#like i do get it they're feds & bureaucracy reigns supreme.
dreamlogic · 3 months
#ctxt#charlie vs mail#ooooohhhhhh my god just let me fucking work alreadyyyyyy#Job Got but now they're like...#well since you had a medical issue within the last 5 years we need a doctor's note confirming you're recovered enough to work#and if we don't get it by X date we'll assume you're no longer interested in the position & nuke you from orbit#like i do get it they're feds & bureaucracy reigns supreme.#& having disability documented will make it easier to get accommodations down the line if needed#but god it's frustrating that i've spent the last 2+ years LITERALLY BEGGING PLEADING W/ EMPLOYERS & DOCTORS TO BELIEVE THAT I'M DISABLED#had to see 4 doctors & go through 3 bosses before i found a provider willing to help me & get work accommodations#and now that i'm finally mostly healed from surgical complications & back to being more or less able-bodied...#NOW they wanna put me under a microscope & be like 'are you suuuuuuure you can really do this job?? PROVE IT.'#bitch i wouldn't have applied in the first place if i wasn't confident that i'm far enough along in recovery to do the damn thing#two extremes on the spectrum i guess#from 'pissing on the clock during an 8.5 hr shift? unnecessary. stop faking or we'll fucking fire you'#to 'sure ur surgery was over 2 years ago & ur almost ready to graduate PT & ur symptoms are effectively managed.... BUT ARE THEY?????'#like i guess i'm grateful that they seem to take health issues seriously. & i do want my dr's honest opinion if i can handle a physical job#at the same time this is the most obnoxiously arduous onboarding process i've ever endured & i wanna bite someone
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