#like for fuck's sake jensen was chewing gum while playing dean lmao i feel like that speaks volumes to the amount of care and respect there
deansmultitudes · 3 years
thanks for being against this and being mad at Jensen. the delusion at the idea that it's not going to romanticize and whitewash his abusive parents and their terrible actions is enraging. dean girls - DEAN GIRLS - are really okay with this when it stomps even more on his life and will force him to be an apologist and will give dean cr/tical fandom even more reason to hate him? absolutely not. who the hell CARES when we know how this story ends and it's with their sons dead/suffering for NOTHING
Know what, Nonny, I drafted this response before going to be at 7am as not to post something I’d regret, woke up quickly with a thought, why be mad at a real person for a fictional story. And then it hit me again that jensen will make dean whitewash his abuser and tell his love story. And I’m fucking mad again, so here we go, under the cut because it got long:
Let me preface this by saying that this isn't meant as hate on jensen. I'm angry at him for this specific thing, I'm disappinted that he's doing dean this fucking dirty and i'm fucking tired.
I also don't want this to be an attack on dean girls, we've all been through too much and we're all trying to deal with the crap we've been handed, in our own ways
But if any dean girls want to explain to me how exactly is this supposed to be good or at least not insulting, I'd love to discuss
Frankly, it feels like, at least among the dean/jensen girls, jp*d accidentaly did jensen a favor, because when you're protective of him there's just this snap in your head and you're all ready to defend him against jp*d fans lmao. Trust me, I felt it too
For real though, the things moved pretty quickly from the anger to lolz at the twitter drama and now that that's over we're gonna be left to stew in it so we'll see how that's gonna go. (actually I really hate that the drama derailed the anger)
But yeah, agreed, I don't see how there's anything to defend here. firstly J*hn and M*ry simply shouldn't get to have their story told especially since we already know the story! what the fuck is there left to say that isn't seven retcons wrapped in a burrito or whatever else crap that'll be showing how awesome they were? Some new freaking mythology shoehorned just for the sake of keeping milking it, that doesn't make any sense in the universe? Oh well, guess that's spn's middle name.
But no matter what they do, here's the thing:
Abusers don't fucking deserve to have their story told, I don't give a flying fuck how fucking wonderful he used to be. Oh yeah he was nice and lovely and believed in good even after war, and he loved mary and was so cute, basically a puppy yadda yadda. I don't care. He lost that fucking right when he started turning his sons into soldiers, leaving them alone in crappy motel rooms, using them as fucking bait for monsters (just to mention a few)
And they especially don’t deserve to have it told by the child they abused when said child can’t even fucking say a bad word about them because this isn’t about him.
And there’s a big difference between the complicated emotions Dean might have for Dean, both hating him and loving him because he’s his dad, and the entire freaking show about the good guy young j*hn winchester.
And as amazing as Dean is, he’s not gonna be the narrator this story would deserve bc he’s not gonna serve us takes like “aw how cute my dad is making PB&J. when I was 14 16 he said I can rot in jail for stealing peanut butter to feed sammy.”
We ALREADY fucking saw Dean forgiving john without john doing anything to deserve it because he's d*bbs fave or some shit. was saw dean drink his fucking crappy beer and smiling and we narrowly missed dean and j*hn hugging it out at the roadhouse. i don't fucking wanna hear dean say it was a tragedy that changed him and its not j*hns fault :(((((( or whatever else fucking apologia we're gonna hear from him like none of this fucking mattered. dean's already been tossed to trash by the finale, what's the difference i guess, might as well move the whole bin into the trash compactor
(actually now that I think about it john ended up having a redemption arc that was entirely dean’s emotional labor over 15 years, while john was dead lmao. just because dean made peace with his life doesn’t excuse john one fucking bit)
or well, since it's a spin off about j&m is there even gonna be so much as a mention of how fucking awful they will be in the future? will the people who tune in just for TW (oh lmao nice acronym. TW on the CW, cool) without watching spn even realize they're watching a show about a future child abuser or are they just  gonna fall in love with a cute matt c*hen look-alike, this sweet guy who loves mary so much OTP OTP OTP #relationshipgoals???
And as for Mary, what she used to be like before dean was born doesn't change anything of what she did to dean, the way she never tried to get to know him and took every possible chance to put as many miles between her and her sons as possible. Thanks to amara's little test, that ship has sailed
Like I'm really trying to look at this having put away the hurt and disappointment I feel now that the hope of jensen giving Dean his life back is gone. Because sure I'd feel it whatever other story jensen would decide to tell. But any other story wouldn't be a deadseaful of salt on that wound.
Or hey maybe it is some sort of a cruel twisted chance at closure if in the last 2 days I went from "let him live again one day" to "please, just let him rest in peace. Leave him out of this if you have to do this crap, please." This is so fucking insulting to dean and it just makes his death so much worse. I don't fucking want a constant reminder that he's eating lasagna with that fucker like it's a picture perfect family in a tv commercial. While still being dead. I don't want him to be telling a love story if he never got to and never will live through one*
*I'm not counting cassie bc it was so short it was barely a story and according to jensen lisa doesn't count either
But to the point. I think there is a solid line between not shitting on jensen and being able to criticize this project. You don't have to praise it just because jensen is making it. dean and jensen girls would not be trying to excuse it if it was jp*ds or d*bbs or whoever the fuck else's. why should it get a pass just because it's jensen's?
I for one am so fucking disappointed that jensen would throw Dean under the bus like this, and for what? Because I'm really not seeing any love here. I don't know, maybe he's lived with dean's death for so much longer that he's desensitized. he's moved on to better things, dean's not that important, he's just a tool to tell this story that will allow jensen to be in it
Funny, I always thought jensen was one of those who recognized j*hn was awful and that he fucked dean up. for fuck's sake he was the one who headcanoned that dean turned tricks in his youth because j*hn left them without money for food. But what do I know, I never really kept track of what the cast said except for these last year and a half, maybe he’s always thought the guy was awesome and misunderstood.
but hey, he's a rich guy with the rights to the universe and the means to do whatever he likes with them and this is what he chose to do with them, which makes things very clear. From his perspective things are mighty different than from where we're standing.
By the way I really hope they actually expected the backlash. Otherwise, if jensen and danneel thought the show's fans were gonna be happy about it meant they had to be living under some fucking rock at the bottom of the marianas trench or never cared about how the fandom feels. I don't see any other option here. well besides the obvious one.
Or maybe they're just really filled with so much hubris they think they can actually make a show about two most hated characters from the og show a hit. or that a slapped on voiceover by a beloved and still grieved character will be enough for that the way jp*d is enough to have his fans keep w*lker afloat. Or hey maybe they'll just gonna market it to the riverdale and legacies audience who won't even fucking know this shouldn't be a cutesy teenage love affair with some monsters
I know it was so, so easy to fall for “my first love”, “my best imaginary friend” and “he’s not going anywhere, I got him”. I mean, how could we not? We love Dean so much we wanted to believe jensen feels the same way. But in the end, for jensen, dean is a character he played on tv, and that’s all, he couldn’t possibly feel about him the same way we do. And we gotta remind ourselves that he loved the finale, said that it was an awesome way to end the show and that snuffing dean was the right thing to do. He and j*red practically rewrote that entire deathbed dialogue and added the ak/f crap. He said Dean’s ending was satisfying. Why would he ever try to destroy an ending that great?
I just wish he never teased us with the possibility of dean getting his life back on that panel
However we thought jensen feels about dean or his parents or any of it is just our projecting, so i guess the fault is just mine that I'm disappointed. damn I really screwed up that no parasocializing part didn't I?
Sorry this got so off-topic. I’m furious and no amount of rambling about it will help.
Fuck, I still can’t believe he and danneel are fucking doing this
“who the hell CARES when we know how this story ends and it's with their sons dead/suffering for NOTHING”
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