#like come on. spin the stake? and the tone of her voice 100% of the time? that's a teenager if ive ever seen one
fuluv · 2 years
going back to rewatch Zagan scenes in s1 and man she's really been acting and talking like a teenager this whole time and no one noticed lmfaooo like
- called Temeluchus "dude"
- "get real Tem, you're busted"
- "woop woop!"
- "this plane is like, ginormous"
- "hey, Temmy, i was trying to save you, not execute you! and look, totally worked"
- "time to say night night, little doggy"
- "ugh! this isn't fair! when mom hears about this, you're gonna be SO dead. again!"
at this point i wouldn't be surprised if she just called something "cringe" out of the blue
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So, you get got writers block eh? How about Toshi being absolutely smitten with the new teacher at UA and has been in love with her stern, hardcore attitude? And then he forces her into dancing with him while he serenades her (or them whatever is fine w/you) and then they date. This lives quite rent free in my head and I'm bad at writing sooo.... Here, it's your problem now.
Coming riggghtttt up! 
Violet Enigma
Toshinori Yagi x F! Teacher! Reader
Warnings: mentions of chronic illness (very very subtle), and that’s really it
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Not many things have absolutely stopped All Might in his tracks. No, he's well used to seeing the usual gore and violence, the high stakes, the horrific circumstances. None of them have ever made him pause, not even for a moment.
But when she walked into the office, her heels clicking against the tile, he nearly tripped over his own feet.
She didn't notice, of course. She was much too busy staring straight ahead, cooly.
That was until her eyes caught his. In that moment, time stood totally still. It was almost as if, no, it couldn't be.
Her eyes seemed to flash purple.
But no, he assured himself, it was surely a trick of the light.
He could scarcely blink before her gaze was back to her target and she seemingly forgot all about him.
"Hey, uh... Who's that lady?" Toshinori whispered, cradling a cup of tea. Aizawa lazily pressed some buttons on the microwave, heating up last night's pizza.
"What lady? How can I possibly know who you're talking about?" He yawned.
Toshinori flushed at the realization that, in fact, not everyone had her image permanently implanted in their minds.
"You know...the one with the... hair? And the, uh...the new one?"
Aizawa sighed, thinking for a moment.
" I think that's y/n," he replied, plopping himself down next to his coworker.
"Thanks," muttered Toshinori. Just as he took a sip of his tea, an unfamiliar voice filled his ears.
"What's got you so curious about me, sir?" The woman asked. She was carrying a clipboard, scribbling something.
The blond had nothing to say. He was so shocked by her presence that he could just stare for a moment.
She sighed, biting the tip of her pen.
"Do you know where room number 512 is?" She asked, not even looking up from her work. Toshinori sighed in relief of her changing the subject.
"Its upstairs and to the right."
"Thank you, Mister...?"
"Toshinori. Or Yagi. Or...um...well, nevermind. Aren't you going to eat something?"
"I will. Just not right now. I've got a lot to get done, Mr. 'Nevermind.' "
And like that, she was gone.
The following day, Ms. Y/N entered the office once again, her pristine outfit looking as fresh as a pressed uniform.
She paused for a moment upon seeing All Might in his muscular form, however.
"I don't believe we've met," she mumbled, "You may refer to me as Ms. Y/N. And yourself?"
He subconsciously looked down.
"I'm All Might. Haven't you... seen me before?"
She raised an eyebrow.
"I can't say I have. I don't watch television. What's your real name?" She asked skeptically. For a moment, it almost looked like her eyes flashed again.
"Well, uh, you see-".
"It's fine. Do you know when the next meeting is being held, Mr... Sir?"
At lunch, she was no where to be seen, as always.
Usually, Yagi would make himself comfortable in the staff room with a cup of tea and a book.
Today, though, he'd decided to find her.
He aimlessly wandered the now empty halls, passing rooms where classes were being held, the ever noisy lunchroom, peeking into each open door in an attempt to spot her.
Miss Enigma. That's what she goes by as a pro hero. But, she's not the type of hero you'd see get the credit. She'd much rather work alongside a group, blending into the background, and staying subtle.
He found that name quite fitting for her, though.
Especially because he didn't even know what her damn quirk was. No one did.
Finally, he reached the computer lab all the way at the end of the hall. The lights were off, which would usually signal that no one was in there, but based off of the rapid clicking of keys, someone had definitely snuck in there.
Probably a student. Kids like Shinsou and Deku would usually hide themselves here during lunch, getting their homework done in leiu of eating.
Upon opening the door though, he quickly realized that he was wrong.
It was her.
She jumped, startled terribly by the unwanted interupption. She quickly regained her composure as she turned around.
"What are you doing here, mister?" She asked, her eyebrow raised.
"I can ask you the same," he retorted with a small, semi confident smirk.
She sighed.
"Why does it concern you?"
Toshinori's face grew pink, embarassment growing in his chest, suffocating him.
"Uh, I...um, I j-just-"
"I'm busy. You may speak to me later," she stated, spinning around to face the screen once again. Yagi stood there for a moment in shock before closing the door and doing as she wished: leaving her alone.
He did not look for her, though. Her merciless tone was enough to slice him to the bone. He didn't want to hear any more.
It was right after classes ended when he was on his way to his dorm. He passed room 512, Ms. Y/N's class, and as he passed the room, he paused, hearing her scolding a student.
"There was absolutely no reason for you to earn this grade in my class, young man. None. You can do so much better than this."
"B-but, it was a 96," whimpered the boy. He couldn't see exactly who it was, but he could tell by his warbled tone it was Young Midorya.
Isn't a 96 good though?
She sighed.
"It was a silly mistake you made. It could have been 100. Listen, I know the kind of student you are. You're smart. You should be competing with students like Iida, who earned a 102."
She continued to speak, but Toshi had heard enough. He was exhausted as it is, but hearing something so silly as that just exacerbated it.
The next morning, a stiff hand squeezed his shoulder as he sipped his coffee.
He looked up, wide eyed, meeting Y/N's steely gaze.
"I didn't see you yesterday. Didn't you wish to speak with me?" She asked.
"Oh, uh...it was nothing, really," he stammered out, looking down. She squinted her eyes.
"That feels like it's not entirely true. Either way, I will be available for a...chat... If that's what you were hoping for, this lunch period. If you'd like," she offered, her hand still on his shoulder.
"Really?" He squeaked, his shyness peaking through. She nodded silently before delicately seating herself at her desk.
It took centuries, but finally, lunch period arrived.
And so did she.
Before Toshinori even had the chance to get up to find her, she was standing at his desk.
"Are you ready?" She asked, holding a lunch bag in each hand.
He nodded. In response, y/n handed him one of the bags.
"You never eat anything. It's not healthy, you know."
He chuckled.
"Yeah, yeah, I've survived a lot worse."
"Well, I'd rather not say. Not...now, at least," he scratched the back of his head, praying that she'd change the subject.
She didn't. Instead, she simply stared blankly at him.
"Where are you taking me, anyways?" He asked. He internally screamed as he waited for her to use that to spark a conversation.
"I don't like being around people. We could go to the library, or my dorm, or your dorm, or anywhere where it can just be you and I."
He nodded.
"L-lets just go to your dorm," he mumbled, realizing his was quite in a state of dissarray at the moment.
She nodded.
The walk was pleasent enough. As pleasent as a near silent walk could be.
One thing about Ms. Enigma is that everything she does, no matter how seemingly miniscule, is done with a sense of urgent purpose. Her eyes are always fixed upon some sort of goal, and each with each breath, she is calculating her next move carefully.
It helped her be an efficient, yet stern teacher, but a hard person to chat with.
Finally, the pair reached her dorm. Number 111.
The door opened to reveal an utterly spotless bed and kitchenette, surrounded by piles and piles of books, scribbled notes, calculators, and empty soda cans. She stepped over the piles gracefully, scarcely looking down, while Toshinori carefully tip toed around every discarded item in order to avoid damaging a single item.
Frankly, he feared what a scolding from her would comprise of for him.
She sat herself onto her bed, cris crossing her legs. He, on the other hand, took his place at the kitchenette.
The silence was unbearable.
“So, um...what did you wanna chat about, Enigma?” he muttered.
Pushing up her glasses with one finger, she replied plainly, “You tell me, Yagi.”
He shrugged.
“Eat,” she ordered.
Captured by her spell, he obeyed her, eating the food she’d prepared. It was a humble little meal, one that she’d surely planned out, and was in a word, delicious.
Thankfully, the silence changed from an uncomfortable one to one that he would be content with curling up and living in for quite a while.
After that day, Y/N would always be somewhere near Toshinori during lunch period. Whether it be in the same room, or right next to him, she was there.
She usually was hard at work or silently eating. That didn’t mean, though, that she wouldn’t urge him to eat something. He’d find small lunches made up for him at his desk on days where she wasn’t there, and on days she was, she’d silently pause every once in awhile to glare at him if he hadn’t eaten.
Despite that seemingly caring action, though, she didn’t seem at all interested in the blond. He didn’t attempt to flirt, or anything that could possibly elicit a raised eyebrow, but that was simply because he felt as if he couldn’t.
What if she rejected him?
I mean, she works right across from him. They see eachother every single day.
It’d be hell.
What if she didn’t?
“Alright, we need a couple chaperones for the spring semester dance. Who’s up for it?” Aizawa asked boredly. Miss Midnight and Present Mic raised their hands excitedly.
“Alright, I’ve got you both down. I need two more.”
“I’ll do it,” offered Y/N. The entire conference room grew quiet for a moment.
“You do realize that you can’t give out detention slips at a dance, right?” Hizashi scoffed.
“I am aware of that, sir. Are you aware of the existance of an ‘inside voice’?” she gritted with condecention seeping through her teeth.
He put his hands up, indicating that she’d won that particular battle.
“I’m free on that night, too,” Toshinori added. His comment broke through the thick silence that had fell onto the room.
“Thank you, A- ahem, Toshinori,” Aizawa nodded, penning the final name down.
After the meeting, Y/N was the final one to leave, alongside Toshinori.
“You know, there’s gonna be a lot of people there on that dance,” he whispered.
“I know. Maybe I’d like that. You seem like you do,” she replied, a tiny smile pulling at the edges of her lips. No one else would’ve noticed it, but after spending so many monotone days with her, he recognized the new expression instantly.
“I don’t, particularly. But...”
“Nothing. It’s...nothing.”
“If you say so, Mister. I’ll see you then,” she allowed herself to smile as she once again, left him in silence.
That week passed by without much issue. There was the usual ruckus coming from class 1-A, but nothing too serious.
The night had arrived. Just outside his dorm, he could hear the clamour of excited chatter coming from students on their way to the gymnasium.
He sighed, tying a red tye around his neck, a nice contrast against his suit.
He hadn't exactly planned on dressing like this, but upon realizing that he didn't have anything less fancy than this and more fancy than what he usually wore to work, he settled on being a little extraordinary.
As soon as he exited the dorm and was greeted with the wave of students pushing past each other in the halls, he knew he'd made a mistake.
"Oof! Oh, hey, um...?" Midoriya squeaked, pressed against the wall and cramped. He’d caught himself before he called him by his hero name, but his real name slipped his mind at that exact moment.
"Toshinori. What is it, my boy?" He smiled, ruffling the boy's messy hair.
"Uh, I dunno, I don't usually do stuff like this. Are... Why are you wearing that? Isn't it a little fancy?"
Toshinori blushed instantly.
"Oh my God. Who is it?" Izuku squealed excitedly, cursing himself for forgetting a pen to take some notes.
"Geez, kid, keep it down a little, won'tcha? It-she-"
"Single file line or none of you will be attending tonight's dance," stated a voice that ascended effortlessly above the crowd's noisiness.
Instantly, everyone calmed down and began to form a line, neatly making their way to the gym.
Toshinori closed his door as he whisked the boy away, urging him to go have a good time, and to 'enjoy being young while you can.'
It was merely seconds after he was standing alone, against the wall, waiting for the crowd to die down as he noticed her.
Y/N had been standing there for quite a few minutes, in the same position as he, and just about 4 feet away.
It was hard for him to believe that he'd missed her. The dress she'd worn was absolutely more extravagant than any gown he'd seen in an event like this. It was sparkly and red, reflecting every ounce of light that hit it from all directions. It accentuated her body beautifully and perfectly fit.
In short, she was stunning.
"My, my. You sure do look nice today," she grinned.
He nodded dumbly. He was just about as red as the dress she was wearing.
Finally, it was time for them to make their ways to the dance.
"Are you ready for this?" She asked.
"I hope so," he replied, toying with his tie.
Music boomed in Y/N's and Toshinori's ears, accompanied by dealing with the antics of goofball teenagers and breaking up silly fights.
Once things began to calm down quite a bit, Y/N approached Toshinori, placing a gentle hand on his shoulder and leaning in close to his ear.
"Meet me on the rooftop," she whispered before dissapearing into the crowd.
So, he did.
She sat near the edge, staring into the inky violet sky.
Toshinori took his place next to her, handing her a much needed bottle of water.
She thanked him before turning to him with a deep sigh.
"There's something I'd like to tell you," she mumbled. For the first time, she actually looked nervous.
Taking a sip of the water, she continued, "You know, I never really do things like this. You've probably gathered that by...my nature. But, I must admit, you are one person I can't seem to get off of my mind. And, well, frankly...I like you, Toshinori. To quite a degree."
He blinked, slack jawed, shaking his head.
“How could someone like you like someone like me?
“Good question. I like you because you're...well, I suppose I don't really know. You're just you, and that's what I like about you. Plus, I know you’ve done so much for so many people. Why dont you like you?”
He paused, his heart absolutely seizing at that for more than one reason.
"Oh! I suppose I should tell you about my quirk. But...I expect full confidentiality from you. Essentially, I can find out one's secrets by looking at them. Surely, you've seen me activate it before."
He nodded, covering his mouth.
"W-what do you...know?"
"Don't worry, not much. I respect you too much to dig that deep. All I know is that, in some point of your life, you were probably some type of hero. All I know, is that in your life time, you've saved many lives, and touched countless others. As to why you'd want that to be a secret, I have no idea. But, I do find it interesting," she explained.
"What do you do with the secrets you know, then?" He asked, his voice still pinched with fear that his secret could be compromised.
"With yours? Nothing. I have no friends to share it with, and not enough details or desire to post about it online. Frankly, I don't give a damn about who you used to be. I care about who you are. Your secret will always be safe with me."
He sighed deeply. It wasn’t as if no one was aware of his secret; plenty of people knew. But the more people who did, the higher at risk the school, as well as the students and staff, were placed at.
Plenty of people,too, wanted him dead. Even being retired, he is still considered a threat to villians across the globe, thanks to his notorious acts of heroism throughout the decades. With him in his sickly, weakened state, he’d be easy to assasinate, and the people who would go that far wouldn’t be opposed to taking others down with him.
He...couldn’t have that.
So, before Y/N was scheduled to begin work, it was decided that she’d be left in the dark about his identity, as well as any newcoming staff from thenon out. It’d be safer that way.
Her eyes dreamily stared off into the infinate stars as she silently pondered on what to say next.
“Would you like to know the rest?” he asked. His voice shook a little, causing her to look at him.
She nodded.
“I’m All Might.” “Oh, you’ve gotta be kidding!” giggles y/n, dumbfounded.
“Yeah, yeah, I know I’m pathetic,” he sighes. He rubbed his forehead, looking away ashamedly.
“No, no! I mean, I can’t believe I didn’t see it earlier! I mean, you guys do look pretty similar.”
He shrugs.
“I’m serious! Plus, I mean, it’s kind of obvious now that you mention it. I mean, I guess you guys do wear the same clohtes to work everyday, and I haven’t seen you two in the same room before, so yeah, I can definiately see it,” she paused, her eyes growing wide and her cheeks bright red.
“God, I’ve probably said ‘Good morning’ to you and...er...you, twice every day. Why’d you let me do that like a fool?!” she teased, play punching him in the arm.
He laughed, absolutely relieved that she didn’t ridicule him for how he’d taken care of his body for the past few years. It seemed that her attitude had completely changed from the one he’d known for so long, but in a good way.
In a happy way.  
She stood up, still smiling, “We need to go back to the dance, Mister. We have a duty, you know.”
“Oh, I know. I’m well aware. You can almost hear the music all the way up here, can’t you?”
She nodded, walking towards the door to the stairs. He grabbed her by the arm before she could escape, though, and leave him alone with his thoughts and hopes and dreams like she had so many times.
“You... you didn’t get my answer,” he breathed, pulling her in. She raised an eyebrow skeptically.
“What exactly- oh!”
The music from downstairs was slow, romantic, and jovial. Perfect for this moment.
He gently took her other hand, guiding her into a dance.
“I-I can’t...I don’t know how to dance, Mr. Yagi,” she mumbled, looking up at him.
“I’ll teach you. Just follow my lead,” he smiled back.
And just like that, the Enigma was gone, leaving just Y/N in her place. She was no longer an Enigma, but rather a glimmer of what he’d never gotten a chance to be: in love.
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one-leaf-grimoire · 4 years
 Chapter 21: the futile purpose
Warning: Major character death, major depictions of violence, manga spoilers
Four minutes remain before the end
This is it… almost there…
Zenon’s mouth was open slightly as he drew breath after breath, his heart pounding after the high-stakes fight that had only  just begun. He had hoped the sneak attack would knock me down at least, but there I was again, standing up and as straight as I could with a bone lodged in my stomach. But he had learned valuable information from the strike. She can heal herself, almost instantly, with time magic. She’s only able to do that because she’s shedding it constantly. Perfect… His fight or flight instinct was going crazy as I took a step forward. Even if we kill her now, there’s still the other Magic Knights to take care of. They won’t stop attacking until it’s too late and the Tree has been completed. But if we keep her alive, just a little longer…
No such strategic thoughts were running through Dante’s head. His vision was red as he looked at me, gearing himself up to go in for the kill. You’ve humiliated the great Dante enough- you’ll pay with your life!
No, wait.
Dante froze as Lucifero finally spoke for the first time since the battle started. The devil had been oddly silent, even though his presence within Dante increased to 100%. 
Don’t kill her… not yet. She can be of use to us. 
Dante’s eyes widened a little as understanding dawned on him. He glanced over between his siblings, wondering if they were working off of the same idea.
We can do that? Then…
When I emerge… Lucifero’s voice took on a biting, bitter tone. I’ll remove that menace myself.
Lucifero… just how much do you know about her?
Lucifero did not answer again. Through Dante’s eyes, his own gaze was fixed on me, on the mark emblazoned on my forehead, a deep, black color. Forbidden magic… what did she do to herself? She can’t be possessed by them… but it’s clear now. Simulcia’s will is being carried on through her descendents. 
All four of the people present are thinking the same thing: I have to win. 
I take another step towards them, gritting my teeth as the weight of the bone starts to impede my motion. Shit… I can’t fight like this- My hand grasps its diameter, and I start to release fire, burning the material away. I can heal myself better when it’s gone and-
Zenon raises his hand before I can finish.
“Bone magic: Eternal Fangs, 100%”
Before I can even move, even more bones appear from his body, shooting out at me with amplified speed. All I can do is back up as fast as I can. Shit shit! Jump- JUMP- My foot braces against the ground, ready to spring away out of range, but it’s too late. A hollow scream is ripped from my chest as more bones than I can keep track of pierce my body like a pincushion. Pain explodes in every part; in a way, it’s refreshing, something that no one recently has been able to coax from my body. But now, it’s everywhere, immobilizing me like some doll suspended from strings.
My vision goes white, metallic taste in my mouth. Zenon’s power- he’s pulling out all the stops. I try to swallow, but I just gargle. They’re really getting serious, did I fuck up? In any case, I gotta get down, before-
Right in the middle of that thought, the bones shift, lifting me up. Oh god oh god- I crack open an eye as the world spins. Suddenly, I slip right off the bones, ripped by a jolting motion. The momentum sends me flying, as if Zenon were just flicking a pesky mosquito off of his ear. I don’t have time to be afraid before I hit a wall, crashing right through it from the force. My vision blurs again, and I finally scream, more out of confusion than terror. I hit another wall, finally coming to a violent stop. 
Zenon lets out a breath, his eyes not leaving the place that I disappeared into. “Vanica, Dante-”
“Got it.” At once, the two others rushed forward. Dante smirked, using his body magic to reinforce his arms for the beating that was to come. “All we have to do is knock her into that room.”
“Right, once we do that, we’ve won.” Vanica giggled in anticipation. “I might even have time to fight Noelle after this~”
Come on- Get up!
I feel time magic start to circle around my body, automatically like it always does. But it hurts this time, as it forces bones and flesh back into their places. Fragments of stone and bone are dragged along with it, and my jaw clenches tight to stay quiet. But it’s brief, and I feel my strength return. Good! I start to sit up, my hand gripping my Grimoire like a vice. Now, I just have to anticipate them better-
There’s a BOOM, and none other than Dante is suddenly right in front of me. My eyes widen, seeing that his arms are reinforced and a bloodthirsty expression is on his face. “THERE YOU ARE!” he screeches, and before I can move out of the way, he blasts me with his bare fists, an unmerciful barrage that once again sends me flying. AH! How are they so fast all the sudden-
Oh no. I turn my head just in time to see that Dante had tossed me right towards Vanica. Wait! Hold on-
Of course, she doesn’t “hold on,” and I soon find myself being punched again and again, slashed at by her bloody talons. Three points of my body light up with pain: my right shoulder, my left hip, and my right knee. “HAHAHA! Look at you, can’t you keep up anymore? What happened to all that power you had before?” She giggled, slashing me one last time. With a strangled cry, I get tossed away once again. I hit the ground, immediately rolling to a stop.
Vanica chuckles before landing before me, pointing at my pitiful form as I struggle to sit up. “See there? I got you with my curses!” 
Curses?! I look down at the places still pulsing with pain, and see that there are three similar marks glowing in the spots, dark blueish black spirals that float on my skin as if it were water. Uh oh, this isn’t good-
I start to clench my fist, summoning fire, but it’s slow. Vanica screeches with mirth before lunging at me again. “USELESS! Those are weakening curses! It’s going to take you a hot minute to charge up your magic now!” I look up just in time to see her Red Beast hurdling at me. “Just enough time for us to BEAT YOU!”
It hits me, and I’m once again blasted away.
… how… what’s wrong with me-
Her curse makes it hard to even move once I roll to a stop.
Just a minute ago, I was on top of the world-
Dante appears again to beat me, then back to Vanica, then back to him, then her, then him again-
W-What’s going on-
I manage to land on my feet once, but ten bones sail towards me like spears to send me crumpling back to the floor.
Where are they-
BAM. Dante’s fist hits me in the stomach, and I black out for a whole two seconds.
They’re moving differently now… they’re cooperating. It’s like… they have a strategy?
The world fades back in as I crash through another wall. Everything is spinning, and there’s nothing but the taste of blood in my mouth. 
They have a plan… but what is it-
Three Minutes remain before the end
The air suddenly becomes quiet, eerily so. The silence is cold, and is only broken by a low, creaking vibration that’s more felt than heard. I blink, slowly coming back to awareness, wood against my back. The curses continue to sap away at my energy, and it takes all the strength I have to sit up. Where are they? Am I about to get hit again?
Everything hurts. Blood soaks half of my face, bubbling out from a severe wound above my hairline. One of my eyes is covered with the stuff, and when I blink, it stings. 
Somehow, the attacks have stopped. Letting out a deep breath, I take the brief moment of respite to reach up and wipe my face. My right arm hangs uselessly at my side, skewered completely through by a bone. My own bones are shattered, obliterated by the brutal volley of attacks I was just put through. 
Ow… ow…
My vision starts to clear once again. Something is writhing silently around me, dark shades of grey and brown. What on Earth? Is this-
It all hits me at once, the realization of where they corralled me: I’m sitting in the chamber of the Tree of Qliphoth, and am sitting on one of its branches. I crane my neck to see its many twining branches growing up and up, out of sight. Oh god… was this their plan? At the moment, I can’t feel it damaging me or anything like that, so I’m not sure what the aim of this is. Maybe it was an accident? Slowly, I look back down to see that the chamber goes farther down than I could have imagined. It’s hard to see, but there’s a large symbol on the ground below where the Tree grows from, and I feel like there are people down there. 
“There you are. Good thing you didn’t fall.”
My gaze snaps up at the sound of that voice, and I see the Dark Triad standing on a branch above me, staring down at me with… apprehension? Something about their stances doesn’t make sense, but I don’t have time to think about it very deeply.
“Come on then. Get up.”
Zenon’s voice is cold, blank, merciless.
“This is where you will die, Wizard King. But we won’t do it until you show us the power you used before. That is the last gift we’ll give to you.” 
The bloodlust of six beings is focused right onto me.
“Heal yourself, and die a noble death along with the rest of the world.” 
Slowly, I reach up and grab the bone still stuck in my side. Runes start to circle around it, and I carefully tug on the bone to slide it out as the wound heals. The pain is nothing now; my mind is consumed with the task ahead of me.
I can’t lose.
That much is clear. Whatever they have planned, I won’t let them go through with it.
Despite the bone still stuck in my leg, I stand up, my knees wobbling as they desperately try to prop me up for just a little longer. 
And if I die, I’m taking them all down with me!
But before that, there’s something else on my mind. If this is really the Tree of Qliphoth, then that means that William and Yami are somewhere nearby. At the very least, I have to save them, and stop this tree from growing any further. If I can do that, I’ve won.
“Are you sure you want me to heal?”
Particles of light start to circle my body, efficiently cleaning up the wounds left behind as I pull out bone after bone after bone. My right arm snaps back into place, and I flex it, from my shoulder to the tips of my fingers. Time flares up around the curses, and in an instant, they are erased.
“It’ll be the last mistake you make.”
Blood thins, and disappears, bruises evaporate, and I feel my strength return. Right now, there’s nothing more I want to do than release my forbidden sealing spell and see what happens, but I know I won’t last long if I do. Right now, I need to live, and I need to win.
“Remember what I taught you.”
Wind blows around me, cooling the sweat on my brow with a pleasant chill. I pant lightly, my mouth open just a little, as I get ready for the next bout.
“If you can work on your precision, you can use this power to predict the very near future.”
The sun is so bright, I can’t see his face.
I’m never going to be strong enough to do that, though… right?
“Accelerate time around your body… use what you see to win.”
No… I am strong enough.
My power surges around me, time whirling at a breakneck pace as I prepare for what could very well be the last few moments of my life.
I am strong… and I am selfless. I am the Wizard King!! Maybe I’ve sinned, far more than one person should. I’ve stolen and murdered for this power. But it’s mine now! This path I’ve walked has brought me close to temptation, close to destruction, but… there’s so much more to this world than me and Julius. Yami, William, Marx, Adeline, Joy, Fuegoleon, Charlotte, Mereo, Noelle, Mimosa, Yuno, Asta- Everyone- 
Zenon, you’re right. I will die in this place. And I will die a noble death. I will die to defeat you!
And everyone I leave behind… I will leave their future up to them.
My body moves on its own, pushing forward just as it has always done. Flame, light, and time are swung from my fists as I pursue the enemy around the tree. Each of my steps hits heavy on the wood, warping it as it absorbs the blow. Zenon and the others fly ahead, staying just out of reach. Every now and then, one will turn and try to make a strike. But each time, I manage to dodge, either that or my wound is instantly healed. 
Yes… more… more power-
I don’t care that each wave of magic rips more and more of my life force away; it’ll be worth it.
If I can just catch up to them-
Suddenly, as I brace against the trunk in order to leap once again, the Tree swells underneath me, almost like a wave. It catches me off guard, and I push off and away from it, my heart pounding. What on earth was that supposed to be? I think, narrowing my eyes. The Dark Triad are suddenly nowhere to be seen. The fibers of the tree leak some sort of black substance that floats like smoke through the air. Swirling menacingly as the tree itself starts to radiate power. Is this a trap? Or-
It’s right then that I realize that the tree is… bigger. Significantly bigger. I’m almost up to the ceiling now, snow and wind pelting in from above. The twining branches are now thick, a lattice that almost blocks out the sky above. My eyes widen. Wait- how long were we fighting? My perception of time is completely off, the magic still warping it around me. How tall did the tree grow just now?!
There’s a chill in the air. Everywhere around me, I sense dark, creepy magic, opening up from seemingly no where.
Gates? But- Wasn’t this supposed to take several days? What is going on-
Is… did the gate just open all the way!?
Somewhere in my stomach, a pit starts to form. I float there, totally still, as the impending wave of despair starts to grow on my shoulders.
Did… did my magic-
I completely dominated the mana in this chamber. My Time magic permeated every square inch of it, as I sped the passage of time up and up and up- The Dark Triad stuck close to the trunk of the tree as I pursued them… all the while, the Tree was absorbing time, more and more until-
My gaze drops, to the ground far below. There’s movement.
“When the gates are open… the two catalysts will be spent.”
I drop like a rock, zooming down to the bottom of the room, my heart starting to pound faster and faster. 
No… it can’t be. This is a mistake- 
Things start to come into focus. I see two heavy metal coffins, both with their doors open.
They didn’t trick me… they didn’t… this isn’t happening-
I land heavily, a few meters away. There’s another man nearby, but I ignore him and run straight for the coffins.
Yami… William… did you escape? You did, didn’t you! 
I run around once of the coffins and see that they are both empty.
You did! You’re out… now I just have to find-
I make the mistake of looking down.
Waves crested gently upon the beach as the sun started to set.
William holds a tiny hermit crab in his hand. His pants are rolled up to his knees to keep them from getting wet.
And years later… another sunset. Another smile.
“I think… another Golden Dawn awaits us both.”
Yami smiles at me, that last spark of hope that I needed to keep living.
“You’re my friend… and you’re the one Julius loved. So go.”
I feel his rough palm squeeze my shoulder before letting go.
“Go… and feel.”
I drop to my knees.
My hands are shaking, and I feel the last of my strength slip through my fingers.
All those years together… all those good times, all those bad times…
Why… why did they have to end like this?
There are two bodies on the ground. I can’t recognize either of them, but I know who they are.
“Go and feel.”
I am… I am feeling… now.
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hellomelusine · 6 years
Let me Dream, Let me Stay
A continuation of this so read that if you haven’t...also please ignore that I 100% switch tenses from part one to part two. When this goes up on Ao3 everything will be in present tense, I just - time. Big thank you to @happilyeveraftereveryday for looking this over for me
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Rey has somehow incurred the wrath and pity of her waitress, by  doing productive things, like devouring two bowls of chips, downing a water, and continually  peeling the label from the empty bottle of Troegs HopBack Amber Ale. She had ordered the ale when she first arrived and settled in her usual back corner booth, was almost done peeling the whole sticker off, and he still wasn’t here. Her leg bounces up and down as she realized that she had messed up, she had miscalculated, oh god, she was going to have to come up with a reason why her fake boyfriend of two years suddenly couldn’t make it to the wedding.
“Ben Solo!” Maz’s voice rings out over the din of the evening crowd and the handful of TV’s perched in corners, broadcasting the Phillies game, while one lonely screen was showing the Capitals. Rey jerks, bottle spinning from her hands to topple onto the table where she blindly grabs at it, looking towards the door before frowning. Maz is making her way there, but the only person who has walked in - Kylo. Oh god, she was saved.
With quick movements she plucks up the scattered label remains and shoves them inside of the bottle, subtly watching Kylo talk with Maz. It’s a brief conversation, and whatever it is about has Kylo’s mouth turned down with an even more pronounced frown than usual.
“I was beginning to think you stood me up!” Rey tries to tease, but even she can hear the tremor in her voice as Kylo slides into the booth across from her.
“Sorry, Hux stopped me on my way out, needed some help with one of his files not formatting right,” he says, rubbing at his temples as he takes in the decimated remains of her snacks on the table. “It’s easier to just deal with him immediately, give him less time to stew.”
“Yeah, but he makes that face when you ignore him, you know.” She makes a show of stacking her chip baskets and smiles at him, “The one where he turns almost purple.” The hint of a smile finally began to show at the corner of his mouth and Rey counts it as a win, “So, I’m starving, I’m getting the nacho platter. What do you want?”
“The nacho platter is for four people, we can share,” he answers, picking up a menu and thumbing through it.
“We most certainly cannot share it,” Rey huffs, moving to stretch her legs out under the table, but accidentally catches Kylo in the shin, “Sorry,” she mutters, when he glares up at her over his glasses.
“You’re going to eat the whole platter?”
“Yes, but maybe, if you behave, I’ll let you have some. A miniscule amount, at most.” Rey grins as Kylo shakes his head at her and she sinks back in her seat. “So,” she starts, after giving him a minute to figure out what he wants, and before that pesky waitress who kept frowning every time she asked for more chips could come back, “you have a twin or something?”
Kylo snapped the menu shut as he looked up at her. “What? No, don’t be ridiculous, why would you - oh.” Rey frowned at him, but said nothing, “Maz.”
The waitress is back, bearing more chips accompanied by another glare and a beer for Rey. “Didn’t get stood up after all, I see,” Rey rolls her eyes at the comment but still manages to catch the way she eyes Kylo up - like a damn snack. When no one at the table says anything she smiles, “I’m April, I’ll be your server tonight, I can get you started with a drink while you look over the menu some more.”
“No, I think we’ve both decided, haven’t we, Rey?” Kylo asks, glancing over at Rey who nods, smiling up at April, who still hasn’t stopped looking at Kylo, who is valiantly trying to avoid eye contact, even when he’s speaking to her. “A Yuengling for me, the nacho platter and Maz’s Special Burger, medium rare.”
“You want fries, or more chips?”
“Fries, please,” he answers, tucking the menu back behind the condiments.
“Great, and you?” she asks, turning her body towards Rey, but not her eyes.
“He ordered for us both, so whenever you’re done gawking,” Rey’s whole body is shaking, and she’s surprised by the lack of tremor in her voice, but she does it. She stakes her pseudo claim, and April stalks away. “Sorry,” Rey says after watching her retreat, turning back to Kylo to find him blushing, “She’s been a bit of a bitch since I got here.”
“It’s fine, I guess.” Kylo laughs uncomfortably, “I should probably get used to it.”
“To waitresses telling you to leave because ‘he’s obviously not coming, honey’?”
A genuine laugh this time. “No, I meant you, being all,” he gestures at her, “you about me.”
“Oh, baby, I’m going to be insufferable,” Rey leans over the table and tries for a sultry tone, but Kylo just laughs again, and that’s okay, she thinks, because he’s got a nice one, and his smiles that come so infrequently are truly a sight to behold, so she’ll take it. “So back to the intrigue of Ben Solo,” Rey begins, pulling the new basket of chips toward her, when Kylo remains quiet she rambles, “If you don’t want to talk about it, you really don’t have to, I just-”
“No, it’s fine,” Kylo said, cutting her off and clearing his throat. “Ben Solo is my birth name.” Rey tried very, very hard not to laugh, but a small sound still escaped her mouth.
“What?” Kylo asked, brow furrowing as he looked at her.
“I’m just really relieved that there aren’t people out there who would actually name their kid Kylo Ren. I’m sorry, I’m being rude.” She shoves several chips in her mouth while Kylo continues to stare at her. “So how’d you pick the name you have?”
“It’s not important,” Kylo says grabbing the ketchup and giving it a quick shake. They lapse into a comfortable silence and Rey pushes the chips across the table at him. She watches him munch on a few while his eyes trail up to the TV in the corner opposite from their booth. If this were a real date, Rey would be offended, but it’s a strategy meeting, so she allows it. When the food finally arrives and April retreats, his intense gaze meets hers. “Let’s get to it.”
“Yeah, sure. First date?”
“Oh, I was going to ask about the wedding, but that works too. Here?” He gestures at the bar room around them.
“Smart,” Rey smirks, taking a quick drink, “Keep it as close to the truth as possible. Met at work, obviously,” she picks up a nacho and points it at him, “this part of the story I’ve already told, so, here we go-”
“I’m going to hate this, aren’t I?” Kylo interrupts on a sigh, squirting ketchup onto his plate and burger.
“No! It’s cute!” Rey defends, biting the nacho in half. “Right, so, we met at work not long after I started, we sat next to each other at a meeting,” she holds up her hand when he tries to interrupt again, “Finn already knows what happened, you can’t change it - so, you asked to borrow a pen, because yours suddenly wasn’t working. Good thing for you, I always carry around at least five,” Rey beams when Kylo quietly chuckles in acknowledgement of this fact; something he's teased her about more than once during the more bland meetings they’ve attended. “I give you the pen, and I proceed to take zero notes throughout the whole meeting, because I’m distracted by how hot you are,” Kylo chokes on his beer here, but Rey ignores him, “you don’t give my pen back, so then I just have to live my life knowing you’re a rude guy who’s incredibly hot - still a pen thief, though.”
“This, uh, is starting to feel a bit personal.” Kylo glances at her with a frown
“Good, because you did steal my pen the first time we met,” Rey huffs, crossing her arms over her chest.
“And you’re clearly not over it.” He’s quick to point it out the hint of a smirk at the corner of his mouth.
Rey laughs, “Of course I’m over it, babe, I’m trying to tell a love story for the ages here, and you’re worried about a pen.”
“I would like to point out, that you are the one that brought up the pen.”
“Because that’s how we met!” Rey tosses her hands in the air, and Kylo laughs again, “Anyway, cut to two months later, I’m moved into your department, desks super close to each other, it takes you a week and a half to notice I come in an hour early, like you usually do. You say hello when you pass by my desk, I’m still bitter about the pen.”
“Is that why you never said anything? Just grunted at me?” His tone is incredulous and Rey bites her lip in delight before schooling herself.
“Rude. Carrying on - I don’t know how you figured it out, but you figured out how I take my coffee, and you start bringing a cup for me every morning, for that place you always stop at.”
“But you hate that place -”
“Not the point, this is a fictionalized series of events about how we started dating. Plying me with caffeine in the morning works, regardless of where it comes from. I forgive you for the pen incident.”
“I feel like this is a really round about way of you asking me to replace the pen I stole from you three years ago,” Kylo huffs, leaning back against the booth, drink clutched loosely in his hand.
“Anyway,” Rey continues with a laugh, “you keep up your seduction by coffee for a few months, and one random Thursday, you ask me out, I say yes, and now here we are, two years later, deliriously in love.”
“Do we live together?” Kylo asks immediately, leaning back in.
“No, but we sleepover at each other’s places.” Rey is quick to answer, and equally as quick to steal a fry from Kylo’s plate as she does so.
“We work at the same place, why wouldn’t we live together?” Kylo counters, snatching the fry back from her with nimble fingers and devouring it in one bite.
“Ohhh, you haven’t earned enough friend points to learn my tragic backstory yet, sorry.” Rey frowns at the miniscule amount of fried potato clutched between her thumb and index finger before popping it into her mouth with a sigh. Biting her lower lip she starts to peel off the label on this new bottle, “It’s not unreasonable to think this won’t come up, so the short version is: I enjoy my independence, standing on my own two feet, you know? Plus there’s the long term abandonment issues.” She pauses before a falsely chipper, “Anyway! You don’t like it, but you’re content to give me my space about it for now.”
Looking back up, she finds Ben staring at her, his own bottle of Yuengling sitting poised on his lips for a moment too long before he tips it back and takes a long drink.
“You’ve really put a lot of thought into this, haven’t you?” Kylo asks after settling the bottle on the table with a quiet thunk, Rey sags in relief that he’s moving on before she laughs.
“Yeah, uh, Finn and Rose, they mean well, and I love them, but they’re nosey as shit. I made the mistake of saying ‘I don’t know’ once when they asked how my boyfriend was, so then I had to make up a fight, and it was about that. You, boyfriend man, whoever, suggested moving in together, and I said no.”
“How long did the fight last?”
Rey smiles, “Almost two weeks? That’s the problem with fake boyfriends, you forget you have them, so you never resolve the fight until you’re asked about it again. Don’t worry, we had some pretty epic makeup sex.”
Kylo groans around a bite of food, and Rey preens while she waits for him to finish, “Please, please tell me you haven’t-”
“It’s fine, I just described a porno there’s no way Finn or Rose has ever seen and they were blown away. Probably also jealous? That was maybe six months ago, I’d like to dream they’ve forgotten, but if you get the world's least subtle thumbs up from either of them, it’s because of the porno sex we didn’t have.”
Kylo stares at Rey for a long moment, slowly chewing his food as she drums her fingers on the tops of her thighs. Rey thinks he might be blushing just a little, but in the dim lighting of the place, she finds it hard to tell. “It’s going to be a miracle if we survive the weekend., he finally declares.
“It will be fine, we have a month-ish to get ready, now, tell me your demands, sir.”
“First, I’m driving - I’ve seen your car, I have doubts it can make the whole trip.” Rey rolls her eyes at this, her car may look not that great, but she keeps it in tip-top shape, “Second, I want you to help Mitaka with Phasma’s latest project.”
“I thought you were supposed to do that.”
“You said anything, Rey.” Kylo points out, a decidedly devious smirk gracing his features now.
“Fine, fine. Mitaka is terrified of you anyway, between the two of us we should be able to keep on schedule.” Kylo huffs at this before popping a few fries into his mouth. “Is that it?” Rey asks, “I feel like I’m getting off really easy.”
“No, that’s not it. I get two random favors that I can call in, at any time, and as long as you don’t have any conflicts, you have to follow through.”
“It’s a whole weekend, Rey.” Kylo points out and Rey concedes, “I think that’s it, for now, I’m sure I’ll think of a few more things in a months time. Now, how do you feel about PDA?” He swerves their conversation around so quickly Rey could laugh.
“Ugh, hate it.” she says as she plucks up a slice of jalapeno and pops it into her mouth, “but I don’t see a way to avoid it if we want to be convincing.”
“Right, hard limits?”
“No kisses with tongue?”
“Sure, how about we only kiss if it seems necessary to? Otherwise we just stick to hand holding and hugs.”
“Cheek kisses?” Rey asks, because her mind is running a mile a minute and knows there should be at least some mild lip touching somewhere along the way.
Kylo takes a long drink of his beer before nodding, almost seeming reluctant, “Sure, cheek and forehead kisses, but sparingly. What about dancing?”
Rey wants to point out that she’s probably too short for kissing his forehead, then realizes he will be kissing hers, maybe, hopefully at some point. She clears her throat, fingers fidgeting with the unused utensils at her place, “I’m not sure if there will be dancing, but if there is we can just run away.”
“The venue,” Rey smiles, “It’s the Science Center, so we can literally fuck off and look at robots all night if we want...after the ceremony, of course,” she adds as an afterthought and Kylo chuckles as he picks up his burger. “This is off to a good start, I think.” Rey muses, pushing a nacho through a pile of melty cheese and sour cream. “Thankfully it’s not our wedding, so no need to kiss on command.”
“Right, just if the moment feels like it deserves it.”
“Right!” Rey knows her voice is too bright, maybe it’s to compensate to the waver in his, or maybe it was to cover the fact that it was one whole weekend, only a month away. He had agreed to it. She didn’t think she was that bad to look at, but it was hard not to feel a stab of hurt at the way Kylo was reacting to possibly needing to kiss her. They were friends, dammit, so what if she wondered what his full lips would feel like against hers - they were just friends, and they were awkwardly going to get through this wedding weekend, and on the Monday after they would go back to being friends and co-workers and everything would be fine.
“Rey?” Kylo’s voice penetrates her haze of wild thoughts and she looks up to find him frowning across the table at her, “We don’t have to do kisses at all, if the idea bothers you that much,” he tells her softly.
“No, sorry, they’re fine. I suggested them. I just got lost in thought.” She watches him watch her and she slowly pushes her giant plate of nachos towards him. “You want one?”
“Are you admitting defeat?” Kylo asks, grabbing one buried under a pile of toppings and shoving the whole thing into his mouth.
“No! I’m trying to be nice and share, but if you’re going to be that way about it, I take the offer back,” Rey grumbles and slides into the corner of the booth, taking the plate with her, “I am now the nacho gremlin, and you need to stay back.”
“Oh no, but you promised me anything,” Kylo grins, reaching over to grab another with his long arms.
“Can I take it back?” Rey asks, grinning right back, and laughing when he just lifts a brow and shakes his head ‘no’. “Fine,” she pushes the plate back towards the center of the table, then stretches her legs out on the booth cushion.
“What’s the dress code?” Kylo asks, scooping some nachos onto his now empty plate.
“Uhhh, nice?” Rey answers, not looking at Kylo, and instead watching Maz bop around tending to other patrons.
“‘Nice’ is not actually a dress code.”
“I can look at the invitation when I get home and text you. It’s not casual, but it’s not formal either. It’s also at the Science Center, so you know some asshole is gonna show up in jeans, but whatever. Just dress how you normally do at work, bring a tie as an option or something.”
“What are you wearing?”
“A dress,” Rey sighs, it’s the last thing she wants to wear, but there’s also no way in hell she’s wearing her office attire to a wedding where she wants to have fun and celebrate her friends.
“A dress?”
“Yes, a dress! Just because I don’t wear them to work - I wear dresses when the occasion calls for it.”
“What’s wrong with one of your pantsuits?” Kylo asks, and Rey turns to shoot him a glare.
“I don’t - wait, do you think I wear pantsuits? Because this is a problem, if so. Kylo, Kylo, it’s important to me that you know I don’t wear pantsuits. I wear slacks. When have I ever come to the office in some kind of power suit with a fancy blazer that matched my pants?”
“Is this a legitimate question?”
“Uh, yes, you think I wear pantsuits to work! I’m a 28 year old woman, and you think I’m out here, oh my god.” Rey grabs her bottle and chugs the rest, slamming it back onto the table. “Do not ever say that to me again.”
“Uh, okay, yeah, I will not, wow.” Kylo arches a brow at her and then with a finger nudges the nachos back towards her. “Do you want another round?” he asks, “A pantsuit apology round?”
“Oh my god,” Rey laughs into her hands, “you’re the worst, and sure, one more.”
Kylo sends a wink in her direction as he clambers out of the booth, “For what it’s worth? I think you look great in everything you wear to work,” he tells her before striding to the bar, leaving Rey to stare slack-jawed after him. With a distressed whimper, she polishes off the last of the nachos and tries not to think about the disaster looming on the horizon. If she survives the weekend of Finn and Rose’s wedding in close quarters with Kylo, without compromising their friendship, it will definitely be a miracle.
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Red Queen Fan Fiction Blood Curse part 3
Find this on wattpad
chapter 1
chapter 2
chapter 3
chapter 4
chapter 5
chapter 6
chapter 7
chapter 8
chapter 9
chapter 10
chapter 11
chapter 12
chapter 13
chapter 14
chapter 15
chapter 16
chapter 17
chapter 18
chapter 19
chapter 20
chapter 21
chapter 22
chapter 23
chapter 24
chapter 25
chapter 26
chapter 27
chapter 28
chapter 29
Final chapter
Mare POV 
I smile at myself in the mirror. A part of me resents to go back to pretending but moping and sulking aren’t an option. Not when I’m having to face Tiberias this morning. My smile doesn’t do much to hide the exhaustion, even though a skinhealer has taken care of my injuries and tiredness after the battle. I’m not a radiant beauty and I never will be, but I have other ways to be striking. 
I spin Cal’s earing between my fingers as I move to the door. Its presence is stinging. 
I don’t want to have it with me, and I don’t want to throw it away - because Tiberias wouldn’t even notice. I thought about giving it away as a present, but to whom? And what would they think about it?
I put it back into a pocket and enter the corridor. I haven’t reached the stairs when reflected sunlight makes me squint my eyes and a familiar clink rings in my ears. It’s Evangeline Samos, stopping me in my tracks. Her metal dress gleams in the morning light as voltage prickles in my fists. I meet her eyes, unwilling to back off. Her clothing is noticeably intricate today, with many layers and chains falling over her midriffs and shoulders. Must have taken a long time to create.
“Are you back at threatening me, your highness?” I ask, dripping sarcasm at her new title.
It takes her long to answer, so I almost cease expecting a vocal one. Our interaction consists of glares and a sudden wave of power emanating from Evangeline. Her dress ripples and changes shapes, until the power reaches me. I walk back half a step when I feel how the metals on my clothing – zippers, rivets, studs as well as my earrings – start to vibrate. For once I’m glad I don’t carry weapons with me, as Farley does. They would work against me among the magnetrons.
Yet I don’t cower before the newly exalted princess in front of me. I close in again and before I throw so much as a single spark, it’s over. Evangeline breaks eye contact and mumbles, “no need for this anymore, we’ve already lost.”
Then she passes me, not without taking a look over her shoulder, her face lacking her usual self-confidence completely. A strange expression for a woman who’s finally gotten what she wanted. Unless she prefers love over a crown after all.
I wonder if she noticed the earring in my pocket.
Her metal clothing drags on the floor and I ask myself how heavy it must be to carry the element of her power on her all the time, unable to draw it from within herself, as I can. What is a magnetron without their metal? It’s a tempting thought to imagine one of the mightiest Silver Houses at loss, powerless and driven into a corner.
Too bad they won’t ever let that happen.
It’s not an auspicious start in the day. But I’m long past these anyway. I join Farley in the hallway in front of the conference room. “Are we in again for a dramatic late entry?” I ask.
She shrugs. “Give the Silvers a chance to discuss among themselves.” She raises her eyebrows and I suspect Davidson has his own agents eavesdropping on the Silvers. He arrives a few minutes later with his generals, knocks on the door and enters without preamble. Farley hesitates for a moment before following him with the Scarlet Guard commanders beside her, the man and the woman who governed Corvium in the meantime. She looks at me, mouthing something, then turns around.
You’re coming with us?
I follow her yet I realize what she asks. Do I really want to do this, to meet Tiberias, the king to be? And do I want to take part in ruling and leadership? I said no to Tiberias about exactly that, because I can’t be his queen, yet here I am again, with Silver kings and Red Generals, without a pause. Once, Cal told me I ran away from leadership, and I did – I still do. It’s not what I aspire, what I wish for, but I can’t let go or stop fighting. Not when my hopes are at stakes and my presence might be a tip in the balance of keeping Cal – Tiberias – in favour of the Reds.
The room falls silence upon our entry. I see Anabel Lerolan, Volo Samos and his children; representatives of the Houses Laris, Iral and Haven; and Tiberias. He sits next to his smirking grandmother, with Evangeline on his other side. The seat between them is empty, like an invitation for me. Even more so when his eyes find me and he brightens at my sight. He smiles like he expected to never see me again. I don’t return the relief. If the corners of my mouth twitch, it must be a grim expression, and he stops beaming. His face freezes into the same stern demeanour his fellow Silvers exhibit at the table.
Davidson takes the seat next to Tiberias. The other Reds sit down opposite the rest of them.
The politicians greet each other although their dislike for one another sizzles in the air. I guess this is always the same. Mockingly polite, Ptolemus volunteers to fill in the Red faction about their previous decisions, demonstrating what a dutiful son he is. His report seems honest enough though I see how Farley has to fight to keep herself from glaring at him. I have to withstand the same urge while my face remains stony without much effort; I had six months of Maven’s company to train this.
It also holds despite Tiberias’s several yearning glances at me. After fifteen minutes of prattling, even I notice that we’ve reached a stalemate. The Silvers are their own kind of rebels and they’re loath to bow to anyone else, despite their alliances. Davidson brings himself into the conversation, dissembles, and the other Guard members fall in line, if only to claim their interest in maintaining their rule of Corvium.
Eventually, Anabel Lerolan cuts in. "Maybe we should give up Corvium.” The proposition is met by stares. I wonder if she only wants to get Reds out of their positions, away from power.
To my surprise, Farley shows a levelled reaction. “It’s not like the Lakelander-Nortan-war will be limited to the choke now. After the main reason for the fighting here is gone.” Her tone is almost sarcastic. She knows about the aspect of population control in the 100-years-war, and how the union of Iris and Maven has shifted their ways of control, with fighting the Scarlet Guard instead of each other.
“I assume with their king killed by the Nortan – separatists,” Farley drags on the words, “the Lakelands will no longer hesitate to attack Norta on other borders, like on the south-eastern frontier.”
Which would be the Rift, the newly founded kingdom of the Samos family. King Volo shows no reaction to her baiting. “Shall they,” he answers, “they won’t have much success with attacking us.” Despite his neutral demeanour, his tone is arrogant. “Though I expect you, dear Anabel, to enable our new trade routes. Your domain is rich in crops and livestock, and we don’t want the usurper to further benefit from both our products.”
The old queen sips her water, inclining her head to a slight nod. “Certainly” she agrees. Tiberias says nothing.
Ptolemus goes on explaining in his father’s place, listing gains he wishes to receive from the alliance. It sounds like he’s studied this part. Evangeline interrupts him.
“How long are we pretending to gloss over the fact that we partied instead of sending more assassins after Maven, to settle this once and for all?”
Tiberias clenches his fists, but I seem to be the only one to notice his unease. He still doesn’t want Maven to die. Though Evangeline’s outburst puts the rest of the council in disarray too. Her father boils at her insolence, but she remains determined, apart from a hand shivering for a short moment. In a way, I agree with her. Maybe I should have done exactly that, hunt Maven instead of enduring this company.
The representatives of the Silver Houses each voice their opinions about the next operations, ranging between proposing their own propaganda tour with Tiberias and Evangeline in undecided Nortan regions, conquering the land piece by piece and outright assassinating Iris and Maven, once they provided fitting candidates. Even Davidson falls in, demanding that King Tiberias openly declares his support of the Scarlet Guard and Red-Silver equality, earning him some pointed glances.
Only Evangeline leans back, her expression almost smug as she drinks her water.
“Tiberias,” Anabel calls out, “what do you decide?”
He blinks at his grandmother.
“It is the king’s duty and privilege to command,” she adds and I’m uncertain if she intends to encourage or to chastise him with that statement. His eyes fly across the room, when everyone is focused on him.
“I think,” he begins, “this task is too important to act rashly now.” He makes the words up as he goes, seeking reassurance from his audience. “Our priority is the restructuring of our joined forces.”
It’s a tactical move, not a strategical one, as usual for him. He isn’t Maven, despite their similar thirst for a throne and I’m not going to mistake them again.
“Maven will have to do the same, so we’ll have the time. In the meantime,” he stops himself and lowers his gaze as the assembly hold their breaths. All except me.
“What is it, Tiberias?” I say. “Do you need another moment outside to make a decision?”
The Silvers glare at me, but my eyes fix on Tiberias. He stares back, almost helplessly. Farley touches my hand, as if she wants to hold me back. Yet, with a small movement of my eyes, I see Davidson smile. I turn to Tiberias again, constraining him with a stare until I’ll have forced an answer out of him.
“The rehabilitation of the Scarlet Guard,” he concedes finally. “It’s Maven’s pet project to give them an ill repute and we have to counteract him there.”
It should be a success but I hardly feel it, and my face must reflect this numbness. Tiberias’s sombre expression tells me as much.
Yet, how easily I’ve influenced him, maybe I’ve been wrong to be disappointed by him. Unless he’s going to fall for anyone else’s goads as quickly. Even though Larentia Viper isn’t present in the room, I feel surrounded by something worse than her snakes.
But the queen of beasts enters ten minutes later. The falcon on her shoulder screams as if to announce her and she has her usual snake on her other side. She says nothing and walks to her husband, to whisper in his ear. Volo Samos isn’t perturbed by the animals but by her message. There’s the smallest crack in the unreadable armour of his face. It vanishes as he speaks, turned into vindication.
“Apparently,” he starts, “my daughter has been right.” Shocks spreads on Evangeline’s face at this concession. “The usurper Maven sends his regards, mocking us, who have vanquished him, who have the true king of Norta on our side. Tiberias lowers his head and I wonder if he’s biting his lip. His knuckles are white from clenching, his bracelets sparkling. I feel frozen yet I long to hear the rest of Larentia’s report.
Only the central message stays in my mind. Maven has sent some of his remaining Newbloods into the Corvium tunnels, burning, shattering and wrecking whatever they could find, until these ten persons died because of the own mess they created, leaving behind their charred bodies and those of 30 guards stationed there. Maven’s message is clear enough.
I can get anywhere and I’m willing to sacrifice as much as it takes to win.
Commentary: I’m so, so sorry for the long wait -.-° I hope you’ve enjoyed this anyway. I had to make some guesses on the political and geographical issues, so I’m not sure if the Lerolan Delphie region has a lush agriculture but I thought it would make sense. 
If the Silvers, especially the women, don’t appear in a good light, it’s because Mare is biased against them. Just as she mocks Ptolemus because has to work hard to keep up to his father’s expectations. He isn’t a born and scheming king either, IMO.  
@evangelinesamo5 @queenmareena @maudthebookeater @lilyharvord @clarafarleybarrow @redqueenfandom @thomaven @mikey-waysjawline @myeyesonthehorizon @universegamer @maven-notmyking @tiygreen37 @didmavenkillyou--metoo
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