#like a bunch of other stand users tried to kill josuke or a member of his family and.. angelo got put in a rock and akira was arrested..
outpost-31 · 2 years
I think hazamada shouldve been the one suffering eternal punishment rather than terunosuke. hell maybe he should've just been exploded by kira like.. other characters. you agree.
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mark-xeen · 9 months
Jojo's Bizarre Adventure AU Idea- What if DIO was leader of Passione? /What if Nukesaku didn’t fight the Crusaders?
Premise: Nukesaku listened to the others’ remarks and did not get involved in the fight against the Joestars. Instead he hid himself until the aftermath of Jotaro’s battle against DIO and managed to grab a very small piece of DIO from the carnage when no one was looking, thus saving DIO’s life. Eventually DIO regenerates his body and goes off on another search to replenish his forces. His travels eventually led him to Italy, due to the suspicion that a stand user is behind the rise of crime in the country. While there he learned about Passione and its leader’s existence Diavolo.
Initially DIO debated whether or not to flesh bud the man when found but upon seeing his fight with Polnareff, DIO decided the man would be more trouble than he was worth. So he came up with an idea, while Polnareff was fighting Diavolo- DIO used his Time Stop ability right when Diavolo used his own Time ability. After Diavolo’s ability ran out DIO, with a few seconds to spare, moved Polnareff’s arm and Diavolo’s position allowing his enemy to kill his target while neither combatant was aware of the vampire’s involvement. Now with Diavolo out of the way, DIO made himself the secret boss of Passione with no one any wiser in order to build himself an army of stand users to resume his goal for ascension.
Notes about the AU
DIO for the most part kept Passione the same in order to avoid drawing too much attention. However he did create a new group within the organization that searches and abducts non-aligned Stand Users, often ones who are born or gained their stand without an arrow. A bunch of the people captured by the group end up having a flesh bud implanted and later made members of this group. 
Another change he made is that every time a new member joins Passione DIO gets information on them. This ends up causing him to become aware of Giorno Giovana’s existence early on.
About a month before the main story, the Joestar family ended up having that all too familiar sense that DIO is back and managed to narrow down his location to Italy. Jotaro ended up forming a new group of Crusaders against DIO with Polnareff, Koichi, Josuke, and Okuyasu. The group ended up gaining an unwanted sixth member in the form of Shizuka (who is 2.5 years old), she snuck onboard the plane Jotaro used during his trip from America. Joseph didn’t join them because he’s too old and frail, instead he uses his Hermit Purple to give the group an idea where DIO is.
When the group gets to Italy, Koichi is sent by Jotaro to look for Haruno Shiobana to find out if he is anything like his father and if there has been any contact between them. When Koichi finds Giorno and discerned that he isn’t a bad person he ends up rejoining the Crusaders in their search for DIO.
The AU starts out very similarly to the cannon Part 5 on Giorno’s side, however things start to change with the boss’s order on how to bring Trish to him. Instead of the original one person that comes with Trish, The Boss (DIO) ordered the newest member of the group to bring her to his location which is on the bottom floor instead of the top.
Upon encountering DIO who is wearing a cloak, both Giorno and Trish are hypnotized by the man in order to avoid another instance of a potential pawn escaping, however Giorno managed free himself and tried to attack the man. DIO dodged the attack for the most part, though part of his cloak is destroyed revealing his head and neck. Giorno ends up seeing the Boss’ face to find out it’s his father DIO. DIO compliments Giorno on breaking free from his hypnotism, and tries to talk him into joining his side. Giorno refuses and fights DIO. The fight is mostly one sided due to DIO’s stand ability with DIO not even taking his fight against his son seriously. DIO ends up beating Giorno and when he has the boy at his mercy, a rumbling occurs from the building.
Outside on the other side of the building Josuke, Okuyasu, and Koichi are destroying the building in order to let in some sunlight to try and pin DIO down while Jotaro tries to fight DIO head on. The destruction causes Bucciratti and the gang to head over to the building to try and save Giorno and Trish from what appeared to be another assassination attempt. Bucciratti gets there first to find Giorno badly beaten and two unknown adults fighting it out. Giorno manages to hand off Trish to Bucciratti and tries to tell him about the boss’ true identity but gets hit in the head by DIO. Bucciratti ends up having to rescue both Trish and Giorno while the rest of the gang are still trying navigate through remains of the building. After the group escaped the island, DIO now ends up having to deal with the both the new Stardust Crusaders and the Bucciratti gang trying to kill to him.
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curiooftheheart · 7 years
So if you've only seen panels, what do you think happens in parts 5 through 8? (sorry if its a weird question)
Sorry about taking a while on this. But it's a lot.Part 5 starts with Jotaro sending Koichi to Italy to find the son of DIO, who turns out to be the more than slightly overpowered Giorno Giovanna. After killing a gangster through his Stand power, Giorno is confronted by I think Bruno. I'm very bad at Part 5 names. After realizing Giorno is a Stand user and failing to kill him, Bruno recruits Giorno into a gang ran by a guy who I think is named Dopio. Dopio is a Stand user too as are many of the poorly dressed members of his gang. I believe Giorno kills Dopio and becomes the gang leader, calling himself a Gang-star and trying to use his new power to stop drug distribution.But there is some mysterious killer gang leader guy known as Diavolo who tries to kill the Gang-stars, and knowing JoJo's probably succeeds in killing everyone except Giorno and one or two other Gang-stars. Diavolo's Stand is King Crimson; What does King Crimson do? I actually don't find time erasure that hard to understand but I find the meme funny.Also Polnareff appears and is in a wheel chair, and dies and becomes a turtle. Oh and hitting a Stand user with the Stand arrow creates a temporary super powered Requiem form which happens to Polnareff and Giorno.--Part 6 starts with Jolyne Kujo, Jotaro's daughter, in prison. And I guess the prison's priest is actually DIO's gay lover/worshipper, maybe just one of those. And he can extract and implant Stands using his Stand which makes them into Disks.Jolyne, her cell neighbor Hermes (who for a long time before seeing early chapter panels I thought was a dude), Foo Fighters which is the Stand of a bunch of plankton that makes it sentient and inhabit some dead body, and some guys named Asui who loves Jolyne and a weirdo named Weather Report escape and go on a trip to stop Enrico Pucci, said Priest.One of the extra weird parts. One Stand uses light beams to turn people to snails, I think it's Weather Report's stand. I'd assume Stands this part are just weird in general.Oh and they absolutely fail. Pucci evolves his Stand multiple times and resets the universe. And I think he resets it a few times. But I think eventually they kill him or something which causes one more reset where things go much happier.--Part 7 is in a new universe woth characters based on old universe characters, like paraplegic jockey Johnny Joestar based on Johnathan Joestar. And Gyro who is Caesar, which I find interesting that Araki paired Johnathan and Caesar in this universe instead of Joseph and Caesar. While they have Stands, they also use something called Spin that involves spinning their finger nails-or at least can, I'd assume they could use spin on other stuff; like I think Gyro carries balls he uses-to attack which is pretty much Hamon.They enter the Steel Ball Run, a cross nation horse race in 1800s America. It's being funded by Steven something. I think his last name is Silver but I'm probably off. Oh and he's like 50 but married to a 14 year old which is more than a bit creepy.The major antagonist is Funny Valentine, the US president at the time. Along with his awesome stand Filthy Acts For A Reasonable Price which can grab alternate universe selves of himself and others.Oh and I guess Steven's 14 year old wife seduces and kills Funny's wife, that's a thing that happened.And Jesus appears. His scattered body parts grant Stand powers and everyone is trying to get them. For anyone wondering, Jesus's Stand is Ticket To Ride.And Diego Brando, this universe's Dio, is Johnny's rival jockey. And he can turn into a goddamn raptor with his Stand Scary Monsters. I love this Stand.Funny loses, I'm not sure about Diego.--Part 8 is another weird even by JoJo's standards one. Josuke Higashikata, often called Gappy so he isn't confused with Part 4's Josuke Higashikata, is a man with two tongues, four testicles, a sailor's uniform, and the interesting Stand ability to steal and transplant characteristics from objects.And something about an evil baobab tree I think. And I swear I heard something about molemen but I have no idea what that's about. But like after almost a decade we still have no idea who the actual villains are.And Josuke has a creepy adopted brother named Joshu who has an awful haircut, a creepy obsession with Josuke's girlfriend, and a stand named Nut King Call.I think the Koichi counterpart is a hot girl which is weird.--So how right was I?
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