#like dgmw she WAS an abrasive edgy contrarian in many ways but that's a situation where she was objectively 100% right
The lengths yanks will go to to pretend that anyone mocking them or criticizing how they view the world is a clueless racist white european are honestly unreal. Like I've been seeing a lot of it these last few months (practically any post mocking Americans will have every American in the comments calling OP european or making jokes about europe), but also I just remembered that time a few years ago (I wanna say 2021-ish maybe?) when ratliker or whatever she was called got basically run off the site because she rustled some gringos' jimmies by joking about wishing everyone in the U.S. got nuked and died and the gringos getting in fights with her kept bringing up the fact that she was "Dutch" when making their "uhm actually you're being extremely racist because there are racial minorities in America" arguments and wilfully ignoring the fact that she was actually a Chilean living in the Netherlands.
Like I distinctly remember someone saying her post was fucked up because she was "a Dutch woman joking about killing millions of black and native people" and when told they were misrepresenting the situation because was Chilean they answered all disingenuous like "where am I lying? She says in her own blog that she has Dutch citizenship, it's her own words" even though anyone would be able to see how her being Chilean was a pretty big detail and omitting it WAS a significant misrepresentation of the situation.
Like, you know, "Dutch" and "Chilean with Dutch citizenship" are pretty fucking different things for the purposes of America Bad discourse, considering that the latter might personally hold some reasonable and not entirely unjustified animosity towards the U.S.A. and people living in it due to the whole United States Couping Chile and Replacing Their Government With One of The Most Brutal Right Wing Military Dictatorships in the Continent thing that happened less than 50 years ago.
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