#like her section remained blank the longest while i got to build up the other lords' points
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Spells Out Trouble: I Wanna Know What Love Is
This is chapter one of “Spells Out Trouble.” Masterlist Here!
Pairing: Dean x Reader
Word count: 4770
Summary: You have been with the Winchesters for several years now going through all the literal trials and tribulations with them. What happens when Dean gets hit by a love spell and becomes head-over-heels for you? Will your pushed down emotions finally rise or will you get in over your head? Find out what happens when your best friend's hard exterior becomes mush whenever you end up in his eyeline.
Just so you know: This is my first Fanfic so sorry if there are aspects missing. “Spells Out Trouble” is a series with about ten chapters. Again, sorry if this isn’t perfect! If you have any suggestions or tips, I’d love to hear from you. Thank you and I hope you enjoy it! (Also, not my gif!)
You could hear your name being called as you adjusted your position on the bed. “Five more minutes,” you mumbled out as you buried your face even deeper in the pillows.
“Y/N, wake up!” Dean said, agitated. He was still mad that you won the coin toss for the bed. Thanks to you, he got a restless night on a two-seated couch. But as of right now, you were way too tired to care.
Sam was in the bathroom getting ready first like always. Spending so many years with the boys, you learned each other’s habits, quirks, and how long they needed to get ready in the morning. Sam took the longest for some reason and after him was you, who only took maybe eight minutes to get fully dressed which always seemed to impress the brothers. Dean was after you, taking only about five minutes to get ready for the day which seemed accurate based on his minimal appearance.
“We got to go,” Sam said from behind the door.
“You hear that? We’re gonna leave without you.” Dean said as you could imagine the smug smile on his face.
“You wouldn’t,” you replied as Dean’s taunting caused you to wake up. You, Dean, and Sam were set to go to the coroner's today and as good a day as any to see a dead body, you were especially excited because this hunt involved a witch. And you hate witches. You have a past and a very bad one at that. The boys know your strong feelings when it comes to the bottom dwelling hags. This remark on Dean’s part as to threaten to leave without you was just enough to make you sit up from your comfy position in bed and prepare to start your day. “I’m up.”
“Finally,” Dean said, throwing your weapons bag with full force right at your chest. It hurt but of course he did it on purpose. Dean always liked to pick on you, even more so whenever you were just waking up and you had your defenses down.
“Ow,” you said, glaring at Dean with only a sly smirk from him in return.
Sam exited the bathroom as he finished buttoning up his white dress shirt. “All yours,” he said to you. You nodded and rolled out of bed pushing off the sack of weaponry from you. You grabbed your FBI getup and headed to the bathroom where you got cleaned up and dressed.
You could hear the boys from behind the closed door talking about the latest victim, John Chase. You listen all while thinking about the case. So far, six men have been found dead with their insides turned to goo. You all had been at this for days and have yet to catch a break. Hopefully the new body would lead to something. Anything.
You finished getting dressed and like clockwork, just as you opened the door to let Dean have a turn getting dressed, he stood in the doorway just about to knock. His hand, merely inches away from your face, you gulped as you realized how close you were to receiving a hit to the face, courtesy of Dean Winchester. “That was close,” he said smiling.
“Yeah, close enough. Watch it next time, Winchester.” You shoved him as you walked out and towards your bed.
“Y/N,” Sam called out as you turned your attention towards him, “Which one?” He had held up two different ties in his hands, weighing them up and down as to signal to you which one was better. “Pick one. Blue or red?”
“Hmm... blue brings out your eyes but red makes you look sexy!” You said with clear sarcasm making Sam smile.
“Really? Cause I would’ve thought it’d be the opposite. But what do I know? You’re the sexy one,” Sam retorts, raising his eyebrows.
“True, but you do come in at a close second.”
“Wow, and here I thought Dean would’ve been second.”
“Oh no. You know you are my favorite Winchester.” You say puckering your lips, blowing him a kiss.
Yours and Sam’s relationship was very different when compared to yours and Dean’s. Both of them were your best friends but Sam was able to let his guard down with you. You always had admired his sass whether it was directed towards you or not. It was fun to play and joke with him. When it was just him and Dean, he often had to be what would be called the “mature one.” Dean on the other hand liked to mess with you too but he never let his guard down like Sam does. Sam was still the only person who saw the full version of Dean. You wished Dean would let you in but you were just happy that you got Sam to. Besides, he was way easier to talk to when it came to deep stuff. You’d always go straight to Sam without giving it a second thought if you ever needed to talk and he often did the same to you.
You sorted through your bag as you placed all the weapons on your person that you deemed necessary for a trip to the coroner’s office. The boys always thought you had an overabundance of weapons even when attending the simplest of places. You however thought it was better to be prepared and when riding with the Winchesters, it’s best to be ready for anything. You rummaged through your bag even deeper. “Where’s the demon blade?” You asked, still continuing your search.
“It's in my bag,” Dean said as he loaded his gun with your favorite type of bullets.
“Can I have it?” You asked him as he stuck your hand out waiting to put it in the back of your belt.
Dean tucked his gun in the back of his pants and looked at your eagerness to have the blade. “Um, no.”
“What do you mean no?”
“I mean no, sweetheart. You already have a whole armory on you. You don’t need the knife too.” Even though you knew Dean was probably right, you couldn’t help but want it even more now that he had felt so inclined to call you “sweetheart” which he knew bugged you. The truth of the matter is, you didn't mind him calling you it so much as you minded him calling every other woman sweetheart too. You hated thinking that he had grouped you with every other one night stand or valentine adventure.
“Give it to me,” you said, holding your hand out even further only to have him push it away.
“Yes,” you demand.
“Dean, let her have the knife,” Sam said with his “It’s too early for this” tone.
“Fine,” Dean said, taking it out of his bag and holding the edge about to place it in your hand.
“Really?” You said surprised he had given up so easily.
“No,” he said as he showed you that smug grin of his. He took the knife away and walked over to the edge of your bed, about to place it in his weapons bag once again.
“Give it,” you order as you hop on the bed trying to grab it out of his hands.
“You're gonna hurt yourself, sweetheart,” he said with his once again taunting tone. You only tried harder to grab it as his arms went all around you causing you to get closer and closer to the edge of the bed. You reached over the edge as he dangled the blade in front of you. You almost had gotten it but instead lost your balance.
“Told you, sweetheart.” And with that remark, Dean had left the building with the blade placed in his bag.
While on the floor, you try to convince yourself that he is useful and it would be best to not kill him yet but you believe the topic to be debatable.
Sam came over to help you off the floor. “Your brother is being a jerk again,” you said while brushing yourself off.
“Yeah, well, what else is new?” Sam holds out your bag.
You snatch the bag from his hand, “You are enjoying this because you think it’s better for him to pick on me instead of you.”
“What?” Sam said sarcastically. “That is so not true. I never find enjoyment when I let my pain in the ass older brother bully you just so he wouldn’t bully me,” he replies with a big grin on his face.
“Yeah, I wouldn’t be so sure,” you glare at him.
You both grabbed your coats and shut the door behind you.
You three had just come back from the coroner’s and discovered, thanks to some hex bags found in the victim's pockets, that your witch was very old and very powerful. You also found that she continued her hot streak of leaving attractive, middle-aged men’s innards boiled.
“Great,” Dean said as he shut Baby’s door. “What is it? Five dead now?”
Sam got in beside him, “Seven, actually.”
“Make that eight,” you said as you tossed your phone on the seat in front of you.
“What is this?” Sam asked, picking it up, examining the news story.
“It’s yet another kill where some attractive guy has his insides deep fried.”
“Great, again,” Dean said, starting the car. “Where was it at this time?”
“North Crow street,” Sam replied.
“That’s only what? Two miles from the last victim?”
“I’m pretty sure,” you said, thinking about the pattern of the attacks.
“We go back to the room, map out the attacks, get our gear, and we kill this son of a bitch.” You nodded.
“Okay,” Sam said as he marked the final spots on the map, “We have North Crow street on here twice. Then there’s this neighborhood right here where three of the victims were and over here is Goodman park where the remainder of the victims were killed at.” The map was spread out on a section of the wall above the sofa with a whole lot of red thread and pushpins covering whatever blank space remained.
“So that’s a two mile radius around,” Dean gets up taking the marker from Sam, “This street. Mary’s Ave.”
“Great, now that we’ve narrowed it down, to what? One-Hundred houses? What’s our next step?” You asked as you felt the weight of the deaths on your shoulders and it became even worse as you knew you weren’t the only one.
“I've got no freaking clue.” Dean let out a huff as he ran his hands through his hair in aggravation. Dean was getting more angry by the second and it didn’t help that he had been cooped up in a room with you and Sam. Sure, it was fun to mess with him but it tends to get old real quick. Dean threw up his hands, “It's not like we can just hit all the houses on the block knocking on the door and asking, ‘Hey, are you a witch? Cause if you are, we need to kill you.’”
Sam gives off a tired laugh. “We’ve been at this for a week and we have got nothing except a pile of bodies.”
You take in the sight of the tired brothers and know that it’d be best if you didn’t push them over the edge. “Hey,” you said with a calm voice, trying to get them to ease up, “We will find her and kill her. Okay?”
“How Y/N?!” Dean yells looking at you as if you were crazy to somehow have any sort of hope.
You sit down trying to make up any connection or pattern you can. You see the boys and their exhaustion and anger radiating off of them. You push yourself even harder to find something, anything. You think to yourself about all the information you have: A trail of good looking dead guys, a witch, messed up insides, and a hex bag. A hex bag which you have found nothing in the lore about. You have yet to figure out how this hex bag kills or much less hurts someone. What kind of hex bag doesn’t kill you but still leaves you dead. It leaves you dead... Leaves you dead... “Leaves you dead!” You mutter under your breath.
“What?” Asks Sam as he sees you jolt up grabbing the hex bag and his laptop, clicking away on the keyboard.
“Y/N, what are you doing with the hex bag?” Dean asks.
“Shush,” you demanded as you continued your search online.
“Don’t ‘shush’ me,” Dean replied silently.
You ignore the duo as you search deeper in the online lore. You search every ingredient in the hex bag. Instead of lethal hex bags, you search for non-lethal ones that use the same ingredients. “Okay, hear me out: What if the witch wasn’t trying to kill guys?”
“Sure, she accidentally melted the victim’s insides,” Dean says as he rolls his eyes.
“Shush!” You again told Dean trying to explain your train of thought. “We searched all over for a hex bag like this that kills someone, right?”
“Yeah,” Sam replies reluctantly.
“But what if the hex bag wasn’t meant to kill the men, but instead lure them to our witch.” You turn the screen around showing the list of ingredients for a spell that can lure anyone to the user. “See? This spell and the hex bags use the exact same ingredients.”
“I guess that’s useful information if we wanna make hex bags but how does this help us try to find the witch?” Dean again says with his annoying sarcasm.
You turn the computer around again and start typing away once more. “Well, sweetheart,” you look at Dean and show a sarcastic smile, “These ingredients are extremely rare and even more expensive.” Dean looks at you mad and you smile even bigger assuming that he doesn’t like being called “sweetheart” either. “Since the ingredients are so rare, when you search where they are found, you discover they are only found in a very small part of Ireland.”
“Okay,” Sam says, trying to follow.
“Now, since the items are expensive, the witch must be rich. And when I search the most expensive houses on Mary’s Ave, I come up with fifteen different ones which all belong to an array of people.”
“Yeah,” Sam nods in agreement, still unsure of your thought process.
“The Fifteen names of the owners are: Smith, Jackson, Thompson, Brock, Jones, Marshall, James, Evans, other Smith, Parker, MacAulay, Watts, Cooper, Jefferson, and Holiday. Tell me, which one of those names sounds Irish to you?”
“MacAulay,” Dean says as the wheels in his head visibly turn.
“Right, and when I pull up the records for the house, you will find that one Alannah MacAulay lives in that house alone. And it just so happens that she paid upfront with cash.” You look at Sam and Dean and notice their shocked expressions. “That name is indeed Irish and is one of the founding families that basically built the town that grows these ingredients. Guys, I’d say this is our witch.”
“How in the world did you get all that from a hex bag?” Sam asks with an amazed look in his eyes. You shrug your shoulders trying to hold back a smile of accomplishment. “Good job, Y/N,” Sam says, giving you a pat on the back.
“Thanks.” You look again at Dean knowing that a compliment from him was as rare as a unicorn sighting, but in this job the latter would be more likely to happen.
Dean stands up and cocks his gun, “Let’s go kill a witch.”
You all had arrived at the house. You and Sam took the front door entrance as Dean went around back. Sam opened the door slowly as you went under his arm through the doorway scoping out the place. The door shut gently behind him. He signaled for you to go upstairs as he took the first floor. You nodded in agreement as you cautiously and quietly walked up the huge set of stairs that were before you.
The house was gigantic and magnificent. If you weren’t so worried about the status of your life, you might’ve actually enjoyed it a bit more. When you came to the top of the steps, you saw three doors ahead of you. Thinking it might be a while till one of the boys came upstairs to help you search, you went right ahead entering the rooms as stealthy as you could.
The first room didn’t have anything that looked witchy and the same went for the second. But just as you turned the knob on the third door, you heard a muffled sound. You pushed the door open finding a middle-aged man tied to a chair with a gag in his mouth. Only the man and a whole mess of stuff was in the room. You passed by what seemed to be a miniature cauldron filled with an assortment of goods or more accurately, bads, and soon made your way to the man. Holding your gun with such focus and intensity, you searched every square inch of the room just to make sure it was only you and him.
You went over to him, undoing the ropes and removing his gag. “Are you alright?” You asked quietly.
“I think,” he said with an uneasy tone. You signaled for him to get up and get a move on but he still remained glued to the seat.
“What are you doing?” You whispered worried that if you stayed any longer, you wouldn’t be alone.
“I can’t move!” He says with a terrified tone.
“What?” You look to see if you missed a rope.
“I can’t move!” You tried to pull him up or out of the chair but he wouldn’t budge.
Suddenly, you could feel another presence in the room. You slowly reached for your gun, switching your attention from the man to what you thought would be the witch.
You quickly aimed your gun as you turned around only to find the room as empty as you had seen before.
“Tell me, Girl” a voice echoed with a strong Irish accent, “Have you ever been in love?” You aimed your gun in every dark corner of the room trying to find a face to the voice. “Have you ever really been head-over-heels for someone?”
“Sorry, I can’t say that I have.” You continued the conversation stalling in hope of a rescue from one of the boys.
“Oh, It’s such a shame. Surely you must love someone or like someone at least?” She asks as if wanting you to understand.
“I don’t know about that but I appreciate your concern,” you laugh as this is the last conversation you’d expect to have.
The voice laughs back. “My, I can see that you do hold a torch for someone. You might try to hide it but I can see your feelings and they are strong.”
“I don’t know what you're talking about, lady. But how about you come out here and maybe then we can swap crushes.”
“Oh, no. I need to finish my work,” she says matter-of-factly.
“Your work? You mean killing innocent men? I have to say, not a fan.” Your gun gets pulled out from your hands. “Dammit,” you mumble. You stay moving around the room keeping your senses on guard.
“You simple minded fool. My work is work of passion and love, not death.”
“Whatever you say, Witchy.” You try to look for another sort of weapon in the room.
“I just wanted to be loved. It’s not my fault that accidents happen.”
“Well, I just want you dead and like you said, accidents happen.” In the corner of your eye, you see a dagger and you move closer to it trying not to draw attention to yourself.
The witch finally appears out from the dark corner she was hiding in. “If you wanted that to happen, maybe you shouldn’t have come alone,” she says looking you dead in the eyes like a lion would do to its prey.
The door quickly busts open causing the witch to change her attention. You rush towards the dagger and then try to find if a hex bag is on the man.
“She didn’t come alone,” Dean stands in the door and aims his gun directly at the witch but before he can pull the trigger, she flings him past the cauldron and only feet away from you and the man. She sees you and immediately, light radiates from her palms and you prepare to be on the end of a fatal blow. But suddenly, Sam comes from the door, tackling the witch to the ground.
Dean gets up and takes notice of a huge gnash on his hand and finds his blood on the rim miniature cauldron. But before he can think anything more of it, he searches for his gun. You still try to find what holds the man in the chair taking off his shoes, jacket, anything that could have a hex bag inside. Sam gets thrown to the other side of the room and you see now that the witch looks even more pissed than she originally was. “Just let me do my work!” She screams as you too get tossed to the side, leaving a wide-open space in between her and the man. “I will do my work! I will be loved!” She screams and starts to mumble Latin causing the cauldron to rise and spark. Dean sees what she is about to do and before you or Sam have a chance to react to the ready to fire spell, Dean jumps in front of the man and the surge of energy from the cauldron fires right at Dean. “No!” The Witch screams. Sam runs to his gun and shoots her right in the head causing her to fall to the floor.
With the witch killed, you and Sam rush to Dean who is surprisingly still alive from the impact of the blow. “Hey,” you ask him, examining him, “you alright, big guy?”
He mumbles in return, “Peachy.” You help him up as Sam checks on the man who is no longer glued to the chair. Sam gives you the nod that he is alright and both you and Sam walk out, each helping a man down the stairs.
Sam starts the car back up as you leave the hospital where you dropped the man off at. “You sure you alright, Dean?” You ask leaning over the seat taking notice of his face to try and get a read on him.
“I’m great,” he replies with his ever so sly smile.
“You sure?” Sam asks.
“Yeah. I’m good to go. In fact, I say we go get some beers because we deserve it.” You and Sam look at each other quizzically both thinking of how you’ve never encountered a witch blast that came with no side effects.
“You sure you’re good?” Sam asks again with an unsure tone.
“Dude, I’m fine. I just wanna get drunk. Can you blame me?” He looks at Sam and he shakes his head while letting out a tired laugh. “Come on, let’s go have some fun!” He looks at you and hits your shoulder. “Yeah?”
“Dean, I’m exhausted and I’m surprised that you aren’t. It’s gonna be a no from me,” Sam answers.
“Y/N, what do you say? Wanna get drunk and laid?”
“Um, you sure you’re okay Dean?” You ask again.
“Guys, what the hell is with all the questions?! I’m fine. Nothing is wrong with me. Now Y/N, you wanna join or not?” Dean looks into your eyes and you look at him still concerned.
“I guess so.”
You and Dean pull up to a bar called “O’Malley’s” looking dressed to kill or in this case, dressed to get laid. You always carried a little black dress with you whenever you went on hunts just in case you needed to use it to work a more flirtatious angle. And from time to time, you did. You both walked inside keeping your distance from each other just to make sure no one would think the two of you were together. You have been to this rodeo before. Every now and again when Dean was a little too eager to get out of the bunker or some crap motel room, you and him would always wind up going to the nearest bar to find a little fun. Sam would always be researching something or sleeping. Tonight, Sam was doing the latter.
You took a seat at the bar leaving an opening on both your sides and ordered a strong drink. Dean, following behind you, had immediately found someone he liked and took a seat right beside her. You could hear their laughter and imagine what cheesy pick up lines Dean would use on her this time. Even though it seemed like you couldn’t stand him at times, he's your best friend and you know him better than he does himself sometimes. Dean, Sam, and Cas were all that you had. It’s been like that for roughly five years. And all you could think about right now was just wanting to go home and lie in your bed. Well, thinking about that and the stupid witch. You glanced over at Dean again seeing him even closer to the girl than before. You ordered a refill and quickly gulped it down.
The stupid Witch. You couldn’t stop thinking about her. You recall what she said, you remember all the talk about love and how she swears that you love someone too. “No way,” you say under your breath. You look over your shoulder again to view Dean and his lady for tonight. You watch them get up and leave. You laugh to yourself and feel the drink getting to you as you order what you think is your fourth. “How could I love someone?” You think.
You don’t even like anyone. I mean, you love the boys but that’s completely different. Cas, he’s like your guardian angel and Sam, come on, he is literally your brother. And Dean? Dean. Well... Dean is Dean.
You order another drink putting it down the hatch even faster than the last.
Dean is annoying. You couldn’t ever like him. He’s annoying and like totally over protective and he’s way too hot to not have an ego. He’s sexy and gorgeous and way out of your league. Sure you like him but that doesn’t mean you love him. He’s annoying and so bratty. Okay, so maybe you love him a little bit but it’s just because the witch put all these thoughts in your head. You have only been in love with him for like three years, that’s all. Not even four. You push these feelings deep down and always have, I mean, It isn’t like Dean Winchester is gonna wake up one day and be in love with you.
“Miss? Miss?!” The bartender asks you.
“What?” You snap at him.
“You’ve been talking to yourself for quite some time.” The bartender says with a polite smile.
“Yes, you have. I believe you're drunk and in love with whoever this Dean is.”
“Pft, no I’m not.” You try to point at the bartender but somehow manage to fall off the stool. One of the men a few seats over helped you up and guided you outside.
You stumble down the steps of the entrance, “You don’t know what love is!” You yelled at the bar. “I wanna know what love is, and I want you to show me!” Your words slowly changed from an angry fit into lyrics from a Foreigner song. You pulled out your phone as you fell to the ground and managed to call Sam.
“Hello?” Sam said tiredly.
“Do you wanna know what love is, Sam? Cause I want you to show me!”
“Are you drunk, Y/N?”
“No!” you shouted, “I don’t like how people keep assuming things about me.”
“Y/N?” Sam said, trying to get a straight answer.
“Okay, so listen, I’m drunk and Dean took Baby to probably make a baby. So I need some assistance. Hey! I’m like one of the AARP people.” You laugh, amused by your own words.
“Where are you at?”
“I’m at a parking lot outside of uh,” you look up at the blurred sign, “Old Mufasa’s.”
“That’s not a place, Y/N.” Sam sighed.
“Well then I don’t know!”
“Your phone says you're five minutes away. I’ll be there in five minutes. Just stay put.” Sam hung up.
You could hear that Sam was tired and angry which was not a good combo but you were just worried that the ant that you saw climbing a rock in the parking lot would get run over. You went over and tested your depth perception seeing if you could get the ant to a safe spot. As you nudged the little bugger on your finger, you trudged over to a patch of dirt on the side of the building. You let him go and smiled, “At least you love me, Ant.”
You moved back to where you and tripped causing you to face plant into the ground and drift off to sleep.
The next morning was... interesting. You had woken up to find Dean even more hungover than you, spread out on Sam’s bed and Sam on the way too small couch. All you remember from the night before was a whole lot of alcohol and Sam coming to get you, picking you up from the ground, placing you in a car, and finally onto your bed. You couldn’t rack your brain for any more information or you might end up with an aneurism. You figured that the best thing you could do for your massive headache and the boys was to go and get coffee. You left a note on the door and headed out.
In the room, Sam changed his clothes out in the open not minding because it was only him and a semi-unconscious Dean. The same Dean who was spread like a starfish with blankets and sheets wrapped around him. He tried to move but was unable either from the entanglement or extra motion that made him seem even more dizzy.
“Dean, you alright?” Sam asked as he pulled on his shirt and finished getting dressed.
“Hrmp,” Dean, sort of, replied. He moved a little on the bed seeming like even a construction crew couldn’t affect his state.
“Dude, I thought Y/N was bad last night. I think It’s safe to say you take the gold.” Sam laughed and hit Dean’s feet trying to get him to move.
“What?” Dean pulled his head away from the pillow and rubbed his eyes.
“Dean, you good? I know you wanted to celebrate but I think you went a little too hard on this one.” Sam tossed a bottle of aspirin on the bed beside Dean.
“I’m--I’m uh, good?” Dean sat up slowly trying to gain some sort of balance.
“Good. Cause we have a twelve hour drive back home to the bunker and since you refuse to let me or Y/N drive--”
“Y/N?!” Dean interrupts Sam and darts up from his bed.
“What?” Sam looks at a now wide awake Dean who is staring at him right in his face.
“Y/N,” Dean says with a very excited tone, “Is she here? Where is she? She’s okay right?” He asks as his joy starts to change to worry.
Sam looks at Dean very confused but replies, “Yeah, Y/N’s out getting coffee. You okay, Dean? You don’t look so hot.”
“I don’t?” Dean asks. He looks at his appearance almost disappointed in himself. Dean is still wearing his black-tee undershirt from last night and a pair of boxers.
“Dean, you are acting like someone gave five shots of five hour energy. What’s going on?”
“I...I...I just need to see her!.” Dean paces around the room starting to panic.
“Who, Dean?” Sam goes to Dean putting his hand on his shoulder trying to get him to calm down or at least relax for a moment.
“Y/N,” Sam looks at Dean like he’s crazy, “I’ve got to see her. I just gotta.”
“Okay, how about you sit down and we figure out what is wrong with you. Alright?”
“There’s no time, Sam!” Dean yells at Sam shoving his hand away. “I’ve got to get my suit on and I need some of your cologne and uh, flowers! I need to get flowers!”
“Dean! Something is really wrong with you. You are acting crazy and I don’t understand what your new obsession is with Y/N. So please, just take a deep breath.” Sam again tries to go over to Dean getting him to calm down.
“You’re right, Sammy. I need to calm down for Y/N. I don’t want her to be frightened or--or panicked like I am.” He unconvincingly smiles at Sam but nods along with his plan.
“Good,” Sam says slowly, “Good. Now take a deep breath.” Dean takes a huge deep breath in and holds it in his puffed out cheeks. He exhales and shakes his body trying to loosen up. “Okay, Dean, what’s going on?” Sam sits on the bed with Dean who still appears to be hopped up on some kind of energy drink.
“I don’t know. I just know that everything is so clear and like this huge burden has been lifted off of me.” Dean smiles crazily at Sam.
“Okay,” Sam tries to understand why his brother is acting like an energized maniac. “When did you feel like this, ‘burden,’ was lifted?”
“It was this morning, when I woke up and you said her name.” Dean hops up and down nodding with his whole body.
“Right, uh, Y/N’s name?” Sam tries to stop Dean from moving so much by holding down his shoulders.
“It’s the most beautiful name in the world,” Dean says while he waves his arms trying to mime the whole wide world.
“Uh-uh. Listen, Dean. I’m gonna call Cas and we are gonna figure out what’s going on.” Dean nods his head and looks at his brother with a big smile, leaving Sam’s emotions a mix between scared, creeped out, and concerned.
You had just stood in line for almost an hour trying to get the coffees only to have them get your order wrong. You would’ve been more upset about it but you were just eager to get away from all the noise and bright lights that made your headache ten times worse.
You reached for your room key and inserted it into the door all while trying to balance the uneven amount of coffees. You opened the door and glanced over at the boys sitting on the edge of the bed. “Good, you guys are up.” Dean stood up so quickly that his movement caught your attention. You set the cups down on a nightstand and looked towards Sam and Dean. Sam stood up beside Dean with a worrisome look. And Dean looked at you with such glee and excitement that you turned around to see if there was someone behind you. “What’s going on?” You asked as the more you looked at them the more terrified you got.
“Um,” Sam mumbled and tried to find the words, “Dean’s uh...”
“What?” You ask as you become even more worried.
“Dean... he uh... something is wrong with him.” Sam kept looking at you and Dean. You all stand still, unmoving.
“Dean?” You ask and as you do so, Dean gulps as if you managed to take his breath away when calling his name. “Dean?” You ask again and this time, the biggest smile comes on Dean’s face like an excited puppy. “Dean, wh...what is it?”
“I’m in love with you, Y/N.”
Hope you enjoyed it!
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Chapter two: Take It Easy
#dean winchester#dean x reader#supernatural#supernatural fanfic#supernatural fanfiction#sam winchester#lovespell#winchester#funny#fiction#supernatural fandom
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As the title says, a collection of all the AUs I came up with but never got around to writing. See under the cut because oh shit there’s a few thousand words! Warning for violence/injury/death.
Build God, Then we’ll talk AU
In a world built on secrets, a mad scientist is commissioned to build god. (Years ago people took down Death, the main god of power in the world, and witches, weapons and humans were free to rule themselves. They built a city on towers with networks stretching beneath. Some foolish people used a fragment of Deaths soul to create a weapon, however only made a beast of madness that escaped into the depths of the city. Years later and the skilled scientist and soul expert Franken Stein is commissioned to build a weapon with a smaller fragment of Deaths soul. He works and develops a vessel, but cannot awaken the soul he had sewn to it. Students Maka and Soul use their demon hunting to explore the underground, and discover the vessel. They perform a soul resonance, and Maka enters the souls room, a black void with a white skull mask. For waking him, he gives her a number and says to summon him whenever she needs. They leave, but Stein knows what happened, and now with an awake vessel he can present to the council. Other notes; Mare works as Steins assistant to keep his madness in check, but she’s fallen for him. The council is kinda upset with being presented a limited power child, but he insists it was the only way to make the soul bond and guarantee it doesn’t turn to madness, since it can be taught. Not wanting to spawn attachment, or simply call it ‘A fragment of Death’, they end up calling it Kid. They agree to the terms, giving him private tutors and letting him stay with Stein for observation. He does at one point leave from a lesson to assist Maka, who is struggling in a fight against a Clown. Once he helps in destroying it, they talk, Maka and Soul surprised at the appearance of their powerful friend. Kid returns to find his tutor mopping about how he’ll be fired. Stein learns of him running off, and when Kid states ‘He had a promise to keep’ Stein figures it was to help Maka, her being the only other outside contact. He threatens that he could disassemble him if he shows too much free will, but Kid counters that while his mind is blank, his origin and desire to help Maka is engraved in his soul, and that if they tried with a new fragment they wouldn’t have the same success. ????? Marie secretly just want this child shapped being to be treated as a child, so she does things that mothers would do and Kid is like “? Um yes uh thank you?”… ????? It comes to a major battle against Asura, and he and Kid are in a tug of war with their souls, each trying to absorb the other for power. The most drama would come from Kid losing, his soul fusing with Asuras and his body being left limp. The battle continues, but an internal battle of Order and Chaos goes on. )
“Breaking the Rules” AU from tumblr
It’s the dystopian future, and all forms of music/dancing/art/etc. have been banned due to its strong influence to lead people down ‘dangerous’ paths of life. Character A has always been a model citizen, but there’s something alluring about the artsy, suave Character B that’s making Character A reconsider the rules. (A:Maka, B:Soul)
Dark city Glory AU (Audio: Glory by Panic! at the Disco)
Death City, the dark pool of gathering that hosts both evil and its hunters. One of the main gatherings of Demon hunters, searching for posts on the latest targets. Maka is the new kid in the city, teaming up with the strange man Soul Eater in an attempt to prove she’s as good as a hunter as her mother was. But the strength of witches is growing and the latest power trip drug ‘Black Blood’ is turning people mad, it takes a lot to survive in the cities confines. (Maka and Soul have just started as partners, and quite often team with the God hunting BlackStar and Tsubaki. They take job from mission boards to hunt down demons and witches, keeping corrupted souls and returning good ones to the pool in the town square. Pure souls corrupted by BlackBlood are getting common, giving people madness boosted power. During a mission Soul is infected when injured. Liz and Patty are deep into the cities black market and deal drugs and weapons. Death is trapped beneath the pool, collecting souls. Kid and Asura keep the balance between Order and Chaos, however after being infected with BlackBlood, Asura gains enormous power boost and takes out Kid and a massive section of living quarters. Survivers are gathered and Natsuki got to Liz for backup medical stuff. Liz personally deliveres it and gets asked to help change a patents bandages, but it’s Kid and in a delirious state he rants about what happened. Liz knocks him out and just nopes on outa there, but later Maka comes asking for information on Black Blood. “I was simply aiming to be a great demon hunter, and now I’m working with a bunch of misfits to reinstate a god. Not where I saw my career going.” )
Road Trip for Gods AU
BlackStar convinces Maka and Soul to go on a road trip to the rare event of Gods entering the mortal realm for a few months. (Maka researches how to identify a god, Star just wants to fight one. They encounter Kid, who has already recruited Liz and Patty as his weapons and is currently just checking out how mortals live. Star goes at him, but can barely keep up, even when its Kid’s first fight with his new weapons. “You just fought a god with new weapons who has only existed for 17 years. My brother is 800 years; my father is thousands of years. Do you really think you could take on an actual god?” Anyway they both kinda stop fighting, but they start following Kid because a) Star wants to meet real gods “Not just some BABY god” and Maka and Soul are just like “Dude this happens so rarely like hell we’re not learning all we can from you” and they actually all happily travel. So then at one point Kid is meeting with his brother, so the others hide a little way away, but as Kid talks to him it seems Asura has embraced his madness and decided to actively rule the humans. Kids like “bro nah lets get you home” and Asuras like “FUCK OFF YOU CAN’T TELL ME WHAT TO DO YOURE NOT DAD” and snaps Kid’s neck, throwing him onto the ground and running off. Everyone is all OH SHIT. And they’re all in shock. They set up camp and take Kid with them, but Patty feels uncomfortable about the angle his head is at, so despite Liz’s protests she twists his head so it sits normally. A little while later and he starts to move again, one eye opening and looking around. Turns out his body just need to be properly aligned for it to heal. “Alright which one of manage to figure out how to fix me? Patty? Well, good job, your promoted to my fight hand. Liz your demoted” ”This is no time to joke around! We thought you were dead!”)
The worlds biggest and longest running MMORPG has started a new major event. (In the game you can choose from Meister, Weapon or Witch, with some mixing exceptions. The easiest way to get stronger is to pair a meister and weapon and take on missions that way. Maka and Star are childhood friends and play the game with their internet friends Soul and Tsubaki (Soul makes fun of Maka for using her real name) they also befriend Kid along with Liz and Patty. A new story event starts with the escape of the Kishin, and subsequent missions tracking down those who let it escape, helping NPCs with madness incidents etc. Most of the main events are time based. At some point the team fails a major event and they decide that with the amount of time left on the event they wouldn’t be able to train up to a decent level. Kid is furious they’re giving up, for which they joke (“I bet you’re one of those nuts who does nothing but spend time on their computer”) and all log off. The server rolls over. When they log in the next day the world landscape has changed. Flooded by madness, the NPCs are dying and going insane. Everyone is confused and goes to the head NPC, Death, who issues all the main missions. He laments how everyone failed to stop the witches and the Kishins power has grown. A new timed mission shows up and no one can contact Kid. Asking players who were on during the server switch, the claim they saw him enter the last mission but not return. They enter a mission and fight a madness creature, the fight is tough but they scrape through. The remains reveal Kid, who had been infected himself. He admits to being an NPC, and that this isn’t just a game to him, but a literal fight for his home )
Consult with you (not so) local doctor AU
One day Maka finds her father has been missing for a while. Being informed of his whereabouts at the local hospital, its discovered he’d had an encounter with a kidnapper who takes their victims, performs surgery and then leaves them back where they found them. Like a curious sod, Maka tells her school friends, and then convinces Soul to go out looking. They two are attacked but some random hobo, leaving soul badly injured. A man comes along and offers to help, taking him back and stitching him up. Maka is thankful and discovers that this is the kidnapper, however he only kidnaps people he thing have medical problems, such as taking her father to fix his poisoned liver. They’re free to go so long as they dont out him. They agree, however do tell their friends of the tale. BlackStar is sad it wasn’t aliens, but wonders if the doctor would give him a free check-up. Kid is dumbfounded they’d even gone out looking, and refuses to go along with their antics, however does somehow get dragged along for a visit. Stein agrees to give BlackStar a look over, and the other three meet Marie, who Stein helped, then allowed to stay so long as she helped around the house. Stein returns and does a bit of a creep, pulling up Maka’s top to remark about her skin, running his hands down Soul’s chest saying that he’ll need a check-up in a while, and grabs Kid’s head which he freaks at (“I didn’t know you were afraid of Doctors.””I’m not afraid! I just prefer to keep visits to a minim around people of those…dispositions.”) but everything is chill. Later on Soul convinces Kid to come along to his check-up, since Maka is busy. Due to the late night visit, Kid closes his eyes for a moment, only to open them and find the Doctor leaning against his chest (“?!””Is this…how your heart always sounds?”) The doctor gets excited about finding out why his heart beats at a slow rate, and promptly knocks him out, pushing Soul off the table and starting the experiment. Soul eventually wakes up to a covered body on the table, is organs laid out and even hanging from the lights. He freaks and runs from the room, finding Stein rummaging in the shelves. He asks wtf is going on, and Stein says he got a little excited with his latest subject, who had an oddly simplified organ system. When Soul wants to leave, he realises Kid isn’t there, and Stein says he can’t leave, considering what he’d done. Scared, Soul threatens with the fact his family or friends will come looking. Later, Maka and co do visit, but Stein says he hasn’t seen them. (He’s just hidden them away) more time passes and they’re being questioned about anything that might lead to where they are. Maka and Blackstar eventually admit to knowing the Surgeon, and the police go out. No one is there. (Stein moved, and eventually have comes across Maka, saying he’s disappointed she outed him. He takes her to Soul and locks them in together. Soul explains what happened and they try to think of a way to escape. Later, Stein shows up and after a “what are you planning to do with us?!” he like “Im letting you go.” He says he’s no killer and would have to release them eventually and shows them that Kid is back in one piece, they just have to promise they’ll never out him or he’ll “make them a permanent fixture of the lab”. And they leave. And a while down the road Soul freaks like what the fuck we were held prisoner by a madman and we’ve gotta pretend like nothing ever happened. And Kid doesn’t even speak he just stares and everyones freaked out. )
Fallout AU
Soul thought he’d be stuck in his boring little life inside the boring little vault. That is until an odd group of raiders break in and take him to the outside. (His vault is filled with talented socialites, but the test was to see if weapon blood could create better people. Raiders, with Sid the ghoul at the front, come in looking for people with weapon genes. They take a few including Wes who have inactive weapon blood, but mark Soul as he had recently discovered his weapon abilities. Theyre taken to Death City, and while most are locked up, Soul is taken and spoken to by Asura and Spirit. The tell him that theyre group trains weapon, and that his options are to stay and train, or go out in the wilderness to find his way home. He’s pretty quick to decide to stay, getting away from vault life exactly what he wanted. If the other vault dwellers don’t show to be weapons, they can either live in Death City or try to make their way home. Maka is asked to show Soul around, and shes excited that she’ll get to train with an actual scythe, having dabbled in other weapons. (Okay so the conflict is the Gorgon sisters experiment on humans to create weapons. Medusa’s latest experiment gives remote control over the young reaper Kid, tapping into his soul perception to target, and then commanding him to involuntarily reap their souls. Liz and Patty work for the witches, at one point trying to recruit Soul to their side but escaping from the fight. Their other job is to guard Kid, who they befriended. When they discover that they’re planning on using Kid to attack Death City, Liz and Patty go there to ask for help, the others obviously suspicious.)
From Tumblr: You are Death, and you have just accidentally taken someone before their time. In order to hide your mistake, you decide to live in the person’s place until the day they were supposed to die. (Kid thought he was doing his best to lighten his father’s load, but was still just an inexperienced Reaper. He didn’t mean to reap the boy, but a taken soul was a taken soul. So now he was stuck masquerading as the boy until his death date in several weeks, however his roommate was much too clever and much too observant. (Kid has to pretend to be the cool leather jacket wearing, motorbike riding, only-if-it-interests me Soul Evens. He finds that Maka, the boys roommate, is an intelligent student who may have been questioning her feelings for Soul. He does his best to avoid people, but Maka gets nosey, and Star gets loud, so he finds himself having to befriend the boys friends. And Maka actually starts falling for the new Soul whos actually interested in hearing about her studies and who obsesses over the symmetry of their house. At one point he comes up with the lie of having hit his head when out biking, and having trouble remembering things. He keeps living and does make friends. The day before the reaping date Maka kisses him, and the next day she finds a letter asking her to meet in the park. Feeling conflicted, Kid reveals himself and tells Maa the truth, before leaving .) He convinces himself to say by thinking that having him disappare would cause to much havoc, and he refused to admit he messed up to his father. He keeps the soul on him, being able to gleam feelings and mucel memory from it. The next day, after Maka yells at him and rushes from the house he analysies the house, studing the room, the phone and computer, Makas room and then outer location he find Souls goes to. He sees its his turn to cook dinner, and does what he can with the contense in the fridge. Maka returns and is slightly surprised. He says he’s not talking due to a sore throat, and after checking for a tempriture, she berates him for staying uot late. They eat while Maka talks of her day, and Kid listens intently. ) Soul was doing online classes, so Kid des his best to get average grades, and also has to deal with his job.
#Soul Eater#AU#Soul Eater AUs#Story#Maka Albarn#Soul Evens#Death the Kid#liz thompson#patty thompson#BlackStar#tsubaki nakatsukasa#Prompts#fanfiction#writing#MonkeyWrites
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Just A Dream C2.P2
∞ ∞ ∞
Leo Sloane was a towering brick wall compared to most of his co-workers, with hair the color of ocean waves and eyes like jade daggers. His skin was like most others in Keazar, a caramel butter brown, a few scars here and there from his time on the war front but nothing truly devastating. If not for his immense height of seven feet and ten inches, he could almost pass off as plane looking and ordinary. Like many other teachers of the academy he wore the standard uniform black slacks with various pockets, a white button up long sleeve, and strict coat designed similarly to the student’s coats but with the neck sitting snuggly against his own. Over his right breast were several pins from the ‘accomplishments’ he achieved in his war-time, his left breast was decorated only with the single embroidered crest of the academy he now served. Leo rose to his feet, ignoring the following silence of his students who couldn’t help but fall quite whenever he rose to his feet. Taking the clipboard in hand he glanced briefly at the door where two shadows peered back at him before addressing the class as a whole.
“Now that everyone is here,” he gave his top student, Silva Moriyama, a pointed glare; to which she only smirked back at him. “The headmaster has decided that as the first day of school, all students are to assemble at the Assembly Hall on the Elementary grounds. To prevent any form of ‘tactics training’,” Leo stopped to glare pointedly at two students in the back of his class, both of whom looked back at him innocently, “the guards will be accompanying each class to the location.” No one said a word, though their facial expressions expressed their displeasure with the news. Even though they knew it was tradition at this point, the necessity to travel from one building to another several dozen yards away was still annoying even to those with seemingly endless energy.
“From back to front, everyone arise and line up,” Leo ordered with a tone of boredom. “Mr. Cleary, Mr. Devlin, you will lead us to the auditorium.”
“Seriously?!” the two boys groaned loudly.
“Come up here,” Leo’s voice booked no room for argument and his students knew by now then to challenge his word. Between the high school and middle school, just behind the towering clock tower, were the elementary school grounds. The elementary grounds were one and a half larger then both the grounds of the high school and middle school territories. Past the play pins, sports fields and assortment of toys designed for the younger children, there was a large crater with a glass dome covering it. Thousands of children walked to the elementary grounds, they walked past the toys and headed straight for the silver dome sitting in the center of the elementary grounds. Amongst that number was of course Silva Moriyama, walking tall and proud, her eyes unwavering as she marched ahead of her classmates. Try as the teachers might, teenagers were teenagers and children were children, expecting any of them to remain in the neat little rows they were given was a futile effort. As soon as everyone got close enough they each scattered, regrouped and continued on their way forward.
Entering the dome through a long dark cement hall, Silva walked down the gentle slope until she reached the end of the hall. At the edge of the large cool room several teachers were handing out small teal books to the passing students. Taking the book from a violet haired woman, Silva looked at the cover of the book and read the lines ‘Koula Military Academy Rules’ and beneath that read ‘Keazar Board of Directors’. Splintering off while she opened the book, Silva walked past a few rows of stairs down before choosing a staircase and calming descended towards the center of the crater.
“Don’t those guys ever get tiered of making up rules and regulations?” The annoyed voice of a boy briefly distracted Silva from her book for a moment but her attention didn’t last long as she kept walking further and further away from the entrance. Pausing half way down the stair case, Silva looked about herself with a blank expression, observing her classmates and fellow academy students. The tall dome surrounded the crater perfectly; large panes of glass were held and supported by thick pillars of white marble. The steps, the large stone seats, the walls of the crater were all the same white marble, holding a mixture of teal lines that swirled about the crater without form or direction.
“Sy! Sy! Over here Sy!” Silva sighed as she turned her attention towards the lower levels of stone seats, where she could see a tall girl with scarlet waves flying about with her excited waving. “Sy! Sy! Over here!” Stifling the urge to walk in the opposite direction, Silva huffed in exasperation and walked down the steps to greet the bubbly red head. The teenage girl waving Silva down was certainly taller than her and had hair the color of crimson roses with perfect ocean waves surrounding her round face gracefully; stopping only at the edge of the girl’s not-quite knee-length skirt.
“Mui, what did I tell you about calling me that?” Silva asked as she stopped before the tall red head, “We’re not children anymore.” The bubbly red head was easily the tallest girl of their class year, her name was Muirenn Acquafreda. Out of everyone in their class year, Muirenn had the biggest bust, the longest legs, and the most flirtatious personality. Muirenn was well known for her ruby red wavy hair and her perfectly silver eyes. Of course, being doubted the ‘hellfire maiden’ might’ve helped with people remembering her appearance but it certainly didn’t remind them of her short temper.
“Don’t give me that!” Muirenn’s smile split her face and her silver eyes glittered like coins. “You still call me ‘Mui’ so I’m still calling you ‘Sy’!”
“Can’t you be quite?” Silva asked with a soft smile, “I’m right here, there’s no need to shout.”
“Huh? You say something?” Muirenn asked suddenly, turning to glare at a group of boys further up the steps then them.
“Nothing ya’ cursed giant!” Silva closed her eyes and sighed heavily, she didn’t need to look to know that the sound of terrified apologies and whimpering came from the same boys who just insulted Muirenn.
“For the last damn time I’m not a giant!” Muirenn roared in one of the boy’s faces, each boy was held in the air by their vests, their feet flyingly about uselessly while Muirenn held them in the air with furious expression.
“I’m sorry! Please forgive me!” one boy cried back, his bruised cheek darkening into a purple imprint of Muirenn’s fist.
“Mui, calm down. If the teachers see you bullying them, then you’re the one who’s gonna get in trouble.” Silva said as she stepped off the stairs and walked down the row of marbled seats. She lifted her book up and flipped through the pages again, searching for that one section she was curious about.
“What? But they started it!” Muirenn whined, both boys still held in the air as she turned to give Silva a pleading looking.
“And I’m finishing it,” Muirenn yelped as she released the boys she had previously been holding up, wrapping both of her hands around her head she quickly retreated to Silva, barely managing to avoid the second hit by a guard. Reaching her friend, Silva and Muirenn both turned to look back at the guard, the man looked stiff in his black and navy uniform, scolding the boys before walking away as if someone was holding a dagger to his back.
“Geez, still tense and awkward with us, do the guards ever change?” Muirenn asked as she rubbed at her sore crown, “Aw, man! I’m gonna get a big lump on my head now!” Silva smirked as she found the page she was searching for, pausing to look up at her friend with glittering azure eyes.
“So, what do you call that thing on your shoulders?” Silva asked mischievously. Muirenn glared at her but said nothing, choosing instead to look about them again, leaving Silva to return her attention to the walking away guard. Frowning thoughtfully, Silva looked about herself once more, she could see a team of guards rotating around the edges, making a clear point for where students and teachers were to sit. She knew what Mr. Sloane had said earlier but he didn’t say anything about the guards doing rounds in the auditorium much less said teams of soldiers being armed. The guards weren’t usually armed when in student’s presence, it was much to easy for a cocky or depressed idiot to attempt for a live-weapon.
“Anyways, have you seen Tami?” Muirenn asked, her scarlet waves flying about in a wide curtain as she searched all around them for their third friend. “I can’t find her pampered butt anywhere.” Silva pulled herself away from her thoughts and the strangeness of the guards, to speak to her tall friend.
“You do recall what happened the last time someone called her princess right?” Silva asked blandly, trying not to show her distraction with the armed security around them.
“I didn’t call her princess, you did!” Muirenn retorted with a grin, like she won a bet.
“You just did,” Silva smirked. Muirenn stilled for a moment before her silver eyes widening in realization. Before Muirenn could duck a small teal book smacked into the back of Muirenn’s crimson head, making her yelp loudly.
“You just did,” Silva smirked. Muirenn stilled for a moment before her silver eyes widening in realization. Before Muirenn could duck a small teal book smacked into the back of Muirenn’s crimson head, making her yelp loudly.
“Damn it Tamiko! That hurts!” Muirenn whined loudly, she turned to look behind her to see their friend. The girl standing behind Muirenn was shorter and as thin as a broom stick, with eyes and hair the color of a starless night sky and skin like caramel butter. Whereas Muirenn’s uniform sat on her body tightly as if she had already out grown it in the few hours she had it, Tamiko’s uniform sat on her body like it was custom made. The thin girl gave Muirenn a disinterested look as she crossed her arms in front of herself lazily, her left-hand drooping with the weight of the book as if it were too much for her manicured fingers to hold.
“How many times do I have to tell you not to get into fights with the boys, Mrs. Giant?” Tamiko asked in a tone of utter boredom “Honestly, can’t you keep your voice low even for a minuet? There’s no need to shout.”
“I’m not a giant!” Muirenn shouted earning sighs from her friends in response.
“You still haven’t learned your lesson yet, Mrs. Acquafreda?” Silva turned to look back at the amused feminine voice. Walking towards them was a girl several inches shorter then Silva with mischievously sparkling emerald eyes, her platinum locks were pulled up into a ponytail with a single braid wrapping around it and another braid dangling from the right side of her freckled face.
“Emma, why are you grinning like the cheesier cat?” Silva asked blandly, she was answered by an explosion from the entrance hall. “Really Emma? Orange? Did you have to pick orange? You know everyone hates that color.” From the hall an orange cloud drifted out, accompanied by several running teenagers cursing up a storm, a few even ran face first into the nearby guard team.
“I know! Isn’t it great?!” Emma laughed loudly, doubling over in her near hysteric laughter. “Vengeance has its perks!”
“Ms. Wonderson, you are aware that they closed the dome do to the possibility of rain today, correct?” Tamiko asked curiously, Emma stopped laughing, her face frozen in her look of utter amusement that slowly became more and more awkward looking.
“Oh heavens! Without air current it’ll spread to everyone else!” Emma shrieked
“And that’s why you’re number two,” Muirenn snickered.
“What?!” Emma asked loudly before lunging at the taller red head.
“Bring it pipsqueak!” Muirenn challenged as she locked hands with the shorter blonde. “Without your toys you’re stupid easy to handle!”
“That’s no way to talk about yourself Mui!” Emma smirked at her.
“Ah shut up, ya damn runt!”
“Say that again you wanna-be Giant!”
“Fine! You’re an easy bug to squash!”
“If you two don’t stop, you’ll turn orange,” Silva said as she walked past them, the two girls couldn’t finish a confused ‘huh’ before they were doused in orange smoke. The two shrieked as they dived out of the smoke, looking teary eyed and horrified at the fine coat of orange dust covering them from head to toe. Towards the front of the crater where the section for staff members was gated off, several teachers stood on their feet shouting and groaning about the prank spilling across the student population. At the further back wall of the teacher’s section sat a large lever with several cords sprouting out from it, surrounding it with lazy postures were several masked guards.
“Damn it Mrs. Wonderson! What’d we tell you about pranking assemblies?!” One of the lower ranked guards bellowed as he charged up the stairs to the back of the teacher section.
“Oh, come on owl! How often do I get caught by own traps?” Emma asked as she put her hands on her orange hips and glared across the crater, knowing the guard could hear her clear as day.
“All the time, pipsqueak!” Muirenn chimed in from behind her. The guards didn’t move as the armed soldier pushed against the lever, allowing the panes of the glass dome to shift and move.
“Shut it ya giant-wanna-be!” Emma snapped at the red head, whatever retort Muirenn might’ve had was cut off as the glass panes were moved far enough to dump buckets of water over the students and a strong stormy wind to disperse the orange gas. Eardrum shattering shrikes filled the auditorium, students of all sizes tried to reach for cover or tried to cover themselves with their jackets. Once the auditorium was free of orange gas, which now sat on the white marble like thick paint, ‘Owl’ pressed the lever back up and all the glass panes were sent back to their rightful places. Silva uncurled herself from within her jacket and set her academy bag at her feet instead of over her head, her seat remained dry and orange-stain free. Rolling her shoulders to unlock the stiff joints from the long-tucked position, Silva glanced back at her friends, smirking in amusement at their drenched figures. Tamiko hadn’t moved much from her place but had made the mistake of covering her head with her briefcase instead of her seat and as such, didn’t have a dry seat to take.
“Serves you both right,” Tamiko mumbled without expression on her thin face as she looked about for the dryes seat closest to Silva. Both Emma and Muirenn were soaked to the bone, the orange dust having turned into neon paint on their now ruined uniforms.
“Shut it ice-queen! It’s in your hair!” Muirenn and Emma bellowed at her. Silva sighed heavily as Tamiko leaped towards the other two girls, a furious snarl slipping past her painted lips while her onyx ponytail ended in a stark contrast of a neon orange.
“They’re all idiots,” Silva sighed with a glance at the fighting teenagers, “I’m doomed.” Shaking her head with a fond smile, Silva flipped her perfectly dried book open to the location she had previously left her finger.
As our academy crest is the mythical nine-tailed fox, all ‘demons’ will have said fox sown onto their vests. Each tail will depict which class year they are. Five tails for fifth year, seven tails for seventh year, nine tails for ninth year, eleven tails for eleventh year and so on. Only the Nyx/Nane—Silva read this as the ‘demons’ of each class year as that was the terms used before each assigned name, just as she was ‘Nanece’ and the tenth-year demon was Nyxdixie—will have their tailed foxes sown in gold, all other students will have the same teal nine-tailed fox on their left breast.
If all students are supposed to have the teal nine-tailed fox on their left breast, why dose Silas have a five tailed-fox? Silva thought, her eyes pinching in convulsion as she re-read the text again and again, even going to the previous paragraph and continuing on to the next page. Still thought, Silva could not find the answer to her question. Heaving a heavy sigh she looked up to stare at the location where most of the preschoolers were sitting, a habit she quickly realized she would need to break to find her actual little sister. Looking down and scanning the lowest seats for anyone with black hair, Silva realized that she couldn’t find her baby sister. Almost all of the students between Silva and the lowest levels were stained in orange, most receiving the annoying orange-gas to the back of their head which stained their hair in the obnoxious color. Just as panic began to seize her heart, Silva heard the tinkle of bells and her eyes swept the rows of young children to catch sight of a young girl taking out a ribbon from her hair. The stained ribbon fell lose, revealing an odd black stripe amongst the thick orange waves. The small girl then turned to another and that other girl quickly pulled and struggled with the wet locks to form a ponytail on the top of the girl’s head. Once it was done, Silva felt herself relaxing into her seat again, she could see that girl’s dark curly roots and that ruined orange ribbon had been retied to reveal unstained crimson silk.
Wait, Silva looked back down at her book, a new frown twisting her features. Sitara only had a single-tailed fox on her dress. She went back through her book but still found nothing about the oddity of it. She knew embroidery took time and patience, so there was no way that such a mistake could’ve been over looked or ignored. Silva’s eyes rose to search out her baby brother but she couldn’t find him any easier then she could find Sitara.
Was someone purposefully singling out her siblings?
“Attention all students, please take your seats. If you cooperate we won’t be here long.” Silva shivered as the low ominous voice of ‘Eagle’ rumbled through the crater air. As all the guards were split into fourteen unites, Silva could firmly say that out of all of them, no one could sound closer to the devil then one Commander Eagle. As usual, when commander Eagle was speaking every student of KMA was quick to obey his orders. Soon regardless of rank, class year, social standing, friend ship or obscurity; every student of the academy was seated a respectful distance between them and facing Eagle with rapt attention. Silva noted absentmindedly that Emma was sitting to her right with Muirenn and Tamiko taking her left, both in order.
“There have been problems with our borders; it goes without saying that this year we’ll be attacked again from our enemy.” Eagle began quickly and without prompt. His words however unnerved Silva, making her eyes sweep once more out over the rotating men and women still armed and walking the parameter of the auditorium. “Therefore, the number one rule for this school year is ‘Black’. If you hear this word from one of us guards or a staff member, you are to leave the premises as quickly as possible. Your new uniforms come with a few added items; one of them is the whistle sitting in the right pocket of your vest. Use that whistle to call help or alarm nearby guards, one or the other will reach you. Hopefully we’ll find you before it’s too late.”
“Yea, cause that’s comforting,” Emma grumbled under her breath. “Now everyone knows why I’m always armed. I can’t trust the damn guards to keep us safe, especially since they can’t even keep the school safe.” It took a deep breath and temporarily closed eyes for Silva to push back the memories from five years ago. Eagle’s deep baritone voice made pushing through the visions of blood and screams that much easier. Silva opened her eyes and focused once more on the masked man standing in the center of the auditorium.
“That said, other added security measures have taken place, there is no longer the ability to travel past the eighth row of any of the orchards. If we—the guard—find you past the eighth row, you’ll be living on our survival terms, understand?” A course of answers filled the air, none sounded cheerful or energetic as it appeared that none of the students cared for the seemingly obvious punishment of disobedience. Eagle fell silent as the student murmured and whispered amongst themselves, giving them time to grasp the situation and understand the meaning of his words.
“Anyone else notice the significance of the ‘black’ codes?” Silva asked the girls around her, wondering if she was the only one who caught onto the dodge-ball explanations.
“Yeah,” Muirenn agreed, her face propped in her hand. It was only her narrowed eyes that gave away the fact that she was thinking deeply on Eagle’s words..
“They’re suicide moves,” Tamiko murmured, answering any silent questions the others had. “Aunty told me about them before but… I guess none of the teachers were fully versed in all of the terms before now.”
“Great so any ‘black ops’ are moves the staff members are gonna use that’ll end with their deaths and maybe ours if we don’t get far enough away.” Emma grumbled, glaring at the staff section with a pout on her freckled face. “Dose that include the elementary teachers and receptionists? Or just the more insane teachers of the middle and high school departments?”
“I think that’s why they gave us a revised rule book,” Silva answered as she lifted the book for her friends to see. “The finer details are most likely in here. We should read them to see what’s changed.” She was defiantly going to go over it three or four times when she got home, that was for sure.
“Seriously?” Muirenn whined at Silva, “More reading? Don’t we do that enough in school?”
“If something happens this year, we can know the protocols of the teachers and work with them instead of against them,” Emma explained, letting Silva freely flip through the rule book again. “That’s why they made extra copies… for those of us who can read between the lines, we can then prevent any extreme actions from taking place…”
“So, when a staff member thinks that the only out is through a ‘black op’ move, we can prevent them from taking that final step and keep the school from losing one of its vital teachers.” Tamiko said, a slow smile creeping across her face as her eyes lit up only to dim as another thought occurred to her. “I should’ve seen that as well,” Tamiko sighed, her shoulder’s slumping while her lips pulled down at the corners of her mouth.
“Hey, that’s what we’re here for,” Muirenn grinned as she bumped shoulders with the thin girl.
“Everyone thinks better when they have someone to bounce ideas off of.” Emma pipped up, leaning forward to grin at the dark-haired beauty.
“And now word from our headmaster!” Eagle’s voice was quick and sharp, silencing the students once more. Silva perked at the voice, she wasn’t alone as the entire student population fell silent and straightened in their seats, thousands of student’s eyes all locked into place of where Eagle stood. Behind him a woman walked forward, out of the staff selection, and tapped his armored shoulder; Eagle stepped aside and exchanged a few words with the woman before shrugging and walking away.
“I thought he said headmaster,” Muirenn murmured, her face pinching in exasperation and annoyance. “Doesn’t that imply that the mastermind of our school is a guy?”
“Shh,” Silva ordered as she narrowed her eyes at the woman. She was tall and thin, dressed in the military robes of a high ranking general, and a smooth white hat held under her arm. She had hair the color of chestnuts and skin like caramel butter, similar to Tamiko’s pale cream. On her lower back the handles of two guns could be seen, her boots were thick enough to be considered steal toed and her black gloves had three silver plates on the back. Whoever she was, the woman was fresh from the front lines and aura spelled out her own hate for her need to speak.
“I am the headmaster’s personal Secretary,” The woman introduced herself quickly and tonelessly, like a computer stating the obvious. “Many call me ‘Thirteen’, you may as well.” Silva hummed in realization and leaned back in her seat, shooting Tamiko an exasperated look while she was it. Tamiko tried to clear her face of emotion though a proud smirk still tugged at her lips; straightening her back and regained the aura of ‘pampered princess’. “All orders from me are to be taken seriously and performed quickly. I will not tolerate disobedience and disrespect will be dealt with by my hand, am I understood?” Silence answered the woman and Silva couldn’t blame them. Every year the headmaster’s personal secretary paid them a short visit, gave this terrifying introduction and then left by the end of the first week. Still though, Silva felt as if something was off, a glance at Tamiko reaffirmed her suspicions. Whatever smug, pleased, secretly-excited, emotions Tamiko was feeling before, vanished with these words. it said something when even Tamiko looked confused with her aunt’s presence in the auditorium crater, especially since the girl was usually excited with the woman’s presence.
“What’s wrong, Tami?” Silva asked softly, discreetly drawing attention to the thin teenager.
“Huh? What is it?” Tamiko asked, shaking her head as she leaned forward slightly to look at Silva.
“You’re usually vibrating with excitement, now you look like a wet cat,” Muirenn replied instead, cutting off Silva before she could begin.
“What’s wrong?” Emma asked as she leaned forward too, looking down the row at Tamiko with concern.
“…Aunty,” Tamiko sighed and returned her attention back to the front of the auditorium, frowning thoughtfully as the woman continued to speak to the masses of students. “She said she was too busy with the borders to spend time here at the academy… I don’t understand why she’s here. If the borders are so bad that she had to spend the past few months keeping them in line and not prepping here for the demon trials… why is she here now?”
“It could mean that the borders got better, and she wasn’t needed anymore,” Muirenn suggested helpfully, trying to lighten the subject with something positive.
“or… whoever was giving the border patrols trouble got through and Thirteen was sent here to make sure we were well protected.” Silva countered, her eyes narrowing at the woman with amber colored eyes. “Something’s wrong… she’s never here before everyone else, she’s always the last to arrive…”
“…if Sy’s right, then we’re all in big trouble,” Muirenn whispered, her hands rose to rub at her arms, a frown twisting her lips as she looked down on the Secretary.
“Then I suggest that Sy’s wrong and your right Mui,” Tamiko murmured, her fists tightening into white balls in her lap as she stared anxiously down on her aunt. “We’d better start praying that Mui’s right…”
“Can we not?” Emma murmured, “the day Mui’s right about something is the day the world is gonna end.”
“No just yours!” Muirenn hissed, irritation flaring in her belly at the blonde.
“Without further ado, I would like to introduce to you the new student!” Emma and Muirenn snapped around in their seats, their eyes wide and their faces paling as they stared down on the Secretary and the young boy standing at her side. “This is Karwyn Azarola,” he mumbled something towards her and the woman stopped to repeat herself. “Car-when As-roll-a. The doctors at the hospital have agreed that he is now fit enough to attend the academy.”
“Geez Tamiko, what the hell is wrong with your aunt?” Muirenn hissed as she leaned forward in her seat, eyes narrowed on the clueless white-haired boy below. “Is she trying to kill the kid?”
“It’s not every day that you meat an Albino,” Tamiko murmured, sinking her teeth into her lip nervously. “Perhaps she’s counting on that to keep him from being brutally beaten?”
“His rare status isn’t going to keep him from a beat down,” Silva replied with a huff. “Great, now I have to baby sit the new kid or let him get massacred in his first week.”
“Look at the upside of things,” Emma grinned at Silva cheerfully, “At least you’re not the new kid anymore.”
“I haven’t been the new kid for five years, pipsqueak.” Silva sighed, electing giggles out of her blonde friend.
“That’s true!” Emma chuckled, she swung her arms up and stretched before jumping to her feet, “Alright! Let’s go!”
“What?” Muirenn asked with a raised eyebrow, “But we’re not dis—”
“You’re all dismissed!” Eagle shouted, his order was clear as everyone jumped to their feet and hurried for the exit, eager to escape the man with the bone chilling voice. Emma chuckled as she hurried to leave the auditorium as well, Tamiko and Muirenn trailing after her as Silva separated herself quickly; rushing towards the elementary section.
“Anee-chan! Anee-chan! Anee-Chan!” Silva’s eyes snapped in the direction of the familiar voice, a smile bloomed across her face as a familiar little girl came racing towards her. Admittedly it was only the black stripe in her mane of neon orange locks that revealed her identity to Silva but as the girl got closer, she wondered briefly how she never noticed her baby sister.
“Look it sissy! Look it!” Sitara shouted, bouncing up and down in front of Silva as she tugged at her orange coated locks, creating black stripes and ugly smears in her sticky-subdued curls. There were smears of orange on her face and her uniform had been painted from the waist down on her back and smeared all across her front in orange splatters. Hand prints were inter mixed with spears, from other’s clothes or hair didn’t matter as the teal dress was coated and ruined. Still, Sitara didn’t appear to care much for how her new uniform now looked, a stark contrast to this morning when she was whining about the mud splatters on her skirt and sleeves. Even the insulted looking fox on Sitara’s chest was died orange, the dust becoming so goopy with the mixture of water that half the fox was erased beneath the thick neon goo.
“I can see you got caught by Emma’s trick again,” Silva chuckled as she kneeled, opening her arms out expectantly. “You’re orange all over!” Sitara giggled as Silva tickled her sides and ran her fingers across the five-year old’s forehead, brushing out the awful colored locks with the sacrifice of her previously clean hands.
“Nope! Not orange!” Sitara giggled helplessly, struggling to gain distance for a moment.
“Oh? What are you then?” Silva asked Sitara curiously, releasing her baby sister to stumble back. Giggling as Sitara waved her arms about to gain balance before giving up and plopping on her rear, her hands out stretched before her and her knees tucked close to her chest with practiced ease. Reassured that Sitara’s gym glasses were at least leaving a mark, Silva dropped her arms to look down at her own uniform. So much for being the only one unstained, her whole front was one giant orange smear. She could even feel the sticky orange-goo clinging to her neck and jaw, smearing across the bottom half of her left cheek where she nuzzled the top of Sitara’s head.
“Not orange!” Sitara grinned and giggled as she struggled in her own way to stand again, looking like a baby walking for the first time while she was at it. Silva couldn’t hide her smile as she watched Sitara stand and clap her hands and pat her skirt to get rid of imaginary dirt, not that anything would’ve shown up in that neon orange paint. “I’m sissy!” Sitara cheered loudly, tugging her curly orange painted locks up into messy ponytails again, giggling helplessly up at her naturally orange haired sister. Silva was fairly sure her heart just melted at the sight, resisting the urge to coo at Sitara, she settled for pulling her baby sister back into her arms.
“You’re adorable!” Silva squealed, her smile wide and hurting her face at this point. Sitara giggled helplessly, returning her sister’s hug with eager abandon.
“No, you’re not,” a familiar annoyed voice called out. Narrowing her eyes, Silva looked up at the source, ready to scold the child insult her sister. She found Silas instead of a stranger, a pout on his face and red-tear-stained golden eyes staring grumbly at Sitara. If Sitara looked adorable, her poor baby brother looked too funny to describe. “If you look like sissy then who do I look like?” Silas continued as he got closer to them, his hands stuffed into his stained pockets. Silva bit her lip to keep herself from laughing at her poor baby brother, Sitara pulled back to look at the older boy as well. Silas looked ridiculous with his scowl and his wavy locks plastered to one side, his hair appeared to receive the worst of the orange-dust as only an ominous line of orange coated his side from his shoulder down to his ankles. The rest of his uniform was a mess of smears and splatters from bumping into other orange-coated students. Their mother was going to have a heart attack at the sight of them when they got home. Silva could hear the cursing already: ‘you can’t go one bloody damn day without getting into a fight, making something explode, and coming home ORANGE?! Seriously? Did you have to stain the floors too?! I’ll never get those foot prints off the floors! Did you touch the door with your bare hands? Don’t answer that I already know! Damn it! Now I have to change door handles AGAIN!’
“A mess?” Sitara answered with a curious tilt to her head. Silva blinked as her sister’s voice soundly over-road the imaginary ranting of their mother’s voice in Silva’s head. Glancing at Sitara before reexamining Silas, Silva could firmly agree that her baby brother really did look like ‘a mess’. Although, she considered Sitara’s description to be a kind of way describing their disgruntled brother.
“Yeah well at least I don’t look like a spoilt fruit!” Silas barked at her, feeling irritated with the perfect description of his current state. When it came to his appearance, Silas had always been able to pull of the ‘perfect student’ look with little to no effort. How he managed to make his uniform always look perfect and pristine even after a fight, Silva never knew and she had the distinctive impression she didn’t want to know.
“Sissy always smells good! She’s not bad!” Sitara shouted at her elder brother, her pixy-face scrunching up into a scowl similar to Silas’s. Silva giggled, realizing that Sitara had missed the insult for her and had thought Silas was referencing to Silva instead; which he wasn’t. If Silva was honest with herself, she’d say that orange was defiantly not her sister’s color. While Sitara looked more natural with black hair, her particular pale skin tone clashed horribly with the neon orange painting her uniform. Seeing Sitara was pulling even further away from her to face her brother head on, Silva realized that if she didn’t do something then the two would end up in another fight. Something she wanted to avoid while on school grounds.
“Whoa, easy you two,” Silva laughed as she wrapped her arms around both of her siblings and pulled them both close to her chest, staining her clothes even further. “For once we all look alike, can’t we live with that and not get in a fight over it?”
“…fine,” Silas huffed, rolling is golden eyes in exasperation, “how long does this powder last anyways?”
“No idea,” Silva grinned, “let’s ask Emma.”
“Yeah! Emma! Emma!” Sitara cheered excitedly, bouncing in the three-way hug and smearing the orange paint on her siblings faces and uniforms even more than before.
“You’re so weird Sitara!” Silas whined, to which his baby sister could only laugh.
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