#like half these characters aren't even morally ambiguous and a lot of the ones who are aren't sopping wet???
ziracona · 2 years
why are half the meowmeows on the poll just blorbos
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dairy-farmer · 4 months
It's almost midnight and I'm not entirely sure how to phrase this, but this idea will not leave me alone.
Bruce, Dick, and Jason are good people; obviously, they wouldn't be heroes/vigilantes if they weren't. And part of being a good person is being revolted by sex crimes, especially against children. The Bats always hurt the sex criminals a little more than any other bad guys... And yet they're all fucking the underage new Robin, Tim.
Jason has forbidden children from working the corner, and kills a pimp who tries to turn out a kid anyway - then goes back to the manor and bends little Timmy in half. Dick saves a young woman from a date rapist, breaking the guy's arms in three different places - then goes back to his apartment where Tim is visiting and they 69 for almost an hour. Bruce helps the Justice League take down a worldwide sex trafficking ring - and returns home wake up Tim with a surprise fucking.
Eventually someone in the hero community finds out (it's honestly shocking how little effort the bats seem to be putting into hiding this horrific thing they're doing), and because it seems so out of character they bring in Martian Manhunter/Constantine/Wonder Women's lasso to check if they're being a mind controlled or lying about being good people or something. But? There's no sign of mind control or magic spells. And when Wonder Woman questions them they don't try to lie, even in the standard bat 'lies of omission or talking around in circles so it seems like they answered but they actually didn't' way. Of course they're fucking Tim. Yes, it's been a few years and no Tim isn't even 15 yet. Things get very odd though when Diana offhandedly asks how they could possibly do such terrible things, because all three say that there is nothing bad or terrible about what they're doing ... and the lasso doesn't blow or burn them. They are telling the truth, or more specifically, they believe what they are saying is the truth.
After a lot of back and forth it's established that Bruce, Dick, and Jason only feel this way about Tim: when the situations and circumstances around Tim are presented in an ambiguous way, the three are rightfully angry and horrified. But as soon as those actions are applied to Tim, they immediately change tune. It's completely baffling and makes absolutely no sense!
Until they go to question Tim and Constantine, having never met Tim before, exclaims that 'he's a fucking succubus!'. Turns out that Tim was not aware of this, and neither were the bats, yet Tim had managed to somehow subconsciously edit in a type of 'Tim Exclusion Clause' to the Bat's sexual morality about minors and children. The reason Constantine hadn't caught it before when he scanned for magic is that it's not a compulsion or an enchantment or anything like that, but more along the lines of a 'glamor' - Tim isn't making them want to have sex with him, he's just kind of editing out of the morality and rational thought that would point out why they shouldn't be attracted to him or want to.
Honestly not sure where to go with this from here. The Justice League probably ends up not doing anything because like, Tim is totally into it and also needs to have sex to remain healthy, and his morality edit glamor has no effect on the bats actions towards any other people or children. I don't know why, I just really liked the idea of "The bats find 'xyz' actions absolutely horrific... Unless it's them and Tim, in which case it's totally different and cool".
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yessssssssss!!!!!!!!!this is so good!!!!!! tim being a succubus and no one knowing and him ending up using his powers unconsciously to make it so that tim fits in his own category, outside of 'grown up' and 'child', existing outside the barriers that would normally prevent the bats from fucking him.
the way that none of them see anything wrong with the fact that they're fucking and sharing tim, they don't make any effort to hide it and in fact the justice league aren't the first people to find out. there have been visitors to the manor who have seen or heard things and have just never bothered to say anything because bruce is...bruce and the amount of money he has would ensure their silence if they ever tried to say anything so they don't even bother trying and just resolve that it's typical rich people depravity.
tim being a succubus and it affecting his sweet admiration for batman and nightwing and robin. he's a young succubus, a baby succubus and so he can't fully control his power- the ones that allow him to cross paths with them one night while he's spying on them with the telescope he got for his birthday on the roof of his parent's penthouse.
tim had always been a little different from his peers, from the other children. he'd always been more...advanced. more mature with an indepth knowledge about people and what felt good, what made them lose sanity and control. tim couldn't help it, couldn't resist his own body and the way it just hummed with a hunger and need.
but all that had happened was counselors and teenagers bringing his parents in, accusing them of things and their son of being a seducer and that this was a school for decent people. and so tim was made to home school.
until robin stumbled across him. until he was charmed by tim's earnest demeanor and need to please. for nightwing and batman it's the same.
they stop by to visit tim, increasing the length, they don't reject tim's invitation in, eager to show them his photos taken from his telescope and his room.
tim's room in that quiet little penthouse is where they fuck him for the first time and fill tim's belly in more than one way.
they bring tim home eventually, to the manor to play more and also because they liked him, they liked having him around and seeing him giggle and laugh when they weren't crouched over him fucking their cocks into his little hole.
sex with tim is different, it's better, deeper. it's like they can feel at peace with the world when they're with tim and not fall so deeply into the darkness of nihilism and crumbling faith in the world after doing their jobs for so long and seeing the worst humanity had to offer. tim grants them reprieve from that and so of course they grow attached to him.
for the most part sex with tim doesn't feel like sex, it doesn't carry the heaviness it usually does. where before dick and bruce would balk at sharing a partner, with tim they did it without blinking. they'd even keep talking about a case through it while tim whined between them.
dick and jason would discuss entire sex abuse cases while taking turns fucking into tim's little hole, neither of them seeing anything off about spending time with their timmy.
even after they find out tim is a succubus nothing in their brains switches. they still never see anything off about what they do only that their friends go green with sickness when they talk about fucking tim. it's not like they dislike tim either, if anything they seem very...concerned for tim?
either way nothing ultimatly changes but it does take the league awhile to...adjust. they're not sure how to tackle it.
constantine had told them that depriving a succubus was akin to torture and removing the succubus from their...feeding ground was tangential to genuine abuse especially since tim was essentially harmless and wasn't actively praying on people instead opting for willing donations.
but...they can't just ignore how it looks. if new members join the league, if other people find out about it...it just LOOKS bad. it makes them feel weird to act like they approve of it.
but constantine just huffs at them, says their sensibilities are surprisingly delicate and that they need to learn that the world and wider universe won't always necessarily obey their version of morality.
they just need to make peace with the fact that succubi can fuck anyone and thing, that they mature at different rates than humans and while this one might look like a human at a sexually underdeveloped state it was in fact very much a succubi that has begun to feed and establish territory.
and that unless they could prove a compulsion, which constantine had already said there wasn't, there was nothing more they could do.
but constantine sees how unsure and shaken they are and moves to give them some modicum of comfort, telling them that this is no different to finding out their colleague fucks dogs, only difference was that this dog could talk and assure them it was okay.
oddly enough that still doesn't make any of them feel better but constantine had tried and so takes his leave knowing all was right with the world since he got that phone call asking for help because batman was fucking kids.
in the end the league does have to let things be. no one was getting hurt and their colleagues weren't being made to do something.
they do write up a brief to forewarn memebers who might cross paths with the bats. they don't go into much detail but do their best to make sure they're aware of the situation.
that doesn't end up helping much when a pair of dimension travelers stumble across the unfortunate sight of batman with his adopted succubus some years later but they intervene when things get ugly.
of course it doesn't get any easier explaining it to others but they try.
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onebizarrekai · 1 year
Hello, you used to do these things for ds characters a long time ago, like:
full name:
And other-
Could you do this for Error or Cross(or both) please? I need it for my friend and his project-
sorry it's been like 100 years since I got this but anyway I feel like those characters have become so inconsistent it's tricky to narrow them down. if you ask modern me their names are ellie [last name missing] and victoria crow respectively, both are she/her, and none of the characters have articulated sexualities anymore besides Not Straight for imaginative ease. or if you're asked me from 4 years ago they're just error and cross and they probably are still trapped in the undertale dark ages of men who wish they were fashion disaster enough to fit in jojo's bizarre adventure.
do you mean like you want the WHOLE thing? like the whole whole thing? I just searched back and found the text base. dreamswap has plot holes and changed so much around its later era in it that it's difficult to articulate the details, but I can TRY.
ds ellie (to differentiate from the fatal flaws universe) was raised in an ambiguous institution (in other words, an orphanage) and has no mentioned relationship to her parents nor where she lives, barring the implication that she lives in an underground city. ds vick was born… somewhere in the spectrum of the multiverse, in a chunk of real estate owned by the ds version of big bad xgaster and it wasn't established who her familial relations were in this version. half the characters in ds are also conveniently unemployed and this includes the entire meme squad. ellie and vick's phobias have yet to be articulated because it was never that important to the plot. in other, less jokey words, I would say phobias are much more severe and neurological than bad memories or unpleasant situations. I don't really wanna say that ellie has a phobia of human connection or that vick is has a phobia of defeat or something. they have bad things that remind them of bad things and may even be debilitating, but I haven't had a chance to articulate them in writing or even figure out entirely how to do that or how they might relate to any given story. I never decided whether they had any irrational fears either. same thing for the next inquiry; what their guilty pleasures might be. all I can come up with is that vick likes fighting, and it's not always the wholesome kind.
morality alignment. uhhhh. it's complicated. people are complicated. the whole next list of character traits that split everyone into one half of the chart or the other feel like they're not accounting for any hypothetical specifics. like, I could say ellie is agreeable, but she's capable of doing things that make her disagreeable to many others. vick could be disagreeable to the people she picks fights with but she's capable of being agreeable to others. either one of them could be more optimistic depending on the circumstances. vick's carefree attitude could be read as optimism or nihilism. some of them are more cut and dry (for example, I'm sure both of them are anxious messes, which is common for their age), but I feel like saying it doesn't really say as much as just reading the material that exists of the characters… and said material is already only semi-reliable at best.
basically, I have this image in my head of the complex potential of each ds character, but none of them have really grown into it. you get what I mean? there's a lot of character details that aren't very clear simply because the characters were created, but not wholly written. not wholly developed. I'm not saying I have contempt for them or something, or wish I had done more. they just have something they COULD be one day. more complete versions of themselves. versions of them that I started out imagining back in 2018, but the directions I was going in with what I was making resulted in those versions of them not being fully realized. a character can only go so far with bouts of lore and minimal continuity.
I dunno if any of that even matters. it's probably more useful for me to just give yes or no answers, but I just kinda felt like talking about ds and its characters and how they've aged. maybe they'll end up in some medium one day that focuses more on who they could be rather than just their backstories and they'll be more fleshed out then.
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gayleviticus · 9 months
absolutely love your doctor who takes in the "worst episode" poll! i'm curious if you want to expand on your thoughts on journey's end? cos yeah... it's off to me though i'm not sure i can articulate it! and i agree about vincent and the doctor, i like the episode (even the invisible monster hehe) but i'm not sure the last scene is even enough for me to agree with its "one of the fandom's faves" status
haha I'm glad you appreciated them, sure I can elaborate. I actually think stolen earth is fine - it's good at building suspense and introducing all the characters gradually teaming up in the absence of the Doctor. but I think journeys end is far too overstuffed and brings back all your favourite characters only to do nothing with half of them.
and it especially sucks for donna, because it means she gets locked out of her own season finale. love them or hate them but at least doomsday and especially last of the time lords were *about* Rose and martha; but donna really ends up more of a plot device to cruelly dispose of last minute for some emotional kicks.
in general it feels like a lot of decisions in journeys end are driven by wanting very specific gimmicky things that aren't necessarily good for the story. how can we end stolen earth with a fakeout shock regeneration without actually getting rid of david tennant? metacrisis! how can we give rose a happy ending while reminding the doctor it's something he can never have? palm of TenTwo onto her! how can we save the day w a deus ex machina and get rid of donna in a tragic way while we also have a dozen other characters to deal with? make her become doctordonna and then mindwipe her.
it feels a lot like an entire episode that's just clickbait, which the rtd era does elsewhere (like the Doctors daughter) but is especially bad here
also, the episode could have smth interesting going with davros accusation the doctor turns people into weapons, but I don't think it unpacks it anywhere near enough to not just feel like a cheap grab for moral ambiguity
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scribeoffate · 2 years
10 characters game
I've seen this tag game going around where you list your favorite 10 characters in 10 different fandoms. Not being tagged has literally never stopped me. So I play! Uhm, there is a very unmistakable theme. 😅
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Captain Kathryn Janeway: Star Trek: Voyager To say she had a huge impact on bb! Jenn is an understatement. I remember being so excited for the first female Captain. And she's stern but fair. Compassionate but still able to make the tough calls. Is it a little weird that I look to her as a role model for leadership? Eh, we all know I'm a weird person.
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2. Lina Inverse: The Slayers One of my all-time favorites! Lina is a violent, no-nonsense-taking sorceress with a love of fireballs. She's also so powerful and cares so much about her people. She's mostly good with a love of mischief and I adore her.
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3. Dana Scully: The X-Files Bb! Jenn had the biggest crush on her. (Not that I understood that.) There is something about a confident, tough-as-nails woman. And I loved her commitment to science and logical explanations. My favorite episodes were always the ones that left you wondering if it was supernatural or just interpreted that way.
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4. Ms. Parker: The Pretender Confident. Morally ambiguous. Uses anger to disguise deep, deep hurt. (Did I have a huge crush on her too? Listen. Maybe.) Her relationships were so complex, and she was so fun.
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5. Bela Talbot: Supernatural Morally ambiguous conwoman? Yes, please. Please. I adored her so much. (Have you guessed the theme here yet?)
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6. Madeleine: La Femme Nikkita Co-head of Section One. Another morally ambiguous woman. Another powerful woman. Confident. Very tragic past. (Oh man, this bit will mean nothing but I just realized she killed her sister, much like a character from another show I love, and I'm having parallel thoughts. Ahem.)
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7. Nikita: Nikita Tough as nails spy who's hellbent on taking down the organization that wrongly enslaved her and forced her to kill her love? Uhm, yes, yes yes. This time I was old enough to know how hard I was crushing. But can you even blame me?
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8. Rachel: The Animorphs Another complex, morally ambiguous young woman. It has always been very difficult for me to choose a favorite in this series. Her best friend Cassie and her cousin Jake are also my favorites. Her arc is so devastating and tragic that it sort of sneaks into first place for today.
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9. Oliva Armstrong: Fullmetal Alchemist
This one was hard because also I love Riza Hawkeye to pieces. But Oliva is the hardened General and I just. I have to. I adore her too.
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10. Lydia Martin: Teen Wolf Another difficult decision with a lot of characters falling in a close second. I really adore the play on the mean girl trope. And her arcs in s2 and s3a just especially get to me. She's again tough and confident. And I love her.
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Bonus: Xena: Xena Warrior Princess
I never really was in the fandom, but bb me had a crush. (Could this read anymore like a 90s bb should have figured out she was queer so much sooner than she did list??) I've recently been half-considering a rewatch. I mostly got to watch this on Saturday nights when I stayed up too late and the night was clear enough to get the station in with our giant rotator antennae.
I'm a tag some people now with no pressure. Also if you aren't tagged and wanna do it, go for it. I won't judge.
@momentofmemory, @lexluthorswigcap, @domesticated-feral, @nacreousgore, @azraeldoesnotdispute, @possibleplatypus, @turtlycute
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