#like i'll have half of it up in curlers already and i still have what could be a full head of hair left to curl
hecatesbroom · 2 months
Back at my hair curling shenanigans (currently got a head full of foam rollers I'm hoping I'll be able to sleep on — because these are so much easier to put in than pin curls!!)
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23 feb 2023
I'm on the verge of tears and it's so stupid. I feel misunderstood and unheard. It's 11:45pm on a thursday. It's friday tomorrow, sam's day off. I have a bridal trial tomorrow morning at 11. Before that, I have to make teas and coffees for me and sam- a friday tradition, I also have to take the ring doorbell off and reconnect it to the wifi- an absolute ballache of a job that I've put off since tuesday but I have to do this because I won't be able to hear the doorbell when I'm in the cabin.
After the trial, I'll also have to sort out lunch which will probably be Maccies because I'd like to go to the sunbeds- very bad I know, but is 8 minutes in a controlled environment better than hours on a beach with an unknown amount of harmful rays? After that, I need to go to my mums and pick up a bag that I'd like to wear- it's a tiny DKNY backpack. THEN, go to the shops and pick up bits for tomorrow's breakfast.
From there, I'd like to go to my friends house and pick up a curler that she borrowed. I need this for the next day but maybe I can do without it.
So yeah, I already have a busy day ahead running errands, and also looking after this man child of a boyfriend. OH and I have to be home for 4pm because I have a client in at 4:30pm in the cabin.
So it's a stressful day ahead. It's also Meg's hen do the day after and I'm picking her up at about 10:30, getting her back to mine for 11am, spend two hours to get her ready- no time to do myself so I'll have to get ready before I pick her up which takes me an hour and a half so I'l have to get ready at 8 be done by 9:30 and be in the car for 10. latest.
As if that wasn't enough to drive me to tears, Sam has said at 11:45pm, that we're going to spoons with 3 of his friends. One of which is a girlfriend and sam does the typical 'she's only going because you're going' ...excuse me? At what point did I say I'm going?? But now, I can't say no because of that insufferable desire to be liked. Old habits die hard, I guess.
So now I have to go to spoons for 'a bit of food and a couple drinks' at 6:30 tomorrow. Which means I have an hour max to get myself presentable. I'll have to wash my hair and airwrap it, that takes me about an hour itself. I also need to do my makeup which granted can only take me 5 minutes. And I need to figure out what to wear. I can save time by finding something to wear now, at 12:01am but I'm too overwhelmed by my schedule to do that right now.
Also the hair washing fucks me off. I'll have to wash my hair at 5pm instead of 10pm like I had planned. This wouldn't be an issue except those 5 hours really do make a difference. nI have oily hair so if I wash it too early, even 5 hours early, it's not going to make Saturday all day which is why I want to wash my hair as late as possible. I have lah extensions on too. Right now it's been 10 days since my last infill, these russian fans are coming out so quick. I'll wash my face tonight, lashes fall out. I have to wear makeup for this bridal trial tomorrow, so when I wash my face to go to bastard spoons, lashes will fall out. Then when I wash my face after spoons, LASHES WILL FALL OUT AND THEY WONT MAKE IT TO SATURDAY. And chances are I'll have to wash my hair again that night because they all fucking smoke so I either sit on a big ass table by myself on a Friday night in a busy pub in my hometown full of my old classmates, or stand outside in the freezing cold while my freshly washed hair marinates in that disgusting tobacco smoke mixed with some tutti fruiti vape bull shit. Fuck I miss drugs. Drugs are very very bad and a very slippery slope for me but at least they were odourless.
That's fine, sam says I don't have to go. Oh well actually he says 'Well don't go then!' after I huffed and puffed about how it's not fair that he's just signed me up for this. So lets explore that option.
If I don't go, I'll probably still have to take sam to spoons and pick him up which I can't be fucked to do cos if I do that I might as well fucking stay. If I don't play my signature role of taxi man, sam will stay out much much later. 'No I'll be home by 10' An absolute lie that he's told over and over again. There is no chance because 2 of those friends are boyfriend and girlfriend so they'll dip real early. That leave Sam and his 1 friend who is going through another dark patch because his girlfriend left him and he'll 'die alone' Cue a very unsupportive get-a-grip eyeroll. I'm a big advocate for mental health (especially considering my own very apparent fucked mental health) but I mean dude, this happens all the time, and he seems to find the younger weird unsociable girls. This one? Never heard a fucking peep out of her. Actually I didn't hear anything out of the other ones either tbf.
Anyways, his friends mum won't pick him up until 12am, and she'll be the one taking Sam home. Theres an option for sam to say 'ah I got to be home early' to his friend but he wont. He'll stay with his friend until 12am because he can't say no to anyone (except me, in fact that's all he says to me these days) I'll be at home, probably not eating dinner, clean hair and waiting for him to come home like a dog. I don't sleep well when he's not here.
I'm exhausted just thinking about it. Saturday is the Hen Do which I've obviously taken lead on, it's literally 12 hours of wearing the 'preppy excited I'm- not- tired' mask and my social battery is very easily drained and it's recharge time is more than insufficient.
So to conclude...
Don't Go:
-Won't sleep until sam strolls home at an ungodly hour when I have an even bigger day coming
-Will have clean hair
-Don't need to figure out an outfit
-Don't need to play pretend and make conversation. Conversation that I can't even hear by the way, it's so fucking loud in spoons.
-Lashes won't last
-Hair will be fucked
-Have to find an outfit
-Very high stress end to a very high stress day
-Very tight timing schedule
-Lose a few years worth of hearing because it's so loud
-Risk seeing people from school, so you have to look good
-Spend money that you for sure do not have
Honestly, fuck it. I don't want to fucking go. /but then I'll be letting people down. If I don't go this time, it might mean they won't invite me ever again because why invite her? she always says no anyway.
Ideally, it would be best if Sam doesn't sign me up to these in the first place. All he needs to do tomorrow is play his fucking games, poo pick, shower with his 14 in 1, and go to spoons. He wouldn't even need to do the laundry because I've either done it or he's got enough to last him a few days. Which means I'll get the 'please can you put the washing in while I'm at work?' which kind of translates to me 'I work full time, you do housework okay?'
...No, not okay. but you weren't really asking me anyway.
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twstmemories · 2 years
Hi hi ! I really love the way you write about those boys ! (/o3o)/~♡
Can i ask for a headcanon for Vil, Riddle and Ruggie where their male s/o has long bangs but is to lazy/to busy to cut his hair and is always blowing his bangs out of his face and how would the boys react to that and what would they do ?
I hope it's not to much ! 💫
-- ! me not knowing what to put on these authors note other than thank you for requesting and loving my writing ;-; i'm sorry this took such a long time and i hope you like it!
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✧ Vil Schoenheit, Riddle Rosehearts & Ruggie Bucchi with a s/o who has too long bangs [headcanons]
✧ male!reader
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✧ Half a mind to cut the bangs (or rip them off) himself. Will frequently question why you just don't cut it off if it's being a bother. Stares at you with the most disappointed look if you tell him that you're actually too lazy to go cut them: "And here I thought there was some sentimental value to those long bangs of yours." (¬_¬)
✧ He does find you equally as pretty and handsome the few times you do suddenly style them up like they should: "Now if you could only style your bangs similarly to that every day and you would have me quite enamored daily, dear."
✧ However! I just know at some point, Vil will lose his mind over the fact that you do not style your hair, and the continous blowing sounds will make him snap. You two rarely spend time together being that Vil is a busy man, so when you do and all he hears is his boyfriend just blowing bangs away from his eyes? Yeah he will snap one day. ┐( ̄∀ ̄)┌
✧ Will drag you to his room, force you into a stool by his vanity and make you sit still. Brings out a various hair products from straighteners, curlers, pins and sprays with the sweetest smile that has never looked more ominous then right then and there.
✧ Does actually demonstrate you how to use every item or spray to your convenience, and if you still feel like not doing it you will be greeted by another disappointed stare, but Vil will thus drop a box of different hairpins to your face: "Then I'll show you how to pin your bangs different ways, it takes no more than 3 minutes at most. So do that for me at least if you don't want to cut it."
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✧ He actually uses your long bangs to de-stress himself! He would also try to see if he can style it! Riddle's own bangs are pretty long, but he only knows one way to style it which is his usual hairstyle you see every day. ( ´ ▽ ` )ノ
✧ Would comment on it when he sees you blow it away a few times: "If it's so annoying, why don't you just pin it to the side or cut it?" and when he just gets a shrug back from his beloved boyfriend, he just sighs himself. If you don't want to deal with it, he won't nag.
✧ Your reasoning for not cutting your bangs was totally not because you found Riddle cute whenever he would sit in front of you and try to braid it, or sit behind you and comb through it whenever he was stressed. Totally not, you were just lazy.
✧ "You know that if you cut your bangs you would at least look a bit more proper?" Riddle suggests, and he's only greeted with a small hum from you: "Don't I already look dashing as I am?" Riddle will immediately say no because, no honey you do not look dashing when half of your face is covered by your bangs. ( ̄▽ ̄)
✧ Eventually, Riddle will get the habit of brushing your bangs back and pecking the spot where your face was covered by your bangs whenever he does play around with it. Your bangs have become his personal little playground there is absolutely no way you're cutting it now.
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✧ He gives you two options, and two options only: "I have some hairties with me and also some bobby pins. Either you pin your bangs back or you cut it off," Ruggie is a practical person, if he sees that his lover is bothered by something of course the one thing he will offer first is a way to get rid of the problem. ヽ(´ー` )┌
✧ Stares down at you with the most confused look when you give him your reasoning for not wanting to cut them: "You're not Leona, why can't you just grab some scissors and cut it shorter if it bothers you? I won't see you any differently." I am a firm believer that as sly as Ruggie is with compliments to get away with stuff, he can also say the most adoring things without thinking twice. It's in his nature.
✧ Unlike Vil who will try to see if he can find some easy styles for you to learn and do, Ruggie will just offer to cut it for you after a few more weeks of you doing nothing to your bangs, but let it get in your way.
✧ "I used to cut or trim the hair of the other kids back at my village when it got too annoying, it may not be a professional cut, but it's better than having it in your way is it not?"
✧ Will start to immediately miss your bangs after he's cut them for some odd reason. Making you raise your eyebrow in confusion: "What? You can't blame me for finding my boyfriend handsome with bangs, this just takes a bit of getting used to," Ruggie will mumble, twirling the few bangs he kept on your hair: "I miss your long bangs phase." Ruggie the long bangs phase ended 10 minutes ago, you need to wake up. ლ(¯ロ¯"ლ)
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Midge and Lenny getting locked in B. Altman's together overnight? Throwing it back at you, lol. Love your work!
(I had started this! I'm guessing security back then wasn't as hardcore as it is now so it'd be super easy to do this.)
He’s very bad at time management. It’s why he’s a comedian, really. He gets fifteen minutes, a half hour, an hour, and then he’s out. It’s set for him. He doesn’t have to set it himself. 
In the real world he does his best, but let’s be honest, he’s fucking shitty at it.
Which is why, as he’s looking through the toy aisles at B. Altman, the lights shut off. 
Lenny looks around, blinks and rubs his eyes. 
“Fuck’s sake.” 
He grabs the item he’d meant to buy - A Barbie that he hopes like hell his kid doesn’t already have - and storms down the escalators (which have stopped running) to the front doors.
Where a familiar brunette is pounding on them, trying to get someone’s attention to open the doors, but it’s clear no one is coming.
“Not gonna work,” he says, stopping behind her.
Midge whirls around, looking at him in surprise. 
He shrugs sheepishly. “Timing is everything I guess.” 
She huffs and turns back to the door, pounding on it. “LET US OUT! HELLO?!” 
“There’s no one coming,” Lenny says. “They’ve locked us in, they probably won’t be back til morning.” 
Midge turns to him and freezes. “Why are you holding a Barbie?” 
Lenny waves it awkwardly. “Hanukkah gift. I lost track of time.” 
She sighs heavily and crosses her arms. "Okay. Well. I guess we're stuck here together."
"Seems so."
Midge nods and shrugs. "Well...kitchenware and gift baskets are on the third floor so if we get hungry we can raid that...and the furniture is on the fifth floor, so we can finds beds to sleep in up there. Toiletries are here on the first floor past the make-up so we can both freshen up in the bathrooms."
Lenny blinks, confused. "How the hell do you know so much about this place?"
She rolls her eyes and heads past him towards the aforementioned toiletries. "I worked here."
He wanders after her, Barbie still in hand as he trails along.
"Men's is that way," she points as she heads in the other direction, but he keeps following her.
"I saw you open at the Copa the other night, for Paul Anka," Lenny says conversationally. "You killed that night."
Midge freezes and slowly turns to him, eyebrows raised. "You came to that show, and you didn't come talk to me?"
He shrugs. "I...I didn't know if you wanted to see me," Lenny admits sheepishly. "Especially after the drug bust around Thanksgiving. I just..."
Her face softens. "You've been a mess."
"If it wasn't so true I'd be offended," he admits. "Anyways. I'll leave you alone. Find a good manly soap in the men's section, and in the morning you'll be rid of me."
As he walks off, he can hear her heels clacking behind him.
He starts browsing the soaps, and grabs some toothpaste too. "They got dental floss? I usually floss before bed."
"Right in front of your face," she tells him.
He nods and grabs some. "Good. Right."
He turns to look at her as she leans against the shelves, watching him.
"Why don't we both get cleaned up, and then meet up to grab some food, and we can talk?"
So they do.
When he meets her in the aisle with all of the very fancy gift baskets, filled with cookies and caviar and crackers and candies (suspiciously C themed), she's standing there in her pretty dress, but her face is covered in night cream and her hair is up in curlers and a scarf.
Lenny chuckles softly and tugs on the scarf a little. "Making yourself at home, I see."
"Hey, they locked us in," Midge defends. "And I'll pay for everything."
He nods and looks at the baskets, finding one that he thinks they'd both enjoy, waving it for her approval.
"Looks good."
"So, how did you wind up locked in?" Lenny asks curiously as they walk up to the fifth floor to find some sleeping arrangements.
Midge sighs heavily. "I was looking at the dresses up on six, and I realized what time it was but didn't make it down the stairs in time."
"Looks like we're both bad at timing," he grins softly.
She huffs as they wander around the furniture department, looking around. "That's always been true of us."
He nods and grins a little as they find a dining room set to sit at and eat.
"How are you, Lenny?"
He shrugs. "Went to a court-ordered, state-funded treatment place for a couple weeks," he tells her. "I should be working more but I just...needed a break."
She nods, taking in his appearance, and he knows he looks tired. "And now you're stuck in a department store with me."
"Yes, I am," Lenny grins ruefully. "Which feels like fate got drunk and decided it's had enough of our dumb shit."
Midge laughs a little as she tears open the gift basket. "It does."
They feast on fancy treats, eating comfortably in silence, before Lenny gazes at her softly.
"I missed you," he admits. "I don't like not talking to you. Not being friends. Whatever else we are, we were that, and I miss it."
Midge gazes back at him, smiling. "A rare moment of emotional honesty from Lenny Bruce, ladies an gentlemen."
"Yes, it's rare, so you're lucky you caught it," he tells her, grinning softly.
"I miss you, too," she confesses, reaching out and putting a hand over his.
He grins and lifts an eyebrow. "So how big a bed do you wanna scout in this place?"
"Not entirely, and you know it," she says.
"Okay, shoot me, I've missed that too," he shrugs. "I guess I miss all of you."
They sit in silence for a long moment, Midge fiddling with a cracker as she considers him before speaking again. "They have some nice king sized beds here."
Lenny lifts an eyebrow. "Yeah?"
"So I guess you musta missed more than my friendship too, huh?"
"Maybe," she smirks.
They do a lot of kissing, and quite a good amount of touching in the biggest bed they can find, but they don't go any further, Midge feeling a little weird about it, and Lenny not wanting their first time since they started talking to one another to be here, where they could fall asleep too hard and get caught.
They fall asleep in each other's arms, and Midge wakes up early the next morning, rousing him with a soft kiss before dragging him out of bed.
They stand in the women's bathroom ("Why is this so much nicer than the men's?" "Men get everything else. We get to have one thing."), and Midge takes her hair out of the scarf and curlers, and it is, of course, perfect. She uses mostly make-up from her purse to do up her face, and Lenny does his best to straighten himself out.
Midge rings herself up and leaves the money, and they clean up their mess, before hiding out when the store opens.
A half hour in, they wander down the stairs and Lenny pays for the Barbie, and they make it out with no one the wiser.
"So the Barbie is for your daughter?" Midge asks as they walk down the street, finding a diner to grab some coffee.
"Yes it is," Lenny confirms as they sit down with their purchases. "I hope she doesn't have this one, but even if she does, she can pretend they're sisters or something when she plays with 'em."
Midge smiles "Tell me more about her."
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ridiasfangirlings · 3 years
Ok so Yata when we was told he was going to be an older brother took it very seriously (still left like he didn’t belong) and learned everything that a good older ‘should’ do. One thing could be learning how to fix hair so he could help his little sister out whenever she asked snd him being an unexpected master at hair, need this complicated braid done, need this half up do with flowers done, need a trim done,etc. Along with that he’s also pretty skilled at make up (from that one AU). So anytime his sister or Anna need help they always go to him.
Cut to some hair emergency with Seri (like she was on a strain call) and something happens to her hair and she needs to be presentable for a ball or something fancy. There’s no time for her to run to the salon and the Blue alphabet boys are trying to throw suggestions when Fushimi is like… “give me ten minutes” and just walks off. Everyone is super confused and then in walks Fushimi with Yata carrying all his hair equipment he uses to do his little sisters hair. And is like let’s do this. Yata gets to work on doing her hair snd make up. Cutting here or there, curling and twisting, right down till Seri has to leave to get changed and when he’s done you can hardly see any damage and she looks fabulous… XD
Somehow I really like this, imagine Yata showing up holding a curler the way he normally holds his bat XD Like say when he found out his mom was pregnant with a girl he kinda freaked out a little, like he has no idea how to handle a little sister. He wants to be a good big brother though and help his mom out, her hands are already full with Minoru and Yata's determined to show how grown up he is by helping take care of his sister. He tries to think of stuff a big brother should know and decides that well girls have long hair and like makeup right, so he needs to learn about that. Yata turns out to be a pretty quick study with this and maybe he even helps his mom do her hair as practice so he learns quickly. For a while only Fushimi knows Yata's 'secret,' having seen him do Megumi's hair while visiting Yata's house, but then after Anna joins Homra Yata's skills turn out to be unexpectedly valuable. Imagine Totsuka and Kusanagi discussing one day that they need to learn how to do hair or take Anna to a proper hairdresser and Yata just sheepishly raises his hand like 'um, so, about that...'. Kusanagi's impressed that a rough guy like Yata who normally can't even talk to girls is somehow so good with hair and Yata says he helped his sister a lot and he knows it's not like a cool hobby or anything but it comes in handy.
So then one day post-ROK say there's one of those Strain issues where someone has to infiltrate a fancy party and this time it's Awashima again. However at the last minute the intended hairdresser backed out and Scepter 4 is scrambling to finish getting her made up, they need her hair to look fancy so she won't be recognizable. None of the squad know much about doing hair, even Benzai who has a little sister himself only has limited knowledge. Finally Fushimi sighs and he's like 'I'll be right back.' Everyone's wondering what Fushimi's plan is, like maybe Fushimi-san is going to learn how to do hair in ten minutes. They're all even more surprised though when Fushimi finally returns and Yata's tagging along behind him, dragging this bag full of cosmetics and hairdresser equipment. Yata cracks his knuckles like okay where do you guys need me and the squad are all exchanging glances like this was Fushimi-san's plan, how could a person from Homra be helpful in this kind of situation.
Cue everyone staring wide-eyed as Yata proceeds to just work magic on Awashima's hair, like doing all kinds of fancy hair tricks, curling and pinning and brushing it all out. Even Awashima herself almost can't believe it, watching as she gets the best hair appointment of her life from a guy in an oversized sweatshirt and a beanie. Fushimi's just hanging in the back with a small smile, like he was expecting things to go this way and he's not at all worried about how Yata's doing, this is one thing he can trust Misaki to complete perfectly.
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the-fiction-witch · 3 years
Blind Date p1
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I sat with my friend luke as we had some coffee outside of a local london cafe. 
"How's things with you and arthur?' I asked before having a sip of my tea
"Great got the ticket confirmations for our trip to south korea" he smiled
"Awesome" I laughed
"You have got to get back on the dating game"
"Eh, I like dating I just don't like the apps and stuff you know, tinder is just people looking for sex I want something more then two shags and another blocked number" I sighed 
"You know I had this exact conversation with someone earlier" he laughs 
"Luke I am not going out with Mikey so his parents think he's straight we've been over this" 
"Not Mikey,"
"Who then?"
"A mate of mine, little older then you, into motorbikes, fits your aesthetic-"
"I don't need a boyfriend who fits my aesthetic"
"Don't you?"
"Shut up"
"And I was having this exact conversation with him this morning, he hates the Apps and wants to meet some nice girly for more then a fling"
"Yeah, trust me dudes a boarded line technophobe" he says "I had to go over and show him why he kept getting instagram notifications"
Which made me giggle 
"You see, how about I see what he's doing and arrange you two a little blind date?"
"I guess so Luke" I shrug 
I sat at my vanity in my tights, bra and underwear, slowly taking my hair out each curler and brushing it down a little so the curls where not quiet so intense doing my make up nothing too heavy as it is first date and a blind date at that. Once I was done I got up and forced my heels onto my feet already hating it when my phone went off 
Luke: hey hun, your date just left and is on his way to the restaurant have fun you too ;) 
I slipped my dress on and packed my handbag slipping my Jacket over my shoulder, 
Y/n: okay tell him I'm on my way, how will I know him?
I locked up my house and headed down the driveway as my phone went off again 
Luke : he says he's waiting outside with a cigarette and a present for you
I was worried but I kept walking down the dark, half broken London streets, all I had to light my way was the street lamps and my phone as I followed the maps to the restaurant, the clicking of my heels against the pavement, the sounds of cars and buses rushing by, why did I wear these shoes? I hate these shoes. Why did I walk? Why didn't I just get a taxi? Ughh I am so having a large red wine when I get there. I saw I was just down the street from the place so I put my phone away and checked my make up and reflection in the window of a closed shop. I was all good so I took a breath a walked up to the restaurant initial I panicked as I didn't see anyone, but I saw a little down the street where some chairs and tables sat for the restaurant during the day, it had a black metal fence to seperate it from the rest of the pavement, a man stood there.
He was taller then me, if I had to guess from here he wasn't six feet but high fives atleast but I think the shoes helped. He had black dress shoes, a black pair of suit pants with something in his pocket, a tight leather belt a black button down tucked into the pants with a slight patten I wasn't sure what of in it, he had a black slightly trench coat like jacket over him a ciggertte in his hand, watch on his wrist, he looked nervous in his face even if he still looked attractive, his hair fixed to one side alot clearly still a little wet from where he had washed it. He was the only one around so I went closer catching his attention away from the ciggertte in his fingers, his eyes glanced to me looking me up and down quickly taking in alot of me much like I did to him moments ago. He put the ciggertte out on the metal fence and smiled 
"Y/n? By any chance?"
"Yeah" I nodded 
"Ahh great, I was getting worried" he says 
"Yeah I uhh I walked" I smiled "sorry luke didn't"
"Oh, Thomas" he smiled offering his hand 
"Lovely to meet you" I smiled taking it he gave my hand a gentle kiss 
"Lovely to meet you too, he uh he didn't say you'd be so beautiful" 
"Ohh well thank you very much" I blushed "he didn't say how handsome you where"
"Your sweet, ohh uhh I got you something" he smiled moving his hands to his pocket "I wanted get you a real one but all the shops where closed so I thought then you can keep it longer" he smiled heading me a silk rose 
"Ohh thank you, it's beautiful" I smiled happily taking it "shall we go?"
"Well if you'd like to have dinner with me?"
"I'd love to" I smiled offering my arm, he happily linked arms with me and lead me inside he delt with the hostess and we where lead to a table that overlooked the outside garden space of the restaurant closed up at the moment for the night I went to get my chair but he stopped me 
"No, no let me" he says pulling my chair out for me
"Ohh why thank you" I giggled letting him tuck it under me and then take his own seat across the table "your very sweet" 
"First impressions you know" he smiled fiddling with his hair 
"Can I get you two started with some drinks?" The waiter asked bringing some meal menus I hadn't even looked at the drinks one on the table already but I knew what I wanted 
"I'll have a large glass of red wine please" I smiled 
"Very good madam, and for you sir?"
"Uhh I'll take a large cola, I'm driving" he answered
"Aww don't make me drink all by myself" I laughed
"Ughh alright, white wine but make it a spritzer" 
"Very good," he says before heading off 
"Sorry I shouldn't" I began
"It's okay, your right. One drink with you isn't going to hurt" he says 
"So you drive here?"
"Yeah, it was pretty far so I just drove" he shrugs "you said you walked?"
"Yeah, I thought I'd have a wine and I didn't want a taxi"
"Perhaps if we… go out again I'll have to come by and pick you up" 
"If" he smiled "you ever been here before?" He asked as we both glanced over the food menus it was all so impressive and I had no concept what half of it even was 
"No never, have you?"
"Once but they have… changed things since I was here last"
"What sort of things?"
"The thing I liked has disappeared from the menu"
"Aww that's disappointing"
"Yeah, but hopefully that will be my only disappointment this evening" he says gently moving his hand across the table so his fingers grazed mine not looking up from the menu as he did. 
"Let's hope" I smiled gently moving my fingers against his own the waiter returned and we out in our order and he dropped off our drinks "so? How do you know luke?" I asked 
"Uh, not all that well actually." He says "I went to school with arthur"
"Ohh, yeah I like arthur"
"I kinda think it's impossible to not like arthur he's a bundle of joy and enthusiasm" 
"He is," I laughed
"How do you know luke and arthur?"
"Luke and I where neighbors growing up, he's probably my best friend" I smiled "he said you uhh don't so all apps and all"
"Ohh no not really, I keep forgetting my phone does more then just… be a phone. I'm not good at all the twitter, facebook, and that sort of thing"
"Yeah me neither" I smiled just then our food arrived "so uhh… how long have you been single? If you don't mind me asking"
"Ohh uhh," 
"It's okay, I shouldn't have asked" I said playing with my food a little
"No, not it's alright, I understand if your curious" he says "about six, seven months now. So… not to long,"
"Six months isn't that long" I said more to myself 
"Yeah I know, it was uhh a quick seperation you could say" he says "do you uhh mind if I ask?"
"A year" I answered trying to smile 
"I'm sorry I shouldn't have asked"
"It's okay, he ran off. Cheated on me got another girl pregnant" I said 
"Y/n. I'm so sorry" he says taking my hand 
"It's okay, I'm good" I answered smiling at him 
"I feel like I have to tell you now since you told me" he laughs
"You uhh don't have to"
"No it's okay, moved to the other end of the world, missed her family and all, and then just broke it off said she found someone down there so" he says "very much done and over"
"I'm sorry"
"It's alright, if she hadn't then I wouldn't be on this nice date with you" 
"Smooth" I laughed having some wine
"I try" he smiled "sorry I haven't even asked you what you do or anything"
I explained my job to him as simply as I could and he did likewise explaining it in that wash where you never completely say what your job title is but give and overview of what you do, the conversation moved to family and such, and we ended up just chatting about everything and nothing for a good while until we had finished eating, our plates taken away just nursing our drinks 
"I uhh I have to be honest y/n." He spoke up
Yay, here it comes the this was really fun but I'm not feeling any connection or anything
"I uhh I really like you,"
I stopped short almost choking on my drink 
"Sorry I know it sounds a little strange when we have literally been on one date but, I really like you. And I would really like a second date if… you wanted to go out with me again?"
"Yeah I'd liked that" I blushed "I'd love to go out with you again Thomas"
"Great uhh when are you next free?" He asks 
"Well I have nothing going on tomorrow night"
"Yeah me either," he says moving his hand to ghost mine a little "anywhere you wanted to go?"
"I've been dying to see that new movie everyone's been talking about" I said moving my hand closer too "but since it a horror, you'll have to promise to hold my hand if I get too scared" 
"I'll happily hold your hand, weather your scared or not" he smiled taking my hand intertwining our fingers "shall we get the bill?"
"Yeah its a long walk home" I said 
"I'll drop you off home don't worry about it" he says as he got the waiter to bring the bill 
"You sure? I don't want to be any trouble"
"I'm sure it's no trouble at all. And I'll pick you up tomorrow for the movie" he says "ooh I should probably give you my number so we don't have to talk though Luke'
"Ahh yeah good point" I said as I got my phone and we traded numbers just then the bill came so I reached for my purse
"No, no I'll get it" he says getting his wallet from his pocket
"No I can't let you pay it's not fair"
"I'm more then happy to y/n, its a date put your purse away it's on me" he says putting his card on the table 
"We split it. I insist" I said putting mine with his 
"Alright, but I'm paying for the tickets tomorrow" 
"And I'll pay for the popcorn" 
"Alright love" he smiled
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pbandjesse · 6 years
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My ears are swolllen again. I hate that it keeps happening. It is unacceptable. I already was sick one day last week. No more!!
Its been a good and restful day. The overnight last night could have gone better. Like my group was wonderful. The kids were really sweet and the parents were helpful. Jordan and Jordan both had trouble staying on that schedule so I had to keep vamping and coming up with stuff for my kids. Eventually we were playing night in the museum in the Pearl Harbor room. Because I couldn't think of anything else. Thankfully the kids really enjoyed it and even asked if we could play it again in the morning. And because they were so good and they finish their breakfast we did go and play a couple rounds before they went and saw the gun mount.
But last night was pretty stressful. The parents in the one group were so mean to us. Particularly Tatiana and Maya. They were like snapping their fingers at them and calling them the wait staff. Which they are not. And it was just really really rude. And I'm pretty sure because they're both women of color it was also slightly racist. If not entirely racist.
But we ended the night and we were all glad to be done. I went down to the CPO and they had set up the tables to celebrate Jordan Brooks's new job. And I was like oh it's so cute. And then come to find out one of the tables was decorated for me. Because my birthday is next week. And then got me a card and candy and stuff. It was so cute. My also got me a wrap from Chick-fil-A which I just remembered I left in the fridge. So that's sad. But it was so thoughtful of them. The card also makes me laugh a lot because they all spelled my name wrong and so every single one of the Jesse has the I scribbled out in it. It was very cute and I was just very very appreciative.
Normally on overnights I'll go to bed around 11. But I was having such a nice time that I ended up staying with them in the mess hall until after midnight. My brother ended up texting me around midnight and I decided that that was when I need to go to sleep. I had a really good time talking to everyone though. Jordan finally cleared up what the line is between grave robbing and Archeology. Turns out it's 50 years. And then I went to go try to sleep.
Try is the imperative work here. I normally sleep with my headphones in. But because my ears have been so swollen I picked up a cheap pair of over-the-ear headphones from the clearance section at Dick Blick. They cost like $4. And while they work I sleep on my side. So trying to sleep with over-the-ear headphones on just was not working. So I was pretty uncomfortable. I was half asleep and half awake pretty much all night. I would wake up almost every hour. Which is pretty normal for me on overnights but it was still annoying. At least I was warm. Or warm enough in the pajamas that I wore.
My alarm went off at 5 and no one else in the room was getting up. And so I just decided to go wash my face put my sweatpants on underneath my work pants. Put a little bit of makeup on. And then I went and laid back down. I gave myself 15 more minutes and wait until I at least forever when I was starving. I did not want to be in charge of making all the food. But I also would feel like a jerk if I went up to the kitchen first and didn't start the food.
I was still the first one up there. I got the breakers on at least and then the girls came up and we all were tired and cold. But we tried our best.
We decided to do the morning where I would stay with the breakfasts all three of them. Jordan would do all the engine room tours and Brooks would do all the gun mount tours. And that was fine. The first breakfast was the group that was particularly rude. And we all kind of look down on that because that was also the breakfast where we had the most trouble getting the food done. The eggs would not cook. Mostly because it was so cold in the kitchen that the stove was having trouble getting hot. And the coffee wasn't finishing. And that parent that was sort of semi in charge was just so rude about it. Telling us how disgusting everything was. And honestly you have a bad attitude and I don't feel as bad as I normally would. I told him I agree with him about the food and I'm sorry that he had to deal with some less-than-ideal circumstances and here is a survey and you can totally write down all your complaints.
Thankfully the two other breakfasts went well. The eggs cooked way better or the girls had put them on the stove. Took them out of the bag is completely. Which is always risky but they knocked out of park. And everything went much better from then on. They ate nine boxes of cereal. And they all filled out their surveys. And besides a couple little pickups with the rudeness of the first group we finish strong. And we got some really nice compliments we were all very surprised by that. I'm not 5 by name compliments in the surveys. That is the most I've ever gotten. It was so nice to hear those. My group really liked me and it made me really happy.
It took a really long time for us to pull everything together. Clean up and all that. But we worked as a team and we got it done. James and Sam from over on torsk and they put all their stuff away and then it was decided that we would all go to IHOP.
Attend me James and Sam walked over. I have to get a small table. But then it took almost a 40 minutes how to get a table and then for Jordan and Tatiana to get over from Taney. I have no idea what they were doing. I think it was combination of mopping and finishing paperwork but still. I was very hungry and tired.
Food was good. It was nice being with James even though I could feel the tension radiating off of him. After we all ate we all went our separate ways. Me and James went upstairs to Marshalls. He got new sneakers which he desperately needed. Did not get new pants but the sneakers were very nice. We still cannot find him boots or sandals for that matter. But at least he has sneakers that are not falling apart now.
We went over to that make up section and I got new eyeliner and a heated eyelash curler. There's only $3 I'm fascinated to see how it works tomorrow. I also got a bicycle repair kit that was on clearance for 4 bucks so that was cool. It came in a nice little tin and it says established 1991 which I thought it was me because that's the year I was born.
Actually realized earlier this week that this year is a special birthday. Because I was born on to 2 / 17 / 91 and this year it's 2/17 / 19! Like I just think that's so cool.
After Marshall me and James said goodbye. We got our bikes and I had it on. It was a little bit of rough going. I'm in really bad shape right now. Between being sick and not stretching enough and it just being cold I am getting out of breath really easily. Something I'm definitely working on right now. I got home and it was around 12:30. I took a shower. I felt so much better after that. I am packed my bag and I fit sweet pea and then I laid in bed and watch TV for a little while.
I fell asleep somewhere around 2. It was pretty good rest. I didn't set an alarm. Because I didn't really need to be anywhere today. Didn't have to do anything. I technically worked a 10-hour day so I'm not going to feel bad about it. But I got up at 4:30. Will not up but I was awake. And I decided that I would stay in bed until the sun went down all the way. And then I would have to get up and do something. So I laid in bed for a while. Clean on my phone. And then I got up and I grabbed the fabric bag that just be from work gave me. And some paper. And I worked on selling some stuff. Working on a pattern. James is going to let me bring my sewing machine to keep it as apartment so that I can try to sew things there. But it was fun just sitting here and sewing for a while.
I made pasta sides for dinner. It was very nice. I made some outfits for the week and I played with sweet pea. I tried on the dress that I'm wearing for Valentine's Day and figure it out pain that I'm going to wear with it and what shoes I'm wearing. And I really just been hanging out since then. I can't believe it's almost 11:00. But the way my day was laid out I guess it makes sense. I'll probably go to bed in the next hour or so I can get back on a normal schedule. I'm hoping to wake up in the morning and do some yoga and go and run a couple errands. I want to make a PowerPoint for the kids. But I'm not that worried about that. I hope you guys all sleep well tonight and stay warm. Be kind to each other. Good night
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