#like it's actually one of my favorite nmt episodes
graceschasity · 8 months
for the hatchetfield asks…all of them!
holy shit fsdfgdfsvd okay!!
💙 favorite character from tgwdlm and why
paul and emma they are a pair do not separate them <3 do i need to explain why? look at them
💚 favorite character from Black Friday and why
becky barnes my WIFE. kim whalen is my wife actually idk who curt is (curt mega if you see this its a Joke)
🤓 favorite character from npmd and why
grace is allowed to commit atrocities actually because shes funny about it
🌑 favorite character from nightmare time and why
give me more roman content please dear god hes so intriguing
🧡 least favorite character from tgwdlm and why
melissa stay the FUCK away from paul-
❤️ least favorite character from Black Friday and why
see i dont really dislike any of the characters? even my least favorite ones are only that low cause i just think theyre a little boring i have no strong feeling about it. howie i guess?? i just think its unlikely we'll see him again, probably a mention but i doubt an appearance
😡 least favorite character from npmd and why
i dont like ruth im sorry im SORRY she has a few funny lines but she kinda annoys me
☀️least favorite character from nightmare time and why
already answered!
⚫️ favorite lord in black and why
wiggly my son the OG no one can compare they simply cant
💀 least favorite lord in black and why
again no strong feeling about this i think tinky, nibbly, and blinky are all pretty evenly matched to me? it depends on the day, id say right now maybe tinky? its truly a toss up i dont really know
🙃 favorite nmt episode?
honey queen!
🙂 least favorite nmt episode?
either hey melissa or perkys buds depending on how canon you consider hm
💯 watch order
in order of release i think that is the full experience
🍀 favorite song?
dont do this to me wsvwefvef uhhhhh yeah let it out/inevitable combo deal
🥳 least favorite song?
killer track i dont listen to it it gives me a headache
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ohhh boy. hm. trying to think of something actually unpopular. a lot of really domestic stuff with any ships, but especially things like paulkins are boring to me. hey melissa is one of my favorite nmt episodes? is that unpopular idk
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awigglycultist · 2 years
Pt 2 of The Guide: Hatchetfield (also made by Starkid but it felt like this should be its own category). Every story in the Hatchetfield series takes place in different timeline I say this so your not confused by certain things that happen to characters in one story not having happened in another. There a few stories that do actually take place in the same time line but I'll mention it when that's the case. Pretty much everyone loves Hatchetfield series, it's basically a whole fandom on its own. I could talk about it and theories on it forever. It's all horror comedy.
The Guy Who Didn't Like Musicals (TGWDLM). The first of the Hatchetfield series. Now, SK actually wrote Nerdy Prudes Must Die (NPMD), then Black Friday, then TGWDLM but TGWDLM was released first bc it was the easiest to make and the best to introduce ppl into the world and they made it be good as a stand alone in case it didn't do well and therefore not make the rest of the series. And it totally does work well as a stand alone. Even though I think Twisted is the best SK musical, this one is actually my favorite. It's really great, hilarious, awesome music, everything's great, and it was the first musical of theirs I watched, its original and not parody and I love the characters. Have you heard the audios "please god I just want a black coffee!" or "were about the same age how come I didn't know you in high school?" "you probably went to hatchetfield high I went to sycamore" because this is where those came from.
Summary: This borning office worker named Paul hates musicals and has a crush on a barista, Emma. A meteor hits their town and a zombie apocalypse starts, but it's no normal zombie apocalypse. Everyone is taken over and becomes sorta an alien and they're all become apart of this musical hive mind breaking into song and dance and getting others to become apart of the hive mind. Paul, his coworkers, and the barista now have try and survive this apotheosis. Trailer
Black Friday (BF). It's about the wonderful totally beloved American holiday Black Friday. Alot of ppl don't see it as that funny but personally I think it's pretty funny? Yeah it doesn't have the most jokes but all of the jokes that are in there are very funny. It is overall meant to be more serious though so.
Summary: A new toy comes out, called a Tickle Me Wiggly, that everyone wants to get for their kid. Tom Houston wants to get it to help try and help mend his relationship his son Tim bc Tom's wife/Tim's mom died the year before and Tom sees it as his fault. Tom meets his old high school girlfriend Becky and their love begins to rekindle. Lex works at the store Toy Zone and she want to get herself, her boyfriend, Ethan, and her younger sister, Hannah, out of Hatchetfield as soon as possible. Everyone starts fighting over the toy, going far to get the toy, even the president of the US has to get involved. The characters I mentioned all attempt to survive through the day. And it turns out there's more behind the toy than just a cute ball of fluff. Trailer
The next few summaries are probably gonna sound neater and are also gonna be shorter. This is cause I for the most part just took the summaries SK gave for them and just like ever so slightly changed them. Nightmare Time (NMT) are script readings, but they still have songs in them. Also yes some of the links for the stories lead to the same video, don't worry, this is because every episode of NMT season 1 had two stories in it. There's two trailers I'm gonna give you for season 1. Here's the first one. And here's the second.
The Hatchetfield Ape-Man (THAM). Absolutely hilarious and ridiculous, there is a few more serious moments but over and just super goofy.
Summary: Lucy has been searching for the Hatchetfield Ape-Man for many years and nearly gives up when she finds out Professor Hidgens has discovered the Ape-Man.
Watcher World (WW). More serious, one of my faves of NMT and a lot of ppl's faves of NMT.
Summary: Bill and Alice go to local theme park Watcher World for a day of daddy daughter fun! They don't get along well. And the theme park is no help and there's some dark secret going on in there too.
Forever and Always (F&A). Good mix of silly and serious leaning a bit towards silly. Has everyone's faves Paul and Emma. It's an extremely interesting story imo.
Summary: Paul and Emma are getting married! Except Emma has a dark secret that comes to light and their relationship may become in danger.
Time Bastard (TB). My personal NMT fave but that's probably partially cause I'm werid. Also a good mix of silly and serious leaning a bit more towards serious. This and F&A take place in the same timeline.
Summary: Ted accidentally discovers time travel and things go a little wild and he messes a lot of stuff up.
Jane's A Car (JAC). More sillyness. It's, not as a goofy as THAM but still very silly. Ppl kinda overlook this one and yeah it's not my fave but the reason it's overlooked is really mainly bc there's a particular scene that's. Very goofy and inappropriate and silly. And everyone latched onto the insanity of that scene and kinda ignored the rest.
Summary: Tom gets his old car back, the car his wife died in, and it turns out, she's haunting the car.
The Witch In The Web (WITW). The most serious of NMT1. Lots of lore. Great.
Summary: Hannah's been having nightmares of an evil witch and her "imaginary" friend Webby goes missing. She gets the help of her social worker and his friend who has powers.
All of NMT2 takes place in the same timeline together, some eps are more connected than others, some just make references, but they do all take place in the same time and for the part all right about the same time. Again some of the links lead to the same video because some of the episodes had two stories in them. Trailer
Honey Queen (HQ). This is a really fun one, it's just terrible ppl doing terrible things. Very fun.
Summary: It's time for Hatchetfield's annual Honey Festival, and therefore also the Honey Queen Pageant. The rich Linda Monroe and a barista Zoey Chambers both enter the Pageant. Linda wants her dad's attention and Zoey wants to get out of Hatchetfield. They are each other's biggest competition, and they both want it bad and will do anything they can to win. But theres also some secrets happening with Pageant.
Perky's Buds (PB). A lot of ppl don't like this one. It's not my fave but I do really love the villain and there's lots of funny lines, it's kinda a stoner comedy mixed with horror comedy, also got some important lore.
Summary: Emma finally has gotten her dream pot farm. Unfortunately for her Nighthawks keep eating her weed and her neighbours aren't happy about her farm. So she and her farm hand now must defend their farm.
Abstinence Camp (AC). I love this one and love the characters. It's fairly inappropriate but it's still great. It's also got the two best songs of the season.
Summary: Nerdy Prude Grace somewhat accidentally starts a rumor about the mayor's daughter, Steph, being pregnant, which lands her in Abstinence Camp, along with Grace who goes there for fun, and along with nerdy but not so prudey Pete who doesn't want to be there ethier. At camp there's some odd consulers and theres a legend of a supposed killer lerking in the woods.
Daddy. Yes that is the full title of the story. It's a goofy one but there's lore. It's similar to JAC where the funny name kinds overshadows the story. But it has two of best actors as the main characters and they work so well together. It also will make you feel a lot of sympathy for a character who before this you'll have not seen a lot of but will probably hate before this.
Summary: Frank, the owner of Toyzone, is running out business thanks to online buying. Then he gets to together with his best customer's mom who is rich. But turns out this family has a secret. There's a reason their last name is Young. And being a dad isn't that fun.
Killer Track (KT). This is a very sad one. You will be completely emotionally destroyed. I love it. Everyone loves it. Everyone's sad thanks to it.
Summary: A song that kills people after being listened too. It's a classic fake hoax. Except this time it's real. Rose meets a strange guy and who has her listen to the song. As time runs out and she gets closer to death she seeks help from a certain social worker and witchy woman. But times running out for the town too and they need to stop the song for being heard by anyone else.
Yellow Jacket (YJ). MMM SO MUCH LORE AND ANGST/SADNESS IN THIS ONE TOO! Very good everyone loves this one a ton, including me ofc.
Summary: After Hannah has accident in ship class her, Lex and Ethan find themselves in a lot of debt. Luckily for them Hannah has a gift, a power, and after a man sees what she can he brings her and Ethan to a deadly competition for her to join, and its high paying. But will Hannah be able to survive?
Nerdy Prudes Must Die (NPMD). I think this is the funniest Hatchetfield show and I love the character so much and the music is some of the best starkid music imo.
Summary: When the biggest losers at Hatchetfield High unwittingly complete an ancient, evil ritual, they unleash an all- powerful, angry spirit with a grudge against nerds. That’s when Stephanie Lauter, Grace Chasity, and a cast of social rejects must fight to save themselves and nerdy prudes everywhere. But can any of them survive the fury of a bully from beyond the grave? Trailer
Summary: the starlight theatre wanted to produce a show made by an aspiring local writer, and they ended up choosing Professor Hidgens and his show Workin' Boys, but suggest he make some changes to the show. Trailer.
Workin' Boys. You can buy tickets to the Hatchetfield Halloween Party to see this. It's so cool to see something in Hatchetfield filmed like this. Jeff does a great job at playing Hidgens and the whole short film is really fun.
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bgb16999 · 3 years
A Critique of Starkid’s “Yellow Jacket”
I really enjoyed watching “Yellow Jacket,” but afterwards, but as soon as it ended I felt like it missed something.
Warning: This post contains spoilers for Nightmare Time Season 2.
Throughout the entire final episode of NMT Season 2, we never get to see Hannah use her powers for good.  Every time Hannah uses her powers, it is to advance Pokey’s plan. 
The episode opens with Hannah getting a vision sent by Pokey, which leads to her expensive medical bills and gives her an incentive to get involved in a lucrative but risky endeavor.  She wins an arcade game that exists to help Pokey find psychic adolesents.  And she wins a bunch of show matches against other victems of Pokey in a game which only exists as a cover for Pokey’s real scheme.
Hannah then takes control of Ethan to get him to agree to what Pokey wants, and uses “tremendous power” to excise Pokey’s oldest enemy from her mind.  
But when the spotlight illuminates the stage for the climax, Hannah, the “shatterpoint” and the “most powerful psychic mind in the history of reality,” is reduced to a mere damsel in distress.  She can’t fight Pokey, and she can’t escape.  Instead, it falls to Webby, Lex, and Ethan to save her.  Lex gets no help from Hannah in destroying Pokey’s body, and Ethan gets no help in engineering their escape.  
During the VIP talkback, it was suggested that Hannah could heal Starfire and the other person who was enveloped by Pokey, but the episode doesn’t actually show this happen.
Black Friday similarly lacks a chance for Hannah to show us her powers, but Hannah isn’t really meant to be the main character of Black Friday.
Adding to my frustration is the fact that only small tweaks to the climax would be necessary to address this criticism.  They could have showed Hannah healing Starfire, either during her fight or immediately after Pokey explodes.  Hannah could have used her power to pull Lex to her instead of Webby doing it.  Or, Hannah could have teleported Ethan next to Chuck instead of Ethan being able to get their himself.  If the writers had done any one of these things, Hannah would have been more than a damsel in distress during the climax of her own story.
I still enjoyed watching the film, but the fact that Hannah doesn’t gets the chance she deserves stops it from being my favorite in Season 2.
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