#like don't get me wrong: she loves Peter too and his death also screwed her up really bad. but like. She Directly Witnessed Jack's Murder
dee-in-the-box · 8 months
having. Thoughts on BS!Dee and how a major theme of her character in the au is that she is Quite Literally living in Jack's shadow after he died, but she doesn't even mind it.
if anything, she's proud that she's become similar to him. even if it's not in the greatest ways. like, imagine that:
you've unconsciously become so similar to a dead man, one who's death effectively knocked over the dominoes of you becoming like this, that when everyone else looks at you, all they can see when they look at you is the spitting image of him staring them in the face.
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headoverjojo · 5 years
Can I ask for La squadra/BucciG, (Whoever you want :3) With a S/o that loves Disney movies even being already grown up? Wich one they like/Don't like the most?
Hiiiiii :3 of COURSE, aaaaaaa, Disney movies 💖💖 I hope it’s satisfying!!
Bruno’s gang with a s/o who loves Disney movies even if they’re already grown up
(Under the cut for length!)
Bruno Bucciarati
When he was a child, Bruno had few occasions to watch movies and cartoons if they were not aired by RAI and such. One occasion to watch more movies were the “movie nights” for children organized at the local oratory, where kids could watch cartoons all together. But, even if he didn’t watch many cartoons, Bruno dearly holds the memories of the ones he has seen, especially the ones about 101 Dalmatians. It was the last movie he has seen with his father, before the tragic accident, and, when his mother was still with them, she always loved when it was aired, as dalmatians were her favourite dog breed.
He’s not one who judges poorly people who watch cartoons even if they’re adult. All in all, cartoons don’t have an “expiration date”! Watching them with his s/o would be a beautiful throwback and the occasion to build new, wonderful memories with them. He’s fine with every choice of them, but he’d be a bit tense if they suggest to watch 101 Dalmatians. Not because he doesn’t like it, no, but more due to the person the movie is connected to.
However, after a while, Bruno convinces himself to watch it. He never watched it again, after his father’s death, so doing it with his s/o is like a declaration of wanting to go on with his life. He’s tense for the first minutes, painfully remembering his father’s laugh and voice -he loved to comment movies-, but soon the tension leaves space to sincere enjoyment and contentedness while his s/o cuddles him, as they watch the movie. It’s not a way to say goodbye to his father, to forget him, he understands: it’s a way to connect the movie to new, beautiful memories, which will pile with the many he already has.
Leone Abbacchio
Abbacchio was picky also as a child. He didn’t like cartoons where there were too many songs or where the story couldn’t drag him in. His favourite one, and he was always glared for this by his friends, was The Hunchback of Notre-Dame. He even loved the songs! And he was fascinated by all the characters, especially Phoebus: he didn’t bend to authority, he followed justice even this meant to go against laws… little Leone admired him. He wanted to be a man like this, a man who always followed and seeked justice.
After all what happened, Abbacchio didn’t like to talk a lot about his past and, especially, about everything related, in a way or another, to his police life. It would take a bit of time to finally come to know about his favourite movie when he was a child, but his s/o, who loved Disney movie, already guessed that The Hunchback of Notre-Dame could be one of his favourite movies. Abbacchio always grumbled, when they put on a Disney movie -but actually always watched them, every single one of them-, but, when they proposed to watch The Hunchback of Notre-Dame, Abbacchio tensed, as he was in front of a snake. However, even if a bit reluctantly, he nodded, sitting down to watch it with them.
Slowly, it becomes easier, for Abbacchio, to face what concerns his past life. From bigger things to smaller, as a Disney movie. Now that he’s relaxed, he can actively watch his s/o when they’re enjoying the movie. He relishes in their happy and serene face, in their genuine enthusiasm… it really helps him to see the light in this world.
Guido Mista
Mista always loved to watch cartoons, especially Disney movies! When he was a child, he and his squadron of cousins were used to go to the house of one of his uncles, who had a video recorder, and one of the kids brought the movie to see. Mista’s favourite was The Jungle Book; he may or not may have taken inspiration from it for his flashy tiger striped trousers. He never admitted a connection between them and Shere Khan, anyway.
He’s not one who judges -too bad energies involved-, so his s/o doesn’t have to worry about his judgment. More than anything else, he’d be happy to know they still love to watch Disney movie! It’s good to know they’re still young at heart, that they still are able to enjoy something so genuine and good! He’d love to watch with them every cartoon they want, commenting with them. He even remembers few songs, if his s/o likes to sing along with the movie!
He’d be totally ecstatic if his s/o decides to watch The Jungle Book. Here it is, his favourite movie!! It’s easy, for him, to get quickly into the movie, singing along the characters and his s/o, laughing with them and cuddling them. Watching a movie, in particular a Disney movie, with Mista is such a fun experience!
Narancia Ghirga
When he was a child, Narancia’s mom always watched movies with him. At evening, before his time to sleep, his mom sat with him on the couch, holding him in her arms and together they watched a cartoon, while Narancia sipped his warm milk. This lasted for years and even when Narancia was too old to be held on his mother’s lap, he still enjoyed a lot to sit with her and watch a movie. His favourite one was Peter Pan and, when he was little, he loved to play Peter and save his mother, who was playing Wendy, from the evil Hook, usually played by their cat.
When his mother died, however, with her died also every happy moment linked to Disney movies. He never touched them again until he met his s/o. Even if at first he was a bit stiffy, worried to lose his cool in front of them and to seem too childish, soon he was again dragged into the Disney movie vortex. He still remembers the songs, so he loves to sing along his s/o, and even to dance with them, laughing and kissing them as they purposely dance awkwardly. It’s the best thing, for him!
The moment they decide to watch Peter Pan, however, a veil of melancholy drops on Narancia. That movie… he has so many happy memories linked to that movie. He knew that his mother would have liked to know he was still enjoying that movie even now when he was an adult, so he sits near his s/o and holds them, making them slide on his lap to cuddle them more comfortably. His smile is less bright than when he watched other movies, yes, but it’s warmer and sweeter; he feels like he’s honoring his mother by watching the movie she loved so much.
Pannacotta Fugo
Fugo never had time to watch cartoons and movies. His parents always pressed him to study and study without any break, so he hadn’t any time to watch a movie, as he was studying or he was too tired to do so. The only breaks he had were when he was with his grandma who, when he was with her, insisted to let him live as a child and not as a computer. With her, he could finally watch some cartoons and, among those, also some Disney movies. His favourite was The Aristocats, because Adelaide Bonfamille, the kind yet strong-willed madame, reminded him of his own grandma.
After his professor’s murder and his exile from his own house, Fugo never had time to sit down and watch a Disney movie. He was always on a rush: first he had to survive on the streets, then he was Bucciarati’s adviser and planner, then he became one of Giorno’s Consiglieri… he was always running and running until his s/o stormed in like a fresh breeze. They made him rediscover things he thought he had lost, as that bit of childish enthusiasm he could show just with his grandma. Even if he grumbled, saying he had things to do, his s/o always managed to make him sit with them and watch a movie, a Disney cartoon, to be more precise. And the look on Fugo’s face was priceless! The sincere smile, the frown finally disappeared… he seemed so young, now, so serene! Soon, Fugo came to love those moments with his s/o, when he could wrap them in his arms, relaxing on their couch and watching a Disney movie. It was heaven!
He’d gently smile, if his s/o decides to watch The Aristocats. He’d try to hide his glossy eyes, when Adelaide appears on the screen and, if his s/o asks him what’s wrong, he’d just answer “She reminds me of someone dear to me.” He’d reveal his secret, soon or later, finally saying who is this person dear to him.
Giorno Giovanna
Giorno never watched a Disney movie. When he was still living in Japan, sometimes his mother let him watch a cartoon, but they were always Japanese cartoons and, when he was in Italy, his stepfather always had the control of the television, watching sport or news. He spent his childhood always hearing about Disney and their cartoons, but without ever watching one of them. He never even felt the need to watch them, as he had his dream to follow.
His first Disney movie came in his life with his s/o, who still loved to watch them even if, by “standard”, they were too old for them. Giorno was amused by their “screw it” behaviour, and admired and approved that they didn’t care about what people said: they loved Disney movies and no one could stop them from watching what they loved. It was an attitude he loved and, as he never tried a Disney movie, he decided to sit with them and watch what they proposed.
Among all the movies, the one who really catched Giorno’s attention was Fantasia 2000. He wasn’t a great fan of songs -even if he appreciated really a lot the ones of The Hunchback of Notre-Dame-, but Fantasia… it was on another level. The music, the animation, the various pieces… it was perfect. Giorno was mesmerized by the whole movie. His favourite part was the one inspired by Pines of Rome by Ottorino Respighi: the powerful music, the story inspired by the music, the animation… Giorno could watch it in loop and never get tired of it!
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