#like he's not full of himself he doesn't mention food that much he's hardworking he's usually calm etc
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1. And it’s great! I’m drinkin’ it up.
2. Agreed, Cookie does work a lot, he’s the only host to have more than two different game franchises (YDKJ, Fibbage, Fakin’ It). Obviously it falls back with the “wow he works a lot. but also he half-asses a lot in YDKJ”. As well as- well, Buzz is dilligent to the point of being headstrong and Guy is described by external sources as “The hardest working G/guy in trivia” when they could have used any other adjective to describe Guy for the pun. He loses out on Diligence just for not being as dedicated as as the others. Cookie (and the other hosts but to a lesser extent) is exceptionally hedonistic, he makes that fact very obvious in a variety of lines. I guess it’s done in such an endearing way it doesn’t appear as annoying.
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[Trash Talkin’ With Milan segment]
(in response to a wrong answer)
Bob: No, and you can call it being a virgin, I call it “Waiting for marriage”. You know, that holy stuff or whatever
Milan: Bob, we’ve been married for almost two decades.
Bob: Have we?
Milan: Canonically no, but emotionally yes. I still have that mood ring you gave me a while back. It’s... somewhere.
Bob, quietly: Can we talk about this after the game?
Milan, normal register: You brought it up, not me.
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