#like he doesn't know shit about shit so he's trustworthy by default
kennyomegasweave · 2 years
It's time for episode 5. I know there's an outing and a shooting this episode. Let's go.
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Like why would no one tell Palm Nueng was allergic to alcohol? That kinda seems like a big thing because being like YOU SHOULD HAVE STOPPED HIM FROM DRINKING makes no sense cause he's an 18 year old kid. He's gonna want to drink, Palm wouldn't think that was weird at all.
Okay Palm's dad is an ass but I also feel bad for him? But what does he mean by Nueng's dad saved Palm's life? Does he just mean by employing him so he had money to send to Palm? I need answers bitch!
Not Nueng doing like riding lessons or whatever. Dressage or some shit. The wealthy just jumped out of him.
"You should look at me when you talk to me." If looks could kill you'd be dead Nueng. Palm doesn't want to see you right now. You acted an entire ass and he got his ass beat and he's mad at you and you also have a boyfriend.
Oh here's Ben. NOT PALM HAVING TO SIT THERE WHEN BEN AND NUENG ARE ON A RICH PEOPLE DRESSAGE DATE. And I would like to take back 52% of my Ben hate cause he's being nicer to Palm right now than Nueng is.
WHAT DO YOU MEAN HE WROTE A FOOL ON PALM'S CAST. NUENGDIAO. This is not how we handle our feelings!
Nueng saying "this isn't a date, calm down." My guy you said he was your boyfriend last episode. What are you doing. Also I can't take him seriously in this outfit. He's just carrying that little helmet and wearing those riding boots and a polo. He looks ridiculous. Ben really does like him to still think Nueng is cool.
NOT PALM HAVING TO ACTUALLY FOLLOW THEM ON THIS DATE. The audacity of Nueng. I get it's Palm's job but the audacity of Nueng.
NUENG HAS A RIDING CROP. Palm. Please. Want more for yourself. Maybe you should just go for Maggie. She's cute and not doing like fucking dressage and getting you beat in a alcohol fueled jealous I CAN YOU LOVE rage.
Maggie is spitting straight facts and, while I still wish she'd realize Palm isn't into her like that, someone needs to say this to Palm. Her absolute "this bitch" when she saw Nueng wrote fool on Palm's cast. I know that's right.
Okay. I'm gonna be less mad at Nueng because he bought Palm shoes as an I'm sorry but also baby you can't buy your way out of this. Palm doesn't want to be your sugar baby. Which is like valid but also Palm baby.
YES THROW HIS WORDS BACK TO HIM. But also my heart is hurting for them both now. Nueng's like obvious jealously at any mention of Maggie is just like. How is Palm not realizing this?
This bullying is like so much. Like banners from the ceiling, flyers raining down. Good lord.
Oh my god. This is gonna be bad I know. Ben's poor little face. Also like damn they don't play. "How could this happen?" They're just teen's kissing. Good lord.
Oh my gosh Ben. Ben. Baby. Ben's father is The Worst. "My son is the class president he'd never kiss a man." What does being the class president have to do with this? Ben looks like he's about to puke. I get why he lied, I'm not mad. My heart is breaking for both him and Nueng.
Also I know it's cultural and I know homophobia is everywhere, but as I've said before about Palm's dad and I'll say again to Ben's, most people would be happy to know their child is being taken in by a kind rich man. lol
Hi Chopper. You look sketch. I don't know if it's cause you were the one to out them or if it's cause you went to hold Ben's hand. I want to believe it's the second but like. I trust no bitch but Palm. Not even my own wife Chopper.
Oh baby. Nueng. This breakdown is just. Oh baby boy. Just hug Palm. He genuinely likes you, I promise.
They really just stayed up there all day. Did they at least call Nueng's mom?
Not Palm's broken arm being healed by the power of gay love.
Palm telling Nueng a genuine apology means more than an expensive gift. You should get both baby. He's gonna keep fighting his sugar baby status and he doesn't have to.
I feel bad for Nueng cause he thinks Ben just used him, but Ben genuinely likes him, I think. Palm saying Nueng loves Ben and Nueng being like I MOST CERTAINLY DID NOT LOVE HIM. I laughed.
Palm is out here like "what if I give you a better first kiss? Completely altruistic, it's for your own benefit." My guy. They really are both just playing themselves. lol
This kiss is like a million times better than Ben's and I'm screaming. They won't even touch each other with their hands and it's so much better. Please. Get married. Adopt two cats and a dog. And now they just have to sit there like that wasn't a Grade A kiss and didn't really mean much.
Palm telling cheesy jokes to make Nueng laugh.
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Palm's dad sitting in that chair about to make an awkward turtle.
Aww, Nueng's mom really just loves him so much. And of course she knows what happened at school Nueng. It's why she's having this conversation about vegetables. Because she loves you. No matter what you eat.
"Are you dating? You can't date. You must focus on Nueng." See Mr. Palm's Dad, he will solve that problem by dating Nueng himself. But I don't think his dad is gonna vibe with that. Oops.
I can't even care about their hands because like Bad Bitch Tanya better be okay. Also like damn they're just kids. Like Nueng is only 18. Palm is around there I'm guessing? This is Rough.
Okay. That preview better mean Nueng's mom is alive. He clearly won't get to see her but I can't imagine he'd be on a beachfront vacation with Palm's flop mom holding hands and shit if his mom was dead. I WILL CLING TO THIS.
I will also choose to believe Chopper looked so sketch when Ben said he's gonna fuck up the person that outed him not because it was him, but because he went to hold his hand and that's a Big Moment.
I also would like to say I take back all the mean things I said about Ben and I feel so bad for him. He's the bad guy in Nueng's story right now, but he had no choice. His dad is out here like MY SON IS THE CLASS PRESIDENT AND A STRAIGHT HE'S NOT DISGUSTING. Meanwhile Nueng has his mom completely accepting him. And now that Nueng knows this I'm hoping he won't be as upset with Ben. But Nueng's also not like the best with feelings and reflections, lol.
This show. Amazing.
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