#like at least not one hundo percento okay
Golden Sun Fanzine + Blatant Self-Promotion
The Golden Sun rises again! Well, at least for this blog. And only for, like...an hour or something. And it’s pretty cloudy so it’s kinda hard to tell. BUT IT’S STILL HERE, OKAY.
Anyway, in lieu of actual content for this blog, I wanted instead to let you guys know about the existence of a Golden Sun fanzine project that an old friend tipped me off to. Pretty last boss, right? And with 354(!!) of you out there following GSTLC, I figured it was a good bet that some of you might want in on this in some way. At present they seem to just be getting a rough headcount of who wants to contribute, so no pressure to do anything just yet. Just send an email to the listed address by September 10 to toss your hat -- or any other piece of gear you may have and want to offload for an upgrade -- into the ring if this tickles your Djinni.
(Not sure yet if I’ll Do a Thing for the fanzine, myself. Depends on what they want from contributors and when. But it’s tempting...!)
Far less interesting but generally still kinda sorta related is the fact that I now have a personal Tumblr blog, where (among other things) I post GS fanart that doesn’t make it onto my deviantArt. (There’s also exclusive art at my Twitter, but currently it’s Bomberman-themed, with the exception of a GSDD mashup picture.) While my general fanwork focus for the moment is on Bomberman stuff for Reasons™, I one-hundo-percento have GS projects planned to drop at all three of these places at some point in the future, because I can’t seem to kick this Adept addiction. So if time and inclination align for you, give me some follows at deviantTumbltwitter!
As usual, thanks and thanks again for everyone’s continued support of this blog, even in its current hibernating state! I only wish I had more to offer at this point in things. Send us an Ask if there’s something you want to say or something you’d like us to translate.
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