#like amalthea had a chance to love! she did love when she did! she lets it go! it's beautiful
daincrediblegg · 2 months
I love it when a movie is just about as good and perhaps even better than you remember it
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samieree · 1 year
Dawn of the North || Robb Stark
Robb Stark x OC
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-> Chapter V "Truth?"
Chapter VI "First step"
At first, the woman's presence at the war council didn't cause very positive reactions, but the girl's character and the fact that she already managed to get to know some of the Lords as a really positive and intelligent person made them accept her quite quickly, or at least some of them and it was not at all badly.
And that was one of the things Amy had talked about while walking a bit outside the camp with Talisa. It was blowing pretty hard, but none of the girls mind. As soon as they tied up their hair, only the cloaks were knocking against them from time to time, whipped by the wind.
"Why did you go talk to him exactly?" Talisa finally asked, looking into the distance ahead of her.
"Well..." Amy wondered for a moment if she should be honest with Talisa. Will it be a good move on her part to confess the truth about her origin and family? After all, Talisa had been honest with her about her past... "We were talking about my family."
"Can I trust you?" She asked bluntly, pausing, which finally forced Talisa to stop walking, at least for a while.
"O-of course." She replied, stuttering at the end. "Unless you're plotting some crime, then don't expect me to help you."
"No, none of those things...!" The silver-haired assured quickly. "You know the Mad King, Aerys II Targaryen?" Talisa nodded, not entirely sure what the girl was getting at. "I'm his younger brother's daughter..." she admitted quietly, carefully watching her friend's reaction, which... She was shocked at first, it was strongly painted on her face and visible in the woman's large eyes.
"But... How...?"
"When he was only five years old, he left the capital behind the Wall, due to the childless death of the local ruler..." Amalthea explained, sighing and looking away. "That's why I'm Targaryen, not Igaren. Although they're almost the same family..." She looked back at Talisa, who seemed to be starting to lose her first shock.
"So you're... a princess?" Amy nodded, not answering the question in any other way. "Actually, I guess it just makes things easier..."
"What things?" She frowned, sending Talisa an incomprehensible look. However, at first she was only answered by silence and a shrug, which didn't help to understand what Talisa meant.
"Marriage..." She said as if it was obvious. "You're both from good families..."
"Stop." She interrupted her, holding up her hands. "I don't know what you mean, but I'm not getting married."
"Maybe not today, but..."
"He gave his word to another." Amy said straight, leaning a little towards Talisa for a moment. Either it seemed to the dark-haired girl, or Amy said it with... Sadness in her voice.
"Did I mention Robb Stark specifically?" Amy rolled her eyes, seeing now that she had let her friend finagle her.
She turned her head to the side, moving forward, wondering what she should do with all this now. And there wasn't much that she could do.
"See, you catch yourself doing it, thinking about him." Talisa quickened her pace to overtake the silver-haired and stop in front of her, grabbing her hands. "You saw his gaze, how he's making concessions for you..."
"Talisa, love... It doesn't just happen like this." Amy sighed. "And infatuation with someone can pass quickly."
"But it doesn't have to, how do you know how things will turn out? And if the war ends and he marries Walder Frey's daughter... There will be no more chances."
"No." Amy removed her hands from Talisa's light grip. "I won't make him break his word. If I really love him, even years later I will know that it was the right decision for his sake." she explained, adjusting her cloak over her shoulders and walking forward, wanting to leave the subject of Robb Stark as soon as possible.
At roughly the same time, Catelyn walked through the camp with the soldiers, going straight to her son's tent, which she immediately entered.
She just found him alone when he was fixing his hair in the mirror, but the boy immediately noticed the presence of his mother.
"Mother..." He began, but didn't get a chance to finish as Lady Stark immediately started talking, not caring about what Robb had to say.
"I trust you. And I hope you know that." She said, baffling the boy that he had no idea what the woman was up to. "But I see that you cannot keep your resolutions or promises by yourself."
"I don't know what you mean, mother. Why don't you sit down and calm down..." He wanted to lead her to a chair so that she could sit comfortably, but Catelyn dropped his hand from her shoulder and placed her hands on the boy's cheeks.
"My dear son... I told you I know that look..." She said, sighing. "The smile you give her, the concessions you make to her..."
"Does it still bother you?" He muttered tired of this topic, at the same time he grabbed his mother's hands, removing them gently from his face. "I've already assured you that you have nothing to worry about and I'll do the right thing."
"You can't fool your mother that easily." She shook her head, looking at her son's face intently. "I raised you, I know you like no one else in this world, and I know life in the same way. That twinkle in your eyes that your father used to look at me with."
She closed her eyes as she remembered all the happy times she had spent with Eddard Stark, how they had all been a happy family in Winterfell...
Saying nothing about Jon Snow, whom her husband had brought back from the war while she had a baby in her arms herself.
"Are you forbidding me to love?" Robb asked his mother, frowning slightly.
"What do you know about love? It takes years to build it, it... It doesn't just appear!" She spread her arms, boiling inside a bit. "I know you're young and want some excitement, but... You have to think about the people you're leading first. And about your honor. You have to end it before it's too late." She said the last sentence firmly, looking her son in the eye. Robb looked away, sighing to himself. For some reason, he really didn't want to end his acquaintance with the silver-haired girl, despite his mother, although if he had listened to her about Theon...
"Send her away." Catelyn pressed on.
"I'll decide that myself." He moved away and sat down on a chair by the table. "Don't worry." He smiled slightly, propping himself up on the table with his elbow.
* * *
He wondered how he should take care of all of this. At first he wanted to ask her to talk right away, but he wasn't quite sure what he would say. And then there was a council... And he invited her to it.
"Leave us." Robb said suddenly, standing over the map. Of course, he wanted to be alone with Amalthea while Lords left the tent. "And what do you think about it?" He asked, wanting to start a conversation.
"Are you afraid to ask me in their company?" She answered with a question, playing with the wooden figure lying on the map.
"No, just..." He sighed. Well, he wouldn't tell her that he wanted to unpretentiously approach her and hold her tight in his arms when he was about to tell her that they should stop seeing each other. "I know both your character and theirs. And I don't need any argues right now." She smiled slightly and nodded, keeping her eyes focused on the figure she was playing with.
"I don't think anything." She said after a few moments of silence, looking at him. "I've been trying not to think about the war for a few days now and..." She swept her hand around the tent. "All these. But if you care about my opinion, then..." She sighed. "I have nothing against it. You're smart people, you'll be fine."
He slowly approached her, taking the figurine she was playing with and touching her hand gently, and then placed the figurine a little farther away on the map.
"What's your final goal anyway?" She asked, glancing surreptitiously in his direction and playing with a loose strand of hair that had just 'escaped' from her braid. "You want to avenge your father, but eventually you have to get to..." She stopped as he mutely answered her, moving the figurine quite far away on the map. "Oh, King's Landing. Ambitiously." She smiled slightly.
"Too risky for now. And too far."
"No no, it might even work, but..." She grabbed his hand not quite confidently and moved it to Casterly Rock. "Here? Do you remember what I told you? Stannis plans to attack the capital, and I'm pretty sure Lord Tywin won't abandon his family, he values ​​his house above all else. Casterly Rock will be easier to get, and you know the Lannisters have money. If you later hire the Golden Company, then after Stannis' attack on the capital and weakening it, it will be an easier target."
"And if Stannis succeeds?" She sent him a pitying look.
"When Tywin will surround them?" He rolled his eyes and gripped her hand tighter.
"You're right... I was considering Casterly Rock, but it would have to be done quickly before Tywin decides to return." Amy nodded.
"And we had to be alone just to come to that conclusion?" She raised an eyebrow at Robb.
"Yes, because in the noise of all their conversations we wouldn't be able to." He turned his head towards her, smiling.
"They'll get mad at you for it someday." She giggled slightly, but he winced at those words, moving even closer to her.
"And you? Will you get mad at me?" He asked, smiling gently. Amy didn't move an inch as he stood practically right next to her, furtively looking at her lips. The more he looked at it, the more he wanted to kiss her. Give into his emotions, show her that she is special to him.
"As soon as you give me a reason, I'll gladly do it." She answered, also smiling. He lifted a hand to her hair, which he slowly began to untangle from the braid. He finally got a chance to touch those silver, soft strands. He untangled them completely, running his hand through them several times while Amy just stared at him with her mouth slightly parted.
Before she looked back, Robb was already with his body right next to hers and taking her face in his hands, he kissed her straight on the lips. At first, the surprised girl just let herself be kissed, but after a while she began to kiss back, enjoying every single one of them. But in the back of her mind was that Robb had already promised another, and when that thought penetrated even further, she pulled away from him, ending the caress.
"I'm sorry, it's late, and I haven't been sleeping very well lately..." She said quickly, stuttering as she did so and left the tent in a hurry, leaving him alone with his thoughts. If only it hadn't been for that damn promise, she'd have stayed there, still kissing him...
Instead, he just watched as Amy hurried out of the tent, bracing his hands on the table, only realizing that he had done the exact opposite of what he was supposed to do. And he seemed to scare her away for now, or at least confused her...
But... He liked those kisses and so did she, since after a while she was giving each one back. He even regretted that it ended so quickly, remembering perfectly the touch of her soft lips a few moments ago. And he hoped that one day he would have the opportunity to take her in his arms and kiss her beautiful lips again.
-> Chapter VII "Mutual Happiness [18+] -> general masterlist -> Game of Thrones/House of the Dragon masterlist
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mayabooowrites · 3 years
He didn't do it|||S.B
Summary: you walk into the ministry of magic with two babies yelling that Sirius is innocent
You walk into the meeting taken place, to say to just throw Sirius into Azkaban without a trial which well he's in his Azkaban cell already, which doesn't seem fair at all it's like they know they'll throw him in without a fair trial
You push the stroller with two babies in it, "I believe the law states that every criminal is innocent until proven guilty, everyone is allowed to have a chance to prove they didn't do the crime, I swear you know who would have a trial before you give my husband one." You say as people look over
"Mrs black what are you doing here." Dumbledore says and you scoff
"To prove my husbands innocence, and to grant him a request of a trial, why not make him take a truth potion, go into his memories? Look at the last spell his wand used? Prove he did the crime your gonna throw him into Azkaban for, like I said criminals are granted a trial to prove they are innocent, so why doesn't Sirius get one? You all are nicer to proven death eaters than him." You say as you pick up your daughter as she cries
"I thought you only had one child Mrs black?" Dumbledore asks seeing the scar on the second babies forehead
"That doesn't matter, now grant my husband a trial like every other alleged criminal you all have, you know like the rights he has and the right to prove he's innocent, or I may have to sue you all for not respecting basic human rights and wizard law." You say and people ask you if your certain if Sirius didn't do it
"Mrs black how certain are you that Sirius black didn't do it?" Someone asks and you laugh
"Maybe because he was with me most of the night, we went to the potters together because we had a night time play date with our children, it's safer at night and James and lily wanted Harry to have a friend, so we would bring Amalthea over at night, when we arrived James and lily were dead and Harry was in his cot crying, we took Harry as his god parents and that's who the other baby is." You say and people ask you to prove it and you set a bottle with the memory down "Enjoy here's my memory, I'll gladly take a truth potion as well." You say as you put your daughter back in the stroller beside Harry
After what felt like hours of people looking through your memory, finally someone asked to get Sirius out of Azkaban and question him
When Sirius arrived he started yelling make sure Amalthea and y/n are safe, if I'm gonna be locked up don't hurt my wife and kid
Sirius then looks over and sees you as you wave
"You really think they just took you out of your cell for no reason?" You say and Sirius blinks confused for a second before it hit him
"Oh, I knew you'd save me beautiful I love you." Sirius says as Harry and Amalthea were saying baby gibberish
"Yeah, I know now your actually gonna get a trial your welcome you owe me." You say and Sirius smiles
"How about another a baby in you?" Sirius says and you sigh as you chuckle as you roll your eyes
Sirius was then dragged somewhere and you were escorted to a different room. You were given tea and food and stuff for the baby's since they said Sirius's questioning may take a very long time. And since you refused to leave until you were leaving with Sirius
"Now you two it's gonna be ok." You say as you wrap the blanket someone gave you for them since it got cold in the building
You waited for 8 hours you were almost falling asleep until you heard a knock on the door
"Come in?" You say and Sirius opens the door
"No your supposed to say who's there you ruined my knock knock joke." Sirius says and you laugh as you get up and hug him
Sirius kisses you and you kiss him back as you start crying
"Hey no darling don't cry it's ok, I'm ok everything is ok." Sirius says and you nod
"Just I was so worried I'd never see you again." You say and Sirius kisses your nose
"Don't worry my love I'm staying, now let's go home Thea and Harry look tired and you so as well." Sirius says and you nod and Sirius kisses you one last time before picking up Amalthea and holding her close, he was so scared he wouldn't see her again
"I love you so much Sirius I'm so glad your not getting falsely accused of murder." You say and Sirius smiles
"Yeah same I'm also very glad for that as well. But know I love you so much." Sirius says and you smile at him as you and Sirius leave and go home
"I love you too Sirius."
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hollandwestbrook · 3 years
the anatomy of a girl; part 9
“I’m sick with longing for you! There is no more shattering blow that I could suffer.” — Achilles, The Iliad
“We honor the dead by bringing something like life back to their forms. We show them as they were: alive, ready to pounce, their eyes open, looking at the next bright thing.” — Holland’s father
You could saw through bone easily enough with the right tools. Francis had had such a tool in his kitchen; his cook must prepare large meals, and there was a saw there. She’d used it to cut through him, to dismember him. They’d put him into separate bags. They’d discarded the bags in separate dumpsters. The body, once dismembered, had remained heavy.
Right now, Holland did not have the right tools. All she had was a knife, taken from Amalthea. It wasn’t a large knife, nor was it particularly small. It was sharp, though, the sun glinting off the blade as she sawed. Back and forth. Back and forth. Working up a sweat, which dripped from her face onto Aspen’s torso.
“It’s not obvious until you say your name, tree girl.” She winked, standing and offering her hand. “Let’s chat windows, not feelings.”
Aspen’s hands quickly went flying up to act as additional supports for the girl standing on top of her. “I’ve got you.”
“Have you ever hurt someone before? Really hurt someone?”
Aspen rocked the blade against Holland’s hand, pulling it across the flat of her palm, slowing slightly as she saw beads of red begin to spill out from either side of the blade. “You okay?” “I’m great.”
Holland looked at the bandage, then down at her own hand, which she raised to meet Aspen’s. Her palm pressed to hers, her fingers coming to interlace Aspen’s, if a bit clumsily because of the nails. “With Nico, that’s just for attention. Paparazzi. That’s… that’s not how I kiss.”
She moved to push Aspen back against the trunk of the tree, swinging one leg over her lap to straddle her, wrapping her hands in that braided hair with the goal of fucking it up.
“The crazy in me sees the crazy in you. Is that what love is?”
Aspen’s hand was nearly permanently intertwined with Holland’s as they walked through the streets of the Capitol, unwilling to let go of the other girl almost in fear that she’d wake up from the dream of being out of the Tower.
Her leg was pressed against Aspen’s, and she fought the urge to take her hand. “So Francis, do you get a lot of tributes in your limo?”
“Aspen,” Holland said, taking both of her hands, looking into her eyes, or at least trying to. “We have to go back, we have no plan, we have nowhere to stay, and everyone will know our faces in like, 10 hours when they don’t find us in our rooms.”
“Holland, please, I know it’s fucking dumb but I don’t wanna lose you and - I don’t think I’m strong enough to do this, I really don’t.”
“We’ll be wanted for escaping and for murder, Aspen.”
“It’s me,” She assured, Aspen rushing toward her, dropping to her knees, worry immediately knit across her brow. Her hands delicately reached toward the slash on Holland’s leg.
Holland’s hands fumbled with the package the pigeon had brought her, and she shoved it in Aspen’s hands, keeping the note in her own. A note from Pluto: they know. don’t be cocky.
She screamed, grabbing Aspen’s hand, lunging forward, away from the building and the falling roof, forgetting for a moment the beast.
“Grab her!” she screamed to the others, her knife firmly in her hand.
 Aspen chanced a glance up at the other tribute, and then cast her gaze down to her own hand, a light white scar beginning to patch over a cut in her palm. This felt impossible. They weren’t going to have a stupid happy ending, they weren’t going to be okay, they were going to die.
“Can you make it?” Aspen extended her hands out toward the other tribute, ready to catch Holland if she needed to.
“Don’t let go of my hand, I don’t wanna be alone.”
At last, she sawed through the bone. Just before it came free, the last moment it would be attached to Aspen’s body, Holland leaned down and pressed a kiss to the fresh scar on Aspen’s palm, where Holland had cut her their first day in the Tower.
Then she pulled Aspen’s hand away from her wrist. Methodically, as if she were back home in her studio, she took the square she’d torn from her toga and wrapped it around the base of Aspen’s hand. She then took her final remaining thread, which she might have used to sew Nico up again, had he let her, so many days ago. Carefully, as if afraid to hurt Aspen, she sewed the fabric to the skin, closing it up. It soaked pink quickly, but she didn’t mind.
She pressed a final kiss to Aspen’s lifeless lips, and then, Aspen’s hand in hers, she walked away, towards the sun.
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the-phoenix-heart · 4 years
Sorting Hat Chats - The Last Unicorn
I don’t care if literally no one else cares about this but me WE ARE SORTING THE LAST UNICORN CHARACTERS WHETHER YOU LIKE IT OR NOT!
(You can find the basics of the system I’m using here, by @sortinghatchats​!)
(Also my reference for this is the 1982 movie and the 2010 graphic novel. As Peter S. Beagle, the actual author of the book, wrote the screenplay for the movie and the graphic novel has everything else the movie missed+an author’s note from Beagle I think it’s safe to say that I’ll get an accurate read on these characters.)
(Also also you don’t know just how long this has been in my drafts)
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THE UNICORN, or AMALTHEA as she’s known in human form, is a Badger primary. It’s important to remember that Badgers are loyal to people, but what they view as people doesn’t have to be a human. The Unicorn views other unicorns as people and it’s why at the beginning she’s willing to leave behind her entire forest that she cares for, just for the small chance that she might be able to save them. Also, her saving the harpy, despite the fact that the harpy would surely kill her. She does that because the harpy, Celaeno, is real like her. “We’re two sides of the same magic.” It doesn’t matter if Celaeno is a creature that would kill all the other animals she’d just freed or Mummy Fortuna. She’s ‘real’ like her, and therefore people to The Unicorn. 
When she’s been transformed into a human she says, “How can anything that is going to die be real?” Dehumanizing is a thing Badger primaries do a lot of the time, and here The Unicorn is literally saying that what is ‘real’, what is people, are immortal magical creatures (and regular animals), and anything else isn’t ‘real’, isn’t people. 
The Unicorn’s secondary is harder to get a grip on, seeing as for half of the story she spends her screen time standing melancholic on high twisted towers looking out into the sea. Turning into a human is her moment when she burns. As Amalthea she is lost and forgetting herself, and also almost certainly has developed depression. Lir says that Amalthea heard about his horses burnt legs and she immediately went to it to try and heal it, only for nothing to happen. She literally tried to unburn something but it didn’t work guys. Before all that though, as a unicorn, I think she was a Lion secondary. 
When she finds out she might be the last unicorn in the world she decides to charge out into the world and find them, or die trying. When she’s mistaken for a simple (but pretty) mare she goes off on that little farmer. She stands her ground when the harpy is gonna kill her. She saves Schmendrick from the tree he accidentally made fall in love with him just by marching up to it and shutting it up. She saves Molly and Schmendrick from thieves by rearing up and threatening them with her hooves (she’ll stomp you with her fucking hooves if you even think of looking at her friends). And at the end she saves her friends from The Red Bull by charging at it and herding it into the sea. She’s described as “rearing up like a scimitar” and screaming (which no immortal has ever done) when she fights back. Even when she is transformed into Amalthea. When she’s still just been transformed she stops Mabruk pretty much by staring him down and possibly using her magic. Even at her most burnt, when she is willing to give up on the other the unicorns, she does so by being blunt and standing her ground.
Lion secondaries also have a habit of collecting people, like a Badger secondary, but I still say The Unicorn is a Lion secondary because the way she collects people (’people’ it’s two people and you can’t count Lir because he fell in love with Amalthea who was so burnt it wasn’t really her) isn’t because she is exceptionally nice (she’s not, not by human standards) or because she’s so hardworking (she doesn’t work that much in the story, because as a unicorn she doesn’t have to), but because she’s so magnificent, so true, so powerful. Those are Lion traits drawing people to her.
And honestly it makes sense that she’s a Lion secondary. As a unicorn she’s close to all powerful, nothing can touch her. She doesn’t have to put in the work like a Badger, doesn’t have to gather the knowledge like a Bird, and has no use for Snake transforming. I wouldn’t be surprised if all unicorns had a Lion secondary. Honestly I love seeing how non human characters are sorted because they are so different from human characters. 
SCHMENDRICK is a Bird primary. He truly believes in the system of the world working like a fairytale and unlike a lot of stories where this would be a bad thing and disproven at the end, Schmendrick is right about the system. He doesn’t have to learn to be right about the system, he’s right about it from the start and it’s not like he hates how the system works, he loves and finds comfort in it. A lot of great lines go to him. And you can also see Lion primary Molly and Snake primary Lir are questioning just about everything he spouts. 
Molly: “They deserve their fate, they deserve worse. To leave a child out in the snow-” Schmendrick: “Well if they hadn’t then he wouldn’t have grown up to be the hero of all this. That’s the way these things go.” Molly: “But if he’s the hero, what is [The Unicorn]?” Schmendrick: “[You and I] are the tale-but [The Unicorn] is real. [The Unicorn] is real.”
Schmendrick: “If it changes a unicorn into a human being, then that was the only thing to do. I am a bearer, I am a dwelling, I am a messenger-” Molly: “You’re a stupid messenger, and a stupid, stupid magician.”
Lir: “You have to do something.” Schmendrick: “I can’t.” Lir: “Do something. You have power. You changed her into a unicorn. Do something to save her. I will kill if you don’t.” Schmendrick: “Not all the magic in the world can help her now. If she will not fight him, she must go into the sea with the others. Neither magic nor murder will aid her.” Lir: “Then what is magic for? What use is wizardry if it cannot save a unicorn?” Schmendrick: “No-that is what heroes are for.”
Molly: “Oh, the poor man. Poor Lir.” Schemdrick: “It’s not altogether bad. Great heroes need great sorrows and burdens, or half their greatness goes unnoticed.”
(I could quote this book for eons people I swear)
He’s also the one who tells Lir he has to rule over the people of Hagsgate when Lir is two steps away from killing his birth father who says it was good he abandoned Lir so he could one day become king. He thinks that he has done The Unicorn more evil than Mommy Fortuna or Haggard or the Red Bull because he turned her into a human and turned her back into a unicorn. He tries to comfort Lir about The Unicorn by telling him his land is blessed because all the unicorns ran through it in freedom, and how The Unicorn will remember him, “when men are fairytales in books written by rabbits.” (god I love that quote)
As for his secondary, he’s a total Snake secondary. He pickpockets, he lies to villagers about being an actual great wizard, he haggles for good payment in Hagsgate so long as he assassinates Lir (which he has no intention of fulfilling), he lies his way into the castle, when he needs to get the wine to drink itself he just drinks it and gives it to a skeleton who can’t tell the difference between and empty bottle or a bottle of wine. 
There is however one time in the story where Schmendrick drops his rhetoric about how the world works. They’re in the Red Bull’s cavern and Amalthea doesn’t want to become The Unicorn again and wants to stay with Lir.
Schmendrick: “Let it end here. Let her marry the prince and live happily ever after.  Molly: Schemendrick, if we don’t do this there will never be another chance. All the unicorns of the world will remain his prisoners, forever, except one, and she will die. She will grow old and die. Schmendrick: One good woman more in the world is worth every single unicorn gone. Let it end.
This is not what he believes. It’s him tricking Lir, making Lir remember that he is a hero, and to let there be no more unicorns would go against his being a hero. Molly tells him he forced him, and that he did it so he could become a real magician. Schmendrick disagrees. Like a Snake he doesn’t see it as forcing Lir to make a choice, he sees it as the right thing to do, and only way to do it.
MOLLY GRUE, lovely Molly. She is a Lion primary, who was burnt by something in the past, which is probably how she ended up with Captain Cully, and she unburns at the sight of The Unicorn. Molly’s beef with The Unicorn at first is that she never visited her when she was young, despite her love of unicorns. It’s such a Lion primary thing to me to ask something like a unicorn why they never came to her, and then to forgive a unicorn when unicorns are not to be questioned or forgiven. Molly as soon as she learns of The Unicorn’s quest doesn’t even go back to get her things. She leaves right that second with her, saying that her things don’t matter now that she has seen The Unicorn. Molly hears about what the people of Hagsgate did to baby Lir and she is willing to throw down with them right then. 
Lion primary Molly doesn’t want to poke holes in the system of the world. She could care less about understanding the system, she just does things because her moral compass says it’s right. She doesn’t care that ‘unicorns are not to be forgiven’ she’s going to forgive The Unicorn dammit (it’s a pride thing. Molly feels she was wronged even though technically unicorns don’t owe anything to people, pride is also very Lion primary). I 
She has a Badger secondary. When she was burnt she found a community for herself to live/work in-Captain Cully’s Band of Freemen. When she’s in Haggard’s castle she gets a job as the cook and cleaner and puts herself to work to survive. She gets information from the talking stray cat, and she helps out Lir as much as she can, quickly becoming his friend.
PRINCE LIR, is a total Snake primary. He falls hard for Amalthea, and then decides that he’s gonna start doing great deeds and become a hero just so he can woo her. He doesn’t really care for anyone but Amalthea and Molly, he’s willing to kill Schmendrick if he doesn’t save The Unicorn after she’s transformed back into herself. Molly says that Schmendrick reminded Lir that he was a hero, but what Schmendrick really did was remind Lir that he was a hero for Amalthea. 
He’s willing to kill his own birth father for abandoning him, and when he is to be king he talks about how much he hates it because he’ll rule over people he hates and be alone the rest of his life. When he dreams about The Unicorn, and she doesn’t say anything to him, he takes this as her not caring about him like he loved her, a betrayal. The real reason why she didn’t say anything to him is because she remembered him, and his love, and loving him, and cared more about him, but Lir just doesn’t understand that.
His secondary is a Badger. When he falls for Amalthea his idea of courting her is doing great deeds and working to be a hero. He’s slain black knights, basilisks, seas serpents, and five dragons, he’s faced fatal riddles and glass mountains. He starts trying to write poetry after all these fail to touch her. He puts in as much work as he can to try and woo her. He literally sacrifices himself for her, not as a Lion charge, but instead as using his body as a tool. His sacrifice is so that The Unicorn will fight back. 
I will say however that he has a definite Lion performance. It isn’t a model, because he actually doesn’t care about the Lion secondary it’s just him performing as a Lion secondary hero to try and woo Amalthea, which doesn’t work. 
When he’s confiding in Molly he words a Badger secondary in love perfectly, “I want to serve her...I wish to be whatever she has most need of.”
KING HAGGARD is super fucking burnt, and a Snake primary. What he only cares about is trying to be happy, and keeping his unicorns with him. He gets cursed by a witch that one day his castle would sink into the sea with him in it, and his reply was that any good tyrant’s castle needed a curse. He wants to be happy of course but he doesn’t really care if he dies. He dies laughing. The scene where he monologues to Amalthea about how he has all the unicorns is my favorite, and he pretty much gives the perfect description of his primary. 
King Haggard: “All things die when I pick them up. I do not know why they die, but it has always been so, save for the one dear possession that has not turned cold and dull as I guarded it-the only thing that has ever belonged to me.”
King Haggard is greedy. He wants to own things. He wants to have his Snake connections like a healthy unburnt Snake but that doesn’t work. It’s never worked. He found Lir and decided that since he’d never been a father maybe he could have a Snake connection and be happy, but the connection did the same as all his other connections. The connection died, even if Lir didn’t. There is only one thing that has ever brought him the happiness of a Snake connection, and that was the unicorns. It’s a one sided connection, but he does truly love them. He does also have the Red Bull, but we don’t know what that relationship is like and it’s likely he views the Red Bull as more of an extension of himself (in my take of the character that’s how I view it). 
He hoards the unicorns, and in a way that while very Snake Primary is also very Bird secondary. Haggard collects things, and tries them out so that he can figure out what makes him happy. What doesn’t work he usually throws away, and what works (the unicorns) he hoards. He collected Mabruk not in a communal way, but in the way that he would collect a book, and when the book isn’t good enough he throws it away and picks up another. He’s also super fucking smart for a bastard. He explains about how he figured out Amalthea was a unicorn and talks about how her every action no matter how small was his spy.
It’s also a neat parallel that both Lir and Haggard are Snake primaries. The book ends with Lir resigning himself to be as unhappy as Haggard when he loses Amalthea. However, I do think that Lir will probably end up better than Haggard because he had some support from Schmendrick and Molly, and the book ends with a princess being sent to Lir to seek help. Lir will end up a healthy snake. 
The Unicorn - Badger primary that sees immortal creatures as people/Lion secondary, both of these burn when she becomes Amalthea
Schmendrick - Bird primary/Snake secondary
Molly - Previously burned Lion primary, unburns after she sees The Unicorn/Badger secondary
Lir - Snake primary/Badger secondary, Lion secondary performance
Haggard - Burnt Snake primary/Bird secondary
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Wolf Moon Part One
Chapter Three
Lorelei woke up to the smell of breakfast the next morning. She looked around her room confused, yesterday had been a long day full of new experiences. She learnt everything there was to know about her job at the animal clinic, and when her shift ended Anthea showed up with Scott to surprise her with a car.
Scott had driven Anthea’s while she drove Lorelei’s. Lorelei smiled to herself as she got ready. Today was their first day of school. She decided to wear black skinny jeans with a band tee and do her make up light. Her hair was braided in a messy side braid. She grabbed her book bag and bounded down the stairs towards the kitchen. 
“Thea?” She called as she entered the kitchen.
“Who else would it be Lore?” Thea called from their dining room.
“Right…” Lorelei silently said to herself, a wave of sadness washing over her. She took in a breath and let it go.
Lorelei quickly made herself a bacon sandwich and left for school, she was always one to know the exits of places she was going to be in for most of the year. She had memorized the exits of the house, the animal clinic and the Stillinski house hold.
Thea however knew this was what she was doing and decided she should head to school with her. As Lorelei got into her scarlet 1969 Z28 Chevy Camaro she smiled to herself, she loved old muscle cars. The idea that she had two doors helped her anxiety a bit.
Dressin’ Up by Katy Perry blared through her car to signal she was getting a phone call.
“Hello?” She asked confused.
“Hey Lore, it’s Scott, uhm, I was wondering if you could come by the school a bit early. There’s something I believe you would want to see.” Then the dial went dead.
Lorelei looked at her phone confused and started up the car and pulled out of the drive way like a bat out of hell towards the school. Scott and she had gotten rather close, like a brother and sister bond, and she was worried about how he sounded over the phone.
Lorelei parked her car in the school parking lot, grabbed her bag and got out of the Camaro in time to witness Thea almost getting the parking spot closest to the school but getting cut off by a silver Porsche. She held some amusement as Thea parked elsewhere, got out of her car and ran towards Lorelei to meet up with her, cursing the driver of the Porsche the entire time under her breath.
Once they got to Scott he was already with Stiles and starting to pull up his shirt.
“Woah! You’re at school boys. The clothes should stay on.” Thea laughed once in ear shot.
Scott giving her a serious look as he continued to show Stiles and the girls the bloodied bandage that covered his lower back.
“What happened there?” Lorelei asked as she watched with amusement as Scott slapped Stiles’ hand away from the wound.
“It was too dark to see but I’m pretty sure it was a wolf.” Scott said matter of factly while trying to keep up with the three as they walked towards the door to the school.
“A wolf bit you? Not a chance.” Stiles and Lorelei said with a scoff as they turned to face Scott who gave them a perplexed look.
Scott argued back, “I heard a wolf howling.”
Stiles’ retort was to laugh and say, “No, you didn’t.”
Thea and Lorelei watched the boys bicker while silently cursing the fact that Scott might be right. Were they going to tell the boys that? No, it was one; too much fun watching them argue like a couple and two; it was way too early to decide for sure.
Thea was the first to come back to reality while Lorelei stayed in her own thoughts.
“Well, if you don’t believe me about the wolf, then you’re definitely not going to believe me when I tell you that I found the body.”
Although the last part was whispered so that only Stiles could hear, Lorelei came back from her thinking train; “Now wait a minute. You both went out last night in the cold damp rain to look for a body?”
“A dead one?” Thea added after Lorelei was done.
The boys looked at them, and nodded. Stiles’ expression was one of pure joy.
“You what? Are you kidding me?”
Scott and the girls just looked at Stiles, small smiles graced their lips. The boy was happy to have found a dead body. Lorelei shook her head. Thea just nudged her and laughed.
“I wish. I’m going to have nightmares about it for a month.” Scott answered Stiles with a slight shiver.
“Really, only a month Scotty boy?” Thea teased him with a disbelieving look and amusement clear in her eyes.
“That’s freaking awesome!” Stiles stated loudly, looking at the three.
It meant Beacon Hills was going to get more exciting this year.
“This is seriously the best thing that’s happened to this town since…” Stiles’ gaze started to pass Scott and Thea to look at a strawberry blonde girl who wore a black jacket that looked more like a dress. “Since the birth of Lydia Martin. Hey Lydia, you look….”
The girls just continues to walk right past the group. “Like you’re going to ignore me.”
Stiles’ face dropped for a second and then he was back to the same old Stiles as he looked at an amused Scott while walking into the school, the girls following close behind.
Scott and Stiles said their goodbyes to Thea and Lorelei and said how they would see them at lunch before heading to their different classes.
“So that was the girl he’s had a crush on since grade three?” Thea asked Lorelei as they walked around the school looking for their classes.
A counselor was supposed to walk them, but Lorelei’s pride got in the way and she had said they could find their homeroom without help. Lorelei just nodded.
“She was very beautiful. Like severely, I wish that I could have looked like her at sixteen.” Lorelei answered back remembering the average looking sixteen year old girl who had braces and frizzy, dead looking hair, and blotchy skin.
The phase before the Siren’s true maturity phase was always an ugly one. Lorelei and Thea both shivered pushing the thoughts aside.
“You were a cute kid, just hit puberty too late, that’s all.” Thea added, no hint of a lie in her voice.
Lorelei just smiled a silent ‘thank you’ as she felt more secure with her looks now than she did before. Everyone had an ugly duckling phase as Thea’s late mother, Julia, used to say to the girl when she complained about why Thea had matured already.
Lorelei got Thea to her class and then headed back towards the homeroom the boys had come from. Thea didn’t know, but Lorelei had to repeat the year due to her fighting last year at their old school. Although Lorelei didn’t hide that she was in advanced classes for English and French. So she would be in Thea’s English and French courses. Thea on the other hand had all advanced courses. She was always the one to think rationally and be smart about things whereas Lorelei would act first then think.
Lorelei’s P.O.V
I walked into the classroom in time to be introduced with a tall brunette by the principal.
“Class, we have two new students starting today, Allison Argent and Lorelei Amalthea. Welcome to Beacon Hills High, girls.” He said with a strict tone before taking his leave from the class.
Allison walked to the back of the class to take the empty seat behind none other than Scott McCall, who handed her a pen with a kind smile on his face. Allison gave him a puzzled look as she thanked him for the pen. I took a seat on the opposite side of the room thinking to myself, ‘Today is going to be a weird day.’  I sighed and chose that now was a better time than ever to put my ear buds in and listen to my music. One thing I hated, that was first days of schools with people I didn’t know.
Anthea’s P.O.V
I knocked politely on the chemistry door waiting for the teacher to answer. It’s odd for teachers to lock the door on the first day. The door opened to reveal a young looking man with glasses who stood like a soldier.
“And you are?” He asked rather harshly while sizing me up.
I gulped, “Anthea Calypso, the new student.”
His look softened a bit – key word being a bit – and moved aside to let me enter.
“I’m sorry for your loss. It will not affect your classes will it?” He asked while whispering towards me as the classroom just eyed me curiously.
I shook my head and he smiled and gestured for me to take a seat. I chose to sit in the front. No used making this teacher angry at me. I just hoped Lore was having better luck than me right now.
The bell signalling the end of the day came around and Lorelei and Thea felt as if a weight had been lifted off their shoulders. The girls went and met up with Stiles and Scott in time to hear Stiles and a pretty dark skinned girl arguing about something.
“What’s wrong now?” Lorelei asked as she watched the two argue.
“Stiles thinks it’s okay to say that hot people flock together, to another girl.” The girl said with her arms crossed before walking away from the group.
“I didn’t mean it like that Harley!” Stiles yelled out to her.
“You have no way with the ladies, do you Stiles?” Thea asked holding in her laughter and Lorelei was already turning purple from holding her laughter in.
Stiles just let out an exasperated sigh, giving up on trying to explain things to girls anymore.  
“So, what are you boys up to?” Thea asked in somewhat of a sing song way.
Scott turned to us, “Lacrosse practice.” And grabbed Stiles by the arm and started to drag him away.
“If you want, come watch. Ow! Scott you’re tugging too hard!” Stiles yelled which caused Thea’s mind to go deep into the gutter and belt out a hearty laugh.
Lorelei and a few lingering students just stared at her with various expressions.  
Thea looked at Lorelei with a look that said we were going to give the boys some support. Lorelei just sighed, she hated watching sports. She was one that would rather be playing than being on the sidelines cheering. She was never one to cheer, the cheering one was always Thea.
As they neared the doors that would lead them to the field the girls heard giggling coming from behind them. Lorelei was the first to turn around at the sound, then Thea turned, recognizing the light scent of Lydia’s perfume.
“Lorelei, Thea! Hey!” Lydia called out to them happily with Allison beside her.
Lorelei smiled and waved at the brunette and strawberry blonde duo. The girls were able to get to know Lydia a bit over lunch when Scott and Stiles didn’t show up to eat with them. Lorelei had met Allison in class and the same went for Thea, although unlike Lorelei, she actually sort of kept herself guarded around the brunette.
“Hey, are you both going to see the guys practice too?” Allison asked with a small smile.
Lorelei looked at her watch and gasped. “Sorry ladies but I have a job to get to!” She called out running quickly out the door with a wave of her hand as a goodbye.
Lydia just scowled, Allison let out a light laugh and Thea sighed shaking her head.
“That girl, always finding ways of getting out of things.” She stated to no one as she followed Lydia and Allison onto the field.
A.N; Chapter Four            Chapter One
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jadetiggy · 6 years
The New Boy
30 Days OTP Challenge ( found on Tumblr )
Day One, Meeting: The first time your OTP met. Introduced through a mutual friend? An accident?
Words: 1,636
She needed to get out of her chambers. Cor Leonis had no power over her despite being her father figure, nor did Rose; her caretaker. She may have been adopted by the Royal family, but it seemed unnecessary for the staff of the Citadel to treat her like royalty. She often watched the children running freely at the Square. She envied them although her only playmates were Noctis, who was 5 years old and Ignis, who was 7. When she is not playing with Noctis or Ignis, she will sneak into the Crownsguard training room to watch Cor Leonis and his teammates train. At times, being the only child around there, she would ask them to teach her a few moves. Even at the tender age of 8, she had yearned to be one of Noctis' future retainers. Maybe, she should pitch the idea to Cor, since he seemed to be the one in charge of taking care of her.
It all started when Amalthea had just left the kitchen, after causing some havoc when she spotted an unfamiliar face in the Citadel. The boy had reddish-brown hair, and his eyes were visibly amber. Before he caught a glimpse of her, she hid behind the large pillar observing this fresh blood like a cautious cat. She had noticed that the boy seemed to be following Clarus Amicitia very closely, even following the King's Shield into his office.
Having the advantage of growing up in the Citadel, she had hiding spots, and she knew almost every secret door. Luckily, she had just recently discovered a secret room which could grant her the ability to watch and eavesdrop on Clarus at times of need. That moment was a time of need.
"My lady!" Rose called out for her, as she made her way towards the secret door behind the figure of Bahamut. Amalthea rolled her eyes before turning to face Rose and saw Cor besides the elderly woman.
"Amalthea, your presence is required, and before you are needed, you need to dress appropriately for the occasion," Cor told her.
"But Cor..." she pleaded.
"No buts, young lady, you are needed in an hour!" he said, his voice stern. She hated it when he used that tone against her. It seemed like he knew she was somehow up to something. Whenever he did, she knew well enough not to retaliate. The last time she retaliated, he had ensured she remained in her bedroom for a week. She needed the freedom to roam around the Citadel.
"I will find out who that boy is! But I need to obey Cor, or he will not be happy..." she thought, her heart filled with determination. "Okay, Cor. I will go get ready," she said, frustrated and followed Rose back into her own chambers. "Maybe I can get some information from Rose in my room."
Rose drew the bath for her as she undid her garbs. "My lady, your bath is ready," she said. Amalthea did not have anything against Rose as Rose did what she was told. She may have been only 8 years old, but she knew how people did things. She climbed into the bath and leant back. "My lady, may I warn you that today's meeting is quite important and you are to be at your best behaviour as the lady of the Citadel," Rose told. Rose had always been gentle with Amalthea, almost like how a grandmother would have been towards her granddaughter but what Rose had told her baffled her. Rose massaged Amalthea's head, and Amalthea enjoyed bath time for that.
"Rose, may I know why is this meeting important?" Amalthea asked, turning to look at the elderly lady. Rose smiled at the child and caressed Amalthea's cheek with her wet hand. "I know I have been doing things I am not supposed to but, I swear, this time I did not do anything."
"You need not worry, child. You are not in trouble. Today is just the day some decisions are made for you," Rose smiled. She knew how those words meant to Amalthea, and it lightens the burden in her heart to see the smile on Amalthea's face. She had loved the child since she was born in the world. She was there when Artemisia went into labour, and when the child took her first glimpse of the world. Amalthea was her pride and joy for she did not have her own children or grandchildren to dote over. Rose knew Amalthea would grow up to be a remarkable woman, and the future for the girl seemed bright; even though, somehow there will be darkness.
After she was done in the bath, Rose wrapped a towel around the child's small frame. Ready on the bed for her was a beautiful black dress with a gold ribbon for a belt. Rose dried the girl's curly hair before she dressed Amalthea to look her best. Amalthea stood in front of the mirror, the dress clung to her body, and that made her feel uncomfortable; while her curly hair tied into a bun. The occasion where she had to dress up was rare but as awkward as she felt, she had to endure it for the sake of King Regis.
The door of her chambers opened after a small knock was heard. "Amalthea?" Cor called. He saw the girl standing before him, ready to meet King Regis, in a formal function. "Come along, child..." he called. She went towards the man and clutched his hand. Immediately, he knew how she felt. He knew she felt frightened that she may have done something wrong. "You need not be afraid. You did nothing wrong," he informed.
The walk to the Throne Room felt long. No words were exchanged between Amalthea and the Marshall. He did not want to say too much to scare her, as she did not want to annoy him for asking too much. “Cor...” she called after a long silence. “Are the Royal family sending me away?” In her mind, she overthought the situation. Often, she got caught trying to do things she was not allowed to do. Her chest felt tight when Cor stopped and kneeled in front of her.
“Amalthea, what gives you the impression that you will be sent away?” he asked, worried. He noticed the tears welling in her eyes. He cradled the child in his arms, holding her tight. His conscience urged him to tell her the truth about himself, but the time wasn’t it. He let the girl sob in his embrace. He felt guilty, but it needed to be done. “Now, straightened up, Amalthea. Wipe your tears, and I will tell you a secret before we go meet King Regis and Clarus,” Cor gave in. He wiped her tears with his thumb and smiled at her. “You know how you’d sneak into the Crownsguard training room or to the Kingsglaive training room and beg them to teach you how to fight? You’re going to be given that opportunity.”
Her face brightened at the news, though she felt silly for worrying. Her dream was coming true, she has had always enjoyed seeing the Crownsguard and the Kingsglaive train. The chance had been given to her. “Cor, what if, I don’t do well in my training?”
“I believe in you. You will be. I will be by your side if you ever need my assistance,” Cor assured her, standing. He felt proud of Amalthea, she had her mother’s spirit and will, but she doubted herself. “Come along, or we will be late!”
They stood in front of the throne room, both Amalthea and Cor took a deep breath and entered. Amalthea did not expect to see many people there, but she did not expect most to see the boy she had saw earlier, who stood next to Clarus. She stopped at her pace, but Cor encouraged her to continue walking until she stood next to the boy. “Hi!” the boy grinned.
“Clarus,” Cor greeted.
“Your Majesty,” the men chorused. King Regis sat on his throne and nodded.
“Clarus Amicitia, Cor Leonis, my friends.” King Regis said. “I understand that you brought forward your prodigies who are keen to serve Prince Noctis.”
“Yes, Your Majesty,” Clarus said. “Cor and I have agreed that these children, Gladiolus Amicitia and Amalthea Claudious, train here in the Citadel. I will observe them, while Cor will personally see to it that he will train these children.”
Amalthea turned to look at the boy. “So, this is Clarus’ son, Gladio, who will take over his father as Shield.”
“Children, introduce yourself to each other as you will be partnering with each other in training,” Clarus told them.
Cor turned Amalthea towards Gladio, who extended his hand out to shake hers. “I am Gladiolus Amicitia,” he introduced.
“Hello, Gladiolus. I am Amalthea Claudius,” she said. She had never been introduced to another child before, not formally. “Nice to meet you.”
Gladio gave her a huge grin, “I hope we can be good friends.” He meant the words he said to her, and within that few minutes, she felt comfortable with his presence.
“I hope we can be good friends, too.”
After the meeting with the king, Cor took Amalthea’s hand, and they both walked out. “That went well, didn’t it?” Cor asked the girl. She looked up at him and nodded. “Come along, I am allowed some time off. Why not we go for ice cream? We can bring Prompto along as well. I need to check on him at his kindergarten. Does that sound good?”
“Yeah. But maybe, if we can bring Clarus and Gladio along as well?” Amalthea suggested.
Cor’s crystal blue eyes widen. He didn’t think Amalthea would warm up to Gladio that quickly. “I don’t see why not?”
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