#like its SSUUUUCCHHH a difficult line of 'i dont know why shes here n i want her to feel comfy but i want to make sure she got here safely'
flovverworks · 1 year
"Oh, Produ - I mean, Akira..." She keeps messing up what to call them when, and it keeps making her embarrassed. Though it's not like they minded...Probably not, right? Or maybe she was just assuming...She lets out a long sigh, adjusting the hat that held all her auburn locks. "Did Bishop text you to wait up for me?" Knowing that her apartment was right next to Akira's, it wouldn't surprise her. The dorms just felt...claustrophobic tonight. All the concert prep mixed with girl talk, making her reevaluate herself in ways she didn't like, comparing herself in ways that were so trivial - Harie had diverted the conversation once she saw how uncomfortable Diantha was, but it wasn't enough tonight. Even if it wasn't that major, Diantha just needed to be alone with her thoughts. Of course, she had let Bishop know before she left, checking over her disguise. But, of course, she had to make sure her most popular talent was safe at all times...
"Thank you for doing that. It must be annoying, though, especially if you're planning stuff for your talents." Being the producer for 21 Wizards never looked easy, after all. Juggling all those talents' needs, helping with press and practices alike, it must be draining. Yet Akira never looks too unhappy...What a skill to have, being tough through it all. "You can message her that I'm home now, and you can go back to your evening." She states, already walking past them and fishing out her keys to unlock her door.
( you get the idol producer brain rot now, enjoy~ )
Rather than them being annoyed, didn't she look unhappy...? Dismissing them so fast both in words and actions, and Akira again finds themself torn between if waiting was a good idea or not. Bishop didn't provide any details, but to return to a place where you could be alone seemed significant. Was it stress? They did have a concert coming up, wanting to take a break away from everything that reminded you of work seemed plausible. Then, was Akira waiting another reminder? Instead of Bishop's and their own concern for a friend's well-being, maybe the actions seemed too restricting. Her hair was hidden after all.
And still, they couldn't have ignored the request either. Such was the reality.
Locked smartphone still in their hand, the conversation with Cain put on hold (he'd figure out why, he was the one who offered to keep them company while they were waiting, even if it was just through text), and so they interrupt her: "Would you like a cup of tea? I don't have any work to do tonight and Rustica gave me a new blend earlier that I haven't tried yet...um, we don't have to drink it together, don't worry, but I think you'd like it."
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