#like if i went around talking about islam i KNOW there'll be a problem
naartjie-hijabi · 7 months
Random thought but why do people feel the need to push their religion on to other people? Especially Muslims and Christians (This is coming from a Muslim with Christian family and friends before anyone gets upset)
Both religions encourage its respective followers to preach and spread the message but can we be serious for a second and not try to spread the word of God in every random situation?
Yesterday, I was at a team-building programme and the woman who was supposed to be teaching and mentoring us kept speaking about Jesus, her saviour. Now, I was the ONLY Muslim there and very much visibly Muslim considering I was wearing a thobe and hijab and it's like she didn't even stop to consider how I would feel about her essentially preaching that her religion is correct by saying that when Jesus comes down she'll be on the correct side of life.
Jesus in Islam and Jesus in Christianity are two VERY different people and regardless of which religion you deem to be the truth, can we please read the room and stop trying to convert people?
I was NOT interested in becoming Christian, I was NOT in the mood to listen to her talk about how she found God, I WAS interested in learning about team-building but that all disappeared when she couldn't go 5 minutes without giving a sermon.
Learn to read the room and respect the people in that room. Muslims shouldn't be preached at when they're trying to learn something irrelevant to religion and the same goes for Christians.
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