#like obvs she's got a lot of underlying issues from the leech she loved
tannithvibes · 4 years
Murphy Darrow was born a Siren, the middle-most child out of seven (the order being; Ramsay, Lochlin, Logan, Murphy, Islay, Blair and Macaulay). While her parents doted on her far more than any of the other children, they weren't the greatest at parenthood. They viewed Murphy more as a trophy to give them importance rather than their kid.
She was always a self-centered wildcard and from the moment she could fight on her own until the age of 22, Murphy fancied herself a warrior for the people. At 15 she lost control of her power, Phaseshatter, and eviscerated her right arm completely. That's also when she got the scar on her face. If anything, it made her even more reckless with who and what she fought for. 
Around the age of 22 she met a Leech Siren (im not sure if i want Murphy to be alive when canon characters are or not, so either the Leech will be just a random person, or it would be Tyreen. this is working as if its rando) and fell head over heels for her. Murphy didn't care how bad of a person the Leech was and p much sold all of her morals to answer the Leech's every beck and call. Unfortunately the feelings were not reciprocated fully and after faking a relationship for a few years, the Leech decided Murphy's powers would be more useful if she owned them and ya know, stole Murphy's Siren powers.
So, at roughly the age of 25, Murphy suddenly lost the biggest sense of self she'd had her entire life. Once she lost her Siren powers, people stopped really caring about her and looking to her for help. She was just another person. Coming from someone who spent her life being a Siren, a people person, the hero, this was a devastating turn of events
Murphy grew violent and volatile, with a temper that didn't discriminate on who it lashed out upon. Slowly she changed from the wildcard with good intentions, to a dangerous gunslinger that you could never quite trust. Now whenever Murphy showed up somewhere, people feared her because they had no idea what mood she'd be in that day.
She might show up in your town and seem as charming and charismatic as ever, but if it didn't result in the response Murphy wanted then somebody could wind up dead. It's a nasty combination of an already mean person who has experienced a life-altering loss, as well as an incredibly messy break up. 
aaaand the rest is sorta up in the air? Originally Murphy was 100% going to end up as a villain type, but I've grown too attached to her to just...straight up make her evil and then subsequently kill her. For now I imagine, with a lot of time, effort and help, Murphy might learn how to function as a regular person for the first time in her life. But she will Absolutely still be a huge jackass compensating for her lost abilities lmao
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