#like hello???? bestie said ‘I’m gonna fill this life with love if it kills me’ AND THEN I FUCKING DID
hella1975 · 2 years
im simultaneously terrified and excited out of my mind for june
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❉ 139 Dreams (Haechan/Donghyuck Lee) Sports
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📑 Table of Contents
Genre: Fluff, School AU, Friendship ☁
Word Count: 1,949 ☁
Pairing: Reader x Haechan ☁
World: Kpop, NCT Dream ☁
☾ ⋆*・゚:⋆*・゚: *⋆.*:・゚ .: ⋆*・゚: . ☁
When you first entered high school, you told yourself that you would keep a low profile and live out your high school career in peace. For the year, it went as you had planned, but it didn’t last long.
It all began one lunch period. You were sitting outside for the latter half of the period, enjoying the cool spring air and the gorgeous cherry blossom trees that were in mid-bloom. This was the peaceful life you wanted.
“Y/N!” Haechan was running towards you, waving his arms in the air like a madman. The other students were staring at him, some laughing at his behavior. He was the one thing you had overlooked in your plans.
You and Haechan grew up together, neighbors since birth. You were forced to play with one another as children, which led to a tight bond between you. You had been inseparable up until your last year of middle school when you started to grow apart. It was understandable – you were getting older and you both liked different things, but you remained friends and spoke nearly every night. More often, he would be at your house instead of his own.
“You know I love you, right?” He questioned, plopping onto the grass in front of you.
“What do you want?” You sighed, not bothering to open your eyes.
He pouted at you. “Can’t a guy let his bestie know that he loves them?”
“You only tell me that when you want something. So what’s up?”
“We’re going to join the basketball team.”
You thought he was joking, so you didn’t respond, but when you opened your eyes, you realized he was serious. “What’s with the sudden interest? And why do I have to be involved?”
“You remember Renjun, right?”
“No, how could I possibly remember the guy that’s been in the same class as us every year since grade school?” You rolled your eyes, making him scoff at the attitude.
“His cousin graduated last year and asked him to keep the basketball team going, but there are only two members currently and if they don’t get at least six more members, the club will be shut down.”
You scrunched your nose. “No thanks,”
“Good thing it wasn’t a request.” He grinned, pulling himself to his feet as the bell rung.
“Oi, what does that mean? Haechan!” But he didn’t respond, winking as he ran towards the building. With a sense of dread, you pulled yourself to your feet and followed suit.
☾ ⋆*・゚:⋆*・゚: *⋆.*:・゚ .: ⋆*・゚: . ☁
The final bell rang, signaling the end of the school day. You stretched your arms above your head before putting away your books into your bag. As soon as you stood, arms wrapped tight around your body.
“Y/N! Thank you for joining the basketball team!” Renjun smiled at you gratefully; it was obvious that it meant a lot to him.
You glanced over his shoulder to see a smirking Haechan, shaking a slip of paper back and forth in the air. It was the club registration form, filled out with your information. ‘Son of a…’
“We just need one more member and the club won’t be shut down!” Renjun cheered, clapping his hands.
Seeing how happy he was, you couldn’t bring yourself to tell him the truth. You were so going to kill Haechan.
“I wonder if Jeno had any luck.” Haechan murmured. “He said he was gonna try a few underclassmen.”
You plopped back down in your chair. “I know an underclassman that likes basketball. He only plays for fun, though.”
“Who?” Haechan demanded, placing a hand on his hip. He had no idea who you were talking about – since when did you have friends that he didn’t know about?
“His name is Jisung,” you weren’t bothered by the change in attitude. He had always been a bit overprotective and even a little possessive at times. You blamed it on the fact that you were his only friend for most of his childhood. “I met him my first year. He got lost bringing his brother the lunch he forgot. We talk occasionally.”
“Would you be willing to ask him?” Renjun sent you the cutest look you’ve ever seen – His lip jutting out, eyes wide and pleading with his hands laced under his chin.
‘Damn you for being so adorable!’ “Yeah, I guess.” You muttered, standing up and slinging your bag over your shoulder. You didn’t wait around for a response, quickly exiting the room. ‘So much for a peaceful school life…’
☾ ⋆*・゚:⋆*・゚: *⋆.*:・゚ .: ⋆*・゚: . ☁
The next morning, you stopped by Jisung’s classroom. Most of the students had arrived, but the blonde was nowhere in sight.
You approached the first student you saw. “Hey, have you seen Jisung?”
The girl shook her head. “He’s usually late.”
A boy approached you, tilting his head to the side. “What do you want with Jisung?”
You glanced at the clock and groaned. If you didn’t leave now, you were gonna be late for class. Pulling out your notebook, you quickly scribbled down the info on a piece of paper, sloppily folding it and handing it to the blonde. “Can you please give this to him?”
“Sure!” He smiled brightly, accepting the paper.
You turned tail and ran out of the room just as the bell rung. Thankfully, your teacher was also running late, so you were able to slip into the classroom without being scolded.
“Where were you?” Haechan asked, brows furrowed. “And don’t say you slept in late because we walked to school together!”
You rolled your eyes as you fell into your seat. “I was looking for Jisung.”
He folded his arms with a frown but didn’t say anything about it. “Jeno found someone. Same year, class 5. His name is Jaemin.”
“Hmm, really? He’s really popular with the girls. Didn’t know he was into sports.”
“Hey, you better not fall in love with our teammates.”
“Jealous?” You teased, making him scowl and look away. You didn’t miss the blush on his cheeks. “Don’t worry, idiot. I promised I’d marry you when we got older, remember?”
His eyes softened as he looked at you. “You remember that?”
You nodded, twirling your pencil absentmindedly. The promise had been made when you were seven and he was six. Your parents had forced you to attend your cousin’s wedding, and Haechan served as your ‘date’. You’re not sure what caused it, but when your cousin kissed her new husband, Haechan leaned over and pecked your cheek, declaring that he would be your husband one day. You made a pinky promise on it.
Haechan smiled at the memory, his heart fluttering. The relationship between you was quite a strange one. Family, yet more than that. The feelings you both shared were well known to each of you, but neither of you spoke a word on it. They just weren’t needed.
He hummed, lowering his voice. “So, that makes five members. We still need three more before next Friday.”
You caught the teacher’s eye and decided to keep your mouth shut, sending him a look telling him to zip it. He put a hand over his heart dramatically but did as he was told.
☾ ⋆*・゚:⋆*・゚: *⋆.*:・゚ .: ⋆*・゚: . ☁
“Haechan, dear?”
He paused, looking at the teacher curiously. “Yes, ma’am?”
“Would you mind taking these to the office for me?” The teacher patted a small stack of folders on the desk.
“Sure,” He picked up the stack before turning to you. “I’ll meet you in the gym.”
With a nod, you went in separate ways, making your way to the gym. There was only one person inside – You recognized him as the blonde from Jisung’s class. He was dribbling the ball, eyes focused on the hoop. With one quick leap, the ball was sent soaring through the air and into the hoop.
“Hmm, not bad.” You commented, throwing your bag onto the bench.
He whipped around in surprise before smiling brightly. “Hello again!”
“Did Jisung show up?”
“He’s getting changed.” He reached into his bag, producing two slips of paper. “Here, we’re officially joining the basketball club!”
“More new members?” Renjun nearly squealed as he entered, his smile so wide he reminded you of the Cheshire cat. “I’m Renjun, the captain.”
“I’m Chenle!” He pointed to the other blonde that had just exited the locker room. “That’s Jisung!”
Jisung’s cheeks turned red at the sudden attention and he bowed politely. “Thank you for inviting me.”
Jeno entered the gym, followed closely by Jaemin and three girls that never took their eyes off of him.
“Where’s Haechan?” Renjun asked you, tilting his head slightly.
“He had to run an errand for our teacher. He should be here soon.”
“Are we still short?” Jaemin inquired, glancing between the group.
“By one member… if we can’t find someone soon – ”
“Don’t worry!” Haechan threw the doors open and rushed inside, nearly dragging a boy behind him. “I got our last member!”
You recognized the boy instantly. His name was Mark and while you hadn’t ever interacted with him, he lived in the same neighborhood. Not only that, but he was popular with everyone. “Are you sure you have the time? You’ve got a pretty full plate.”
Haechan scowled at you. “Stop trying to get rid of our teammate.”
“I’m not trying to get rid of him, but I know you. I want to make sure he’s doing this because he wants to and not because you guilted him.”
“I’m hurt that you would imply I would do such a thing.”
“Have you already forgotten that you forged my club form?”
“So? We’re in this together!”
You were standing face to face now, glaring each other down. You couldn’t decide if you wanted to kiss him or smack him in the head with the ball.
Mark cleared his throat, “He explained the situation, but he didn’t guilt me. I enjoyed basketball when I was younger, so I’m happy to join!”
“Told you,” Haechan stuck his tongue out at you, pulling away when you tried to grab it.
Renjun giggled, holding the forms to his chest. “Hyung is going to be so happy to know that the basketball club is going to continue.”
You patted his shoulder with a smile. “We better work hard to make the underclassmen interested so it can continue after we graduate.”
“Stop thinking about the future!” Haechan scolded, throwing his arm around your shoulders and pulling you to his side. “We can worry about that later. For now, let’s have fun!”
“Yeah!” Chenle started to dribble the ball again, running away from Haechan tried to grab it. The group divided into two teams and began to play. You were clear and Jaemin passed the ball to you. As soon as it touched your hand, you took off, dribbling it against the court. Haechan rushed in front of you, blocking your way to the hoop. You could attempt to throw it, but you had never been very good with free throws. Your eyes darted around, but every member of your team was being covered.
Just as you were about to take the shot, Chenle’s cheerful voice broke the tense air. “Haechan hyung, are you dating Y/N?”
Haechan stumbled back, his face turning red as his butt hit the ground. “W-What?”
You took your chance, rushing past the stunned boy and dunking the ball.
“That’s cheating!” Jeno cried, despite the cheeky grin on his face.
Chenle let out a loud laugh, high pitched and contagious. It wasn’t long before the rest of the team were laughing along with him. You approached Haechan, holding out your hand.
He was pouting as he slid his hand into yours. Even after you pulled him up, he didn’t release your hand.
☾ ⋆*・゚:⋆*・゚: *⋆.*:・゚ .: ⋆*・゚: . ☁
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yellowninjaleopard · 4 years
Autumn winds chapter eleven: hazel eyes.
The boat came to a stop, autumn woke, rubbing her eyes. [*Guys wake up, were back, cmon, let's go get frisk.] Autumn and the others stepped out of the boat and made their way to the prison, suddenly, something ran into autumn and knocked her down. Autumn looked up and saw frisk, then she saw the king, queen and asriel behind them. "Autumn! Guys!" Said frisk as she hugged autumn, autumn hugged her back, she snuggled into Frisk's shoulder, then let go. The others then joined the hug, laughing and dog piling, the three royals were stunned to see so many human children in the underground, especially since they were supposed to be dead. The group then stood up together, spotting the monsters. Autumn looked wide eyed [*welp, we're jumped.] Frisk then got infront of the group and faced the monsters. "Wait! Their nice, they're my friends, they came to help me" the queen then smiled, and said "hello little ones, would you like to follow us? Don't worry, we will take good care of you" the group looked at each other, before nodding. Soon the group is sitting around the table with queen Toriel, king asgore and Prince asriel, autumn is sitting next to frisk. [*As soon as i heard frisk was missing, i jumped down here after her, i plan to get everyone back home, frisk is gonna come live with me, i was...Real sad to hear about her mom's, they were good people, that's hardly common anymore..] the queen nodded understanding. Frisk then said "autumns my best friend, even if i haven't seen her in three years, she couldn't have picked a better time to come home, I've really missed her..I hope we can get home soon.." asriel then said "don't worry, it might be hard, but we'll find a way. I promise." Autumn relaxed a bit. The conversation went on to who could make the best hot chocolate, autumn laughed [*you guys remind me of my dad and mom arguing over who gets to put me on their shoulder, don't worry, it's not bad, unless they decide to share, then it's nooooopa! Sorry pal! No doc for me today!] Frisk then laughed, she then explained to the dreamurrs that it was a joke about cutting someone down the middle to have her on both their shoulders. They all then laughed. Then noticed frisk freeze, she looked where frisk was looking, spotting chara. [*Hey! Creeper peeper! Wazaap dude?] Chara was shocked to see another human, none the less every other human he had killed. Toriel then looked and said "oh chara, we didn't mean to wake you!" The other kids then looked at chara, he then noticed their eyes were different, without their souls their eyes were grey.
after a bit of talking, Toriel then said "why don't you formally introduce yourselves, I'm sure you all must have gotten on the wrong end." Autumn took Frisk's hand, and smiled. She held out her hand and looked back at the others​, nodding in reassurance, she looked back at chara, held out her hand for a fist bump and smiled best she could. [*What's up dude? name's autumn, but my friends call me Tami sometimes, this is my bestest friend, her name is Francis, but we call her frisk. And that's bandy, irro, nona, Katt, Jodie, wimsum and penny, hope we can be buddies! How 'bout a Buddy-fist dude!] Chara doesn't accept autumn's fist bump, autumn then turns to frisk with a silly face [*guess he ain't a true bro, bro.] "Pfft, shut up dude!" frisk laughs, playfully digs her in the shoulder and gives her a fist bump leading to their secret handshake, and a thumbs up to chara, the others smile, autumn then tugs her new shirt, then looked at chara, still trying to be friendly [*hey look chara "underground, pride of Weinies"] autumn turns to the others [*I'm proud o'my underground Weinies! Hahaha!] Autumn gives frisk a playful noogie making frisk giggle "autumn! My hair dude!" The others laugh, Chara stands still, then holds his knife and whispers
"erase this."
Frisk looks confused, before chara swings his knife aiming to slit her neck. But autumn yanks frisk back behind her and grabs the knife, blood pours from her hands as she gripped the blade, both of her eyes burned a bright hazel, she pushed chara back with her foot and throws the blade away, her hands are cut deeply, she looks at chara who is shocked at this turn of events, the powerful fire in autumn's eyes was far stronger than his, or Frisk's. But not enough to reset, Just to gaze into past resets. [*Don't you dare call yourself human, you think because you have some special power you're god? You think you can avoid karma? Karma always gets you no matter who you believe yourself to be. I wont let you hurt frisk or anyone just because your life turned for the worst. You. Are. Pathetic. You will never regain the title of human, EVER.] Autumn then fell to her knees, her soul ached and burned, as if it were on fire. Asgore rushed and tackled chara. Toriel rushed to autumn as she fell on her side, clutching her chest, blood pouring from her hands, frisk desperately shook autumn, and held her hand, autumn's eyes started to lose the fire. "Autumn, your gonna be ok! Please don't close you're eyes! Please! Please!! I love you..Please bestie...Don't leave me like my mom's did...Please don't leave me again..." Frisk said, tears running down her face, autumn reached her hand up, the same one that bared the purple bracelet and wiped Frisk's tears, frisk gripped autumn's arm, with the same hand that bared her bracelet too. Autumn smiled as tears formed. [*...I love ya too frannie...I'm sorry things got so messed up...I'm sorry i missed those last three years...I..I'm sorry i didn't find you sooner...I...I love you...Please don't cry...Tell mom and dad I'm sorry...Be strong Frannie, stay determined...Please be strong for me...please...Frisky bits... You'll always be my bestest friend...] Autumns eyes closed, frisk felt her hand go limp in her embrace. Her eyes widened. "No...Autumn please No..Not again..Please..." Frisk leaned over autumn's body and sobbed, pleading her to wake up. Nona ran to autumn's body and cried. "Mana, mana wake up! Please don't leave! Mana!!!" The others started to sob as the one who had brought them together was possibly gone. Wimsum flew around and sobbed hard, Bandy fell to his knees and cried too, he crawled over to autumn's body and hugged her arm. Toriel begged asriel to lend autumn his healing magic, asriel then quickly began to heal autumn. Chara looked at the scenario, in shock. Not only at the power, but at the familiar scene, one he had just recreated, he was stunned until asgore yanked him up to the landline. "What shall i do with chara?" Toriel, now baring tears at the sight of frisk mourning her best friend, gained a dark look as she set eyes on the cause. "Get him out of my sight, that's not my chara." Said Toriel, whom continued to rub frisks back as she hugged autumn's body and sobbed hard.
"please....Please wake up, i don't want to be alone...Please autumn...Please wake up...*sniff* buddy...You'll always be my bestest friend too..."
To be continued
[*knowing that you saved your best friends life, fills you with COURAGE.]
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lizzie-boo · 5 years
You’ve Got A Friend In Me
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Request: Hi! I was just wondering if you would make a sibling Harry Potter imagine (post I dunno what y’all call it) where the reader is a younger sibling ( maybe to Harry or whoever idk you choose) and they have always been the outcast of the family, always feeling like they were in their siblings shadows. They are shy, quiet, introverted, and work really hard (but never ask for help). Maybe they can be in Ravenclaw (if their in the timeline maybe besties with Luna?) Please tag me! I love you byee!
Requested by: @the-professional-dumbass​
Warnings: None 
Words: 1,899
A/N: Sorry this took so long. I hope you like it. I feel like I could’ve done so much more with this but it was getting long. Hopefully, this is similar to what you wanted. Thank you for putting up with my disappearance for a while. It’ s nice to be back. 
I had always lived in the shadow of my older brother. I expected it though, why wouldn’t I? He had survived an attack from Voldemort when he was just a baby. Sure it hurt that I got overlooked all the time but Harry was the chosen one. Sure I was basically a miracle baby since my mom had been pregnant with me when she was killed and I by sheer luck and magic had been able to survive. However, not many people knew that. Most thought that my parents, James, and Lily Potter, only had one child. I’m not gonna lie it sucks knowing that there are very few people that know I exist but that also means I don’t have to worry about everyone talking about me. I’ve seen what it does to Harry, the constant pestering, and asking to see his scar. It is a lot for him to handle, so I guess I am kind of glad that I don’t have to deal with that.
Living with Uncle Sirius had its ups and downs too. I loved him because he was one of the few people I had left but he did tend to overlook me too. It was something about how Harry looked so much like our dad that Uncle Sirius would get distracted and lost in the memories of the good old days. Back when he had all of his friends around him and did not have so many burdens. Not that he ever saw Harry or me as a burden but raising two kids is a handful. I know he still loves me just as much as Harry but sometimes I can tell he just prefers to spend time with Harry.
While I was overlooked at home and in public I hoped that it would change when I finally went to Hogwarts. This was my chance to finally be someone. To have my own friends and someone to talk to. The day had finally come I was off to finally start my schooling. I felt the nerves bubbling inside of me as the platform approached. Harry and Uncle Sirius stopped in front of an unmarked pillar between platforms nine and ten.
“Okay, so we just run through here and then our platform will be on the other side,” Harry tells me. I give him a nervous smile before turning my gaze back towards the wall.
Uncle Sirius had our cart with our trunks and Harry’s pet owl stacked on top. He decided to take the lead and run through first. Watching him make it through safety had reassured me but I still felt my nerves running wild. As Harry made a move to enter the platform I grabbed his hand. With a slight squeeze of my hand, he took off towards the wall. We both made it to the other side and a smile broke out on my face. I was finally doing it, I was going to Hogwarts.
However, my smile faded as Harry dropped my hand in favor of going to meet up with his friends. I know that he didn’t mean to leave me behind, that he was just excited to finally see his friends but it stung. My brother had left me to figure out this on my own. Much like the rest of my life, I would be doing this alone.
I waited next to Uncle Sirius until Harry finally came back to say goodbye. I followed his lead and soon enough I was following him onto the Hogwarts Express. He had rejoined his friends and they were chatting away as I trailed behind. Soon enough they ducked into a cabin that was already filled with a few other students. I stood by the doorway for a moment and noticed that there would not be a seat for me so I nodded to Harry and made my way down the hallway.
I stepped into the nearest empty cabin and pulled out a book. I let the words pull me from my sadness of the first day of school. I let the story wash away my anger towards my brother for leaving me to handle myself again. Before I knew it I was whisked away into a new world where I could feel happy and included.
I pulled myself away from the book as someone sat down across from me. She appeared to be around my age and had striking blonde hair and a faraway look in her eyes.
Whispering slightly she introduced herself, “Hello, I’m Luna.”
I introduced myself and before I knew it she was in her own world again. I turned back towards the book set in my lap and indulged in the thrilling pages once more. It wasn’t long into the trip when Luna spoke up once more.
“I’m quite excited for my first year. I do reckon it’ll be much fun.” Her eyes never left the window but I didn’t mind. It was nice to have someone to talk to for once. Most of the time at home I’d sat idly by listening to Harry and Uncle Sirius talk and never giving any real input.
“I’m a first-year too, I hope I’ll be able to make some friends.” I confide in her. As the words leave my mouth she turns to me. Her stormy gray eyes meet mine and she wrinkles her forehead.
“But I believe you’ve already made one. And if I’m not mistaken your last name implies that you are related to Harry Potter so you have him too. Don’t you?” Her voice is light and airy and it makes me feel dumb for thinking I wouldn’t make any friends.
“Thank you, Luna,” I say.
She looks even more confused, “What for?” She asks.
“For being someone to talk to and for being a friend.”
“Well, you can always talk to me as long as the pesky nargles don’t take up all my time.”
“Nargles?” I ask. The word sounds strange and I can’t even begin to imagine what strange magical creature they might be. However, before I can dwell on it too long she’s started telling me all about them.
The train ride ends faster than I expect and as we all head towards the castle Luna stops once more. This time in front of the carriages. She reaches up and places her hand in the empty space in front of it. When I realize that she is no longer walking with me I turn.
“What are you doing?” I ask.
“Can’t you see them? They’re beautiful.” She whispers.
“What are you talking about there’s nothing there.” I watch Harry and his friends pass us and he shoots me a questioning look. I shrug in response before turning back to my friend. My friend what a weird thing to be able to say. It brought a smile to my face to think that I wouldn’t be so lonely anymore. Not that I was ever that lonely, but now I can talk to someone. I can have a deep meaningful conversation with someone and not feel as if I am wasting their time.
“I wish you could see them.” She says before turning and catching up to me.
“Why do you think you can see them and I can’t?” I ask while trying to see if I can make out where my brother is among the crowds of students.
“I believe I’ve read about them before. I think they are called thestrals. From what I remember only those who have witnessed death can see them.” She tugs at her earring a little before turning towards me. She gives me a look and I can tell she knows what I am going to ask.
So I state it simply, “Who?” It almost feels wrong to be asking such a personal question so soon.
“My mother, I don’t remember much since I was young.”
“I guess we are in the same boat then.” I joke trying to lighten the mood. She cracks a small smile and we spend the rest of the trip up to the castle in silence.
After the sorting ceremony, Luna seems to appear out of nowhere. She grabs my arm and spins me around to face her. The smile on her face is the largest I’ve seen from her.
“We’re both in the same house, new friend.” She says the last part in an almost mocking way which makes me laugh. My words from earlier seem so ridiculous now.
“I can’t believe it. I hope my family isn’t upset. My parents, uncle, and brother are all in Gryffindor.”
“Don’t be silly it doesn’t matter. And besides, at least it isn’t Slytherin.” She grabs my arm and leads me towards the Ravenclaw common room.
Before we can make it out of the great hall another hand is grabbing at my arm. This time it is Harry. His friends are no longer following him.
“I’m so proud of you little sis. I know it’s not Gryffindor but at least you’re not in Slytherin.”
“Hey, that’s exactly what Luna said you would say.” I laugh.
“I know you’re gonna do great. You’re so smart and are capable of anything.” His words make me smile wider and my cheeks start to hurt.
“Thanks, it’s so nice to finally hear someone say that.” I know I should be riding out my happiness but I can’t help let one little jab slid in.
The smile falls off his face and he looks at me. He wraps one arm around my shoulder and pulls me into him. I watch Luna walk-off to give us some space.
“I know I was a pretty awful brother but now that you're here I promise I will spend more time with you. It’ll finally be just you and me for once.” I like the sound of it but I know it won’t last long.
“It would be nice to finally spend some time with you,” I say.
“Plus my friend Ron has a little sister who is a first-year too. I think you would like her.” He bumps my shoulder and I give a small shrug.
“Maybe,” I say.
“Just meet her and see if you hit it off. And if you do then we would get to spend even more time together since our friend groups will overlap.” His smile is dorky and I can’t help but laugh at him.
“You’re the only one that I know who thinks about things like that. It was nice talking to you big bro but I gotta go find Luna.” I give him a wave and head off in the direction of the common room.
I find Luna sitting on one of the chairs near the fire starring off in the distance once more. It’s a usual occurrence to find her lost in her own thoughts. Sitting down next to her I let my thoughts wash over me as well. I finally feel happy with life. I’m in a new place with new people. I’ve already made a friend, plus a possible new one, and Harry is talking to me more. Maybe Hogwarts was what I needed all along. It finally gave me a place where I felt like I belonged. It’s the new start I needed and I know this is bound to be a great first year of school.
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neshabeingchildish · 5 years
Hello Stranger.
A few different things went into the creation of this fic. One was a request: “A story 10 years in the future. Henry has not seen or communicated with Charlotte in years. His best friend, Jasper sets him up on a blind date with an old friend.” Another was a chat with the fandom bestie about various ideas we both have the mind for but not necessarily the time for. But, what really made me definitely go for it/make the time for this one was me rewatching Moonlight and remembering the classic goodie that is Hello Stranger by Barbara Lewis. It’s not very long and I don’t have the time to make it longer, so hopefully, it’s enjoyable.
Hello Stranger.
Jasper knocked on Henry’s door and wondered, “Are you cancelling the date?” 
Henry was literally in his boxers with a bowl of Frittles and about to turn on the Dog Judge marathon on the classics channel. “Ohhh… Yeah… I guess, I am!” He reached for his phone to text Jasper’s friend, but Jasper snatched the phone and texted instead, So sorry! Running late. Will definitely be there. “There! She’s expecting you to be a little late. Let’s get you dressed, now!” He took the bowl, much to Henry’s dismay and pulled him up by the wrists.
“Dude, just because you just got engaged doesn’t mean I need to go on a date!”
“No, it doesn’t. But, you’re certainly not gonna cancel a surprise date that I worked my butt off to arrange for you to sit in your underwear eating chips!”
“Some people would kill to have that option…” Henry complained. Jasper was hearing none of it. This was probably the best date that Henry would ever have. He had been sinking more and more into his work and becoming numb in every other area of his life. He barely noticed when Jasper stopped coming home, when Jasper fell in love, and when Jasper got around to being so involved with his partner that he was now engaged and getting ready to plan the rest of his life. He hardly even seemed to care when Jasper told him. He’d simply said, “Okay, well, I can move into the gift shop. That office in the back has room for a little bed.”
No! Jasper didn’t want to see his best friend die, a sad, lonely old man, or worse… Be a soulless manbaby like Ray Manchester. He wanted to see him happy and in love, or at least among a friend or two. It couldn’t be Jasper, right now. He would do what he could, but planning a wedding, contemplating children, and selecting a family dog were all his top priorities for now… If only he could get his worries off of Henry’s lack of a social life. So, he set him up on a blind date with an old friend and wanted it to be a surprise to the both of them.
His plan - to get them there to meet up and then voila! Seeing each other should do the rest. But, he didn’t want too much anticipation, so he just referred to them as “A friend that I think you’d like,” and gave them contact numbers and got them to text what they would be wearing. Now, Henry was so disinterested in this date that he forgot it was even happening; nevermind what she was supposed to be wearing! But, Jasper searched the text and found Henry’s outfit to fit the description… But it was “like a flannel shirt or plaid or something and jeans and boots.” Jasper rolled his eyes. 
But her response had been, “Okay. Sounds casual. Then, I’ll have maybe a floral blouse and khaki shorts. I’ll throw a flower in my hair in case the place is riddled with cutiepies in khaki.”
Jasper wiped his face, “It’s like neither of them even want to do this.”
Charlotte was already at the bar, with a virgin drink in a coconut. If Jasper’s little friend was gonna be all casual and stuff, she decided on a pretty casual place, but one with great ambience that wasn’t too far from her house, in case he was a loser. He was friends with Jasper, so… She chuckled and shook her head. That wasn’t nice. Besides, you dated him! But, that was ages ago. She and Jasper. And, it was honestly unexpected and probably just a move of convenience. They’d just gotten so close being in the background of all of Kid Danger’s things… She smiled to herself. Kid Danger. Henry Hart… Now, what the heck was HE up to?
She wondered if he’d kept in touch with Jasper. He certainly hadn’t kept in touch with her. She hadn’t seen or spoken to Henry in 10 years, despite all of those “friends always” declarations they’d made over the years as friends. It was surprising to her, but she got it. The guy was a superhero. Keeping in touch couldn’t be easy. She wasn’t even a hero and even keeping in touch with Jasper had been difficult for her, especially in the past few years. Engaged??? That was bonkers to her. He was probably still a great guy and all, but that somebody was ready to marry him forever… That was… Incredible. 
“Charlotte Page?” She heard a voice say and she turned and SPEAK of the Devil!
“Henry Hart?” her face brightened and she smiled and said, “Wow! HI! Good to see you!” She reached for a hug. “What are you doing here?” She asked. Then, she winced a little. It’s a bar and grill. He’s probably here for dinner, ya gunch!
Well, he didn’t want to say that he was meeting a date. In fact… Now, he didn’t want to meet his date! In fact… He had to cancel that date and Jasper would just have to be mad at him later. Charlotte obviously noticed his hesitation and filled in the space with her own plans, “I’m uh… I’m meeting someone for dinner, but I think he’s running late, if you wanna try to catch up for a bit?”
“Yeah. I do. I’d love that. I’ve just gotta run to the bathroom and wash my hands, then I’ll be right back to see what the ever-beautiful Charlotte Page is up to these days.” Henry rushed off and she smiled at his retreating back, noticing that he was in plaid and jeans. Wait… She took her phone out to check the text, because that was pretty much what her Jasper date was supposed to be wearing, and that would be quite the coincidence if… Hey. It’s Jasper’s friend. So sorry. Something really important came up and I can’t make it. Hopefully you have a great night though. She looked suspicious. More and more, this was looking like… She saw Henry returning, and tossed her phone into her bag and tried not to drool over him. 
He looked good. Like really good. And… his plaid was gone. Why was his shit gone? He just had on a t-shirt now. “Spilled water on myself, like an idiot and had to ditch my shirt,” he said. 
She laughed at that. “How do you spill water on yourself washing your hands?”
“I actually remembered that I had to wash my face too and also brush my teeth…”
“How and why would you even leave your home without doing that?” She asked, pretty disgusted.
“Enough about me! What’s up with you? You look good. You said that you’re meeting somebody?”
“Yeah. Well, not anymore. My schedule has freed, so - you wanna be my date tonight?” As soon as it came forth from her lips, she regretted it and tried to correct herself, “Not like date, but you know, like a date, an old friend date or whatever… Not… It doesn’t have to be a date, but…”
“I’d love to be your date,” he said, cutting her off and beckoning the bartender over. “What are you drinking? Something girly?”
“Something fruity and alcohol free.”
“No drinking for Ms. Page?”
“Not while I’m on a date. It hinders the decision making portion of the brain.”
“You won’t be obnoxious about it if I order a drink, will you?”
“Absolutely not. I do find it harder to trust people’s words and actions when they’ve hindered the decision making portion of their brain, but a great deal of my business happens because of those types of mistakes.”
“Morbid. What kind of doctor are you?”
She laughed, “What makes you think that I’m a doctor?”
“Well, I remember that you were going to go into engineering or medicine. I just haven’t talked to you enough to know which direction you went in.”
“Well, I was an engineering major, but I changed halfway through college. Never EVER bring that up to my parents, because they are both still pissed at me, to this day! I had gone through a bad breakup and my ex was top of our class and in the same field. I wanted both some distance and a change, so I let her have that world and I dove head first into political science.”
“Her? Your ex was a her?” Henry asked smiling.
“Grow up, Henry. People should connect at soul.”
“No, I agree. I just didn’t know. I knew you and Jasper dated in college. I thought that was pretty funny.”
“I don’t know if I like the word funny to describe that. It was definitely not perfect, but Jasper will always have a special place in my heart. He’s a good friend and he was a good boyfriend. He just wasn’t one for a long journey.”
“One for a long journey?” The bartender came and Henry said, “Yeah, I just need a licorice soda with a lime.” She grimaced at that order. That sounded disgusting. But, he went back to the conversation, “What is one for a long journey?”
Charlotte smiled and said, “Well… I don’t believe in eternity. I don’t believe in soul mates. I don’t believe in ‘the one.’”
“Great date topic.”
“Don’t interrupt. What I do believe is that individuals evolve and develop and the people that we interact with add to and take away from our lives, in order for us to become our best selves. We have to use every connection that we have as a means to grow. People are there so that we can take a journey together that nobody else is equipped to take with us. Sometimes the journey is short. Mine and Jasper’s was because we were friends stepping out into a bright new world and scared shitless. We needed support and wanted romantic connection in the meantime. It was great for what we both needed at the time. He helped me to relax when I was stressed and I helped him to take things seriously. It flowed until neither of us were getting what we wanted or needed and both of us knew that the journey had ended. But, then I met someone who… if I did believe in soul mates, she could have been that… But, a couple of years later, I realized that even though it was a longer journey than Jasper’s, it wasn’t an endless journey. I also realized that my journey needed a detour.”
“All of that is so over my head. Basically what I heard is that you love being in love but it's being committed that you’re unsure of.”
“You heard a different monologue than I gave, I assure you,” she laughed. “I am very committed, as a friend, a lover, or a business associate. My trustworthy reputation is how I keep clients.”
“You never told me what you do! You went into political science… Wait! Are you a lawyer?”
She smiled and said, “I thought about it, but I wound up working as a political analyst after becoming popularized by my commentary on social media and ran out of the time and energy for law school. I did eventually take the bar exam in a state that lets you do that without finishing law school, but I only did that to say that I did it.” She laughed.
“Same overachieving Char. So, you built an online rep and wound up doing well.”
“Yep. I went into crisis management a couple of years ago and recently started my own firm.”
“Crisis management…”
“Like what Olivia Pope does, but not as sensational… or as dangerous. Though, I have definitely gotten death threats…”
Henry suddenly looked alarmed and went into protective mode, “From who? They ever find them?”
She laughed and said, “Calm down, Hero. No need to blow a bubble tonight… Is that still how you do it?” She wondered. He raised an eyebrow and finally got his soda. “You know what? After 10 years, it's totally inappropriate of me to wonder about that part of your life. I’m sorry I asked.”
“No. It’s alright. I mean… I always presumed that you knew I was still working.”
“I am definitely a Captain Danger fangirl,” she said and blushed slightly.
“He’s alright.”
“Not according to my research. He’s expanded outside of Swellview, Bordertown, Neighborville, Rivalton, and I heard that he might be looking to expand even as far as Metroburg.”
“Jasper’s not supposed to be telling people stuff, Man.”
“He’s really bad at secrets when it comes to me, but he did good this time. I had no idea that he was setting this up.”
“Setting what up?”
“...This date. Didn’t Jasper send you here to meet up with a friend of his tonight?”
“Yeah… Wait… That was you???”
“Yeah. You totally ditched me tonight to go on a date with a more charming, hotter woman.”
Henry was bright red in the face. “I am so sorry! Why didn’t he just say that he wanted us to meet up? He knows I hate blind dates.”
“Maybe he didn’t think you’d want to see me. Last time we talked, it was pretty… uncertain how things would go. Then, we never talked again. Whenever we were dating, he would always ask, ‘Have you and Henry still not talked?’ and I’d tell him that you never call.”
“You never called, either.”
“I didn’t think it should be up to me. You were the one who was angry. I gave you space. I guess Jasper decided it was too much space.”
“Jasper decided that he didn’t want to see me move onto a cot in office of the florist and gift shop that I opened a floor above Junk n’ Stuff, because that’s what I intend to do since my roommate is getting married and it’d be a dick move to try to get him to move out of our apartment.”
“Jasper and Donovan are not moving into that apartment. They’ve got a house.”
“Jasper and Donovan have a house?”
“Donovan has a house and they’ll expect Jasper to move in, I’m sure…” She squinted her eyes and reminded him, “You know that Donovan’s pronouns are they, their, them?”
“Right. I do know that. Because, I was definitely told that. And I definitely can’t determine outside of that who Donovan might be.”
“You are borderline being transphobic. Donovan is nonbinary and they look androgynous, but anything beyond that is quite frankly none of our business.”
“I wasn’t being phobic. I just never really got a chance to be around this person much and now Jasper is marrying them? Like… Where did the time go? Where did my friends go?” He blinked a little and Charlotte reached out and held his hand. He looked at their hands, then into her eyes.
“Whoever you need on your journey will definitely be in your path whenever you do need them.” She smiled and squeezed his hand, “It feels good to be back…. You want to order something to eat?” His thumb caressed her skin and he nodded. She grabbed the menu that had been sitting in front of her this entire time and said, “I heard this place had a rockin’ jackfruit menu.”
“Jackfruit? They have a tomahawk steak called the Hunk o’ Cow… It’s like… It’s the best thing I’ve ever eaten.”
“I’m not eating a hunk of cow. Oooh, I see the jackfruit menu. This jackfruit poke bowl sounds good.”
“It absolutely does not!” 
After dinner, Henry walked Charlotte to her car and she was unsure if they should hug it out, kiss, if she should invite him to her place, ask to come to his… “Hey… I had a really great time. If this was a date with anyone else, I might wonder if they would like a nightcap. Me and you… There’s just so much history in the air. But, if you’re fine with us taking a different journey than we initially had before, my place isn’t far.”
Henry wrapped his hands around Charlotte’s waist and pulled her to himself for a hug. He felt her shiver in his touch and as much as he enjoyed that, she was right. There was a lot of history there and in his opinion, not nearly as much catching up as he needed in order to let his guard down with her yet. “That sounds amazing, but maybe another time? I definitely want some kind of journey with you. Just… Maybe a slow one, if that’s okay?” 
She smiled and nodded. “Of course it is.” She gave him a kiss on the cheek and got into her car. “You have my number now. Call me. Don’t wait ten years.” 
“You kidding. You might be stuck on a very long journey with me, now.”
“Don’t threaten me with a good time,” she said and winked. “It was really good to see you, Hen.” She started her car and this song began to play on the satellite station she had on. She heard the words and wondered if that was some kind of sign as she drove home. 
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lexiecarver · 6 years
Fine, I Like You. Now What?
Prompt: Imagine your friend Charlie setting you up on a date with Crowley because she knows you have the hots for him. At first, you and Crowley refuse to admit the attraction to each other but that quickly changes.
Paring: Crowley x Reader, Reader x Charlie (friendship, mentioned)
Word Count: 1,591
Warning: None
This was a hard prompt. I hope I did it justice.
It’s been a year since you meet Charlie. She was on a “hunt” her words, not yours. Apparently, your new beau at the time was just trying to kill you, chop you into pieces and then eat you. Definitely not fifth date material to be sure. Charlie came along just in time to save the day and since that day you’ve been besties.
You looked up to her, a smart intelligent strong woman standing on her own two feet in the scary world of monsters. You wished you could be that badass. Give it time. She even taught you a few things. You can proudly say that you now know to hack. Of course, you wouldn’t want to shout that fact from the rooftops - jail and all.
You even met with the Winchesters. They were a big deal in the hunting community apparently, super handsome but not the kind of life you’d necessarily want to live or put up with as the girlfriend. You actually helped them both several times with research. Go you, right? You also met the King of Hell - major baddie, kind of an ass, hella sarcastic, also kinda cute and charming if you’re into that.
Today was a girl’s night. Charlie came over to hang out, watch movies, eat pizza, geek out etc. Midway through the munchies, she suggested that you go on a blind date. She was sure you’d like the guy. You groaned. I mean who likes blind dates? They never go well! It was always better to find your own guy but where? You needed a new guy, you were starting to feel lonely and even worse, you’d look at couples and wish they’d die. So yeah the whole single thing was getting to you. You agreed to the blind date and stuffed your face with delicious pizza and homemade popcorn which is the perfect way to drown out everything else.
It was show time for your date. You left the house wearing your favorite dress, the one that showed off all your curves and highlighted your best asset, your legs. You wore your “good luck” boots and had a natural makeup moment going on. You were pretty in your own right and didn’t need tons of makeup to sell it. You even put your gorgeous dangling pearl earrings on. You smiled in the mirror before you left. You closed the door arriving there a bit early. Why did you agree to this again? Oh yeah desperate, right. Charlie knew you were worried and sent you texts throughout the night stopping only when you reached the restaurant.
“You’re awesome.”
“He’s gonna love the dress. OMG girl!”
“You look like an awesome confident woman.”
“Go get ‘em, tiger.”
“Just trust me and go with it.”
That was the last one she sent and boy did it worry you. Trust her? Oh god, who were you meeting?
You went up to the hostess and almost whispered. You were way too nervous to speak at a normal volume.
“I’m waiting for someone…uh… on a blind date.” The hostess giggled.
“I knew he was with someone.”
Ok so he’s handsome, you thought. Handsome enough that she noticed and giggled. Hmm…
“Follow me sugar.”
You gulped as she lead you to the table all the way in the back away from the other patrons. Ok, privacy is good, right? She placed the menus on the table and smiled at you both before leaving. Your heart stopped when you saw it was Crowley. Really Charlie? Crowley. What the hell? No pun intended. What was Charlie thinking? I mean yes he was hot, duh. That was a given but the King of Hell. Would you even survive sex with the King of Hell? I mean he’s gotta be into kinky stuff. Runaway brain. Shit. Ok. Just sit down, talk a little, eat something and then get out of there before you do something stupid. I should have worn something ugly.”
Crowley was also having a bit for a hard time. The moment he saw you he fought to keep his expression bland. He thought you were interesting before, even intriguing but in that dress, in that outfit, wow! Now he wanted you.
“Well, this is a surprise, hello Crowley.”
“It really is. Hello, y/n. Charlie was the one that set that up? Remind me again who Charlie is?”
“The fiery red-headed lesbian hunter computer genius?”
“Ah yes, that one?”
“You know another Charlie?“
Crowley smirked.
You both looked at the menus doing the awkward eye dance where you looked at Crowley and then suddenly looked away focusing on your menu whenever you caught him looking back. You held your menu higher so he couldn’t see you at all and almost whispered your order when the waitress comes back. She raised her eyebrows at both of you. Both of you were completely silent making a point not to stare or even look at each other. When the food came, Crowley was the first to break the silence.
“You don’t have to be afraid-.”
“I’m not afraid. I just don’t like you so it’s awkward. Besides we have nothing to talk about. What, you want me to ask about hell?”
“You don’t like me, I’m offended.”
“Oooh, a non-hunter offended the King of Hell I should get a medal.”
“Feeling pretty good about yourself?”
“Yep. Besides you don’t like me either.”
“Why do you say that?”
“Oh please. I’m not a hunter, nor am I Buffy or a computer genius,  I’m just a plain human. How uninteresting so let’s just get through this dinner.”
That comment really got to him. He struggled to keep his anger at bay. He was a chore for her! How dare she!
“Get through dinner. I’m a King, y/n I don’t get through dinner! I don’t need to be with-.”
“Wow, righteous indignation from the King of Hell. Calm down we were talking almost pleasantly. No need to start killing and freaking out. If it helps I withdraw the previous statement.”
“Did you mean it?”
You say nothing and continue eating. Crowley’s face pales and he looks dejected and nervous. He feels insulted and normally he would just kill anyone who would have even dared to suggest that. He knew for a fact that you were lying. Damn it he did have feelings for you. Maybe this was why you said it? Is Y/N trying to manipulate me? To what end? he pondered. He was furious at what you said and wanted payback. He would make you admit your feelings by the end of dinner damn it or he was going to kill someone!
“Hell’s good thanks for asking.”
“I didn’t really but good to know that the torturing of souls is going well. Hate for that to be all out of whack.”
“And you’re the champion of goodness.”
“Well, at least I don’t kill and torture people. “
“What do you do?”
“Don’t feign interest. It doesn’t matter. I hate when people ask about jobs as if defines the person. Who cares what I do.”
“If you hate it so much why not quit.”
“Have you ever tried looking for a job? Filling out resumes? I’d rather cut my eyes out and burn myself alive.”
“That pleasant.”
“Seriously try it sometimes. The King of Hell applying for a job. Hilarious.”
They continued eating in silence for a bit.
“How did you meet Charlie?”
“My last boyfriend tried to eat me in a nutshell. I just have bad luck with men, I’m always attracted to the wrong ones.”
Crowley raised his eyebrow
“Pompous much. You think I meant you?”
“You know dear, you are quite good at sarcasm.”
“Thank you. My first compliment of the night. Yes, I pride myself on my sarcasm.”
“You look amazing in that dress.”
“And so the night shifts. I wasn’t fishing for compliments but thanks.”
“You always like this on dates?”
“What? You mean on the defensive from a guy that can kill you with one snap of his fingers? Why no, usually the men I date are human. So this is all for you.”
“Why would I want to kill you?”
“You’re evil? It’s fun? I make you angry one day? Didn’t I already actually? This you and I, what you’re trying to start may be a death sentence for me. You have tons of enemies and I hear not all your demons are loyal. This starts and I have a bullseye on my back.”
“I would never harm you y/n. I do have a temper, but I’ve never killed a woman over it. Well, one that betrayed me.”
“Not inspiring confidence.”
“As for everyone else. I will personally see to it you are not harmed. I can ask my most loyal demons to watch you.”
“Like a demonic bodyguard?”
“He better be looking and not touching.”
“He wouldn’t dare touch you.”
That smoldering look in his eyes. Shit that was sexy. Mmmmm. Damn you resolve. Why did he have to be so fucking handsome? Yeah ok, so maybe you liked him so what?
“Someone really likes me. Good luck boots save the day.”
Crowley smiles.
“They are great boots.”
“What makes you think I even like you?”
“Oh come now, dear. I know how you feel. I read your mind when you came in.”
“What? Complete invasion-.”
Crowley reached across the table and kissed you passionately.
“Worth it?” he asked
“Read my mind and see.”
You smiled and winked at him
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