tierradelfuego · 5 years ago
Ep. 13: “I just want to bury my head in a mountain of blankets and sleep.” -  Sarah
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Well, that was shit. I feel as though I really tried to get Amy to vote with us but Pedro wanted to get her out so everyone just decided to write her name down too. Also, she basically used my name as a decoy too. And I used Maddison as a decoy too so she could flush Olivia's idol. It worked. I had my superidol at the ready too. I feel like this game is just going to get more insane from here on out. We are so little people in the game. So close and yet I'm content with just being here. In the final seven. This feels good. I'm glad Pedro is with us and I wish we had gotten him on board a while back. We haven't told anyone else about our idol and superidol yet. I wonder if Amy really gave Pedro the fake idol lmao that would be hilarious. Anyway. I'm just going to carry on playing I guess. Amy had crazy big plans and I loved them but I felt like her allegiance to Maddison ruined our common goal. I wish she'd just been on board with us voting Maddison like she wanted to when we voted Grae out. That's when it all started. That's when we were causing waves in the game without anyone even knowing. Sigh. I wish things could have been different. 
Olivia A
So it looks like Maddison and I got Pedro to agree to work with us!! This is very very exciting. We can get Aimee to flip easily (even though she does keep going back on that promise) and have a majority. Assuming it goes as planned, Maddison and I will then have our pick of who to go to the final 3 with (Aimee or Pedro). I have felt 100% solid with Maddison from day 1 and we have made every single decision together. I don’t wanna be at the final 3 with anyone but her.
All Maddison had to do was play her idol on Amy and Cody would of went home. Maddison was scared that Old Hanuha was lying to me again and that those 3 were voting Maddison and Pedro and I would be left out and vote Amy. I wanted to put Cody’s down but I knew it would of been rocks, four versus four vote.
Dang I wish I would of known about the idol sooner so I could of had Old Hanuha put the votes on Maddison and get Cody out that way. It would’ve been such a huge game move for me and Maddison that would have looked super great for the jury, and if Cody left this game would be wide open again. Also it would’ve been believable that Pedro ratted the vote out to Maddison instead of me so I could’ve hid behind that too and old Hanuha never would’ve known I told Maddison the vote. But I get it and Maddison was nervous it was her. We still have an opportunity to flip this on the next vote too. It just requires Pedro and the personal connection I have with him to flip with me. He will have to put personal things aside with Maddison and Olivia if he wants to be more than fourth or fifth in this game. He knows the best he can get here is fifth with them....he even told me this straight up. I wish I didn’t have to flip because I love these people but I know that Cody Najwah and Sarah are a final 3. And I’ve been wronged so many times before that it would be a nice little treat for Ben and everyone else hahahaha. Actually Sarah flipping would be great for her own game too but I’m not sure if she is really going to do that or just is waiting for the right moment to maybe flip with me and Pedro as well. It’s interesting with Sarah because it’s almost like we are both staring at each other waiting for the other to say we wanna flip. Wonder if we are thinking the same thing and maybe planning the same moves. Wouldn’t surprise me, Casanova 👑 has a really similar game to mine, even if it’s portrayed differently.
Also, after listening to that podcast. WHOS THE TOP PISCES NOW, ZACK! https://64.media.tumblr.com/ce6ed38bc4ad9c69ee92e5e764c19e5e/tumblr_njj8unqiGl1sqbiv1o5_400.gifv
From three days ago but I just got it to upload.... https://youtu.be/w5g35793Bkc
From last night... https://youtu.be/IBPzYsGfIRU  Najwah I had a brain fart at the end of that game and I said something so ridiculous. I just want to bury my head in a mountain of blankets and sleep. 💀💀 What a fun game though I enjoyed it! But... Embarrassed for life. 
https://rainbowkarolina.tumblr.com/post/616209748381122560/ I wore my jacket looking fancy for this immunity challenge. Too bad my mood was shit. Oh well. Congrats Cody!! 🥳🥳🥳 https://64.media.tumblr.com/b1324cd7cf8c621547f61c8cb20d5fda/eaeee04a03e6c254-72/s540x810/eaf80576f97d63015f9a99cffb28fe7b46e888cb.gifv
No ones ever going to see that video again so let's write a better confession. Here's the thing, I am playing for fun at this point. After hearing and having time to listen to Zack's podcast, I realised how intense I was initially too. How I'd do anything to win. Whether it was stay up until 6am, avoid my job, accidentally stay without food, stay in bed, not call my parents for weeks, blindsiding James just to get to merge. I no longer feel stressed and angry. One thing I liked about Zack's podcast segment was that I have a whole new perspective on a lot of things right now. I'm here, in the fucking top 7. Never thought that would ever happen. I have made friends and gained so much from this. At some point in this game you get to a crossroads and you have to decide who you are. Are you a vicious blindsiding, backstabbing bitch or do you want to see your people WIN more than anything. Tonight Cody won immunity. He fucking deserved it. I'm so happy he can go spend time with his nieces and nephews and not worry about being a target. Me? Oh I'm burning to use my damn superidol so that I can at least try to win ONE immunity.
Everyone in the game right now has won individual immunity except Pedro and I. Which is funny bc I always thought of Pedro as a challenge beast. I miss Amy. I don't like not seeing her in this game. I've been thinking about how we left things all day. Why did she want me to vote her? Why did she trick me about the vote or was that just her protecting me? Either way, we played the same game at each other as our last play. The double decoy. I don't know if I mentioned this yesterday, but Amy wanted to vote Olivia out so that we could form a 4 person alliance with Pedro and Maddison. I've never spoken to Maddison ever. And Pedro is a loose cannon. I don't see how that would have ever worked. And she said our first play would be to get the strong players out: Cody, Sarah.. Like? In my opinion Maddison is the strongest player in the game. If Maddison were at the end, I wouldn't hesitate voting her in a heart beat. I didn't get how she wanted. To hide behind Maddison forever and not take control of her own game. I didn't get that she wanted Maddison out but whenever it came down to it, she would hesitate to get her out? She's told me every one of Maddison and Olivias advantages and idols etc. She's spilled so much tea while I've never told her anything negative about the people I'm working with because I didn't want them out? Ugh. I guess some day I'll ask her. If this were a real game of survivor perhaps I'd take Sarah or Aimee out, like I'd flip on them for a million bucks maybe coz they're strong players but as long as this is an online game ima be cheering everyone on bc this game is long and tough and we have been through things together, ya know? 
Olivia A
Just talked to Aimee about flipping to work with Maddison, Pedro, and me. She said she’s in for now but still wants to talk to og hanuha people and see their plan for this tribal. She still said that she realizes if she doesn’t flip all of our games (including hers) are done. So even thought she hasn’t given full agreement, I think we’re all solid on this. We are planning to vote Sarah out. I think this will completely turn the game around. I don’t wanna think too far ahead but I’m starting to see my trajectory to FTC pretty clearly. Don’t wanna speak too soon though so if I get voted out don’t hold this against me lol.
Pedro A
trying to break the trio...have a bad feeling about this tribal ....working with maddison and olivia isnt the best....i hope they dont lie AGAIN....at this point..if i get out....they are next...so its kinda dumb to vote....BUT IF I LOSE....i will scream ALELUIAAAAAAAAAAAAAA...cause damn im exhausted 
This song is dedicated to Cody and his immunity win!!!!!🙌💚🖤 https://youtu.be/weRHyjj34ZE Sharika - Whenever, Wherever Our humor knows no distance 😻🌵🌈💞 😅I’m trying my damnedest to get Maddison and I as far to the end of this game as possible. So sorry about the confessional about me wanting the idol to work to get you out. https://64.media.tumblr.com/562258ad5eb14f6498ceff24aa8392e7/984582d2a107588c-d2/s540x810/1b6cf1576e95c3672122cfb7887ffd5a644d87da.gifv So I hope no hard feelings! I love that we can laugh over pop divas, gay culture and just life in general. 😂 We are gonna tear up the city as soon as we can hang out in person. I hope Texas and Ohio is ready for this! Olivia A
Pedro being so paranoid about Aimee’s commitment is getting frustrating. Since we brought this plan to him we’ve told him she’s 100% in she’s been talking about flipping forever and he still gets so nervous. I understand the paranoia bc it’s a big move but I wish he would listen to what we’re telling him and trust our intuition. That doesn’t really matter though bc tonight we are voting Sarah and it’s going to work! :) Oh also Maddison and I keep saving up coins to buy things that end up being nothing it’s getting really frustrating but oh well!
Pedro A
Sarrah says she wants to vote maddison...and now aimee..is trying to get me to vote...with maddison and olivia who want to take out sarah.....(i already know about the plan, i made the plan lmao)......somehow i feel like im the one GOING HOME TONIGHT
I’m putting trust in someone that I never wanted to have to trust. Pedro, here’s to you bud.
https://kasugano.tumblr.com/post/154832341580 Well I figured I would try! I will do everything in my power to keep Maddison here on Skype survivor island. https://rainbowkarolina.tumblr.com/post/612534208936755200/ I just keep losing one close friend after another in this game. I’ve honestly become numb to it at this point. I just see that light at the end of the tunnel. 2 weeks just 2 more weeks. I don’t plan on going to jury. I’m just so excited to finally reconnect with my people at the end. I’ll keep fighting like I’ve been doing since day 1. I feel like Maddison being voted out just kicked me into overdrive. The adrenaline is here and I’m ready for what’s to come next. This lady is strong and a fighter. https://rainbowkarolina.tumblr.com/post/613061232697753600/
Cody A
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celestmum · 6 years ago
NYAFF19 HAN DAN George Wu Exclusive Interview by The Lady Miz Diva (June 30th, 2019)
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The career path of George Hu has been a serendipitous one:  The native New Yorker was talent scouted whilst on a family visit to Taiwan, despite being unable to fluently speak Mandarin, or Taiwanese.  That didn’t stopHu from becoming one of Taiwan’s most popular television and film actors. 
胡宇威 能进入 演艺圈 都是 机缘巧合。 出生在纽约, 说不出一口流利的普通话 或 闽南话, 却在和家人一次来台湾探亲时 被星探看中。虽然有语言障碍,却没成为他的绊脚石, 如今 他已是台湾著名的影视人之一。
In Director Huang Chao-liang’s semi-biographical opus,HAN DAN, Hu seethes volcanically as the good boy bullied into going bad.  Hu sat for an exclusive chat withLMD about the movie’s combustible mix of internalised rage and firecrackers.
在黄朝亮导演半自传作品 电影《 寒单》里, 观众能看到了宇威在角色里的多层变化, 因为一直被霸凌, 从一个乖巧的男孩 渐渐地黑化。
在此很荣幸能与宇威做了独家专访 谈谈他在戏里的火爆演出 和 内心深处的煎熬 。
The Lady Miz Diva: How did the role of Lin {Zheng-Kun} come to you?
你是怎么接触到 "林正昆" 这个角色的?
George Hu:  Well, we {Director Huang Chao-liang} worked together {SUMMER FEVER}, so he had the image of me playing this role.  He was just trying to connect my own personality to this character.  There’s two main leads in this film; and they’re each a shadow of him.  They are both sides of him, my character is his good side gone bad.  The other character is the bully becoming the good guy.
其实 我和导演 之前合作过 (恋夏38度C) 。他觉得我的性格很符合这个角色。电影里的2个男主的各自性格 其实都是导演心里的影子。我的角色是导演 "从好人变坏" 的那一面 而 人硕的角色 是他的 "坏变好" 那一面。
So, he would give me one word in Chinese, which translated means “hide,” or “buried.”  I didn’t understand until I started looking at the character’s background story and the script, and it felt like I knew what he meant afterward.  Because there are areas where, if, for a regular person -- for instance, like me -- if you would come across a conflict, sometimes you would explode.  Sometimes you would react towards the person that gives you these negative comments, or negative behavior toward you; but Director wanted his character, Lin -- he’s burying all those emotions, and it got me sick.  It got me sick to the point where we were filming, and I was like, “Why?  Why?”. {Laughs}
所以 导演 给了我一个字 "藏"。起初我不明白 直到我 研究人物的背景 读完剧本 之后 才真正体会到导演要的感觉。 因为有些剧情 对我本人 不太理解, 当人遇到困境 被恶意重伤 被欺负时 自然都会���火,但是 导演却要我把情绪藏着 埋在心里 这使我好难受 甚至常在开拍时 有疑惑 会自问 "为什么?" "为什么?"
LMD:  This film has enough character development for four different movies.  Your Lin is the quintessential “good boy,”  Yet, throughout the duration of this film, his emotional arc is like a roller coaster.  How did you work with Director Huang Chao-liang, to keep a steady line through so much upheaval?
在电影节影展的4部电影里 角色都经历过变化 而你的角色 就是个 典型的"乖乖男" 却在戏里 情绪变化就像坐 过山车一样。这样的角色情绪起伏,你是怎样和导演 在合作上 取得平衡?
GH:  Before filming, we were reading the script probably three or four times, back and forth, back and forth.  So, in every scene would talk about, ‘What do you think this character would do?’  In his mind, Director has his own story, and I would have my own story; and we would just try to meet in the middle.  He wouldn’t go too overboard in saying, ‘I want this,’ or ‘I want that.’  He would be more lenient.  So, when we found our point, it would be easier to film this character.
在开拍前 我们已经大概研究剧本有3到4次吧 来回不断地讨论。"你觉得他(林正昆)会怎样做?" 导演会有他的想法, 我也有我自己的,我们会试着找出共通点。 导演不会那么野蛮 坚持一定要跟着他的说法, 他比较 随和 宽容 , 这样演起角色 也容易多了。
There were times when we would go off the roller coaster; I would go straight sometimes, and he would say, “No, no, no, you gotta take it back in.  You have to wait for this moment to explode”.  So, that was why when I exploded, it felt so good.  I finally exploded, because there were all these emotions buried deep within this character.
有时 我的情绪 还是会控制不了, 他就会说 "不 不 不, 你需要把情绪埋藏着。 要等到对的时刻才能爆发出来" 所以 当那刻一到 我整个情绪就引爆了 那种感觉很舒服 终于能把 埋藏在心里的感受 全释放了。
LMD:  Knowing that so much of the film is based on the life and personality of Director Huang, was he open to your interpretation and suggestions about a character that was essentially himself?
据了解 大部分的剧情 跟导演的生活 性格 有关联, 导演有因此对你 以自身为例 讲解人物 并且 给于意见吗?
GH:  He was definitely open to my suggestions, and I was definitely open to his.  Plus, because this character is based on his self-memory, as well, I would definitely have to listen to his side of the story and mesh it with my side of the story to make it more reasonable for me to be comfortable acting this character as a role.  So, at first it was a little bit {tricky}, but then afterwards, it was like, ‘You know what?  It does make sense, because he’s been through it.’  He says it’s been through it, so I’m not going to question that.  {Laughs}
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我们彼此之间都会沟通 给于想法 加上这个人设大部份来自导演的记忆 我一定会听从导演的想法 再融合我的理解 这样我诠释起这个角色也容易多了。 起初 我会觉得有点。。。但是后来想想 "其实也很有道理 毕竟他经历过" 竟然他说 他经历过 , 我无需质疑。
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LMD:  There is not a lot of dialog in this film, and we have to sort of study your character’s face to understand what he’s thinking.  In that climactic scene, before Lin finally does explode, you can see the moment when his heart breaks watching the girl he loves with his trash rival, and then the bottled up fury when the rival taunts him.  In that moment you keep waiting for him to haul off and rip the guy to pieces, but he never does.
这部电影没有很多台词 大部份 都是 靠演员的脸部表情 来表达。 有个高潮的一幕 就是 当林正昆 亲眼目睹 心爱的人和讨厌的人在一起时 还要 被对方嘲弄 那种心碎 又一直强忍着愤怒的眼神 很到位。 当时大家都在等着正昆把对方打倒 但是最终他没有。
GH:  This character, I would say, can backstab a person, if he wanted to.  He doesn’t want any confrontation up front; he wants confrontation in the back.  In that moment when he just wants to punish that bully, he didn’t want to really kill him.  He just wanted to punish him.  Lin wanted him to deal with the pain that he dealt with, that he had to go through.  So, he pretty much lights it up on fire, but he didn’t think that that situation would happen.  He didn’t think it all through.
如果他心想要做 他确实有能力在背后伤人。他不想当面对质 只想默默对抗。 发生那场意外的当时 他一心只想惩罚 那个恶霸 没想要他死 只想对方也能感受到他经历过的痛 所以点燃了火 没预料会造成意外 那时他真没想清楚
LMD:  You mentioned how you were becoming physically sick of having to internalise so much of Lin’s emotions.  Were you able to leave Lin on the set at the end of the day?
你说过因为角色的内心戏太重使你感到难受。拍摄结束后 是否能抽离角色?
GH:  I thought when it was the huge wrap -- when we were done with the film -- that I was leaving him, already.  Back when we were filming the first film together, that got to me after two years.  Looking at the trailer, I broke down.  I thought I was over it, because it was two years after that film, why am I being upset and really blue when watching this trailer?  So, I’m not totally over it.  So, I reminded myself not to get too deep with this new character. 
当时电影杀青后我以为我就此离开了正昆。记得第一部合作作品, 那次的角色不知不觉足足跟了我2年。 当预告片在播放时 我莫名奇妙地哭了 心想都已经过了2年 为何看预告 还会感到难过 悲哀呢? 后来发现原来我没完全抽离。所以之后我常提醒自己不要将自己 太过投入角色里
Luckily, it was only a month, because after wrapping filming, I was doing some photo shoots and commercials, and I was looking in the mirror and seeing something wrong.  There was really something wrong with me. {Laughs} It was definitely not me. {Laughs}  It’s something like possession, but it’s not.  I have to learn to get rid of all this. {Laughs}
这次 还好 只维持 一个月。电影杀青后 就开始忙于一些宣传摄影 有一天 我望着镜子里的自己 就觉得不对劲 (笑) 那个肯定不是我 (笑) 好像中了邪但也不是。 我就慢慢地学着抽离 (笑)
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LMD:  Tell us about filming the firecracker ritual.  Please tell me it was all CGI?
可以聊 拍摄那场 "炸寒单" 的过程。 请告诉我 这全都是 电脑合成
GH:  Okay, it was definitely CGI, but we had to make it more realistic.  We were still on the podium being carried around, and they would light the firecrackers from about three yards away.  I mean, it’s kind of far, but not too far, because firecrackers, they don’t have eyes; meaning when you light them up, they can shoot up anywhere.  So, you still have a little bit hitting your skin, but it wasn’t anything too severe, but the feeling actually helped my character.
确实都是电脑合成 但是为了演出逼真 我们 还是需要站上抬轿 他们还是会在远处 点燃鞭炮 三码外吧 说远也不算远 鞭炮不长眼睛 它都会乱射 所以还是会被烫伤 还好不严重 这种痛的感觉反而帮助我更了解角色
LMD: I’m curious about what motivates Lin to not only take responsibility for A-yi {Ming-yi}’s rehabilitation, but to keep him nearby and really bring him into his life and business?  At first it seems clear it’s guilt over the fireworks incident, but then there is bonding that occurs between the pair of them.  Talk about the arc of their relationship.
我很好奇 正昆 除了要帮 阿义 戒毒 为何留他在身边 还带进他的生活里 而且一块经营生意? 起初以为是因为愧疚 但是 过后又发展了兄弟情。聊聊他们之间的情感究竟是什么
GH:  In my version, I would say it’s because he didn’t have that many friends back then.  Even though A-yi was his childhood bully, Lin found his other side.  He see this other side, where, if we were best friends, A-yi would do anything for me:  We would protect each other, he would protect me, I would protect him, and it’s sort of like a brotherhood to him.  He saw this in him. 
剧我的理解 正昆应该没什么朋友 就算阿义是曾经欺负他的恶霸, 他也渐渐发现他的另一面。 他查觉到 "一旦他们成为 好朋友 阿义都会为他做任何事 他们互相保护着 他会保护正昆 正昆也会保护阿义" 就是这样的兄弟情 这就是正昆在阿义身上感受到的
But, when Lin calms down, and just thinks back -- because he can’t let go of the past, he thinks back a lot -- he thinks, if you didn’t bully me, I wouldn’t be the way I am right now.  It’s because of you that I’m me, and it’s because of me that you’re you.  So, he can’t forget the past, and once he thinks about it, it’s to the point where he’s hiding all the secrets behind him, and keeping them away from A-yi until he found out.
虽然如此, 但是一旦正昆 静下来 回想过往 就是因为放不下 所以会时常想 他会想 "如果不是你欺负我 我应该不会像现在, 是因为你 才有现在的我, 也是因为我 才有现在的你。" 他无法忘记过去 也就一直隐瞒 直到被发现。
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LMD:  That relationship is just plain weird…
GH:  It’s weird, yes.  It’s like, either it’s betrayal, or brotherhood.  It’s like a mix between those two.
的确是啊 好像是 背叛和兄弟情 2个情感的混合
LMD:  So, how did you and the other actor, Cheng Jen-Shuo work together to build that strange bond?  Did you spend time together off the set, or extra rehearsals?
你和另一位演员 郑人硕, 是怎么培养这种微妙的情感? 你们时常在场外互动 还是 有格外的排练?
GH:  Not really.  I mean, before shooting, we got the chance to meet with each other, and there was a spark that went off every time we’d meet each other.  It was like, ‘This is weird, but it’s nice,’ because we’d known each other for a long time, but we started work not too long ago, and we were buddy-buddies off set all the time.
并没有耶 , 我是说。。在开拍之前 我们有见过面 一拍即合 说也奇怪 但是感觉很好 我们一见如故 虽然只是刚开工不久 我们已经像是 "死党"了
For the brotherhood part, it was easy to act.  We would always kid around.  When it got intense, that was when we would really give it 110%.
演起兄弟情方面 就得心应手 我们时常胡闹 但是一旦剧情变紧凑时 我们还是会给于110%的关注的
LMD:  As HAN DAN is based off Director Huang’s real-life experiences, were there particular memories he shared with you from his real life to help you develop your character?
电影《 寒单 》是导演 亲身经验 , 他有没有和你分享 旧时的记忆 来帮你 诠释你的角色吗?
GH:  Throughout his childhood, everybody was also looking up towards him.  Out of his siblings, everybody was looking at him, saying, ‘You have a bright future. I can tell you have a bright future.”  But at the same time, when he would go to school and deal with being bullied, he said to himself that he didn’t want to be the one protecting the bullies, so, he had that mentality to fight back.  So, that’s the part where the other side of his character comes in.
在导演的童年 他常被敬仰 在兄弟姐妹当中 常常被说 "你将来必定有大好前途" 但是在那时 他也在学校遇到霸凌 他不想一直纵容恶霸 所以随时都做好反击的准备。 这部分就像足 林正昆的心情
Plus he’s from Taitung, which is the ceremonial area; it gives him an aspect of writing the script for four years.  So, he gave me a lot of inferences from back in the day, where he wanted to fight back, but if he fought back, it would affect his family’s name.  He told me things like that. 
导演是台东人 台东也是炸寒单这个习俗盛行的地方 他足足花了4年的时���写剧本 导演会和我分享往事做参考 他说过 他曾经想过还手 但是他没有 因为他知道 如果还手 只会带坏家的名声
In the end, I understood what he was saying about this character where you cannot do anything at all.  You will have your chance, just not the way the other character behaves towards fighting back.  Lin fights back smartly.
最后 我终于明白 为何正昆 会感到委屈 而选择强忍着。 心里了解 终有一天 会轮到你反击 但是 不是像对方那样 以爆制爆。
LMD:  Your career is fascinating: You hadn’t intended at all to become an actor, or singer, or any kind of famous anything, yet here you are.  Are you pretty much settled on professional life in Taiwan, or are you interested or pursuing acting roles here in the US?
你的演艺事业好精彩啊 你从没想过要成名 当演员 歌手 什么的 但是最后却意外地进入了这个行业。 你在台湾的演艺生涯还算稳定吗? 有想过回来美国发展吗?
GH:  I’ve always been interested.  After landing my first steps in the entertainment business, I was always like, my first language is English, and if I can use that to my advantage, I would actually try to land a role over here.  I’ve been trying, and so far, I guess it’s lost in translation, I dunno.
我一直有想啊。 自从踏入娱乐圈 我就常想 英语是我擅长的语言 所以希望能借此在这里演个角色。 一直有尝试 就是没结果 可能就迷失在翻译中吧 我也不晓得
I’m based in Asia right now, so if I were to land a role over here, in my point of view, I would have to move back here.  There are collaborations with Asia and America, where there are Asian films being filmed in America.  I haven’t had that chance to be a part of that kind of role.
现在我的发展都在亚洲 所以如果想要在这里发展 我必须搬回来 发现现在有蛮多亚美(亚洲 美国)合作机会, 亚洲影视也有在美国取景 拍摄 可惜 到目前我还没有机会
Chinese translation: 77 Creation
© 2006-2019 The Diva Review.com
Article source: http://thedivareview.com/NYAFF19_Han_Dan_George_Hu_Exclusive_Interview.htm
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nikkidarks · 8 years ago
Chapter 4 : A prodigious diva. pt4
What a lovely day it was today, sunny, birds were chirping, kids were laughing, 5 people were planning to take over the city, and I was just waiting for my opportunity to backstab Alex. We were sitting in the main hall and discussing how we were going to do it, I was supposed to be the main piece in our operation. My job was to... Umm... Do a commercial video, for underwear.. At first I didn’t like this, buy I just tried to think of how it was gonna benefit my own goal. Jordan could see me in underwear, and fall for me even more! Then Alex told us that we were receiving code names. I was Delilah, the muscular man was Buck, that red head slut was Rouge, the tall guy’s was Ken and the little girl’s was Daisy. Alex suggested our last names are all Darks, what a pitiful fool he was... Eugh. Despicable, but useful nonetheless. They were preparing the room while I was in the changing room. Gosh I felt so nervous back then, I was shaking like a twig. I was supposed to pick out the lingerie I like, I was looking around and then I saw something I never knew I could like... Lace stockings and panties... I was mesmerized. I quickly put them on and went to the mirror, it felt like they were made for me, they fit my body type perfectly, I turned to shadow and asked it how does it look. It just dispersed back into the book. Sigh.. Alex knocked on the door and asked me if I was ready, I was shaking so much... I could barely move, but I had to do it. I grabbed the door knob and opened the door. They were all staring at me. I asked them how it looks. They were all amazed, told me it was amazing, beautiful, except for her... Which was expected. They finished with fixing the room for filming, Alex was telling me what to do, how to pose, and what not. He was so serious during the shooting, but he did sneak in a smile here and there. I never knew this would be so exhausting, we were filming for 4 hours... After we finished, he asked me if I wanted to go with him to hand in our video. I gladly accepted it, he told me to get dressed and meet him outside. I just nodded and went back into the changing room. I got my coat, jeans and boots and headed outside. I felt someone grab my hand, when I turned around, it was Rouge. She had a worried look on her face. Her hand started shaking as he softly told me to take care of him, how he has gone through so much, how he doesn’t deserve to go through such pain again. Then she just disperse into flames. Somehow, I felt no guilt after that, just an even bigger need to feel his pain. I went outside and waved at Alex. I got down the stairs and we got into his car. While we were driving, he told me he knew that Rouge talked to me, how he wanted me to know the whole truth, so he told me the truth. His parents abandoned him. He has been cursed at birth. His mother was touched by the devil himself, so the curse was passed onto him. He corrupts things he touches, he knew he couldn’t corrupt me.. He felt safe with me. He said he felt the need to be there for me, so I don’t go through what he did. It was perfect. I smiled at him, told him it was gonna be OK, that I will always be there for him. He stopped the car and told me to put on the costume, I was confused, then he reminded me of how I almost killed the mayor in front of everyone. I told him we wouldn’t need a disguise once we get into the building, he just nodded and got out of the car, and so did I. We quickly got into the building without being seen, but then one of the people in the waiting room noticed me and started screaming... I knew this would happen, so I came prepared. Heh. I smiled at her and told her to look into my eyes, she stopped screaming and went blank as she slowly walked towards me. I then told her to stab herself in the throat with a pen, she went over to the waiting room desk, took one of the pens, and well, stabbed herself in the neck with it. It was amazing, blood gushing everywhere! We then took the elevator to the last floor, and goly, was this gonna be fun. I raised my hands and filled the room with shadowy mist, everyone immediately fell down onto the floor and feel asleep. The mist proceeded to spread across the whole building. We tried to find the director’s office, of course it had to be the one with the fancy door. We busted through the door action movie style, but he was nowhere to be found, probably left, or did he? We started hearing strange noises in the room, I looked closer, and there she was. Crying under the fucking desk. I summoned vines to lift her up and straighten her suit, and then demanded that this lingerie commercial video gets played on TV. She started talking about her needing to call someone first, but I interrupted her and told her that she either plays the video on TV or we destroy everything in this building, including her. The woman was shaking, she asked us for the video and Alex handed over a USB port. She inserted it into her computer, did some stuff, and opened the video. She told us that it’s done. Alex told me to look outside, it all went according to plan. The video was playing on every billboard in the city. Alex was so happy, and so was I. He told me we did it, I called Shadow, but it wasn’t there. Odd. Where did it go? Oh well. I noticed Alex trying to hug me, but the vines latched onto him from behind and pulled him to a wall. I couldn’t stop myself from laughing, I was so happy, black smoke was surrounding me, spreading across and around the whole building, summoning thorns, roots and vines everywhere, spreading across the city. People started getting angry on the streets, fighting, taking weapons from the police station, pillaging, destroying, murdering! It was beautiful. Then I realized something. I never really, needed his help. But... Why did I do this then? There was no reason for me to even do this. Was it really all for this? . . .
                     The end of part 4 of chapter 4 : The prodigious diva.
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infactforgetthepark · 5 years ago
[Free eBook] 100 Hours by Rachel Vincent [YA Suspense/Survival Thriller]
100 Hours by Rachel Vincent is the 1st novel in the 100 Hours duology of young adult contemporary suspense/survival thrillers, free for a limited time courtesy of publisher HarperCollins' Katherine Tegen Books imprint.
This is Barnes & Noble's featured Free Fridays selection for the weekend. The duology stars six Florida teens from Miami on a spring break vacation in Colombia, who are kidnapped for ransom and held for ransom deep in the jungle in a seemingly random move, but of which one teen knows a secret reason why they were targeted.
This installment sets up the tensions in the group as well as their kidnapping, and their initial attempts to thwart and escape their captors, only to find the jungle possibly deadlier as they try to survive.
Offered in the US only, available at multiple retailers.
Free for a limited time @ Barnes & Noble, Amazon, Kobo, iTunes, Google Play (looks like the freebie was available in the US only when I spot-checked assorted regional stores, YMMV, and some retailers may only provide the freebie in certain countries)
Description In this sexy, pulse-pounding new duology by New York Times bestselling author Rachel Vincent, a decadent spring break beach getaway becomes a terrifying survival story when six Miami teens are kidnapped.
Maddie is beyond done with her cousin Genesis’s entitled and shallow entourage. Genesis is so over Miami’s predictable social scene with its velvet ropes, petty power plays, and backstabbing boyfriends.
While Maddie craves family time for spring break, Genesis seeks novelty—like a last-minute getaway to an untouched beach in Colombia. And when Genesis wants something, it happens.
But paradise has its price. Dragged from their tents under the cover of dark, Genesis, Maddie, and their friends are kidnapped and held for ransom deep inside the jungle—with no diva left behind. It all feels so random to everyone except Genesis. She knows they were targeted for a reason. And that reason is her.
Now, as the hours count down, only one thing’s for certain: If the Miami hostages can’t thwart their captors’ plan, no one will make it out alive.
Tapping into our darkest fears while exploring issues of injustice, loss, and the courage to fight for what matters most, this thrilling read is perfect for fans of Nova Ren Suma, Becca Fitzpatrick, and Jennifer L. Armentrout.
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redplaidmonkey · 8 years ago
That time that Dandelion lost his shit #craycray
Crayola‏Verified account @Crayola  Mar 31 Our beloved Dandelion decided to announce his retirement early! There’s no taming an adventurous spirit! #NationalCrayonDay Dandelion Crayon @TheRealDandee  Mar 31 “Early retirement?!” WTF, @Crayola. Drop the bullsh!t #truth #craycray 4 replies 21 retweets  28 likes Golden Yellow Crayon @gldnshwrs123 Mar 31 Calling u on ur shit @TheRealDandee - or is that the real Dan-Diva??? #alternativefacts #oldyeller #goyieldtraffic #craycray 0 replies 30 retweets  200 likes Chartreuse Crayon @notpurplepucelikeuthink  Mar 31 No u didn’t, Golden Yellow #craycray 2 replies 9  tweets  2 likes New Blue Crayon @NameTheNewColor Mar 31 Good luck & happy retirement @TheRealDanDee!  #NationalCrayonDay #craycray 0 replies 0 retweets  0 likes Dandelion Crayon @TheRealDanDee Mar 31 Suck my left nut, @NameTheNewColor backstabbing motherfucker #craycray 26 replies 900 retweets  3,226 likes Dandelion Crayon @TheRealDanDee Mar 31 Middle crayon salute @Gldnshwrs123 #craycray 0 replies 5 retweets  2  likes Jazzberry Jam Crayon @HappyTalk Mar 31 Can’t we all just get along? #craycray 0 replies 0 retweets  2 likes Dandelion Crayon @TheRealDanDee  Mar 31 Somebuddy talkin’ shit, i got pushed #underthebusbox. Lookin’ at you, @LaserLemon and eff u 2, @Gldnrd #theycolorblindtho #craycray 6 replies  400 retweets  349 likes Dandelion Crayon @TheRealDanDee  Mar 31 @brilliantyellow @canary we had our creative differences but YOU r my #fellowyellows - we’re all good #love #craycray 2 replies 5 retweets  16  likes Pantone @thecolorpeople  Mar 31 Hey, @TheRealDanDee, let’s talk - Color of the Year 2018? #13-0758TPG #dandylionroar  #craycray 0 replies 2 retweets  28 likes Cerulean Crayon @FancyBleu  Mar 31 R u ‘leaving to spend more time with ur family' @TheRealDanDee? #craycray #goodriddance 54 replies 187 retweets  609 likes Dandelion Crayon @TheRealDanDee  Mar 31 Eat me @FancyBleu 0 replies 0 retweets  75 likes Cerulean Crayon @FancyBleu  Mar 31 Thinkin’ outside the box yet? #craycray #dontletthelidhiturass 54 replies 187 retweets  609 likes Maize Crayon @maize   Mar 31 Message me @TheRealDanDee #CrayolaClapback @rawumber @orangeyellow #craycray 0 replies 0 retweets  2 likes Orange Yellow Crayon @likecheeeto  Mar 31 Go 45!!! #yourefired  #makeamericagrayagain #allrightwhite  #craycray 0 replies 0 retweets  0 likes
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deadlinedames · 8 years ago
New Release: 100 Hours
In this sexy, pulse-pounding new duology by New York Times bestselling author Rachel Vincent, a decadent spring break beach getaway becomes a terrifying survival story when six Miami teens are kidnapped.
Maddie is beyond done with her cousin Genesis’s entitled and shallow entourage. Genesis is so over Miami’s predictable social scene with its velvet ropes, petty power plays, and backstabbing boyfriends.
While Maddie craves family time for spring break, Genesis seeks novelty—like a last-minute getaway to an untouched beach in Colombia. And when Genesis wants something, it happens.
But paradise has its price. Dragged from their tents under the cover of dark, Genesis, Maddie, and their friends are kidnapped and held for ransom deep inside the jungle—with no diva left behind. It all feels so random to everyone except Genesis. She knows they were targeted for a reason. And that reason is her.
Now, as the hours count down, only one thing’s for certain: If the Miami hostages can’t thwart their captors’ plan, no one will make it out alive.
Tapping into our darkest fears while exploring issues of injustice, loss, and the courage to fight for what matters most, this thrilling read is perfect for fans of Nova Ren Suma, Becca Fitzpatrick, and Jennifer L. Armentrout.
Buy now: Amazon | B&N | Kobo | iTunes | Google Play
from http://ift.tt/2ocxcpo
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