#like don't get me wrong I do find Sylvain and Dimitri's support pretty funny
butwhatifidothis · 3 years
15, 18, 19?
15. Favourite Golden Deer support chain, and why?
With how much I've talked about it I think it's clear that Claude and Marianne's support chain is my fave GD support chain, given that it's one of my favorite in the whole game lmao, so for a bit of spice I gotta say I really, really like Leonie and Lorenz's! It's super refreshing to hear a noble's side of things regarding nobility and the commonfolk being discussed so respectfully, while still acknowledging the flaws of it - and these two characters couldn't have been a better choice to discuss that with. Lorenz and Leonie are both fairly stubborn in their ways and both hold their "titles" closely; Lorenz is obviously prideful of his nobility, but Leonie herself is also prideful in her experiences being common-born have given her over that of the nobles that surround her. Having her see the mindset of a noble that takes his obligations as seriously as Lorenz - with Lorenz coming to similarly see the mindset of simply being friends with others without considering status - is definitely up there in terms of the game's concepts and execution of said concepts.
18. Character(s) you wish had been playable, and why?
RHEA RHEA RHEA RHEA bruh you cannot IMAGINE my disappointment when Rhea CAME WITH US TO SHAMBHALA but she was STILL unplayable, even on my first playthrough of VW where I wasn't fully on board with her yet (this was about when my mind was changing tho so yeah lol). She's literally got stats and growths in the game's coding, her Archbishop model has fighting animations (cuz CF), she has crit quotes, but noooooooope! For some reason the creators didn't think being able to actual USE RHEA was a good idea, even though Fire Emblem as a series is absolutely not a stranger to end-game recruits. So sad dude 😭
19. Support chain(s) you wish had had an A support, and why?
I'll say my serious answer is Dimitri and Sylvain, with that being compounded with "I don't particularly like this support in the first place" because all of Dimitri's other supports with his close friends are so important and go over very interesting topics that hold a lot of depth to them, meanwhile Sylvain is the clown of the group with a support that's just. Weirdly goofy. Like you have Ingrid over here discussing with Dimitri the violent death of a beloved friend of theirs and how best to honor his memory and move on from it, you have Felix struggling to come to terms with the fact that his best friend will never be who he once was and is capable of great violence, you have Dedue and Dimitri struggling with their shared trauma of Duscur and how one is the other's reason they are able to keep moving forward past it, and then. Like. You have Sylvain over here. Talking about gettin' bitches. Making haha funnies about Dimitri handing over a dagger to (who they don't know to be) Edelgard when he was a kid. Especially considering you can get this support during the war (WHICH I ABSOLUTELY DO NOT RECCOMEND DOING OMG my sister did this and Dimitri's teenager voice coming out of a clearly adult-ass man is SO FUCKIN' JARRING DUDE), it just doesn't fit. I guess on one hand it's nice for Dimitri to have a silly support with a friend? But on the other hand you get folks who compare this support with literally all of his other friends' ones and you get takes like "Dimitri and Sylvain were never that close" which, like, is wrong, but I don't exactly fault them for coming to that conclusion, if that makes sense. The game didn't do any favors for these two, in terms of their supports.
Non serious answer, Sylvain TOTALLY should've been able to A support Bernadetta. Their support is some of the cutest shit ever, definitely some of Sylvain's sweeter moments with him trying to genuinely relay how much he genuinely likes Bernadetta's writing through a written review that she wouldn't be so scared off from. Let them A support!! It's not fair :(
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lovely-english-rose · 3 years
2, 10, 16, 25 for fire emblem!
2. What's your least favorite main title?
I am about to swing a bat at a hornets nest- Nobody crucify or cancel me or whatever, but its three houses lol Don't get me wrong, I do enjoy a good majority of the cast and like the story! It's just far from being a favorite of mine
10. A character you find underrated?
Honestly?? Shura- I rarely see people talk about him, and I think he's a pretty cool character! Plus, I only recently found out if you choose to kill him instead of recruit on conquest you get some special boots- idk why I just find that so funny like. Do you off him and steal his boots- I always recruit him myself though ;w; wish he had more supports so we could learn more about him/his home
wait hold on wait why do i always like the FE thieves/outlaws-
16. What's your favorite world/setting?
I mean, obviously I love the world of Fates the most, and how much of the world you get to see across the routes. I especially liked getting to see Valla. Visually it's just so beautiful, and with the gameplay, it has such unique and challenging maps
Also, I think it's connection to Awakening is neat ;w;
25. Any general or specific headcanons you have?
I feel like I have so many but just some off the top of my head: Byleth IS nonbinary and nobody can tell me otherwise, honestly nb Robin is cool too, m!Corrin and Niles do adopt Kana and Nina on either route, iirc it was pretty vague in canon but I like to hc that during the 5 year skip in 3h that Felix/Ingrid/Sylvain spent as much time as they could looking for Dimitri-
FE Ask!
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