#like she's still in sabertooth and has friends and what not but she's still sadistic and cruel and a bit messed up
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happilychee · 1 year ago
sabertooth headcanons pt. 1
I feel like mashima could've made sabertooth just a smidge less flat... they all had so much angst in them and the potential to evolve and grow as people... or they could all turn nice in the span of an episode. that works too.
♡ sting is a sweetheart. he's a genuine, caring, and kind boy who grows up to be a charming and earnest young man. that is, unless he's on the battlefield. old sabertooth sting makes an appearance in those moments. his smirk is cruel, his taunts are like daggers, jabbing away at the opponent. he's cocky and arrogant, and maybe he has the right to be so because his attacks are so powerful they blow the enemy away.
♡ lector is the kind of friend who talks major shit about whatever you're doing as he's helping you. he tells sting how dumb it is to go on a mission alone in mid-flight to their destination. ride or die? nah, lector is fly or die.
♡ rufus loves tea brewing. this is one of the few areas of knowledge that he chooses not to use his magic on. he loves sitting down with a good book and reading about the history of tea, tea cultivation, the proper culinary techniques to brew the perfect cup of tea.
♡ orga is the reason sabertooth has open-mic nights. the (second) strongest guild in fiore turns into a comedy club on tuesday nights, and surprisingly, it's good. orga serenades whoever comes to mind that night: it's been sting, rogue, yukino, all the usual suspects, and on one memorable occasion, mr. yajima. yukino tells the most wholesome, funny stories while frosch and lector act out the scene behind her. in what was probably the most fever dream moment of sting's life, minerva took the mic and delivered such a seething, deadpan stand-up that she got the entire guild cheering for her.
♡ minerva goes all out for halloween. besides just being into arcane magic and the history of magic, she loves spooky things. also, she's a bit fucked up, and this is a good outlet for her. sabertooth will gladly take minerva's scarily detailed sculptures of severed limbs over her lashing out any day of the week. to her guildmates' surprise, she also organizes a family-friendly haunted house in the guild hall for the kids of gazania.
♡ in my heart of hearts, sting does not become sabertooth's guild master. I headcanon him as a healer, so I think he would establish an infirmary in sabertooth and oversee it. unsure if rogue or minerva becomes guild master. I think minerva would be better suited for the role, but there's also recency bias against her because of jiemma. and she needs time to process everything that went into sabertooth's upheaval.
♡ which sabertooth member do you never want to piss off? you might think it's minerva or rufus or even the twin dragons. no. it's yukino. she is the sweetest, kindest member of sabertooth by far, and also the most patient. if you offend yukino, she's unlikely to do much about it, but celestials forbid you hurt her friends, especially minerva. she'll send her spirits after you, and no one will ever find your body.
♡ sabertooth, despite their efforts to become a kinder place, is still a hard guild to get into. they're not like fairy tail where anyone can just join. the core members argue for a long while about what kind of entrance test they should have. ultimately they decide on a test of strength, but not just physical ability. minerva says that it's in the eyes, whether someone has the drive and tenacity to always improve themselves and make sabertooth proud. she tries to be subtle, but she's also staring at yukino the entire time. one eyebrow wiggle from lector turns minerva as red as the cat's fur.
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Gajeel is such a fun character to both write and read.
Like he's almost like an analogy to the nature vs nurture argument alongside Natsu after they both get to the present.
Both were "abandoned" by their dragons and had scrambled and lost memories from the eclipse gate but that's where their stories change. While Natsu is found very quickly by Makarov and brought into a guild where he is given the chance to express himself and be a kid, Gajeel doesn't.
Gajeel is left to fend for himself on the streets where he's stealing. (And the friend he had at the time was more than likely encouraging it) and then he joins Phantom. A guild that is similar in nature to Sabertooth pre Sting. Although we don't see much of Jose, we do know that he was the one to take the job to get Lucy and we know he wanted a war with Fairy tail. And I doubt Gajeel would have attacked the guild hall without being told something. We do know it was Gajeel's idea to attack Shadow gear since Jose didn't know before hand. And its canon that Gajeel has gotten taken to trail at least once and been bailed out. I doubt its over destruction of property so it has to be something. And Jose gets really mad when he finds out that Sol, Totomaru and Juvia are all defeated by Fairy tail mages which is pretty telling of his attitude to his guild members.
I truly believe that Phantom brought out the worst in Gajeel. He chose to do some of the things he did. He chose to attack Shadow gear and he chose to throw his Kunai's (or beat in the anime's case the cowards) at Lucy. Phantom Gajeel is a lot more sadistic. He's kind of like Laxus in that regard. (Which I fully believe that if both continued down the paths they did, they probably wouldn't have been able to come back. I've actually said this in a youtube comment before but Acnologia is almost similar to them. He lost himself to his anger, something that both Laxus and Gajeel were letting happen, Laxus with his hatred of Makarov and Gajeel's unresolved feelings towards Metalicana. If they hadn't been defeated and then ultimately faced consequences, I wouldn't be surprised if they fell to the darkness since both really pushed that line when they were antagonists (I mean Laxus threatens a whole town, throws an attack at Freed who was just trying to talk some sense into him, cursed out Evergreen after she lost, didn't care to stop when he knew Makarov might die and tried to kill Natsu on several occasions and Gajeel attacked several Fairy tail members, beat up Lucy and was definitely planning on killing Natsu. I mean the chainsaw arm was a dead giveaway with that one now wasn't it)
However I also believe that Fairy tail brought out the best in him. Or at least the best it could after he'd been shaped to be the way he was. Like he probably wouldn't be the same as an adult as he is if he had grown up in a different guild that let him express himself.
But it's really telling that one of the first things he does after joining the guild, despite saying he hates both the guild and all its member not even 10 minutes prior, that he goes up on stage and preforms one of his own songs. Yeah sure he gets into a fight straight after but he still preforms. And it isn't even the only time he does this either. (Which is why it always hurts my soul as a fellow musician when he gets made fun of and yelled at. Like you don't have to like it (Although with a tiny bit of practise, he could actually improve because at least in the anime, he isn't actually that bad) but don't out right reject him before he starts. He won't get better that way and all you'll get is him closing up and not wanting to express himself around you again)
Plus AU Gajeel just has heaps more trauma added to the pile, especially with what I have planned for this rewrite.
I just love writing about mentally tortured characters (Even the two main characters for my own original book are emotionally and mentally tortured. Not even my own characters are spared)
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poisonouslightslayer · 5 years ago
Do not reblog, steal and use as your own.)
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Verse 3: Holy Light Corrupted
(tagged as)  v Light AU Dark: Holy Light Corrupted  
“Who says all light has to be pure? They haven’t met me then.”
This version of Sting happened when he let all of his negative feelings he ever experienced feed into his power that went to his head.
A mysterious voice called from the heavens and those gathered around to discuss about the one that could help or corrupt mankind. All  had their own plans for this young boy now in Fiore that would grow into a handsome powerful young man, but the question was which side would he lean more towards?  
“After centuries of searching he has been chosen, the one when he comes of age will possess both holy light and darkness to keep balance in the world. His life will be filled with strife, turmoil and hardship and others will envy his might, but he must not stray and give into more then one over the other or else the world will be in peril and a new powerful entity will emerge and rise again to corrupt all.
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When Sting was a young kid, he never realized the kind of power he would possess in the future based off the choices he made in his life. Raised by the white dragon Weisslogia, he was deceived to thinking he had to slay him in order to master the abilities of a dragon slayer, but in truth his father manipulated his memories and rested within him to assist in fighting Acnologia and prevent him from becoming a dragon one day. When Sting later discovers the truth that he was lied to, doomed to the fate of having dragonfication and that all the hell he experienced being in Sabertooth could have been prevented had his father told him the truth about his reason for being in the present timeline as well the the hardships of the war that cause him to suffer in more ways then one that nearly killed him,  the wrath and resentment within him takes over and puts him on a dark path that he never comes back from.  A mysterious voice leads him to this fate and a new entity rises from within; the tyrannical hybrid dark angel, Demon King Abyssal White Dragon Sting; corrupter of  souls.
His objective:To test, influence, manipulate and eventually have humans destroy themselves with their own choices using the seven deadly sins: wrath, envy, gluttony, greed, sloth, pride and lust.
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“You are mightier. All are beneath you. Defeat them!”
Through out his time in Sabertooth, Sting was a solider of a high caliber (Captain class) and did nothing but follow his master Jiemmas’  orders. During those seven years he became very disciplined, ruthless, sadistic and power hungry in order to keep pleasing his guild master for that he would never end up being expendable and his power would keep growing. Others that weren’t in Sabertooth were considered scum and not worth his time. Sting relished beating up Natsu and Gajeel in the Magic Games for all to see when he entered his state of Dragon Force and knocked them both unconscious for a limited amount of time. Within his mind his inner voice told him to only give into his pride and anger and so he did.
“Kill that bastard. Make him suffer like no other!”
When the Twin Dragons in Dragon Force  both were harmed and defeated by the hands of Natsu on his own, Sting’s bitterness, doubt, and fear grew within his mind especially when he was physically and verbally abused and humiliated  by Jiemma.  Something in him snapped when he thought he had lost his exceed and best friend Lector whom he thought his guild master Jiemma had killed him. In a violent rage, Sting blasted light through the bastard’s chest hoping to end his life in the most intense and painful way imaginable. Luckily Lector, his exceed was saved, but he was blackmailed by Minerva, Jiemma’s daughter to win the magic games to get him back. Sting promised at all costs he would get even went and went as far  to take great delight when she lost to Erza making him the remaining member left of Sabertooth. He wanted her to suffer and anyone else that dared to hurt him in anyway.
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“Pathetic. No one shall get in your way. They will all see that in due time.”
Sting when faced with the 5 remaining members of Fairy Tail that were brutally injured savored their suffering by taunting them, but only yielded to give them the win in hope to get Lector back. He didn’t care if they were all beaten to a pulp earlier. They deserved it in his mind.  All that mattered was Lector’s safe return and once they were reunited he swallowed his pride for the time being to aide Fairy Tail later on to fight the dragons from the Eclipse Gate, but never dismissed the fact of them being better then him, When faced with the fact he never fought a dragon before and that his magic at first didn’t effect the beast, he felt discouraged and had to reevaluate his priorities and become more powerful. He would rise in power and be greatly influenced as time passed.  
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“You are in control now. Show no mercy to idiots.”
“After the return of the dragons back to their time period, Sting became the new Guild Master of Sabertooth and was respected by his peers. He was feared by everyone outside of it such as the people of Crocus due to his notorious reputation and the might and power they witnessed in the Magic Games. During that time he trained and held onto his grudge having his negative feelings to give him that motivation to push himself to new heights. When he was notified by a letter written by Erza to tell him of Minerva’s where abouts and that she had joined the Dark Guild Tautros, Rogue and him rushed to the scene to get her back from remaining in the dark guild and had to fight the infamous demon Mard Geer from one of Zeref’s  the dark wizard’s books. Sting’s dark ambitions and goals further increased to surpass those who challenged him.
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“How dare he lie to you. These fools will get what is coming to them.”
His fears were then realized to find himself helpless when Acnologia as a dragon made himself known in the skies. Sting’s heart palpitated violently in his chest along with Rogue and the other dragon slayers that were raised by dragons not knowing at the time, that his father was waking up within him. To discover Jiemma his former master had become a demon and wanted to exact revenge upon him and Rogue was also a huge factor that fed into his fears and anger. The twin dragons were victorious and later on witnessed  Zeref mention part of his plot. Lastly, when the demons were going to wipe out ethernano and kill all of the mages with magic deficiency illness with the faces project, the dragons from within the dragon slayers emerged and told the truth about their reason for being in the present timeline. Sting on the surface was confused and grateful, but this was merely a facade for the inner turmoil he felt brewing up within him for the deception and how different his life could have been had his father not lied to him.
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“You can rise from this fate. You will get stronger. Remember that.”
With his father no longer in his body and no more antibodies to prevent the dragon seed (dragonfication) from growing, Sting’s magic flourished with his training while working out his anger through brutal sessions as he reminded himself he had to get more powerful for his authority as a leader and to surpass others. His negativity also reached a new plateu as he never had forgiven what he had endured. When the war happened between the Alvarez Empire, he reached a new low and entered a deep depression furthering the changes of dragonfication going on within him. Having been ambushed and crucified, he once more had to be rescued by Fairy Tail, the guild that in his mind that mocked him. The voice would remind him all the time that he was to weak and he had so much to overcome.
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“You’re better then this. Show no mercy. Your time will come.”
To make matters worse at his lowest point of doubting himself as a leader and having a nervous breakdown of losing lives in his charge, Yukino from his guild slaps him in the face to bring him back to his senses. For a moment he is stunned and his pride shot to pieces, but after hearing her plea to be the leader he needs to be he vows vengeance to have anyone from his guild who could still fight take out as many enemies  as possible.  A more powerful villain shows up only to relocate him from his group. Luckily he comes back just in time to save the life of Yukino from a horrible fate. He then squares off against the one known as Larcade who puts him through Hell and back by testing his resolve further increasing his wrath to kill him. Sting overcomes the magic of pleasure by eating it since it is white and light and adds to his own power to use his more powerful spells without much effort.
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