#like hehehehehe I’m the manifestation of dreams favorite
knightoflove · 5 months
Rn I’m imagining Thales getting into some kind of trouble and someone threatening him and he’s like “Trust that you don’t wanna know what’ll happen if u kill me.”
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changbinschilicrab · 3 years
Good afternoon honey love!!
I would like to ask you questions 4,5,6, & 7 from the questions you reblogged earlier!!!
Now for my answers:
I would tell my future self that I hope she has everything she’s dreamed of. Healthy love, beautiful children, having a job that brings her joy. And I would tell her that I hope she’s proud of what I’m doing as the younger version of her. I would also tell her that she better have got a fat butt by now bc I’m STRUGGLING over here 😂😂
I am not a HUGE fan of soup to be honest. But a good beef or chicken Pho is TOP TIER. I love pho. I could have it everyday.
I love to travel but I’m scared of planes. Only ever been on one plane to Vegas a few years ago and that’s like a 30 min flight for me 😂 I would go to the UK, AUS, maybe France, and I’d go to all the national parks. I have to say Michigan and Minnesota too. I will definitely go one day.
I hope you have a good Thursday! Tomorrow is my favorite day of the week & it’s my day off so I’ll be working on your gifts hehehehehe 😈
Love you mucho!
-SS33 ✨
I love your answers! Manifesting a big ol Phattie for future you 😂
I LOVE pho too!!, but I actually love airplanes 😂. going to all the national parks is a dream.
4. Literally any flower, I've never been given flowers before so just the concept of it and the actual act would make me so happy. It could be a bouquet of weeds and I'd be happy.
5. Idk if this is an acceptable answer but my dog 😂💀. I feel so loving and caring, happy and calm when I'm around him. And I KNOW FOR A FACT his ass judges me hard but i tell him about my day and sing to him and literally use him as a personal diary 😭😂. I just feel at home when im around my bubba boy.
6. Physical - my eyes are pretty! Like a lighting brown. I love my long curly hair, and my height makes me feel like a powerful bad bitch. Non physical - I like that I'm able to be empathetic towards people, I have a big heart and I find reasons to have love for people, and I love how my mind can be creative!
7. Greens, all types of greens and blues. Which is weird because blue isn't even a favorite color of mine. 
I'm so happy tomorrow is your favorite day!! and gifts?!? BESTIE PLEASE KNOW THAT EVEN THOUGH YOU ARENT MY SECERT PERSON IM GETRING YOU GIFTS TOO!! (Which might be given to you when you come to Vegas because shipping is expensive 😂💀)
Love you bunches times 10 🤍
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